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Israel criticized over Gaza flotilla attack

Reporting from Jerusalem Israel faced a diplomatic firestorm Monday over its deadly attack against a protest flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Foreign leaders and protest organizers accused Israel of using excessive force in the raid in international waters, but Israel defended its actions, saying that soldiers were ambushed with knives and metal bars, as well as handguns wrested from the commandos.

Israel's military said nine protesters were killed in the late-night raid, which occurred about 40 miles off Israel's coast. Protest organizers put the death toll at 16. Dozens were wounded, including seven Israeli soldiers.
?? We have enough problems here, I could care less what Israel does.
The florilla according to Turkey was for humanitarian aid purposes. The first video shows the protesters beating the Israelis with pipes and throwing one overboard.

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers[/nomedia]

Humanitarian aid? This video show a supply of weapons found on board the flotilla
Beetle01 Wrote:?? We have enough problems here, I could care less what Israel does.
I agree. Wow, I'm amazed.:Thumbs:
Old School Wrote:Humanitarian aid? This video show a supply of weapons found on board the flotilla

Really? Slingshots, rocks, and knives. I bet my son has that much "weaponry" under his bed.
BillyB Wrote:Really? Slingshots, rocks, and knives. I bet my son has that much "weaponry" under his bed.

Since when did knives not become dangerous?
The Israelis should have started shooting the thugs sooner and they would not have needed to kill so many.

[YOUTUBE="Thugs attacking Israeli troops"]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
BillyB Wrote:Really? Slingshots, rocks, and knives. I bet my son has that much "weaponry" under his bed.

WOW BB you must really live in a rough neighborhood. Does the ATF know that your son keeps detontors and molotov cocktails and other weapons under his bed?
Old School Wrote:WOW BB you must really live in a rough neighborhood. Does the ATF know that your son keeps detontors and molotov cocktails and other weapons under his bed?

BB walks around his house in his undies with a bowl of cereal, an AK47, and a RPG within arms reach at all times.
Beetle01 Wrote:BB walks around his house in his undies with a bowl of cereal, an AK47, and a RPG within arms reach at all times.

Why cereal?
Israel has established a legal blockade of the Gaza Strip all ships must either enter an Israeli port or be boarded the ship was running the blockade and was boarded. Any other country would have done the same if not more in Israel's position
BillyB Wrote:Why cereal?

mans gotta eat.
nky Wrote:Israel has established a legal blockade of the Gaza Strip all ships must either enter an Israeli port or be boarded the ship was running the blockade and was boarded. Any other country would have done the same if not more in Israel's position

Actually, it is an illegal blockade. Gaza is not under Israeli control and they have no right to blockade it. Its all for show most of the weapons coming in to Gaza dont come by sea anyways.
Beetle01 Wrote:Actually, it is an illegal blockade. Gaza is not under Israeli control and they have no right to blockade it. Its all for show most of the weapons coming in to Gaza dont come by sea anyways.
If rockets were being fired into this country wouldn't we make sure those rockets could not enter the region that were firing at us?
Gaza is under the control of a terrorist group bend on the destruction of Israel. What if Sonora Region of Mexico was under the control of Al Qaeda and were launching rockets into southwest US? Would we sit back and do nothing? would we put war ships and check ships in going around Baja Peninsula?
I've just read a little bit about the Israeli blockade against the Gaza strip, but I haven't read all of it. Here's the link:

The Gaza strip is controlled by Hamas (I think they're a political party in the Gaza strip). After it's war against Israel from a few years ago, the Gaza strip says they need aid to help themselves rebuild, and the Israeli blockade is preventing them from rebuilding. This is why some say this blockade is illegal.

I think Israel's argument for their blockade on the Gaza strip is that Israel thinks it's best to keep their own people safe and to make sure the Gaza strip doesn't receive any weapons that can be used against Israel. Israel is allowing aid to go into the Gaza strip, but their blockade is causing the process of rebuilding to be slowed down.

IMO, I feel bad for the people living in the Gaza strip and I hope they receive more aid than they need, but Israel has to protect itself. Keep in mind, they're in the middle of the "Islamic world" that wants Israel gone.
nky Wrote:If rockets were being fired into this country wouldn't we make sure those rockets could not enter the region that were firing at us?

Look for the most part Im on Israels side. I think they should just go in and execute every known member of Hamas, Hezbollah, and any other radical group in that region. I was just correcting you on the fact that it was not a legal blockade. However the weapons and explosives used dont come from the sea. This is strictly an Israeli move to try and keep food, water and medicine out of the area.

Not everyone there is a militant, or even a muslim. There are a whole lot of Christians that live there also. Of course Im sure you are 100% ok with Israel starving them out too.
nky Wrote:If rockets were being fired into this country wouldn't we make sure those rockets could not enter the region that were firing at us?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sumed it up best when he said "Israel is quilty until proven guilty"
I just want to get this straight from you die hard supporters of Israel. You are ok with Israel denying food, water, medicine (although they will let some in when bad press comes around) but they never allow the materials needed to rebuild such as concrete and other construction materials, including tools. You are okay with them denying these necessary things to Christians?
Beetle01 Wrote:I just want to get this straight from you die hard supporters of Israel. You are ok with Israel denying food, water, medicine (although they will let some in when bad press comes around) but they never allow the materials needed to rebuild such as concrete and other construction materials, including tools. You are okay with them denying these necessary things to Christians?
Israel is at war with the terrorist group Hamas, which a majority of the citizens of Gaza elected. Israel has shown great restraint in not wiping the vermin from the face of the Earth. I am OK with Israel doing whatever Israel deems necessary and just to protect its own citizens. Would you have questioned whether it was right for the US to attack the Axis powers in WWII because millions of the inhabitants of Germany, Japan, and Italy were non-Nazi Christians?

If this country had not interfered in Middle Eastern affairs since the 1967 war, Israel would have prevailed in its struggle against the Islamic dogs that have continuously attacked its citizens and it would have been living in peace with its neighbors. Wars need to have clear cut winners and losers for peace to prevail. There will be no lasting peace in the Middle East or on the Korean Peninsula until that happens.
Interesting response to Israeli Navy from Gaza "peace activist" flotilla captain. This event was brought to you in part by the Obama Regime's comrades, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, and Helen Thomas, all of whom helped with the fund raising for the ill fated cruise.

[YOUTUBE="Go back to Auschwitz!"]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
So much for the myth that Israel is trying to starve the citizens of Gaza.

Quote:The Gaza siege myth
Humanitarian Aid Transferred from Israel to Gaza in 2009:
  • 738,576 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred from Israel into Gaza through the Israel-Gaza goods crossings
  • More than 26 million gallons (100 million liters) of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station was transferred from Israel to Gaza
  • 10,544 patients from Gaza, along with their escorts, passed into Israel for medical attention
  • 4,883 tons of medical equipment and medicines entered Gaza
  • 44,500 H1N1 vaccines sent from Israel to Gaza95 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems were transferred into Gaza from Israel
Beetle01 Wrote:I just want to get this straight from you die hard supporters of Israel. You are ok with Israel denying food, water, medicine (although they will let some in when bad press comes around) but they never allow the materials needed to rebuild such as concrete and other construction materials, including tools. You are okay with them denying these necessary things to Christians?

I just wanted to point out that no one is saying that it's good for the people living in the Gaza strip are suffering. You're absolutely right to be concerned about the people living in the Gaza strip. But thankfully, the people living in the Gaza strip are receiving aid (as Hoot Gibson stated above). Therefore, there isn't really anything to argue about anymore, and both Israel and the people living in the Gaza strip win.
In case anybody still doubts that Hamas is the party that is impeding food and humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, read the following article. The flotilla had nothing to do with humanitarian aid. Hamas wants to block the blockade so that it can receive weapons from North Korea and other rogue states. Obama knows this. Hillary knows this. The UN Sec. General knows this. Still, they all side with Hamas. Hitler must be smiling tonight to know that his planned final solution for the Jews has never been abandoned.

Quote:Flotilla aid refused by Hamas

"We refuse to receive the humanitarian aid until all those who were detained aboard the ships are released," said Ahmed Kurd, Minister for Social Welfare in the Hamas government said.
The Aid listed above is not nearly enough FYI. Lets not forget the nation of Israel, even though I support them, you can't trust a thing they say. They lie and use misinfo like its necessary to breathe.

We should not be playing politics with peoples lives. If it is so obvious to everyone who is the problem here, why have we not taken them out? Because there is a lot more to the picture. Before Hamas was every lobbing rockets into Israel, the Jews were going in the middle of the night and kidnapping and executing important Palestinians who wanted their own state. Hamas is a creation of Israel's own ignorance.

I have family who lives in Tel Aviv, and I get a much better account of whats happening over there. Trust me if you depend on the national news stations you aren't getting more than 5% of the truth.
Beetle01 Wrote:The Aid listed above is not nearly enough FYI. Lets not forget the nation of Israel, even though I support them, you can't trust a thing they say. They lie and use misinfo like its necessary to breathe.

We should not be playing politics with peoples lives. If it is so obvious to everyone who is the problem here, why have we not taken them out? Because there is a lot more to the picture. Before Hamas was every lobbing rockets into Israel, the Jews were going in the middle of the night and kidnapping and executing important Palestinians who wanted their own state. Hamas is a creation of Israel's own ignorance.

I have family who lives in Tel Aviv, and I get a much better account of whats happening over there. Trust me if you depend on the national news stations you aren't getting more than 5% of the truth.
Israel is giving 100 percent more charity than I would give to a nation harboring terrorists launching rockets into residential neighborhoods. You said that Israel is starving Christians in Gaza. Do you have any credible evidence to support that assertion?

The blockade that the terrorists are trying to break is not a blockade of food and other humanitarian aid - those materials are already allowed to pass into Gaza. No, the Iranians and other state sponsors of terrorism want to break to blockade to allow the unfettered delivery of weapons into Gaza.

Have you watched the videos posted above? Have you read and watched the Israeli and Palestinian accounts of the seizure of the ship? Did that look like a boatload of peaceful activists to you? If you do not find the Israelis' credible, what about the Palestinians and your own eyes and ears? Do you believe them?

The Obama regime is on the wrong side of this issue, just as they are on the wrong side of most issues. Obama is inviting new wars in both the Middle East and Korea by appeasing terrorist thugs.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Interesting response to Israeli Navy from Gaza "peace activist" flotilla captain. This event was brought to you in part by the Obama Regime's comrades, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, and Helen Thomas, all of whom helped with the fund raising for the ill fated cruise.

[YOUTUBE="Go back to Auschwitz!"]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Hoot, I'm ashamed. You know this video is a fake. Even I knew this after listening to it just one time. This is beneath you, Hoot.
TheRealVille Wrote:Hoot, I'm ashamed. You know this video is a fake. Even I knew this after listening to it just one time. This is beneath you, Hoot.
Really? Do you have anything to support your theory or does your gut just tell you that the recording is fake?
Beetle01 Wrote:The Aid listed above is not nearly enough FYI. Lets not forget the nation of Israel, even though I support them, you can't trust a thing they say. They lie and use misinfo like its necessary to breathe.

We should not be playing politics with peoples lives. If it is so obvious to everyone who is the problem here, why have we not taken them out? Because there is a lot more to the picture. Before Hamas was every lobbing rockets into Israel, the Jews were going in the middle of the night and kidnapping and executing important Palestinians who wanted their own state. Hamas is a creation of Israel's own ignorance.

I have family who lives in Tel Aviv, and I get a much better account of whats happening over there. Trust me if you depend on the national news stations you aren't getting more than 5% of the truth.

I admit I have no honest idea what's happening. I support them because the bible says to support them (In Genesis 12:3, many think that God included the nation of Israel as well as Abraham). Also, I assume that Israel is making the best choices for everyone. Whether they are or not, I can only trust them. If they're not, I definitely shouldn't support that.

By the way, I understand now that it isn't really the "smartest" choice to make by simply trusting someone because you think they're trustworthy (I trusted Israel because I assumed they were trustworthy, since I respect them a lot). As I said earlier, I really don't know what's happening, and I would definitely appreciate it if you helped me understand better.

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