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National Budget and National Debt Limit
I thought of adding both of these topics in one thread if you guys don't mind. I think congress will soon vote for a budget for this year. In either this month or early May, they'll decide on whether or not to raise the national debt limit. What do you think the national budget should be like? If we don't make significant spending cuts, should we not raise the national debt limit?

By the way, do you guys know what will happen if we don't raise the national debt limit? It's very important for you to know if you don't already.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I thought of adding both of these topics in one thread if you guys don't mind. I think congress will soon vote for a budget for this year. In either this month or early May, they'll decide on whether or not to raise the national debt limit. What do you think the national budget should be like? If we don't make significant spending cuts, should we not raise the national debt limit?

By the way, do you guys know what will happen if we don't raise the national debt limit? It's very important for you to know if you don't already.

Dogs and cats living together?
I say screw it.
To be completely honest im so sick of this crap that i dont care what happens.
I dont care if we come out with flying colors or go completely broke and we have no social security, i believe all americans have been filled with so much garbage its not worth even paying attention to anymore.
Point is, were always going to be a country. Maybe we should just start spending less and get over it. One things for sure Obamas got to go and we cant vote in another retard.
Ive gave up all faith in our government and have quit watching anything to do with it.
[quote=Bolt]I say screw it.
To be completely honest im so sick of this crap that i dont care what happens.
I dont care if we come out with flying colors or go completely broke and we have no social security, i believe all americans have been filled with so much garbage its not worth even paying attention to anymore.
Point is, were always going to be a country. Maybe we should just start spending less and get over it. One things for sure Obamas got to go and we cant vote in another retard.
Ive gave up all faith in our government and have quit watching anything to do with it.[/QUOTE]

Have you given up in our government or political parties?
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I thought of adding both of these topics in one thread if you guys don't mind. I think congress will soon vote for a budget for this year. In either this month or early May, they'll decide on whether or not to raise the national debt limit. What do you think the national budget should be like? If we don't make significant spending cuts, should we not raise the national debt limit?

By the way, do you guys know what will happen if we don't raise the national debt limit? It's very important for you to know if you don't already.

These are very interesting questions. Short answer budget should be spent on the what the constitution said it would do.

Lot bad things would happen though, in the short term if our government would do this.

We should raise the debt limit and continue to cut spending...more than 38 billion dollars... but that is another point all together.
tvtimeout Wrote:[quote=Bolt]I say screw it.
To be completely honest im so sick of this crap that i dont care what happens.
I dont care if we come out with flying colors or go completely broke and we have no social security, i believe all americans have been filled with so much garbage its not worth even paying attention to anymore.
Point is, were always going to be a country. Maybe we should just start spending less and get over it. One things for sure Obamas got to go and we cant vote in another retard.
Ive gave up all faith in our government and have quit watching anything to do with it.[/QUOTE]

Have you given up in our government or political parties?

Mostly our political parties.
I honestly believe that democracy is the best thing possible.
Thats why everyone envys it.
However, when put into the hands of complete retards, it can be taken advantage of and leads to things like this.
Right now, we look like a joke.
With news that the recent budget deal will result in actual spending cuts of not $38 billion, but maybe under $1 billion, I believe that we are about to see how many in Congress are actually concerned enough with budget deficits to take a stand. When the House votes on the budget deal, the fiscally responsible Republicans will be voting against it. Democrats who vote against the deal will be doing so because any spending cut is "extreme."

If is time for the tea parties to flex their muscles in the House and send Speaker Boehner and Congressman Cantor a loud message.
Bolt Wrote:[quote=tvtimeout]

Mostly our political parties.
I honestly believe that democracy is the best thing possible.
Thats why everyone envys it.
However, when put into the hands of complete retards, it can be taken advantage of and leads to things like this.
Right now, we look like a joke.

This is what happened to me as well. That is why I went outside of the box and looked at the Libertarian Party. We have to do something to shake things up, republicans run their mouth about issues, but they don't change them. Democrats tell you that they wish to increase government and they do. I felt like I was not being represented, at least this way, I feel l have stated my opinion, even if it may never count.
I've found an interesting article you might want to read. Here's the link:
Debt limit is an artificial ceiling that means very little. Until real spending is cut debt/deficit issue will not change. Also we can not tax our way out of this issue. Those that are argue for a certain percent of the population to pay their "fair" share of taxes and belittles those "evil" rich or big business are also the same people who state that the cuts that a proposed are only a drop in the bucket. Even if you confiscate the wealth of that 1% of the population It will only be a small percentage of the national deficit.

Real Spending cuts must be made, reforms need to be made in the IRS and the way we are taxed, government waste must be rooted out.
nky Wrote:Debt limit is an artificial ceiling that means very little. Until real spending is cut debt/deficit issue will not change. Also we can not tax our way out of this issue. Those that are argue for a certain percent of the population to pay their "fair" share of taxes and belittles those "evil" rich or big business are also the same people who state that the cuts that a proposed are only a drop in the bucket. Even if you confiscate the wealth of that 1% of the population It will only be a small percentage of the national deficit.

Real Spending cuts must be made, reforms need to be made in the IRS and the way we are taxed, government waste must be rooted out.

Totally agree with you. Let's face reality. The dems are in denial to the point of the absurd. We can't continue on our path towards the cliff but, we are. The only way this nation will survive the short term is to vote these screwballs out of office. I appreciate policticians that want to help the poor or the downtrodden, that doesn't mean we can just legislate our way to perfection.

Think about what the Washington wide eyed are doing. We don't like fossil fuels anymore so we legislate all green stuff. What did that do? All and I mean ALL of my energy bills are nearing 200% of what they were two years ago and, my car still has to run on gas, even in the face of all the green legislating, I'm shocked! We pay for the most elaborate 5th column in our nation's history. Forget the trojan horse ruse, we will educate the extemist militant and terrorist from our enemies shores on the taxpayer dime. How about Harvard or Yale, and just let uncle sam know if you need anything else. We can't afford Obama Care, or runaway entitlements. And would somebody please explain to me what we're doing in the middle east?

I guess it would be nice if the world was perfect, and everyone had all they wanted or needed. The reality is that, and here's where the democrats need to pay attention, WE CAN'T LEGISLATE OURSELVES INTO EDEN! Obama quote- "if you, like us, believe that government can make a difference" and then he went on to make yet another promise to the middle class. He has got to stop trying to be everybody's provider, unless he has 15 trillion laying around to cover it. It's time to come out of dreamland and face reality. Along with all the other road signs we keep ignoring, now a spokesman for the IMF has recently stated the following "The Age of America is over". And then there's my favorite, Standard & Poors downgraded our credit rating from stable to negative. Seriously, it's a dangerous situation when our government is in the hands of people who think all they have to do to make things ok is to pass yet another bill. I had to teach my children years ago that just writing a check for something won't work, you have to actually have money in the bank.
I think the National Debt Limit will be reached by next week, May 16, 2011. To my understanding, we will be facing an economic crisis if it isn't raised because we will be defaulting on our debt. I thought I heard that for the first few weeks, nothing much would happen. It's after the first few weeks when we would be experiencing an economic crisis. However, I'm not sure if this is correct or not. Just be ready for anything, just in case.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is dipping into the federal pension funds to push it back till Aug. 2.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Another reason not to raise the limit because somehow the administration will find away to fund their programs. The Republicans need to hold fast and require massive cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling. Even one for one- for every dollar it goes up you have to cut a dollar of spending.
Just to remind everyone, our country will reach the national debt limit around August 2 of this year (about a month away), although I think it can be extended longer than this.

I can remember that Glenn Beck said to his audience that we will be experiencing the "bottom up, top down" strategy by the end of September. I think he's referring to that our country will be experiencing riots by the end of September, but he might even be referring to the economic collapse that's coming. I'm not sure why he said this will happen by the end of this September, but he's been correct about quite a few things. This would include his predictions of: (1) our country monetizing our currency, (2) the Middle East uprisings cascading throughout the Middle East, and (3) about the coming economic collapse that's coming in the near future. Glenn Beck has been correct about quite a few things, and that's why I tend to believe what he says. Please make sure you're prepared for the coming economic collapse. I've already made a thread in the "General Discussion" forum that involves some information that might help you prepare for the coming economic collapse, and I'll try my best to continue to look for more information.

Keep in mind that this coming event could happen before September. I think Glenn Beck was saying that September would be the latest date that this detrimental event would occur.

Just to let everyone know, I didn't watch Glenn Beck because of anything political. I try my best to ignore any political bias that Glenn Beck might be promoting. But I believe what Glenn Beck says only because he's been correct about quite a few predictions that he's made.
I think that you give Glenn Beck waaay too much credit for his economic predictions. Beck just researches and reports other people's predictions and he tends to claim a little too much credit when his second hand predictions come true. As for the riots, they have already begun.

Large mobs consisting entirely of black Americans (mostly young males) have been terrorizing white victims around the country for the past several weeks. True to form, the Obama media has grossly under reported these racist attacks by downplaying the racial component of these attacks - often failing to report the race of the attackers. When it becomes obvious that Barrack Obama will not be reelected, black on white crime will escalate in cities like Chicago (the epicenter of the racist attacks). I will not be shocked to learn that these riots are not as spontaneous as we are being led to believe. Intimidation is a core principle of "community organizing."

As for the dire economic predictions that Beck has made, Milton Friedman and other people who were much smarter than Glenn Beck predicted the same sort of coming chaos that inevitably results from run away spending at least as early as the early 1960s. What is happening to our economy has happened repeatedly to other countries' economies before and it is pretty easy to predict the consequences of following a recipe for disaster.

Many people will simply tune out anything that Beck says because of his melodramatics and strong tendency to over-promote himself. In short, he is a glory hound and that rubs many people the wrong way. I agree with Beck most of the time and he rubs me the wrong way. He is the wrong messenger with the right message.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that you give Glenn Beck waaay too much credit for his economic predictions. Beck just researches and reports other people's predictions and he tends to claim a little too much credit when his second hand predictions come true. As for the riots, they have already begun.

Large mobs consisting entirely of black Americans (mostly young males) have been terrorizing white victims around the country for the past several weeks. True to form, the Obama media has grossly under reported these racist attacks by downplaying the racial component of these attacks - often failing to report the race of the attackers. When it becomes obvious that Barrack Obama will not be reelected, black on white crime will escalate in cities like Chicago (the epicenter of the racist attacks). I will not be shocked to learn that these riots are not as spontaneous as we are being led to believe. Intimidation is a core principle of "community organizing."

As for the dire economic predictions that Beck has made, Milton Friedman and other people who were much smarter than Glenn Beck predicted the same sort of coming chaos that inevitably results from run away spending at least as early as the early 1960s. What is happening to our economy has happened repeatedly to other countries' economies before and it is pretty easy to predict the consequences of following a recipe for disaster.

Many people will simply tune out anything that Beck says because of his melodramatics and strong tendency to over-promote himself. In short, he is a glory hound and that rubs many people the wrong way. I agree with Beck most of the time and he rubs me the wrong way. He is the wrong messenger with the right message.

Really? Please point me to some of the non-"Obama media" sources.
BillyB Wrote:Really? Please point me to some of the non-"Obama media" sources.
If you doubt the veracity of my claim, then google it yourself and prove yourself wrong. If you need me to google it for you, then I will be glad to do it for you. Just let me know if you need me to research anything else for you.

Now, if you want examples of the so-called mainstream media reporting on these vicious crimes without reporting the race of the perpetrators, then here are a couple to get you started:

Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise

From Philadelphia

Here, a Chicago Tribune columnist explains why the newspaper does not identify the race of the animals involved in the flash mob attacks.

If you can't find many more instances of news reports involving violent attacks by roving gangs of young black men and teenagers where the reporters fail to identify the race of the perps, then you just are not trying.

Another thing that is missing in these accounts are the hysterical demands that the perpetrators be charged with hate crimes that almost invariably occur when more than one white person beats up a person of color. (I personally oppose hate crime laws and all other laws that create protected classes but the hypocrisy in these flash mob cases is stunning.)

The size and number of this type of attacks is growing and if big American cities do not get a handle on the problem, Obama might as well drop out of the 2012 race now.

Speaking of Obama, have you heard him publicly condemn these attacks yet? Has he invited anybody to the White House for a beer summit over them or visited any of the victims in the hospitals?

After all, the arrest of one black professor behaving suspiciously (trying to break into his own house) and then being verbally abusive to an arresting police officer was enough for our president to describe the police as "behaving stupidly."

Are the thugs involved in these attacks behaving stupidly or are white policemen to blame?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you doubt the veracity of my claim, then google it yourself and prove yourself wrong. If you need me to google it for you, then I will be glad to do it for you. Just let me know if you need me to research anything else for you.

Now, if you want examples of the so-called mainstream media reporting on these vicious crimes without reporting the race of the perpetrators, then here are a couple to get you started:

Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise

From Philadelphia

Here, a Chicago Tribune columnist explains why the newspaper does not identify the race of the animals involved in the flash mob attacks.

If you can't find many more instances of news reports involving violent attacks by roving gangs of young black men and teenagers where the reporters fail to identify the race of the perps, then you just are not trying.

Another thing that is missing in these accounts are the hysterical demands that the perpetrators be charged with hate crimes that almost invariably occur when more than one white person beats up a person of color. (I personally oppose hate crime laws and all other laws that create protected classes but the hypocrisy in these flash mob cases is stunning.)

The size and number of this type of attacks is growing and if big American cities do not get a handle on the problem, Obama might as well drop out of the 2012 race now.

Speaking of Obama, have you heard him publicly condemn these attacks yet? Has he invited anybody to the White House for a beer summit over them or visited any of the victims in the hospitals?

After all, the arrest of one black professor behaving suspiciously (trying to break into his own house) and then being verbally abusive to an arresting police officer was enough for our president to describe the police as "behaving stupidly."

Are the thugs involved in these attacks behaving stupidly or are white policemen to blame?

I know this has a tendency to incite certain disdain but, when it's the only answer it should be referenced. As the pressure continues to build here in our melting pot (pressure cooker) society between and among the various ethnic groups, can't you feel a certain foreboding? Pandora's box was opened when it was suggested that financial well being has some clandestine machinations for success rooted and guarded by the haves. This notion (or rather rationalization) has all the ethnic cliques claiming they are being held back by the established capitalist traditional strongholds that comprise the American financial sector.

Sorry but, it isn't as easy as buying a lottery ticket. Those that have achieved financial success have paid the price, often too high a price to become wealthy. Just because one might see opulence all around him doesn't mean he has the right to just reach out and possess it, one has to work hard and long. However, when we allow politicians to redefine capitalism the way they have of late it becomes a matter of race or ethnicity. Even though the ratio of millionaire democratic Senators and Congressmen are about even with their republican counterparts (234 in the House and 40 in the Senate) the democrats have been very successful in tagging the republican as the rich man's supporter. This idea, or in this case, lie, that republicans are the protectors of the rich is an image that seemingly cannot be overcome.

What happens when the democrat realizes that government cannot supply the minorities with the riches they keep promising? Fighting in the streets possibly? Saying it again, government's role is to provide a safe environment for it's citizens to be able to go out and earn a living. Not hand them everything from food to healthcare. When you think about it that is the democrat's platform, give the people what they want and say, "we're the ones that give you all stuff, not those rich republicans. So keep voting for us and we'll keep handing it out!" Once we started giving people food and substance of all kinds there was no way to limit how much to give, or to whom. The same second ones tries to set limits they will cry descrimination. We have tried it and they have screamed it already.

I can't imagine a better way to start civil infighting than to foster hate between the diverse groups that make up this land. And who is making the case for civil unrest? Democrats. They're the ones who preach redistribution of wealth, and soldier on waving the flag of Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society." While on the campaign trail and on every media outlet they preach to the same old drumbeat. Saying this is America, we take care of out citizens. The exteme liberal ideologue's dream, it's a religion really, a belief. As long as the bank holds out the dream can go on but, when the money's gone everybody is going to wake up real fast.

Across the ocean the 27 member states of the Euorpean Union are starting to drop like flies. Italy now in the cross hairs of economic collapse is the third largest economy in Europe and seventh in the world. Will our leaders wake up and smell the coffee to tame spending and entitlements in time to divert us from a similar fate? Time to see the truth about US politics, vote for the candidate not the party. Anytime somebody is promising you something for nothing you know he or she is a fraud. Much less when we see politicians pitting citizens against each other for the purpose of personal gain, in most cases elected office, tempting riots or worse. People like this are, let's say less than honorable. Use your vote with integrity in 2012.
lol Hoot. Schoolin haters evarywherr.
vundy33 Wrote:lol Hoot. Schoolin haters evarywherr.
I do try. :biggrin:

I think that extreme multiculturism in some parts of the country and the belief by so many liberals that certain groups of people cannot cope with modern civilization is one of the root causes of the violent so-called "flash mobs." Liberals have done a great job making black Americans living in our inner cities feel persecuted by and dependent upon more "fortunate" white people. There is no room in this country for a "gangsta" culture. I believe that Dr. Thomas Sowell first described the impact of liberal policies on poor black Americans as the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

However, the main reason that I mentioned the mob violence was to illustrate to what lengths the liberal media will go to avoid identifying the race of the perpetrators of mob violence when those perpetrators are not white. I don't take anything that is reported by the media at face value. If the colors of the thugs and their victims were reversed, Eric Holder would be all over these barbarians and so would the media.
^To clarify, I'm not saying that the dems are willfully creating havoc for the sake of ushering in the first stages of anarchy. I am saying that pointing to others as the source of all one's percieved problems is unamerican and hypocritical at best and is causing manifold social issues in the name of political gain.

For example, I heard the president speak today saying that he would not sign any stopgap funding measure in order to temporarily stave off the deadline for establishing the debt ceiling. That's great except for the fact that it's been 800 days since we have had a buget come out of the democratically controlled US Senate. Hello, is anybody home? It's your party members that are dragging their feet sir. Blaming the republicans for not having a spending policy in place when it's the democrats. They have multiple quotes on record regarding this very situation best characterized by the Senate majoity leader himself Mr. Reid when he said they would be "crazy" to offer legislation on the matter now. The truth just isn't going to come out of their mouths.
TheRealThing Wrote:Across the ocean the 27 member states of the Euorpean Union are starting to drop like flies. Italy now in the cross hairs of economic collapse is the third largest economy in Europe and seventh in the world.
I'm glad you pointed this out TheRealThing. This was some surprising news that I learned earlier today. Hopefully, they won't get into any financial trouble, but I'm guessing that their coming economic collapse is unavoidable. I know that it is for us, and most likely for Greece.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't take anything that is reported by the media at face value.

Hoot Gibson, I completely agree. And thanks for pointing out the flash mobs that are occurring around the country. I've heard of them, but I wasn't sure how bad they were.

Hoot Gibson, about your post where you talked about Glenn Beck, I definitely understand that there were others before him who had the same economic predictions. However, the fact that I was trying to emphasize was that he tries to tell his audience the truth. Therefore, when he says it will be "bottom up, top down" (in other words, trouble) in our country by around September, I know that he's at least trying to tell the truth.

And I know Glenn Beck was "emotional" on his show, but at least he was willing to receive criticism for simply trying to warn his audience of the coming economic trouble while explaining other stories that weren't being reported. From what I know, no other major media person has been willing to do what Glenn Beck did. Therefore, he might've been the "wrong messenger for the right message", but at least he was a messenger. That's better than nothing. And god bless people like Grant Jeffrey as well, who has also been trying to warn others of the coming economic collapse. If it wasn't for both Grant Jeffrey and Glenn Beck saying the same thing, I probably would've shrugged it off as a conspiracy theory.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:Hoot Gibson, I completely agree. And thanks for pointing out the flash mobs that are occurring around the country. I've heard of them, but I wasn't sure how bad they were.

Hoot Gibson, about your post where you talked about Glenn Beck, I definitely understand that there were others before him who had the same economic predictions. However, the fact that I was trying to emphasize was that he tries to tell his audience the truth. Therefore, when he says it will be "bottom up, top down" (in other words, trouble) in our country by around September, I know that he's at least trying to tell the truth.

And I know Glenn Beck was "emotional" on his show, but at least he was willing to receive criticism for simply trying to warn his audience of the coming economic trouble while explaining other stories that weren't being reported. From what I know, no other major media person has been willing to do what Glenn Beck did. Therefore, he might've been the "wrong messenger for the right message", but at least he was a messenger. That's better than nothing. And god bless people like Grant Jeffrey as well, who has also been trying to warn others of the coming economic collapse. If it wasn't for both Grant Jeffrey and Glenn Beck saying the same thing, I probably would've shrugged it off as a conspiracy theory.
Deathstar, it's not that I dislike Glenn Beck but I just don't fully trust him. I have been listening to Beck's radio show (mostly in small doses) for many years and I suspect that his intense focus on conservative politics after he landed the Fox News gig had as much to do with audience demographics and ratings as with Beck's core political beliefs. He has just never sold me that he fully believes everything that he says.

One area in which I Beck deserves a lot of credit is his work ethic. Like Rush Limbaugh, when his microphone goes live, it is obvious to me that Beck has spent hours preparing for the show. That is not true of most talk show hosts, IMO. Most just seem to wing it a good part of the time and you cannot have a successful political/current events talk show if you know less than many of your callers and guests.

As for economics, I prefer getting my information from economists like Milton Friedman, Walter Williams, and Thomas Sowell. Basic economics really never changes and the same basic principles apply to this country the same as they do for any other country.
^Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite men of high achievement. His syndicated column is one of the best. The following is an excerpt taken from an interview entitled "Black and right" by Ray Sawhill in late 1999.

QUESTION: The passage of the '64 Civil Rights Act is usually viewed as one of the great events of the century. Not by you?

ANSWER: "Of course there were things that needed to be gotten rid of -- the Jim Crow system in the South. My point is that people expected social and economic results which were not to be expected from that source.

What happens is that there's a sweeping under the rug of black success that does not fit the ideological vision. Just recently I learned about a black man named Paul Williams. This man became an architect back in the 1920s. He was told, "Your people don't have enough money to buy houses and build buildings, so you're going to have to depend upon white people for a living, and white people are not anxious to have a black architect." But he dealt with it, and in the '20s he began to make a name for himself. As the years went by he built homes for various celebrities and wealthy people -- Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, Cary Grant. He was part of a team that designed a building at the Los Angeles airport. For decades he was successful.

Now, no one wants to talk about him. Why wouldn't they want to? Because if you talk about him it knocks the props out from under the vision of why blacks are where they are. If it's all due to racism, how was this man able to succeed? Was it really just dumb luck?

Similarly, when I studied that high school, which became known as Dunbar High School in later years, I was naive enough to think that -- because everyone was talking about the problems of black education, what can the government do to bring good education to black kids, etc -- people would be eager to hear about it. I was saying, here's a place where there has already been outstanding education for blacks for 85 years. Well, I was totally wrong. I published my study, and it received very little attention. What attention it did receive was largely hostile attention from the black leadership community. Why hostile? Because it was of no use to them. It didn't justify new government programs, and it didn't show how the evils of white people were fatal to blacks. You just can't show people succeeding in ways that undermine the vision."

Here is the link for the whole article,]http://[/URL]

This is an example of democratic espoused hypocracy. Democratic liberals in league with black leadership. In the end, though there has been some short term benefit for the less fortunate, the real benefactors in the long run have been the politicians (who keep getting reelected) and those in positions of black leadership.
One more time, the Thomas Sowell interview

I have been a big Thomas Sowell fan for a long time. I first learned of him years ago when he subbed for Rush Limbaugh. Then I started reading his weekly columns and finally got around to reading a few of his books. A few months ago, I watched every Youtube video that I could find that featured Sowell and/or Friedman.

If the mainstream media had given Sowell and Walter Williams as much air time as they have the racist hucksters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the world would be a little better place today.

. (To those who may not know, Frances Fox Piven is half of the married couple that advanced the Clower-Piven strategy to bankrupt our government by overburdening its social welfare programs and produce reforms that would guarantee every citizen a minimum annual income. Glenn Beck spent quite a bit of time making the case that the Obama administration is pursuing that very course.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have been a big Thomas Sowell fan for a long time. I first learned of him years ago when he subbed for Rush Limbaugh. Then I started reading his weekly columns and finally got around to reading a few of his books. A few months ago, I watched every Youtube video that I could find that featured Sowell and/or Friedman.

If the mainstream media had given Sowell and Walter Williams as much air time as they have the racist hucksters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the world would be a little better place today.

. (To those who may not know, Frances Fox Piven is half of the married couple that advanced the Clower-Piven strategy to bankrupt our government by overburdening its social welfare programs and produce reforms that would guarantee every citizen a minimum annual income. Glenn Beck spent quite a bit of time making the case that the Obama administration is pursuing that very course.)

Great link, and what a breath of fresh air! One thing that made Reagan such a great president was that he knew how to put the best people around himself, people like Milton Friedman.

Here is what I have trouble understanding, with the tried and true thinking of folks like Friedman and Sowell so readily available and, given the factual record of the success of the Reagan years replete with progress and personal well being, why are we doing a 180 to turn away from what works?

That's what I mean when I talk about living through a time in history when the money literally dried up and the American dream was in jepordy just as it is in this day. I mean, I was THERE, I saw it all happen. During Jimmy Carter's presidency I saw our nation's economy nose dive. Today's problems are far worse but, we know how to fix them. We have the road map to success which is the the historical record characterized by the misery of the Carter Era followed by the success and euphoria of the Reagan Era. I have said that Clinton took credit for financial good times that Reagan initiated and, any unbiased witness of those years would certainly agree IMO. The policies as suggested by Milton Friedman and implemented by the Reagan Administration is what righted our ship, in such dramatic fashion that we had a comlete and miraculous turnaround in just ONE president's time in office. It was those policies that healed our land so well that the Clinton Administration had such fair seas upon which to sail.

Frankly, we have been in a social and financial free fall since Reagan left office. I'm not that much of a George H and W fan. The fact is they were the best choice of those that ran for the office of president at that time. You're seeing in Obama a lot of the lunacy you would have had with Al Gore. The same liberal nutso rhetoric that was so obvious coming from the mouth of Frances Fox Piven is common to all these bozos. When I stick up for the republicans it's because they tend to align themselves more with what has traditionally worked in the past and because we absolutely must have somebody in government that can be in a position to check the secular humanistic jabberwocky coming from the left's la-la land, imaginary, alter reality. If we as a nation would have had misfits like those mentioned in charge during the the WWII Era I doubt we would be free right now. In their eyes we aren't a sovereign nation to be loved and protected. No, to be true to their ideals we have to allow immigration/infiltration by any and all enemies, porous borders, victory mosques etc. We have become slaves to an ideal, that ideal is tolerance. Tolerance to point where we must give up our nation to be ravenged by dogs if need be to demonstrate how trully tolerant we are. We don't have the right to be ourselves anymore because that would be offensive to those who may differ with us. Sorry, just complaining about some of the liberal dogma that is transforming America into something unrecognizable when compared to a time as recent as 20 years ago.
:Thumbs: Well said! I agree with absolutely everything that you said. Like you, I watched Carter make the same blunders that Obama is making and I watch Ronald Reagan and his team undo the damage and set the country on a prosperous path. While statues of Reagan are being erected all over Europe and countries tightening their belts and taking pages from the Friedman economic playbook, this nation is being pulled down a socialist path that has repeatedly been proven disastrous.

Friedman is no longer with us and Thomas Sowell recently turned 81. It is a shame that most young people in this country have grown up and will probably die without even knowing who these great men were.

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