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Mosque Planned Near Ground Zero in New York City
ukyfootball Wrote:So Muslims are going to recruit and train their followers now in the middle of New York City? Gotcha.

I really lol'd on this one. Man, your naive.
vundy33 Wrote:I'll go ahead and say it, because I couldn't give a **** less what you people think of me, the people who are against this don't want it there because it's a mosque. Because it's muslims. The people behind 9/11 were muslims. They relate that to this, and they think it's a slap in the face, which it is. This guy should realize that. Don't go into the whole "not all of muslims are radical" speech, I know that. I've known plenty of muslims in my day.

These people want to know why it HAS to be there, instead of a building another block over. It's out of respect for the people who died there. I don't hate the guy, nor do I hate any of the muslims that go there. It's just a matter of respect.

Just like it's a matter of respect to ask the people of Westboro Baptist not to hold signs up that say "Thank God for dead Soldiers" at my bestfriends funeral.

These people are not the same, but you kind of get my point.

Building large mosques on conquered territory is just what radical Muslims do. They did it when they conquered Jerusalem, they did it when they conquered Spain, and now they believe that they need a monument to their conquest of New York's financial district.

The planned opening ceremony for the new mosque near Ground Zero is September 11, 2011. Does anybody really think that the Muslims behind the new mosque just coincidentally picked that date? Religion of Peace? Not.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Building large mosques on conquered territory is just what radical Muslims do. They did it when they conquered Jerusalem, they did it when they conquered Spain, and now they believe that they need a monument to their conquest of New York's financial district.

The planned opening ceremony for the new mosque near Ground Zero is September 11, 2011. Does anybody really think that the Muslims behind the new mosque just coincidentally picked that date? Religion of Peace? Not.

Shhhhh. How dare you insert truth and logic into this debate?! They have no place here.

Haha, we agree on something!
vundy33 Wrote:Shhhhh. How dare you insert truth and logic into this debate?! They have no place here.

Haha, we agree on something!
I agree with you much more often than not.
ukyfootball Wrote:Uneducated? Thats you. There are tons of verses in the Bible that talk about rape and slavery.

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion.--Rev.9:5

In Genesis (20:3-7), God even threatens to kill Abimelech and his people for believing Abe's lies.

You were just served a piece of humble pie, Stardust.

You have zero clue, nor did you even read (I guess couldn't comprehend) my post. WHERE does the bible ENCOURAGE those to go out and rape, pilage, murder innocent people. Where. Humbel pie, from someone who made no argument, but made mine for me. You have zero evidence of your word (ENCOURAGES). Clueless!
Im not going to get in a huge debate about religion, but its encouraged all throughout the New and Old Testament.

As for the mosque, I can see your guys point of view. And although my heart says dont let them build it, my mind says let them. Theyre US citizens, we have freedom of religion, and its "near" Ground Zero. So what are you going to do, tell them they cant buy the property? I guess you could convince the property owners to not sell it, or if it bothered somebody enough to go ahead and buy the property.
Aslan Wrote:I really lol'd on this one. Man, your naive.

I'm naive? He was the one who said this.

Btw, its "you're."
ukyfootball Wrote:I'm naive? He was the one who said this.

Btw, its "you're."
BTW, it is "it's." :Clap:

Always use proper grammar and spelling when correcting someone else's grammar or spelling. Better yet, just do not correct others' grammar and spelling unless it makes his or her posts difficult to read.
Nobody uses apostrophes when typing. your mistake was a true grammatical error.
ukyfootball Wrote:Nobody uses apostrophes when typing. your mistake was a true grammatical error.
Most of us who are active in this forum do use apostrophes and most of us do not correct the grammar and spelling of our fellow posters. Those who live in glass houses....
ukyfootball Wrote:Im not going to get in a huge debate about religion, but its encouraged all throughout the New and Old Testament.

As for the mosque, I can see your guys point of view. And although my heart says dont let them build it, my mind says let them. Theyre US citizens, we have freedom of religion, and its "near" Ground Zero. So what are you going to do, tell them they cant buy the property? I guess you could convince the property owners to not sell it, or if it bothered somebody enough to go ahead and buy the property.

Good, I can see yours as well. We just don't agree.

Oh yeah, the property could be named a landmark because it was built in the 1850's. Just figured I'd throw that in...
ukyfootball Wrote:Im not going to get in a huge debate about religion, but its encouraged all throughout the New and Old Testament.

As for the mosque, I can see your guys point of view. And although my heart says dont let them build it, my mind says let them. Theyre US citizens, we have freedom of religion, and its "near" Ground Zero. So what are you going to do, tell them they cant buy the property? I guess you could convince the property owners to not sell it, or if it bothered somebody enough to go ahead and buy the property.

As soon as you read that it would be opened on September 11th, at that point you were able to see the opposing views to this. You thought the guy behind this was going with good faith for his religion, but he's doing it in spite of Americans.
No, I always saw the viewpoint of this. However, you all are in the same belief at one of the things Bush wasnt good at- using the courts. Similar to Guantanamo Bay, youre just thinking with your heart. Thats never a way to go about running a country. Yet you guys insist on it.
vundy33 Wrote:Good, I can see yours as well. We just don't agree.

Oh yeah, the property could be named a landmark because it was built in the 1850's. Just figured I'd throw that in...
vundy, I tried replying to your PM but I don't think that the messages were sent successfully. (Either that or you received at least half a dozen. :biggrinSmile I will try replying again later.

In the meantime, here is a link to an ABC story that mentions the 9/11/11 date: Landmark Status Could Stop Mosque Proposal Near Ground Zero.
Good deal.
And politicians agree with me 29-1.
Ha, do you think that represents there true feelings? I guarantee you they did the "politically correct" thing and voted for it.

What I want to know is how you still support this after you know they want to open it on 9/11/11?
I dont support it. I just think they should be able to buy land if they want to.

Honestly, I think the best solution is for the site to become a national landmark, so there can be no debate over this.
The already own it man...where have you been?
I meant "build on their bought land." Sheesh.
ukyfootball Wrote:I'm naive? He was the one who said this.

Btw, its "you're."

Oh, wow. What a burn! You got me on that one man. :lmao:
Has anyone researched Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf? Below are a few articles about the Imam.

Sites by Walid Shoebat
Interview with Robert Spencer on Hannity's show.
Aslan Wrote:Oh, wow. What a burn! You got me on that one man. :lmao:

Let's not turn this into an argument fella'

Aslan Wrote:Oh, wow. What a burn! You got me on that one man. :lmao:

Im sorry you dont know basic grammar. :Thumbs:
ukyfootball Wrote:Im sorry you dont know basic grammar. :Thumbs:

Speak for yourself. Oh I forgot, "Nobody uses apostrophes when typing." :flush:
Aslan Wrote:Speak for yourself. Oh I forgot, "Nobody uses apostrophes when typing." :flush:
Good grammar is easy when one makes one's own rules. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good grammar is easy when one makes one's own rules. :biggrin:

Its not making rules, its just general laziness. Everybody knows where an apostrophe goes. Apparently, some people cant spell correctly though.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good grammar is easy when one makes one's own rules. :biggrin:
ukyfootball Wrote:Its not making rules, its just general laziness. Everybody knows where an apostrophe goes. Apparently, some people cant spell correctly though.

Blah, blah, blah. You can't have it both ways.
Extremist recruit all over our country. The propaganda is spewed all over the internet creating lone wolves. Hard to track those nut jobs that are just antigovernmentalist looking for a cause.
I really don't have anything against muslims. I went to see one today thats my Dr. at the VA. However what kind of person would be attending service near ground zero. Would it be the typical peaceful muslim or would this location stand as a symbol of radical extremist? Seems to me this would be a breeding gound for the kind of violence that created this mess.

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