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Republican Primary for US senate on May 18
Let's see our choices
Rand Paul- running as the "outsider", tea party sheep falling for his current political speak and not what he truly believes(look at his history)
Trey Grayson- running a lousy campaign, way over confident because he had won a state wide election,so just went though the motions early on has not recovered
Gurley L. Martin- an independent old army guy (should read his website some good stuff there)-Tea partiers should have looked at him more
John Stephenson - speaks to the far right, read his website, Gives glory to God and all his might. He is a man of convictions and principals
Jon J. Scribner - not much effort on his part in running but from his webBlog(not even a website) "I am just a common person and I think it is time to shake up the Goverment. If you want Politics as usual vote for a politician or a politicians family member". - Seems like a common man just trying his best
You are right he is an outsider. As to his beliefs he believes in less government and I do not see any area where more government is the answer. I agree with you grayson has ran a terrible campaign. But if he can't open his eyes and see whats going on in a campaign could he do any better as a senator? Watched the debate on KET last night i was also impressed by the old guy.
Guys, Rand Paul has been more wishy washy then any candidate I have seen in a while. He goes with how the wind is blowing but if Charles Manson ran as anti establishment the tea baggers would vote for him to.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Guys, Rand Paul has been more wishy washy then any candidate I have seen in a while. He goes with how the wind is blowing but if Charles Manson ran as anti establishment the tea baggers would vote for him to.
I would not vote for manson or a socialist like Obama. And you can put your tea baggers phase where the sun doesn't shine.
People like you need to keep voting for the same old stuff. In about 30 years you can roit in the streets because the government can no longer afford to feed your dead a--. Really how long can this country spend more money than it takes in. At present there is only one worker paying in to social security for each person recieving benefits. Within the next 10 years this will get a lot worse. Europe has tried all of the socialist deals and it's not working. Spain 20% unemployment. Greece being bailed out daily. 3 or 4 more countries close to greece. BY THE WAY my total tax bill when i count all taxes, income, payroll, property, gas, sales etc. was 44% of my income last year. I do not want to give anymore of this income to this out of control government . You can send them all of your income ( if you have a job). I would like to keep some of mine.
notamoocher Wrote:I would not vote for manson or a socialist like Obama. And you can put your tea baggers phase where the sun doesn't shine.

You mean by the tea bag?
notamoocher Wrote:I would not vote for manson or a socialist like Obama. And you can put your tea baggers phase where the sun doesn't shine.
People like you need to keep voting for the same old stuff. In about 30 years you can roit in the streets because the government can no longer afford to feed your dead a--. Really how long can this country spend more money than it takes in. At present there is only one worker paying in to social security for each person recieving benefits. Within the next 10 years this will get a lot worse. Europe has tried all of the socialist deals and it's not working. Spain 20% unemployment. Greece being bailed out daily. 3 or 4 more countries close to greece. BY THE WAY my total tax bill when i count all taxes, income, payroll, property, gas, sales etc. was 44% of my income last year. I do not want to give anymore of this income to this out of control government . You can send them all of your income ( if you have a job). I would like to keep some of mine.

I do not post as much as you do because my WORK schedule will not allow it. So I am not sitting on my bitter a$@ making accusations about people I don't even know. I do know that I have worked continuously for twenty years, never ever drawed any kind of welfare or public assistance, was raised by parents who never received public assistance, and pay taxes out the rear end also. I do agree with some of the tea partiers beliefs but some are so fanatical they will follow the first smooth talking wolf over a cliff(these are teabaggers). Rand Paul has changed his stance on many issues due to whatever group he is talking to. I am just saying he is going to be some of the same old crap if he gets to Washington because he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. The same way Marco Rubio in Florida does. So if these guys get to Washington and do the same old crap the rest of the Republicans and Democrats have done, you cannot say I didn't tell you so. I am glad we have people as smart as you that can judge someones history and background on here by what they post. Just kidding, you are actually a dumb@#$ when it comes to that department.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I do not post as much as you do because my WORK schedule will not allow it. So I am not sitting on my bitter a$@ making accusations about people I don't even know. I do know that I have worked continuously for twenty years, never ever drawed any kind of welfare or public assistance, was raised by parents who never received public assistance, and pay taxes out the rear end also. I do agree with some of the tea partiers beliefs but some are so fanatical they will follow the first smooth talking wolf over a cliff(these are teabaggers). Rand Paul has changed his stance on many issues due to whatever group he is talking to. I am just saying he is going to be some of the same old crap if he gets to Washington because he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. The same way Marco Rubio in Florida does. So if these guys get to Washington and do the same old crap the rest of the Republicans and Democrats have done, you cannot say I didn't tell you so. I am glad we have people as smart as you that can judge someones history and background on here by what they post. Just kidding, you are actually a dumb@#$ when it comes to that department.
You don't like people like Paul OR Rubio or the regular republicans and democrats. Who do you support? If I got on here and called Obama a certain name the post would be removed(as it should be i might add). Well I believe when you use such a derogatory phase to label an entire movement, which you did, it is just as bad. So I guess the question again is what would you do? As far as judging you have judged an entire movement based on what you call some fanatical members . So I guess you are even wiser than me.
notamoocher Wrote:You don't like people like Paul OR Rubio or the regular republicans and democrats. Who do you support? If I got on here and called Obama a certain name the post would be removed(as it should be i might add). Well I believe when you use such a derogatory phase to label an entire movement, which you did, it is just as bad. So I guess the question again is what would you do? As far as judging you have judged an entire movement based on what you call some fanatical members . So I guess you are even wiser than me.
:Thumbs: The slurs that liberals from Obama down to his lowest minion use against the tea party groups are inexcusable. The media would never tolerate the same kind of slurs from conservatives. It is just one of the disgusting tools in the Alinskyites' slimy collection.
It looks like Rand Paul will shoot his own self in the foot all by himself. :lmao: He's a racist, and it's coming to light as we speak. He thinks private owned businesses(restaurants and such) should be able to deny service to people based on race.
TheRealVille Wrote:It looks like Rand Paul will shoot his own self in the foot all by himself. :lmao: He's a racist, and it's coming to light as we speak. He thinks private owned businesses(restaurants and such) should be able to deny service to people based on race.
Yeah, everybody who disagrees with you liberals is a racist. How long did it take for you to come up with that "argument?"

Thomas Sowell makes a very eloquent argument on this subject, and as one of the nation's foremost columnists, he is no racist. The Jim Crow laws were wrong because state governments mandated institutional racism. No government should be free to discriminate on the basis of race and no government should be allowed to mandate racial discrimination because our local, state, and federal governments represent all of the American people.

Discriminating on the basis of race is wrong, but businesses who would adopt a "whites only" business model, without government mandates, would place themselves at a huge competitive disadvantage and most would go under. The free market would have punished racist business owners, had state governments butted out. The South was segregated before the Civil Rights Act primarily because government required it.

If Rand Paul is not courageous enough to stand his ground on this issue and articulate the merits of the libertarian philosophy, then he will deserve to go down in flames - but his statement was in no way racist.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yeah, everybody who disagrees with you liberals is a racist. How long did it take for you to come up with that "argument?"

Thomas Sowell makes a very eloquent argument on this subject, and as one of the nation's foremost columnists, he is no racist. The Jim Crow laws were wrong because state governments mandated institutional racism. No government should be free to discriminate on the basis of race and no government should be allowed to mandate racial discrimination because our local, state, and federal governments represent all of the American people.

Discriminating on the basis of race is wrong, but businesses who would adopt a "whites only" business model, without government mandates, would place themselves at a huge competitive disadvantage and most would go under. The free market would have punished racist business owners, had state governments butted out. The South was segregated before the Civil Rights Act primarily because government required it.

If Rand Paul is not courageous enough to stand his ground on this issue and articulate the merits of the libertarian philosophy, then he will deserve to go down in flames - but his statement was in no way racist.
Rand Paul said it, I didn't. I didn't say private business owners couldn't serve people based on race, he did. It's on record. If you "tea partiers" say racist stuff, don't get mad when you get called on it. Don't shoot the messenger.
TheRealVille Wrote:Rand Paul said it, I didn't. I didn't say private business owners couldn't serve people based on race, he did. It's on record. If you "tea partiers" say racist stuff, don't get mad when you get called on it. Don't shoot the messenger.
What is on the record is that you Obama enablers have a tendency to call anybody who disagrees with you a racist. It is an easy thing to do. It requires very little grey matter. Fortunately, the more liberals smear people with labels like "teabaggers" and "racists," the lower Obama and the socialists in Congress sink in the polls. So keep those shallow insults coming.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What is on the record is that you Obama enablers have a tendency to call anybody who disagrees with you a racist. It is an easy thing to do. It requires very little grey matter. Fortunately, the more liberals smear people with labels like "teabaggers" and "racists," the lower Obama and the socialists in Congress sink in the polls. So keep those shallow insults coming.
Did he say it or not? It's an easy question.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did he say it or not? It's an easy question.
Your reading comprehension is not so good, is it? The statement was not racist. You may not agree with Rand Paul, but by calling him a racist, you are just showing that you are a parrot for the Democratic Party. Try using your brain for a change and make a substantive case against his position. Paintsville had a pretty good school system when I was there, so I am assuming that they must have taught you some critical thinking skills. Maybe their standards have slipped.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Your reading comprehension is not so good, is it? The statement was not racist. You may not agree with Rand Paul, but by calling him a racist, you are just showing that you are a parrot for the Democratic Party. Try using your brain for a change and make a substantive case against his position. Paintsville had a pretty good school system when I was there, so I am assuming that they must have taught you some critical thinking skills. Maybe their standards have slipped.
Did he say private businesses should be allowed to decide who they let in, based on race, or not? I don't really expect you to answer, you will skate, just like him. It doesn't change the fact that I heard him say it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did he say private businesses should be allowed to decide who they let in, based on race, or not?
More brilliance on display...your trolling is tiresome, TRV. You seem incapable of moving off of the Democrats' talking points to hold an intelligent discussion. Have a good night.
Actually TheRealVille in your haste to take a jab at Rand Paul you have instead made yourself the fool. Just watched MSNBC as they said it was a mistake and that he did not say that, it was due to the delay in the satellites. Not my words, Pauls words, or any other conservative/republican, it was straight from the mouths of the morons they have host that channel.
Beetle01 Wrote:Actually TheRealVille in your haste to take a jab at Rand Paul you have instead made yourself the fool. Just watched MSNBC as they said it was a mistake and that he did not say that, it was due to the delay in the satellites. Not my words, Pauls words, or any other conservative/republican, it was straight from the mouths of the morons they have host that channel.
I heard him say it with my own ears Beetle. It didn't have anything to do with satellite delay. LOL.
Really? Cause I just watched it also, so when the MSNBC anchors say it was a satellite delay I should not believe them, I should trust you? Lets not forget MSNBC is going to heavily bash Paul until election day, even though Paul is going to win easily. So the people who are bashing him, say it was a mistake but I should take your 12 year old opinion otherwise?
Educate yourself Realville, I agree 100% with Paul, as you can see he is not a racist.

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Where Rand Paul stands on the Civil Rights Act[/nomedia]
Beetle01 Wrote:Really? Cause I just watched it also, so when the MSNBC anchors say it was a satellite delay I should not believe them, I should trust you? Lets not forget MSNBC is going to heavily bash Paul until election day, even though Paul is going to win easily. So the people who are bashing him, say it was a mistake but I should take your 12 year old opinion otherwise?
Why is still reporting on it? So, the video I watched of him saying it, wasn't really real.? The delay took away the words I heard all in one string? LOL. As Andy would say " Barney, you beat anything".
Beetle01 Wrote:Educate yourself Realville, I agree 100% with Paul, as you can see he is not a racist.

He said private business owners shouldn't be told who to serve or renters shouldn't be told who to rent to, based on race or otherwise.
Beetle01 Wrote:Educate yourself Realville, I agree 100% with Paul, as you can see he is not a racist.

We all know you are, you quoted the KKK words as to where you stand.
So RV you believe the govt has the right to tell private business owners how to run their business?
Beetle01 Wrote:So RV you believe the govt has the right to tell private business owners how to run their business?
When it comes to discriminating who to serve, based on race, yes.
TheRealVille Wrote:When it comes to discriminating who to serve, yes.

Why? Its a private business. If a Mexican restraunt run and owned by Mexicans didnt want to serve white people, I wouldnt care. I love eating at La Fincas, but if they said they didnt want to serve white people anymore, oh well their loss, Ill spend my money elsewhere.

Our govt has overstepped its boundaries so far, not long before they start telling me how much I can make, what to buy, what to wear, and where to live.
Question: Would you have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Rand Paul: I like the Civil Rights Act in the sense that it ended discrimination in all public domains and I'm all in favor of that.

Questioner: But...?

Rand Paul: (nervous laugh) You had to ask me the "but." um.. I don't like the idea of telling private business owners - I abhor racism - I think it's a bad business decision to ever exclude anybody from your restaurant. But at the same time I do believe in private ownership. But I think there should be absolutely no discrimination on anything that gets any public funding and that's most of what the Civil Rights Act was about to my mind.

Questioner: And then it was extended by most to most localities to include all... Would you be in favor of just local--

Rand Paul: On a local basis it might be a little different. The thing is I would speak out in favor of it. (pause) I mean, I look at the speeches of Martin Luther King, and I tell you I become emotional watching the speeches of Martin Luther King. I love it because he was a transformational figure... [...] (goes on to talk about Martin Luther King for a few moments)

Questioner: But under your philosophy it would be okay for Dr. King to not be served at the counter at Woolworths?

Rand Paul: I would not go to that Woolworth's, and I would stand up in my community and say it's abhorrent. um... But the hard part, and this is the hard part about believing in freedom is, if you believe in the First Amendment, for example, you to, for example-- most good defenders will believe in abhorrent groups standing up and saying awful things, and we're here at the bastion of newspaperdom (sic) and I'm sure you believe in the First Amendment, so I'm sure you understand people can say bad things. It's the same way with other behaviors. In a free society we will tolerate boorish people who have abhorrent behavior, but if we're civilized people we publicly criticize that and don't belong to those groups or associate with those people.

It's not what you make it out to be ville, not even close. And since you seem to Push MSNBC. Do you agree with Chris Matthews when he said to nationalize the oil companies and execute the leaders of BP. So from these statements you say Paul is a racist even though he said he would stand up to racism.
TheRealVille Wrote:We all know you are, you quoted the KKK words as to where you stand.
Every time you post KKK, I think of Robert Byrd.

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