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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
MustangSally Wrote:guess they were right thenConfusednicker:

LIke they usually are. And dont that just kill his soul?Confusednicker:
vector Wrote:this explains alot about you

Would you care to explain why Obama would use so much of an old, losing speech?
vector Wrote:this explains alot about you

Anybody who insulates theirself from information just because of where it comes from is doomed to be led around by the nose. A man who thinks for himself looks at the whole picture and makes up his own mind. The party groupie is always looking to be told what to think, while being supplied with the daily propaganda which is intended to prepare the party groupie against being persuaded by, what is in most cases, the truth. What does that say about you?
Looks like, according to Gallup, the President is opening up a little lead after the convention.

49% to 44%
Lets hope this country isnt that stupid.
Ain't it funny how people post poll numbers when it favors their candidate and ignore them when they don't? Amazingly ridiculous.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Ain't it funny how people post poll numbers when it favors their candidate and ignore them when they don't? Amazingly ridiculous.
Yes, it is amazing, since you all consistently say Romney will win, yet he has never been ahead, except in the Ras,Ras,Ras..... the conservative poll.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, it is amazing, since you all consistently say Romney will win, yet he has never been ahead, except in the Ras,Ras,Ras..... the conservative poll.

I wouldn't read too much into it, unless the bounce lasts a while. Following the republican convention is something of an advantage for the dems because there was not 3 days and nights of 24/7 TV coverage for the republicans to rebuff some of the things the dems said, like the dems had following the RNC. No question that in spite of leaving office in disgrace, with the cloud of impeachment still hanging above him, Clinton is none the less still wildly popular. I can't forget the way he lies without the slightest hint of conscience and his lack of character. Special interests and the minorities don't have that problem, all they care about is getting what they want, everybody else can go fish. He was the first president to openly court the gay leaders and activists. I have to hand it to him though, he was so far left that he didn't stand a chance of being relected, until he moderated substantially to the right. He was smart enough to do that. Back then getting those left horns stuck out there too far would have cost him the election. We'll have to see if the extreme left Obama double down, will cost him the election this time around.

At any rate, as soon as possible, Romney and Ryan will need to start debunking the distortions of the DNC over the next couple of weeks, And from there, make Obama defend his record, which he cannot do no matter how eloquent Slick Willy gets.
Justice Dept. Gallup lawsuit came after Axelrod criticized pollsters

Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.

After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s Department of Justice hit it with an unrelated lawsuit that appears damning on its face.

TheDC is withholding the identities of the Gallup officials to protect them from potential retaliation from Obama’s campaign and his administration. (SEE ALSO: DOJ still hasn’t served Gallup with lawsuit)

In April, Axelrod tweeted that a poll showing Mitt Romney with a 48-43 percent lead over Obama was “saddled with some methodological problems,” directing his Twitter followers to read a National Journal story*criticizing Gallup polls showing a Romney lead.
Better not show Obama trailing in the polls
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, it is amazing, since you all consistently say Romney will win, yet he has never been ahead, except in the Ras,Ras,Ras..... the conservative poll.

Find me one post where I posted a poll or said that Romney will win.
TheRealVille Wrote:Looks like, according to Gallup, the President is opening up a little lead after the convention.

49% to 44%

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eat on that conservatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the other guy Wrote:Justice Dept. Gallup lawsuit came after Axelrod criticized pollsters

Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.

After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s Department of Justice hit it with an unrelated lawsuit that appears damning on its face.

TheDC is withholding the identities of the Gallup officials to protect them from potential retaliation from Obama’s campaign and his administration. (SEE ALSO: DOJ still hasn’t served Gallup with lawsuit)

In April, Axelrod tweeted that a poll showing Mitt Romney with a 48-43 percent lead over Obama was “saddled with some methodological problems,” directing his Twitter followers to read a National Journal story*criticizing Gallup polls showing a Romney lead.

I saw this information too. Everytime any poll shows Romney with a lead they are attacked as a conservative leaning poll. The real truth about these polls is that they are never a straight up percentage. In fact they are always weighted. Certain demographics voted by a specific percent in favor of Obama and a specific percent of that demographic voted for McCain. Therefore, the pollsters seek out a percentage of this minority, for the sake of this discussion we'll say the Jewish voters, and ask them who they will vote for. Or they just assume the same percent of a particular group will vote by percentage exactly like they did in '08. This "methodology" as Axelrod put it, is flawed and impractical for the coming elections of 2012.

So, what we have are folks on here running around shouting hallelujah, because their guy is ahead. The resultant fabricated poll results generates enthusiam, which tends to get more dems out to vote, because they now believe they will win. These same people are the very first to cry foul anytime the democrat is behind in a poll because in their mind, that turn of events isn't even within the realm of possibility. It's just another example of how democrats lie and cheat while accusing the other side of being guilty of exactly what they are presently engaged in doing themselves. In this case, it's biased polling results to bouy the spirits of their base.

We have Axelrod doing the juris-sabre rattling on behalf of the Obama DOJ by threats of coming down on the Gallup folks with a major federal law suit because of their methods of polling potential voters. How many direct links do the dems have, in which to compare republican officials to actions anywhere remotely similar, to outrageous actions of their own David Axelrod? Like I said, I wouldn't read too much into the poll numbers right now. I believe the tide turned in 2010 during the elections which swept the dems out of the house. Remember, I warned that the lies coming out of the democratic campaign machine would be epic in number and voracity. Some will be led willingly to the slaughter and some will not. I know how I'm voting this November, and it doesn't matter how clever the lies coming out of the DNC at that time will be. Romney's proven record of governance is a matter of record, as is Obama's proven record of abject faiures.
TheRealThing Wrote:I wouldn't read too much into it, unless the bounce lasts a while. Following the republican convention is something of an advantage for the dems because there was not 3 days and nights of 24/7 TV coverage for the republicans to rebuff some of the things the dems said, like the dems had following the RNC. No question that in spite of leaving office in disgrace, with the cloud of impeachment still hanging above him, Clinton is none the less still wildly popular. I can't forget the way he lies without the slightest hint of conscience and his lack of character. Special interests and the minorities don't have that problem, all they care about is getting what they want, everybody else can go fish. He was the first president to openly court the gay leaders and activists. I have to hand it to him though, he was so far left that he didn't stand a chance of being relected, until he moderated substantially to the right. He was smart enough to do that. Back then getting those left horns stuck out there too far would have cost him the election. We'll have to see if the extreme left Obama double down, will cost him the election this time around.

At any rate, as soon as possible, Romney and Ryan will need to start debunking the distortions of the DNC over the next couple of weeks, And from there, make Obama defend his record, which he cannot do no matter how eloquent Slick Willy gets.

but then again it could be the message
just thinking why isn't george w out campaigning for romney like clinton is for obama?
^ Doesn't want to screw Romney the way Clinton has screwed Obama!
vector Wrote:just thinking why isn't george w out campaigning for romney like clinton is for obama?
Because traditionally former Presidents fade into the background and try not to upstage the sitting president
^ Yes, but those former presidents wives don't have anything to gain!!!!
vector Wrote:just thinking why isn't george w out campaigning for romney like clinton is for obama?

Because the Obama camp was in a state of desperation?
Bob Seger Wrote:Because the Obama camp was in a state of desperation?
When in doubt call Bill out
Bob Seger Wrote:Because the Obama camp was in a state of desperation?
maybe but i think it was his favorability rating of 69 percent and he can explain math
vector Wrote:maybe but i think it was his favorability rating of 69 percent and he can explain math

Naw, I think it got more to do with the "maybe" factor, because the last I saw the other was in the 40's..
Bob Seger Wrote:Naw, I think it got more to do with the "maybe" factor, because the last I saw the other was in the 40's..

it's been awile since you have last seen 1
vector Wrote:it's been awile since you have last seen 1

Gallup???? You dare to quote Gallup?

Isn't that the outfit that Obama's Dept of Justice is sueing, while David Axelrod also claims that they use questionable tactics??? According to Obama's bunch of babies you cant believe a word that Gallup says.Confusednicker:

Anyways I thought you were talking about Obama.
Bob Seger Wrote:Gallup???? You dare to quote Gallup?

Isn't that the outfit that Obama's Dept of Justice is sueing, while David Axelrod also claims that they use questionable tactics??? According to Obama's bunch of babies you cant believe a word that Gallup says.Confusednicker:

Anyways I thought you were talking about Obama.

there you go again got no answer change subject or call somebody names
vector Wrote:0

there you go again got no answer change subject or call somebody names

What name were you called? I didn't call you anything. What subject did I try to change? Gosh you're just as about as sensitive as WM03 is. Were you" offended" there little buddy?

Besides I told you I was mistaken on who you were talking about. What more do you want?

And now lets talk some more about this avoiding the question stuff a little further. Is Obama and Axelrod not at odds right now with Gallup, and did they not try to intimidate them into showing favorable poll results for them, instead of Romney? .......And is the Justice Dept not threatening Gallup with a lawsuit? Come on now "Mr. I Stuck My Foot in my Mouth Again". Answer those questions, or just simply shut up.
What we have here is a battle between "Mr. I Stuck my Foot in my Mouth Again" and "Mr. I Wanna be a Big Boy Someday" to see who can be the most ignorant today. Same deal goes for you too, junior. It's your turn now big boy. You answer the questions or you shut up too......:popcorn:

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