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The 3 Magic Words
TheRealThing Wrote:"While fighting to a draw in many state legislatures, Sharia law has been advancing faster, in many cases unopposed, in other American institutions, as follows:"

● An increasing number of public American schools with Muslim students are holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca while public American universities continue to build Muslim-only washing facilities. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah"
"Anyone who isn’t certain that Democrats are devoted to destroying America need only take a look at their despicable conduct in the Florida Senate. In a vote that never should have had to be taken, every single Democrat voted to force Sharia Law on the people of Florida." [/SIZE]

There are as many examples of this treachery as one may care to post.

Where in America are women forced to wear the burka? men forced to grow the beard? children forced to swear allegiance to Mohammed, the Quoran? Where in America has the Constitution been usurped by Sharia law?

In the United States, immigrants of the Islamic faith have, for the most part, better assimilated into our culture and society than in England and France, and all Europe for that matter.

Again, the assertions that Islam should be eradicated, that Islam is somehow lurking at the door to overthrow our way of government, false, false, patently false.
Bob Seger Wrote:Does that include Geraldo?

Well, hello Bob.
Bob Seger Wrote:Does that include Geraldo?

Oh, I got this one. Sombrero still hasn't got his training wheels off. That and the fact that nobody from the DNC has called to tell him one has to be right once in a while, before he can get away with just 'acting' like he's smart.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh, I got this one. Sombrero still hasn't got his training wheels off. That and the fact that nobody from the DNC has called to tell him one has to be right once in a while, before he can get away with just 'acting' like he's smart.

Man, and to think, this level of comedy is free! What an amusing little ego-swollen fantasy dweller you are. Just rich with it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Man, and to think, this level of comedy is free! What an amusing little ego-swollen fantasy dweller you are. Just rich with it.

You somehow manage to pin yourself to mat in trying to look informed, and then try to laugh it off when I post proof yet again. But I can well imagine how you'd prefer to keep the conversation within the friendly confines of fantasy, you do much better when facts aren't involved.
TheRealThing Wrote:You somehow manage to pin yourself to mat in trying to look informed, and then try to laugh it off when I post proof yet again. But I can well imagine how you'd prefer to keep the conversation within the friendly confines of fantasy, you do much better when facts aren't involved.

"I post proof"

See, that's the laugh.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I post proof"

See, that's the laugh.

Uh, it's more akin to liberal B.S.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I post proof"

See, that's the laugh.

Outside of your clinical denial, you know the only problem with your moment of mirth? You're the only one laughing.
TheRealThing Wrote:Outside of your clinical denial, you know the only problem with your moment of mirth? You're the only one laughing.

You just continually count hands raised. Jefferson's "picks my pocket or breaks my leg"? He is asserting that the conscience is free to belive "zero gods" or "twenty gods," as this is not injurious to neighbor. Yet, clucking dumb bird that you are, you keep up the wrong-headed denial that freedom of conscience is a vital concept behind our Constitution. What a literal minded simpleton you appear.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You just continually count hands raised. Jefferson's "picks my pocket or breaks my leg"? He is asserting that the conscience is free to belive "zero gods" or "twenty gods," as this is not injurious to neighbor. Yet, clucking dumb bird that you are, you keep up the wrong-headed denial that freedom of conscience is a vital concept behind our Constitution. What a literal minded simpleton you appear.

Ah but one thing gives me solace. When standing along side you, my intellectual appearance shoots up into the stratospheric heights. Like I said in times past, you serve a purpose on here and for your contribution to that end I am grateful. :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:Ah but one thing gives me solace. When standing along side you, my intellectual appearance shoots up into the stratospheric heights. Like I said in times past, you serve a purpose on here and for your contribution to that end I am grateful. :Thumbs:

And, as I have said in times past, you are a legend in your own mind.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, as I have said in times past, you are a legend in your own mind.

What else could you say, you can't disprove a word I've said.
TheRealThing Wrote:What else could you say, you can't disprove a word I've said.

I already have, but, in true Patti Partisan spirit, you already reject, without thought, before you even process what has been said. You are typical, nothing special, or particularly challenging, though you do amuse with all the peacock strutting and screeching.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I already have, but, in true Patti Partisan spirit, you already reject, without thought, before you even process what has been said. You are typical, nothing special, or particularly challenging, though you do amuse with all the peacock strutting and screeching.

Why would I need to process anything you have to say? Everything you've said happened in the first few days of your emergence as Sombrero, and at that you never strayed from your parroted dictates of social justice. After that it was the same ridiculous liberal monkey puke over and over.
TheRealThing Wrote:Why would I need to process anything you have to say? Everything you've said happened in the first few days of your emergence as Sombrero, and at that you never strayed from your parroted dictates of social justice. After that it was the same ridiculous liberal monkey puke over and over.

Why, yes, yes, the stunning variety in your posts: what cunning, what diversity, what an assortment of source material: what a load of rot, TRT.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Why, yes, yes, the stunning variety in your posts: what cunning, what diversity, what an assortment of source material: what a load of rot, TRT.

Coming from a guy who sources nothing this is hardly as toxic as you intended.

I understand that you are obsessed with me and frankly, given your limitations I can see why. But your bent for plagiarizing confirms the fact that you successfully delude only yourself. And though you have demonstrated that even in the face of criticism you are incapable of resisting the urge to use my colloquialisms, still you might want to consider that 'rot' is more a condition of physical corruption, than something that could actually be loaded up. Therefore, when you went to saying 'what a load of rot,' instead of saying what you used to say which was 'what rot,' you made yourself look worse than usual. And believe me, in your case that ain't easy.
TheRealThing Wrote:Coming from a guy who sources nothing this is hardly as toxic as you intended.

I understand that you are obsessed with me and frankly, given your limitations I can see why. But your bent for plagiarizing confirms the fact that you successfully delude only yourself. And though you have demonstrated that even in the face of criticism you are incapable of resisting the urge to use my colloquialisms, still you might want to consider that 'rot' is more a condition of physical corruption, than something that could actually be loaded up. Therefore, when you went to saying 'what a load of rot,' instead of saying what you used to say which was 'what rot,' you made yourself look worse than usual. And believe me, in your case that ain't easy.

TRT, this is pathetic. You come across as an "Edna Prude" librarian type wringing your hands over fraying book bindings. I have sourced Jefferson and Adams and Madison. You just can't accept being challenged, so you parade around announcing your "victory" constantly, and with an increasing pettiness. No worries though, mate: whatever gets you through the night.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:TRT, this is pathetic. You come across as an "Edna Prude" librarian type wringing your hands over fraying book bindings. I have sourced Jefferson and Adams and Madison. You just can't accept being challenged, so you parade around announcing your "victory" constantly, and with an increasing pettiness. No worries though, mate: whatever gets you through the night.

You can name every founding father on the ledger, you're a copy cat.
TheRealThing Wrote:You can name every founding father on the ledger, you're a copy cat.

Yes, TRT, before I came on this forum several months ago, I had never heard of Jefferson, Adams, Madison, etc. Do you hear yourself?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yes, TRT, before I came on this forum several months ago, I had never heard of Jefferson, Adams, Madison, etc. Do you hear yourself?

Voices in the head would be your problem.

You besmirched the Founders with revisionist distortions and outrageous slander, I don't call that sourcing. I know the difference because I have a major in history and thus I learned the truth before your kindred in arms had a chance to propagate their lies.
TheRealThing Wrote:Voices in the head would be your problem.

You besmirched the Founders with revisionist distortions and outrageous slander, I don't call that sourcing. I know the difference because I have a major in history and thus I learned the truth before your kindred in arms had a chance to propagate their lies.

It is not now, wasn't then, and won't be tomorrow revisionist to look at Jefferson's thoughts on freedom of religion, Adams' views of human nature, and so on and so forth, and see that your "lost tribe" nationalism is, indeed, revisionist.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It is not now, wasn't then, and won't be tomorrow revisionist to look at Jefferson's thoughts on freedom of religion, Adams' views of human nature, and so on and so forth, and see that your "lost tribe" nationalism is, indeed, revisionist.

I know you are but what am I?

You don't even believe God's Word is pure, don't give me any of your lost tribe lies. And I ain't buying that internet scholar act either, I know history and I know monkey puke revisionist monkey puke.
TheRealThing Wrote:I know you are but what am I?

You don't even believe God's Word is pure, don't give me any of your lost tribe lies. And I ain't buying that internet scholar act either, I know history and I know monkey puke revisionist monkey puke.

"I know this and I know that and I know the other."

Poor TRT, shut up in a bung of self, crouched down in the woods of self, hiding behind a wall of self. At least in this forum's persona.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I know this and I know that and I know the other."

Poor TRT, shut up in a bung of self, crouched down in the woods of self, hiding behind a wall of self. At least in this forum's persona.

Shut up in a bung? A bung is a bottle cork bozo.
TheRealThing Wrote:Shut up in a bung? A bung is a bottle cork bozo.

Yes, why, that's right, yes it is. A plug, so to speak.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yes, why, that's right, yes it is. A plug, so to speak.

Just cannot admit when you say something goofy can you? Not to worry, you've proven time and again that there's nothing you cannot delude yourself about.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just cannot admit when you say something goofy can you? Not to worry, you've proven time and again that there's nothing you cannot delude yourself about.

Give 'er a think there, friendo.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just cannot admit when you say something goofy can you? Not to worry, you've proven time and again that there's nothing you cannot delude yourself about.

Eh, take a gander at Henrik Ibsen's dramatic poem PEER GYNT...a little something Begriffenfeldt says to Peer. Not that goofy really.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Eh, take a gander at Henrik Ibsen's dramatic poem PEER GYNT...a little something Begriffenfeldt says to Peer. Not that goofy really.

You can't possibly have a life. Why would I waste even more time going down another Sombrero rat hole? I don't give a whit about your insecurities, deal with them yourself.
TheRealThing Wrote:You can't possibly have a life. Why would I waste even more time going down another Sombrero rat hole? I don't give a whit about your insecurities, deal with them yourself.

Yet again, when presented with a reference that clearly would reveal your Forum Boy status, you feign indignation and say, "I won't look. I don't care. It doesn't matter." Your talk of "cognitive dissonance"? Boomerang.

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