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The 3 Magic Words
TheRealThing Wrote:Still better than that little troop you lead, NEWARK, Gitback and a reluctant vector. LOL, I'd bet Gitback is so excited to be mentioned in the same post with you it will take everything he's got not to 'like' this one.

Yet once again, it is not I who keep track of raised hands and such. I do not claim divine exceptionalism for the DNC and its candidates and practitioners. Now, I do think Obama was the husband of one wife and seems to have order in his children, and, apparently doesn't think he can grab a woman's genitals and that be ok as long as she is ok with it based on his power and riches. Beyond that, I make no divine exceptionalistic claims for Barack Obama.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yet once again, it is not I who keep track of raised hands and such. I do not claim divine exceptionalism for the DNC and its candidates and practitioners. Now, I do think Obama was the husband of one wife and seems to have order in his children, and, apparently doesn't think he can grab a woman's genitals and that be ok as long as she is ok with it based on his power and riches. Beyond that, I make no divine exceptionalistic claims for Barack Obama.

Who really cares what you claim? It's all baloney.
TheRealThing Wrote:Who really cares what you claim? It's all baloney.

I like a good fried bologna and cheese sandwich, especially with an heirloom garden tomato. I doubt a Patti Partisan cares for any claim that doesn't reinforce his own worldview.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I like a good fried bologna and cheese sandwich, especially with an heirloom garden tomato. I doubt a Patti Partisan cares for any claim that doesn't reinforce his own worldview.

Finally, common ground.
Just your daily reminder.
Trump is still potus and Islam needs eradicated.
That is all
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Just your daily reminder.
Trump is still potus and Islam needs eradicated.
That is all

Calls for genocide put you in the ethos of history's worst of the worst.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Calls for genocide put you in the ethos of history's worst of the worst.

I called for the eradication of Islam.
That's a religion. Keep trying though. CNN would be proud of you.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I called for the eradication of Islam.
That's a religion. Keep trying though. CNN would be proud of you.

Unless you are being coy, you might want to take a look at how the rhetoric of the Third Reich began. I am not trying anything. You are calling for the elimination of a religion that defines close to 2 billion people. You are no man of peace.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Unless you are being coy, you might want to take a look at how the rhetoric of the Third Reich began. I am not trying anything. You are calling for the elimination of a religion that defines close to 2 billion people. You are no man of peace.

Oh no. Muh Nazi triggers Confusednicker:
He's a Nazi, she's a Nazi, everybodys a Nazi :trolldad:

On the contrary I believe we shouldn't intervene anywhere in the middle East. I don't care if they nuke and gas the entire continent.
Not our problem
Theres no such thing as a moderate muslim.
If they are, then they're not a practicing Muslim.
They'll eventually kill each other off and the eradication of that deplorable religion can begin.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Oh no. Muh Nazi triggers Confusednicker:
He's a Nazi, she's a Nazi, everybodys a Nazi :trolldad:

On the contrary I believe we shouldn't intervene anywhere in the middle East. I don't care if they nuke and gas the entire continent.
Not our problem
Theres no such thing as a moderate muslim.
If they are, then they're not a practicing Muslim.
They'll eventually kill each other off and the eradication of that deplorable religion can begin.

The point is the beginnings of genocide is seldom "kill 'em all." It begins with villifying and/or scapegoating, also destroying culture and identity. Ultimately, you are talking about a religion that defines nigh 2 billion people and calling for its eradication. You may find a few to join you in that sandbox, but I hope not.
Your daily reminder that Trump is still potus and Islam should be eradicated.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Your daily reminder that Trump is still potus and Islam should be eradicated.

Well, "Gut," if it gets you through the night to do it, have at it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Calls for genocide put you in the ethos of history's worst of the worst.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I called for the eradication of Islam.
That's a religion. Keep trying though. CNN would be proud of you.

Whatever, you still got served Sombrero.
TheRealThing Wrote:Whatever, you still got served Sombrero.

Well, Forum Boy, good of you to chime in. Also, glad to see you chiming in in such a way, under such a premise as "Gut" offered, as to reinforce how short of the spirit of Jefferson you fall.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Well, Forum Boy, good of you to chime in. Also, glad to see you chiming in in such a way, under such a premise as "Gut" offered, as to reinforce how short of the spirit of Jefferson you fall.

Like wind over a Texas stockyard, what you blow has a pretty foul stench. All the misdirection and deflection aside, Gut was right and you were wrong. But what's new, LOL.

Islam is a false religion in which it's adherents worship an entity that does not exist. Those such as Brigitte Gabriel who speak candidly about the Quran, have revealed Islam for the brutal religion it actually is. Over 100 thousand innocent Christians are murdered each year because of their faith, and anybody who is not a Muslim is a target for elimination regardless of their religious affiliation. But the Quran actually names Christians specifically as the enemy and calls for their destruction.

Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6985:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: "The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews."

These terrorists and the deranged Imams they follow, believe they are fulfilling prophesy and bringing about their kingdom. We Americans are on their list for annihilation too, because we worship the same God as the Jew. You Sombrero, are a denier of the faith and a defender of the indefensible. You're not fooling anybody except NEWARK and your 'Like Boy' lackey, Gitback. Further, of all the bozos I have heard expounding on the subject, you are probably the least informed of all.
Your daily reminder here that Trump is still potus and Islam needs eradicated.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Your daily reminder here that Trump is still potus and Islam needs eradicated.

Along with most if not all liberals in Wash DC
You tell 'em diceman, I'm too mad to.
TheRealThing Wrote:You tell 'em diceman, I'm too mad to.

Poor Forum Boy. Nigh two billion followers of Mohammed, and he's ready, self-anointed, self-appointed to chime in for the eradication of Islam. Can anyone say "god complex"?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Poor Forum Boy. Nigh two billion followers of Mohammed, and he's ready, self-anointed, self-appointed to chime in for the eradication of Islam. Can anyone say "god complex"?

That was a joke bozo.
TheRealThing Wrote:That was a joke bozo.

Islam is a false religion.

Politicians' especially democrats would love for Islam to take over America
diceman Wrote:Islam is a false religion.

Politicians' especially democrats would love for Islam to take over America

The truth or falsity of a religion, in this world, under our Constitution, is not the test of its right to exist in our nation.

The second statement? Patently false, utterly extremist, borderline stupid.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The truth or falsity of a religion, in this world, under our Constitution, is not the test of its right to exist in our nation.

The second statement? Patently false, utterly extremist, borderline stupid.

Obama had Valerie Jarrett and Hilary had Abedine
Both known Muslim Brotherhood supporters whose goal is for sharia law to take over America.
diceman Wrote:Obama had Valerie Jarrett and Hilary had Abedine
Both known Muslim Brotherhood supporters whose goal is for sharia law to take over America.

You posit that the goal of Democrats is the Islamic takeover of America, the installation of Sharia law. Patently false, extremist and borderline stupid.
Democrats allow for Islam to just do whatever in America and it's time to get rid of any political person who supports this.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You posit that the goal of Democrats is the Islamic takeover of America, the installation of Sharia law. Patently false, extremist and borderline stupid

No, it isn't. But your smoke screen on the other hand is. If diceman mentioned Sharia Law I must have missed it, you're the one who brought that up.

The Uber left world wide club for famous liberals, which includes people like your hero Barack Obama and his false prophetess Valerie Jarrett, Angela Merkel and England's Theresa May, are in favor or otherwise support the idea of institutionalizing Sharia Law within their own societies no less. Barack tried to do as much in the US through sock puppet Eric Holder and failed. But in Great Britain the authority of Sharia Law as it now stands in that country, vies for supremacy with the English Parliament. In short they've got a mess, with overlapping jurisdictional madness shortly to come.
"While fighting to a draw in many state legislatures, Sharia law has been advancing faster, in many cases unopposed, in other American institutions, as follows:"

● An increasing number of public American schools with Muslim students are holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca while public American universities continue to build Muslim-only washing facilities. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah"
"Anyone who isn’t certain that Democrats are devoted to destroying America need only take a look at their despicable conduct in the Florida Senate. In a vote that never should have had to be taken, every single Democrat voted to force Sharia Law on the people of Florida." [/SIZE]

There are as many examples of this treachery as one may care to post.
diceman Wrote:Democrats allow for Islam to just do whatever in America and it's time to get rid of any political person who supports this.
Does that include Geraldo?

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