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Paul Ryan?
tvtimeout Wrote:Interesting I agree that is why I feel so strongly against corporate wel-fare and the RINS tax credits. I would I also don't think they should subzides heating and cooling of the houses with electric bills...I am that brings on sloth, which kills people. So we could then close more coal mines...I mean that is what you would want right, people would stop dying by sloth which is a sin, now they will die the way they should old and poor. I love republicans.

The dems proudly campaign on how people should choose how to live their own life...I could see why some people would hate that.

Do you think abortions would stop if it was declared illigeal tomorrow? How is the war on drugs going? I mean drugs kill people and it is illegal. So, people have stopped right?

This logic is why the gun laws make no sense... but that is for another topic.

You can afford to wallow in your convoluted ideas and social psuedo-values. However, our country and the federal government does not have the luxury of wandering in the fog with you without suffering the destructive ramifications that go along with doing that. When you first started posting on here, I said reading your posts reminded me of trying to run my head into a pencil sharpener and I still get that. From what I can see, the points you make are always mutually exclusive, and born of anti-logic. I, on the other hand, always state clearly what I "would want", as you put it, and therefore your extrapolations regarding my thought processes, past what I post on here, are as off base as they are unneeded.
I see another Republican cutting taxes for the rich. There is no denying that,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I see another Republican cutting taxes for the rich. There is no denying that,

How many poor men have you ever seen create jobs for anyone?
Bob Seger Wrote:How many poor men have you ever seen create jobs for anyone?

How many Millionaires have you seen pay there fair share?
Bob Seger Wrote:How many poor men have you ever seen create jobs for anyone?

Cutting taxers for the Rich and Raising them on the Middle class creates jobs?
Bob Seger Wrote:How many poor men have you ever seen create jobs for anyone?

Many for Chinese.

Here is what happens, the poor stay poor but yet the buy things... food, clothing, material things, and services. Each of these put people to work... someone has to grow the food, make the clothing, material things, and do the services.

Here is the problem: outsourcing

The rich and rightly so might I add make the product as cheaply as they can, so they outsource those jobs to China, Mexico, Japan and so forth... no problem in that... they want to have a profit margin so that their share holders can reap the benefits... no problem in that. So the rich buy the stock and benefit from the profit margins, in the meantime to keep up the profit margins, prices go up, but salaries do not. Thus the Middle Class shrink. They then have to sell their shares to buy the for mentioned things. While the Rich continues to enjoy the breaks... the middle class suffers:

See Economic Policy of the United States from 2000 to 2012.... compare that to the ecomonic policy from 1990-2000... ask yourself which was a better time for your self and your neighbor...
tvtimeout Wrote:I agree...should have never bailed out the banks....but "responsibility" ends just at my choices right?

For the record:

End all of welfare and education and you still don't equal what you spend in the military. I think that was an interesting fact.

I also think that it is interesting that Republicans cry for fiscal responsiblity, when in fact that not one of the Presidents since I have been alive except for a Democrat even got close to balancing the budget.

As far as Roe V. Wade... Supreme Court has final say, unless there is a constitutional admendment, so go out there and support the amendment at the state convention level...Good luck on it.

Alright everyone go back to their talking points...ready set go!
If you took time to study and understand the history of the Clinton years, you would discover that the Republican Congress that broke Democrats' 40-year stranglehold on the House of Representatives in 1994 had as much or more to do with balancing the budget as Bill Clinton did. Clinton deserves credit for having been willing to work with Republicans to get things done that needed to be done but it amazes me how many people give the conservatives in Congress no credit for pressuring Clinton to balance the budget. The facts are there if you have time to read them.

Something else that Bill Clinton and the Republican class of '94 deserve credit for is passing a budget each year they were in office. Despite being legally required, the U. S. Senate has not passed a budget in more than 3-years and Democrat Harry Reid has not even brought one of Obama's budgets to the floor of the Senate for a vote.

If you were a fan of Bill Clinton, you are insulting him every single time that you mention him in the same breath as Barack Obama.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Cutting taxers for the Rich and Raising them on the Middle class creates jobs?

You have to be able to look past the superficial face of DNC talking points and get to the truth 23. Obama isn't trying to protect the middle class, anymore than Stalin tried to protect the middle class. His vision will do only one thing and that is eliminate equality of opportunity. Some lawyers get rich, like Johnny Cochran, and some don't. But the opportunity was still there. Obama has you and others believing he can guarantee equality of results. The only way he can do that is by drastically lowering or removing equality of opportunity. It really isn't all that hard when you look past the smoke and mirrors and stop listening to the propaganda.
I was actually reading an article on do about his plan being beneficial to the rich. And raising taxes in the middle class.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I was actually reading an article on do about his plan being beneficial to the rich. And raising taxes in the middle class.

Oh, where was it, if it's good maybe you could put up the link.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I was actually reading an article on do about his plan being beneficial to the rich. And raising taxes in the middle class.
I am tired of seeing 50 percent of Americans pay no federal income taxes. It is time that the moochers in our society start paying their fair share. Are those people among the "middle class" that you are worried about having to pay more taxes than they do now? Because any tax is more tax than half of Americans pay now, and that is just plain wrong.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh, where was it, if it's good maybe you could put up the link.

Down at the bottom.

While claims that Ryan is slashing the budget are questionable, there are studies to back up claims that the Republicans' tax plans benefit the wealthy more than others.
A June study from the Joint Economic Committee -- which is chaired by a Democrat -- claims middle-class married couples could pay at least an extra $1,300 under Ryan's plan, while those earning more than $1 million a year could see a nearly $290,000 cut.
According to an Aug. 1 study released by the Tax Policy Center, Romney's tax plan would also include cuts that "predominantly favor upper-income taxpayers."
It projected taxpayers making more than $1 million would see tax cuts averaging $175,000. Those making between $75,000 and $100,000 would see an average tax cut of $1,800. And those making under $30,000 would see an average increase of $130, according to the report.

Read more:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am tired of seeing 50 percent of Americans pay no federal income taxes. It is time that the moochers in our society start paying their fair share. Are those people among the "middle class" that you are worried about having to pay more taxes than they do now? Because any tax is more tax than half of Americans pay now, and that is just plain wrong.

So because we have moochers. We should tax the working class more?

I would like a flat tax myself. I pay 20% Mitt Romney pays 20%.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So because we have moochers. We should tax the working class more?

I would like a flat tax myself. I pay 20% Mitt Romney pays 20%.
Everybody should pay some amount of federal income taxes and there should be no so-called "earned income tax credit." If at the end of the year, you receive an income tax refund greater than the amount of federal income taxes that were withheld from your check, then you should consider that check welfare. Liberal Democrats like Obama buy elections by fleecing middle and upper income federal taxpayers and using the proceeds to buy the votes from individuals in our society's permanent moocher class.

When Democratic politicians refer to the "working class," most of the people they are speaking to are actually the non-working class. Sure, many people who vote for Obama will be among the working poor, but many more will be the deadbeats expecting him to deliver more "free" stuff.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Everybody should pay some amount of federal income taxes and there should be no so-called "earned income tax credit." If at the end of the year, you receive an income tax refund greater than the amount of federal income taxes that were withheld from your check, then you should consider that check welfare. Liberal Democrats like Obama buy elections by fleecing middle and upper income federal taxpayers and using the proceeds to buy the votes from individuals in our society's permanent moocher class.

So do you agree with the flat tax?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So do you agree with the flat tax?
I would prefer the Fair Tax, but a flat tax under which all but the poorest among us paid the same percentage of our wages would be a huge improvement over the current soak the rich program.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Everybody should pay some amount of federal income taxes and there should be no so-called "earned income tax credit." If at the end of the year, you receive an income tax refund greater than the amount of federal income taxes that were withheld from your check, then you should consider that check welfare. Liberal Democrats like Obama buy elections by fleecing middle and upper income federal taxpayers and using the proceeds to buy the votes from individuals in our society's permanent moocher class.

When Democratic politicians refer to the "working class," most of the people they are speaking to are actually the non-working class. Sure, many people who vote for Obama will be among the working poor, but many more will be the deadbeats expecting him to deliver more "free" stuff.

And you dont believe many of the "Out Of Work" "Unemployment Check" "Obama Ruined the economy i cant find a job" people will not be voting for romney.

My favorite quote from an Indiviual from logan this week was

"I am a Republican, but im voting for that Ni****."
[quote=Wildcatk23]And you dont believe many of the "Out Of Work" "Unemployment Check" "Obama Ruined the economy i cant find a job" people will not be voting for romney.

My favorite quote from an Indiviual from logan this week was

"I am a Republican, but im voting for that Ni****."[/

Ah hah, another Democrat lie. There are no republicans in Logan.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:And you dont believe many of the "Out Of Work" "Unemployment Check" "Obama Ruined the economy i cant find a job" people will not be voting for romney.

My favorite quote from an Indiviual from logan this week was

"I am a Republican, but im voting for that Ni****."
The unemployed who really want to work will vote overwhelmingly for Romney.

I am surprised that you support a flat tax, yet you will be voting for a socialist redistributer (i.e., a "thief") for president. You do realize that a flat tax would result in a large tax hike for many in the middle class, if you consider the middle class those in the 25th through 75th percentile of wage and salary earners, don't you? If you believe that a flat tax would be more fair than the current system, then you should be campaigning for Romney.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So because we have moochers. We should tax the working class more?

I would like a flat tax myself. I pay 20% Mitt Romney pays 20%.

Since when have you ever paid anything to begin wth? It's just been a few months since you said you had never paid any amount of income tax.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The unemployed who really want to work will vote overwhelmingly for Romney.

I am surprised that you support a flat tax, yet you will be voting for a socialist redistributer (i.e., a "thief") for president. You do realize that a flat tax would result in a large tax hike for many in the middle class, if you consider the middle class those in the 25th through 75th percentile of wage and salary earners, don't you? If you believe that a flat tax would be more fair than the current system, then you should be campaigning for Romney.

Do tell
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How many Millionaires have you seen pay there fair share?

Heck I dont know. I've never had one tell me how much he paid to begin with. How many have either told you or shown you personaly what they pay?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How many Millionaires have you seen pay there fair share?
I worked for one for 5 years and 8 months, the last 5 of which he kept everybody on the payroll with no income stream, while he tried in vain to renegotiate a contract that we lost because of the recession. He personally dipped into his pockets to keep us working and saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in unemployment benefits. Eventually he was forced to face reality and close his business, but he still periodically invites his former employees to be his guests for baseball outings.

I really get tired of reading the comments of people who will not likely ever create a single job for another human being trash the people who create millions of jobs in this country. Maybe you should get to know some millionaires a little better before making a fool of yourself. They are not the problem. Obama and people like him are the job killers in this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I worked for one for 5 years and 8 months, the last 5 of which he kept everybody on the payroll with no income stream, while he tried in vain to renegotiate a contract that we lost because of the recession. He personally dipped into his pockets to keep us working and saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in unemployment benefits. Eventually he was forced to face reality and close his business, but he still periodically invites his former employees to be his guests for baseball outings.

I really get tired of reading the comments of people who will not likely ever create a single job for another human being trash the people who create millions of jobs in this country. [B]Maybe you should get to know some millionaires a little better before making a fool of yourself[/B]. They are not the problem. Obama and people like him are the job killers in this country.

Oh, he had that down to a science way before this thread.......Confusednicker:
tvtimeout Wrote:Many for Chinese.

Here is what happens, the poor stay poor but yet the buy things... food, clothing, material things, and services. Each of these put people to work... someone has to grow the food, make the clothing, material things, and do the services.

Here is the problem: outsourcing

The rich and rightly so might I add make the product as cheaply as they can, so they outsource those jobs to China, Mexico, Japan and so forth... no problem in that... they want to have a profit margin so that their share holders can reap the benefits... no problem in that. So the rich buy the stock and benefit from the profit margins, in the meantime to keep up the profit margins, prices go up, but salaries do not. Thus the Middle Class shrink. They then have to sell their shares to buy the for mentioned things. While the Rich continues to enjoy the breaks... the middle class suffers:

See Economic Policy of the United States from 2000 to 2012.... compare that to the ecomonic policy from 1990-2000... ask yourself which was a better time for your self and your neighbor...

You ever been in business before TV?
Bob Seger Wrote:Since when have you ever paid anything to begin wth? It's just been a few months since you said you had never paid any amount of income tax.

How is that even relevant? To anything?
Bob Seger Wrote:Heck I dont know. I've never had one tell me how much he paid to begin with. How many have either told you or shown you personaly what they pay?

Not Romney, Thats for sure Confusedtare:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:

Down at the bottom.

While claims that Ryan is slashing the budget are questionable, there are studies to back up claims that the Republicans' tax plans benefit the wealthy more than others.
A June study from the Joint Economic Committee -- which is chaired by a Democrat -- claims middle-class married couples could pay at least an extra $1,300 under Ryan's plan, while those earning more than $1 million a year could see a nearly $290,000 cut.
According to an Aug. 1 study released by the Tax Policy Center, Romney's tax plan would also include cuts that "predominantly favor upper-income taxpayers."
It projected taxpayers making more than $1 million would see tax cuts averaging $175,000. Those making between $75,000 and $100,000 would see an average tax cut of $1,800. And those making under $30,000 would see an average increase of $130, according to the report.
Read more:

All it says is the folks that don't pay anything may have to ante up a measly 130 bucks.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How is that even relevant? To anything?

Because it shows you dont know the first thing you are talking about. But then again you've proved that for a long long time. I dont know what you're griping about to begin with. You're one of the 50% that dont pay anything to begin with. Looks like the current system works fine for
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not Romney, Thats for sure Confusedtare:

And you know that how?

Just like I thought. You dont.

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