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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays
cheerdad Wrote:Hey Devilswin...as you noticed as I did...he didn't say ANYTHING about that did he? Just another example how most Christians pick and choose scripture to fit their views.

Well there's the pot calling the kettle black.
thecavemaster Wrote:Many people thought it "gross" to drink from the same fountain as a black person. I don't think "gross" or "not gross" has much to do with the Equal Protection Clause.

jesus supposedly said that the rain falls on righteous and unrighteous, the sun shines on just and unjust. I take this to be the general grace of "god," given to all humanity. If Hitler and Billy Graham plant beans, they grow. A Constitutional democracy can be seen as general grace. It allows, perhaps, many things not seen as "wholesome" as part of a general grace (equal protection unto all). Thus, couldn't it be argued that granting a general grace in a nation mirrors the Judaeo/Christian "god"? who permits many things on the temporal plane not smiled upon in the heavenly?
This thread is stupid and needs to be closed, what people do in the privacy of their own home is noone's buisness..
blitz43 Wrote:No! The Jewish people are the ones that don't eat that stuff. I had a nice piece of beef, & shrimp last night. It was quite tasteful.
So are you saying that Jews do a better job at living true to Gods Word than you do?
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote::High5:
I really like the name!
DevilsWin Wrote:I really like the name!

Thanks Big Grin
DevilsWin Wrote:So are you saying that Jews do a better job at living true to Gods Word than you do?
No. The food thing was intended for the Jewish people.
blitz43 Wrote:No. The food thing was intended for the Jewish people.

Then the same can be said about homosexuality.

It was forbidden only for Jewish people.

See, your argument is pathetic and full of holes.
ComfortEagle Wrote:California recently voted to ban gay marriage, overturning the previous decision.

I think it is also still legal in Connecticut and Massachusetts, but I might be wrong on those.

Gay marriage is also legal in Canada, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, and South Africa.

and also The U.K. but i'm not 100% sure
Shady Grady Wrote:When the bible speaks against something, it is not being judgemental. It is simply stating a fact. But why stop at gays? Why don't we legalize prostitution, drug use, public intoxication, hey, whatever anybody wants to do.

at the last part of this quote you sound like anita bryant here is the quote that made me think of it....

“If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nailbiters.” ....on a lighter note has anybody saw MILK?
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:at the last part of this quote you sound like anita bryant here is the quote that made me think of it....

“If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nailbiters.” ....on a lighter note has anybody saw MILK?

If we give gays the right to marry. Then we have to allow prostitutes the right to sell there body. Because It's so called "LOVE".
sherman14 Wrote:If we give gays the right to marry. Then we have to allow prostitutes the right to sell there body. Because It's so called "LOVE".

no we don't.....that's like saying we gave african americans the right to vote. do we really have to desegregate?.. and yet again that sounds like anita bryant...lol
DevilsWin Wrote:Then the same can be said about homosexuality.

It was forbidden only for Jewish people.

See, your argument is pathetic and full of holes.
I'll tell ya what. You twist it to make it fit your lifestyle if ya want. You only question things when it upsets you lifestyle. If you like to make love to trees, you will find a verse in the Bible to make it seem alright. You are pathetic & by the way, I shouldn't have said lifestyle, It is a choice and a nasty one at that.
sherman14 Wrote:If we give gays the right to marry. Then we have to allow prostitutes the right to sell there body. Because It's so called "LOVE".

You are equating two committed people exchanging vows of devotion and a sexual act bartered for money? Now, they may be the same in your view of morals or religion or whatever, but what you've suggested above has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Equal Protection Under the Law in this issue. "Since we give teenagers the right to drive, we have to allow eight year olds to buy whiskey in package stores." Apples and oranges...
blitz43 Wrote:I'll tell ya what. You twist it to make it fit your lifestyle if ya want. You only question things when it upsets you lifestyle. If you like to make love to trees, you will find a verse in the Bible to make it seem alright. You are pathetic & by the way, I shouldn't have said lifestyle, It is a choice and a nasty one at that.

In your "religion," homosexuality is a nasty choice. We get that. To you personally, it's a nasty choice. We get that. Too many, African Americans in "white" schools was a nasty choice, both in their religious and personal views. "Nasty choice" is not the test for whether or not equal protection under the law applies.
Then I think the equal protection act should not be considered. Since I go by the Bible on this matter; the equal act would give them the right to marry, which would, in turn permit them to do the nasty acts in their homes, which would still be a sin. That's why I am against it. It is getting to the point that what should be normal (Man + Woman) is being turned to not normal & what shouldn't be normal (Man + Man) is being turned into normal.
blitz43 Wrote:Then I think the equal protection act should not be considered. Since I go by the Bible on this matter; the equal act would give them the right to marry, which would, in turn permit them to do the nasty acts in their homes, which would still be a sin. That's why I am against it. It is getting to the point that what should be normal (Man + Woman) is being turned to not normal & what shouldn't be normal (Man + Man) is being turned into normal.

The general grace of your god makes sun to shine on good and evil. Equal protection under the law works like that general grace in a democracy. You are free to hold the "nasty acts" view, of course, as part of your religious belief. You are not free to impose your beliefs to the denial of equal protection under the law in this democracy. Who said that "man and woman" is not normal? Who said that you have to think "man and man" is normal?
blitz43 Wrote:This has "nothing" to do with black and white. I am sure it will pass cause the Bible says that the world will head in this direction. Which according to the Bible, is wrong. Again, if you believe the Bible, you will agree this is wrong. If you don't believe the Bible is the word of God, then this topic is over.

Blitz43....I don't know how old you are, but if you are a young whipper snapper, then you need to read up on your Biblical history. Christians back in the day of slavery and even as recent as the 60's used scriptures from the Bible to justify owning slaves, to argue against inter-racial marriage...everything that some Christians say against homosexuals is the same arguments used against African-Americans. It is what ever is the hot topic of the time. Then is was inter-racial marriage, now it's gay marriage. Just out of curiousity....why doesn't the Bible say anything about 2 women involved in a gay relationship???? What's your take on that?
blitz43 Wrote:Well there's the pot calling the kettle black.

No, I don't pick and choose, I have just commented back on the scriptures that you have chosen to use....they are referenced as the "globber-scriptures".
blitz43 Wrote:I'll tell ya what. You twist it to make it fit your lifestyle if ya want. You only question things when it upsets you lifestyle. If you like to make love to trees, you will find a verse in the Bible to make it seem alright. You are pathetic & by the way, I shouldn't have said lifestyle, It is a choice and a nasty one at that.
Don't get confused there little buddy. I've been happily married to the same woman for 18 years. So, thats My Lifestyle.

I have no male friends that are gay and just 1 or 2 female friends that are gay.

The thing is, I believe in equal protection under the law.
DevilsWin Wrote:Don't get confused there little buddy. I've been happily married to the same woman for 18 years. So, thats My Lifestyle.

I have no male friends that are gay and just 1 or 2 female friends that are gay.

The thing is, I believe in equal protection under the law.
Do you think it is right for a boys basketball team to have a homo for a coach watching while they shower and chabge cloths?
the old WASP Wrote:Do you think it is right for a boys basketball team to have a homo for a coach watching while they shower and chabge cloths?

I would think a wise coach, no matter the sexual orientation, would avoid being present while players were showering. In that, as a whole, "jocks" are not particularly tolerant of homosexuality, it probably wouldn't work out, though "right" and "wrong" don't seem to apply.
the old WASP Wrote:Do you think it is right for a boys basketball team to have a homo for a coach watching while they shower and chabge cloths?

Apparently you've never taken a shower with a group of men. No one looks at anyone! Unless they want an A$$ kickin!

Grow up Son!

The world is not filled with evil sodomites that wanna take over society and make sodomy mandatory. LOL
Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. We don't reward lifestyle choices with special privelages and rights in this country. Dont bring in this whole argument about it being genetic, or being born that way. If so there wouldn't be cases of identical twins with one being gay. Same genetic makeup. One's gay one isn't.
DevilsWin Wrote:Apparently you've never taken a shower with a group of men. No one looks at anyone! Unless they want an A$$ kickin!

Grow up Son!

The world is not filled with evil sodomites that wanna take over society and make sodomy mandatory. LOL

And all your hopes and dreams fizzle out and die.
Beetle01 Wrote:And all your hopes and dreams fizzle out and die.
That's just wrong.Smile
Beetle01 Wrote:Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. We don't reward lifestyle choices with special privelages and rights in this country. Dont bring in this whole argument about it being genetic, or being born that way. If so there wouldn't be cases of identical twins with one being gay. Same genetic makeup. One's gay one isn't.
I didn't realize that you were the guy mapping the Human Genome. I commend your brilliance Beetle.:Clap:
Beetle01 Wrote:Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. We don't reward lifestyle choices with special privelages and rights in this country. Dont bring in this whole argument about it being genetic, or being born that way. If so there wouldn't be cases of identical twins with one being gay. Same genetic makeup. One's gay one isn't.

Actually identical twins do not have identical DNA, you need to keep up with sceince.


Although I dont believe homosexuality is genetic, I cant claim that it is or isnt, becuase no one knows.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Actually identical twins do not have identical DNA, you need to keep up with sceince.


Although I dont believe homosexuality is genetic, I cant claim that it is or isnt, becuase no one knows.

Well I did know that they are not 100% exact, but about as close as you'll ever find. I just get tired of the argument about homosexuality being born with. It goes against every strand of DNA in our bodies. If nothing else we are here to procreate. Not enter the exit hole.

If people choose a certain lifestyle, they should not get special treatment. We don't allow people to have sex with dogs do we? That's a lifestyle choice. So is molesting little kids. We put those people in prison, unless they live in a liberal state, then they just get probation. Then we get to see them on tv later as a repeat offender. so why are we choosing to treat homosexuality different? Ill tell you why, because they throw a fit everytime they get a chance about gay rights. There's no gay rights. There are just rights. Marriage for same sex people is not a right in this country. Like I said, get an ammendment to the Constitution stating so if it is so important to the future of this country.

Does anyone here actually think any of our founding fathers would have been even a little bit remotely ok with allowing gays to marry? No.
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