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US air strikes on Libya
I was referring to all of the coalition, not just France.

And watch it about attacking me, *******. I'm in the military and majoring in Homeland Security, that's why I'm interested in it.

How can you possibly say I have a mental problem from my posts on the internet? Go on, cry a little more because I don't agree with you. You're not going to change my opinion, so stop with the immature ****.

Also, technically, France is our ally. I don't care what they've done in the past. I agree with you on not bothering with Libya, but we are already in it, now I'm just focused on President Obama keeping his promise and not putting us in there.
In France's defense, President Sarkozy has been the most supportive French President of American foreign policy in several decades. Had he been the French president when Reagan asked permission to fly over France his answer probably would have been different from Mitterand's response. Mitterand, like Obama, was a socialist and didn't care much for Reagan.

Maybe Obama got some commitments from some of our allies to support us in actions elsewhere but I doubt it. Rumblings from inside the State Department indicate Hillary Clinton was bothered by the White House's indecision on this issue.
I just want Gadhafi gone so he can't pull anymore crap like what Bob mentioned in 86' and what he's doing now. I don't care how it's done, I just want it done and over with so we can focus on our own problems.
vundy33 Wrote:I was referring to all of the coalition, not just France.

And watch it about attacking me, *******. I'm in the military and majoring in Homeland Security, that's why I'm interested in it.

How can you possibly say I have a mental problem from my posts on the internet? Go on, cry a little more because I don't agree with you. You're not going to change my opinion, so stop with the immature ****.

Also, technically, France is our ally. I don't care what they've done in the past. I agree with you on not bothering with Libya, but we are already in it, now I'm just focused on President Obama keeping his promise and not putting us in there.

Watch it? lol, yeah right.... Listen kid, I dont care where you are, if you're in the military, or what you're majoring in. You've still got a problem.

France is only our ally when it becomes self serving.

Frankly son, I could care less if you agree with me or not, it's blatantly obvious you dont have a clue as to what you are even talking about. One day you'll grow out of this gung ho, **** and vinegar stuff. I want to say again, I appreciate your service, but I am not convinced that it's nothing more than just a dangerous and exciting game to you right now.
Bob Seger Wrote:Watch it? lol, yeah right.... Listen kid, I dont care where you are, if you're in the military, or what you're majoring in. You've still got a problem.

France is only our ally when it becomes self serving.

Frankly son, I could care less if you agree with me or not, it's blatantly obvious you dont have a clue as to what you are even talking about. One day you'll grow out of this gung ho, **** and vinegar stuff. I want to say again, I appreciate your service, but I am not convinced that it's nothing more than just a dangerous and exciting game to you right now.

I could care less if you appreciate my service, go to ****. I think it's a game? My legs say otherwise. You are an idiot, go ahead and keep playing the older, smarter, intellectual. You're just making yourself look stupid.

Tell me, in what ways do I not know what I'm talking about? I think most on this board would disagree with your opinion that I'm gung-ho, that I have a problem, or I think war is a game. Please, do tell.
vundy33 Wrote:I could care less if you appreciate my service, go to ****. I think it's a game? My legs say otherwise. You are an idiot, go ahead and keep playing the older, smarter, intellectual. You're just making yourself look stupid.

Tell me, in what ways do I not know what I'm talking about? I think most on this board would disagree with your opinion that I'm gung-ho, that I have a problem, or I think war is a game. Please, do tell.

I told you the true history of several things, yet in your own words, "I dont care".

I explained the massive amount of money being spent on something we have no business getting into. Yet you comprehend none of that, or like the history lesson, "dont care about that either".

As far as the rest of the board, I am just like them I appreciate your service, (we all do) but that doesn't make you right on every thing. Perhaps listening every now and then would be a suggestion you might want to try.

And I guess finally, you want to talk about immaturity? Reread your last post and several of the preceeding. Look at your little childish Mr. Miyagi snippett on your signature. Nuff said!!!.

Always remember son, the truly great military heros were all of the humble reluctant nature. Eisenhower, Audie Murphy, and Alvin C. York quickly come to mind. They despised what they had to do.

Anyways, go get em tiger. Do be safe though. I sincerely mean that.

I'm done!!
Bob Seger Wrote:I told you the true history of several things, yet in your own words, "I dont care".

I explained the massive amount of money being spent on something we have no business getting into. Yet you comprehend none of that, or like the history lesson, "dont care about that either".

As far as the rest of the board, I am just like them I appreciate your service, (we all do) but that doesn't make you right on every thing. Perhaps listening every now and then would be a suggestion.

And I guess finally, you want to talk about immaturity? Reread your last post and several of the preceeding. Look at your little childish Mr. Miyagi snippett on your signature. Nuff said!!!.

Always remember son, the truly great military heros were all of the humble reluctant nature. Eisenhower, Audie Murphy, and Alvin C. York quickly come to mind.

Anyways, go get em tiger. Do be safe though. I sincerely mean that.

I'm done!!

Yeah, that is YOUR OPINION that we have no business getting into it. Heck, I agree with you, but we're already in it, so I'm focused on the situation at hand and hoping ground forces don't go in, from any country. I didn't say I didn't care about history, I said I didn't care about your opinion and the little bit of money we're spending on this compared to what we've spent on Afghanistan. Like I said, I'm just hoping we don't go in there with any ground forces. At all.

You seem to be the one that thinks their always right. This last post of yours pretty much proves that.

I'm immature because of my signature? It's means that you go out and help yourself instead of waiting on someone else to help you, like most people where I'm from. Apologies that you couldn't comprehend that.

You better believe that I'm going to get pissed when you try to put me off as a war-lover and say that I think it's a game. I hate it, I actually know what it's like and I've given more than "a little out of my check", unlike yourself. I know what the **** it is. You say whatever you want, but I'm not going to sit here and have some pathetic guy talk down to me, act like he's smarter than me just because he's older, and tell me I think war's a game. I have shrapnel from my ankle to my *** to prove that it's not.
Good night Vundy.
^ wisdom does not come with age. But with experience.

^ lol.........And you have which, Wildcat?
Okay, back on topic.

What is taking the rebels so long to start taking Ajdabiya or any other cities they've lost back? One thing I'd be afraid of is getting fired on by the coalition, but I would've taken advantage of the confusion within the Libyan command and attacked.

Whatever happens next, let's hope it happens soon and is over quick. Apparently we're going to start withdrawing at least some troops from Afghan this summer. Big Grin
Bob Seger Wrote:^ lol.........And you have which, Wildcat?

Enough to know that you some old nut case who thinks he knows everything. YOu preach to vundy like he is some war craved psycho. He has done more this country then you and your check book will ever do. Its pathetic how u set there and call him kid, and son, like your some big shot who is twice the man he is. Your the only one that needs to grow up.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Enough to know that you some old nut case who thinks he knows everything. YOu preach to vundy like he is some war craved psycho. He has done more this country then you and your check book will ever do. Its pathetic how u set there and call him kid, and son, like your some big shot who is twice the man he is. Your the only one that needs to grow up.


Perhaps we can just blame it all on Bush. How's that?
Bob Seger Wrote:lol

I would lol to.
Bob Seger Wrote:lol

Perhaps we can blame it all on Bush. How's that?

Or obama, Thats your new motto.
I'm watching CNN right now, they're talking about the rebel's capability to carry on the fight to other cities. They believe they have the capability, just not the resources to keep it up, which is a given.

They need to stop firing into the air and dancing and celebrating and get their crap together.
vundy33 Wrote:I'm watching CNN right now, they're talking about the rebel's capability to carry on the fight to other cities. They believe they have the capability, just not the resources to keep it up, which is a given.

They need to stop firing into the air and dancing and celebrating and get their crap together.

Ever watched blood diamond?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Or obama, Thats your new motto.

That seems to be what he has earned, But anyways let the thread get back on track.
Bob Seger Wrote:That seems to be what he has earned, But anyways let the thread get back on track.

Lives and money dont compare to me.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lives and money dont compare to me.

Yet you have nothing to say about the "Annoited One" getting us into this one. Ironic isn't it?

Or should I say Hypocritic?
Bob Seger Wrote:Yet you have nothing to say about the "Annoited One" getting us into this one. Ironic isn't it?

There is one big difference. We dont have troops there.

And i do not agree with us being there. Although honestly, workting 2 jobs and going to school i dont have time to watch the news about this ****. Its a rerun. We seen it before. 1990 all over again.

Also, The U.N Is supporting this right? Unlike are attack on Iraq in 2003?

And atleast we know what the **** were fighting for this time.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There is one big difference. We dont have troops there.And i do not agree with us being there. Although honestly, workting 2 jobs and going to school i dont have time to watch the news about this ****. Its a rerun. We seen it before. 1990 all over again .

You mean "yet" dont you?

Ah 1990 , I know you remember it well.

So does that mean you'll start Obama bashing now?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Ever watched blood diamond?

Yep, great movie, even better story.

Bob, I wouldn't say Obama got us into it. I think that the U.S. trying to be the world's police since the end of WWII is what has. Everytime something goes wrong, the world looks at us. If we hadn't intervened, our credibility in the Arab world, what little of it we have left, would've taken a hit. If we do, we'd have people disgruntled with that, but I'm actually surprised that most Arab countries agree.

It's like we're screwed if we do, screwed if we don't. We don't have anyone else to blame for it but ourselves though.

What big political figures were against U.S. intervention in Libya? With Japan's situation and the buildup to the no-fly zone in Libya, they haven't talked about who disagreed with it much..
Bob Seger Wrote:You mean "yet" dont you?

So does that mean you'll start Obama bashing now?

If Obama goes to war for phantom nukes ill kiss your ***.

Fighting for something real and something thats a myth is totally different.
Bob Seger Wrote:You mean "yet" dont you?

Ah 1990 , I know you remember it well.

So does that mean you'll start Obama bashing now?

Was it documented differently when u was there or something? :please:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If Obama goes to war for phantom nukes ill kiss your ***.

So far he is getting us in this one over far less than that. Come to think of it, I see nothing.
vundy33 Wrote:Yep, great movie, even better story.

Bob, I wouldn't say Obama got us into it. I think that the U.S. trying to be the world's police since the end of WWII is what has. Everytime something goes wrong, the world looks at us. If we hadn't intervened, our credibility in the Arab world, what little of it we have left, would've taken a hit. If we do, we'd have people disgruntled with that, but I'm actually surprised that most Arab countries agree.

It's like we're screwed if we do, screwed if we don't. We don't have anyone else to blame for it but ourselves though.

What big political figures were against U.S. intervention in Libya? With Japan's situation and the buildup to the no-fly zone in Libya, they haven't talked about who disagreed with it much..
Why would we care? Frankly, I'm tired of worrying what anybody, ESPECIALLY, the Arab world thinks. They will still hate and want to kill us regardless. Besides, that would give Obama just one more thing to apologize for, wouldn't it? He could vacation in Iran next week when he gets back from Brazil and make that a priority. Do you see Russia or China apologizing for anything they do? They could care less what we think of them.
Bob Seger Wrote:So far he is getting us in this one over far less than that. Come to think of it, I see nothing.

Whats going on is less than something that didnt exist? What??
You're acting as if this is Iraq or something Bob. Do you really think that the American people would let President Obama go back on his word and send in U.S. forces? I don't..

If inserting troops was needed, I think the British and French would do it, not us.
vundy33 Wrote:You're acting as if this is Iraq or something Bob. Do you really think that the American people would let President Obama go back on his word and send in U.S. forces? I don't..

If inserting troops was needed, I think the British and French would do it, not us.

Surely you didn't mean to write that. When ever has his word ever meant anything?

How did Iraq start anyways? ....... Enforcing No fly zones? Tomahawk Missles?

Sound familar?

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