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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:As a conservative...I don't know what to think of all the allegations. It's really hard to trust what comes from all the media digging, including Fox TRV. I'm not condemning him but I do think the Hermanator is fazing out of the race. He's done.

I agree with you, sadly...I liked Herman.

I can't get over the bad feeling that we are really screwed. Either a crappy Republican like Bachmann or Pres Obama for four more years.

I'd like Hillary. And I'm conservative.
When either party in Washington claims to be the moral compass, it is very funny. They are both equally skewed when it comes to morals. Republicans just like to point out the bad morals of democrat, and they are just as bad. An old story keeps coming to mind about "worrying about the stick in your brothers' eye, while ignoring the beam in your." The are both low as snakes bellies, when it comes to morals, the republican just try to hide it better, while pointing their finger at the democrats.
TheRealVille Wrote:When either party in Washington claims to be the moral compass, it is very funny. They are both equally skewed when it comes to morals. Republicans just like to point out the bad morals of democrat, and they are just as bad. An old story keeps coming to mind about "worrying about the stick in your brothers' eye, while ignoring the beam in your." The are both low as snakes bellies, when it comes to morals, the republican just try to hide it better, while pointing their finger at the democrats.
Finding candidates that best fit my moral issues are becomng harder and harder to find. We can all have a moral compass but none follow it at all times. I guess when choosing a candidate based on moral issues we just never really know. If a candidate is a seasoned representative we can judge by their legislative actions if they fit morally. As voting Americans, I believe we should look at candidates not only how they stand on moral values, but how they value the Constitution Of the United States of America as it was designed. We were given a republic early on, we need to elect people that want to keep it.

This response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.

“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Cain was this year's Palin.

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