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Was Going After Bin Laden Illegal?
The guy they call Judge on Fox Business says going after Bin Laden was illegal. What say you?

Quote:This business of the president deciding to kill people is very dangerous and very unlawful. Put aside that governmental assassination is a violation of the Constitution. Put aside that this killing was not in self-defense and was without a declaration of war. Put aside the law that the president may never order the killing of civilians—period. And put aside that governmental killing violates at least four treaties and three federal statutes.
I don't know. I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure the events of 9/11/2001 were illegal.
BillyB Wrote:The guy they call Judge on Fox Business says going after Bin Laden was illegal. What say you?

This is where those who specialize in law have their wires crossed IMO. We are a sovereign nation and therefore have the authority to demand that OUR own citizens must obey the law and consequently punish those who don't.

To think that everybody else on the planet is compelled to obey US law is rediculous. When a non citizen kills Americans, or even one American for that matter, to say a military mission to bring them to justice is wrong is antilogic. Here we have a guy that is directly responsible for the murders of literally thousands of innocents and exacerbating a mild recession into the possible total collapse of our nations economy (3 trillion is the best guess price tag for 9/11 and that figure is equal to 2 years deficit spending by the US ). And Napolitano thinks that we should just not respond because he says it's illegal. This is a military matter and must be dealt with accordingly.

One of the main responsibilities of government is to protect it's citizenry. According to Napolitano that is illegal. People like Bin Laden can just keep on blowing us up and gunning us down and we can't go after them. Makes one worry where all the common sense went doesn't it?
I didn't hear Judge Napolitano but I respect his opinion. I suspect that he is right on this issue and that bin Laden's killing violated an executive order issued by weak-kneed Jimmy Carter more than 30 years ago. Just in case a law was broken, President Obama should sign pardons to everybody involved. Then he should rescind the executive order and if necessary, introduce legislation that would legalize the killing of terrorists and those who aid and abet them under situations similar to this one.

In most cases, it is a bad idea to assassinate foreign heads of state but few people would disagree with the notion that the world would have been a far better place if Hitler had been killed ASAP after he invaded Poland - by any means that might have been available. The world has not seen its last Hitler and the United States has not seen the last Islamo-fascist killing as many of us as possible.

Whether you want to celebrate the death of a deeply evil man or the fact that the world is a little better place to live now that we are not sharing air with bin Laden, this is a happy occasion.
We violated a sovereign country's territory, so we did violate some international treaties.

How would we feel if another country sent elite troops in to this country and carried out a military strike?
nky Wrote:We violated a sovereign country's territory, so we did violate some international treaties.

How would we feel if another country sent elite troops in to this country and carried out a military strike?
If our government ever sinks to the depths of providing sanctuary to terrorist thugs like bin Laden, it will be time for a new one (government, that is). Besides, I truly doubt that the raid was carried out without the secret permission of the Pakistan government. If it was, then Pakistan needs to review its defenses.
I will answer this with a resounding, "I DON'T CARE IF IT IS ILLEGAL".
Panther Thunder Wrote:I will answer this with a resounding, "I DON'T CARE IF IT IS ILLEGAL".
Yeah, exactly. Hey Judge, I dont give a **** if it was illegal. Shut up and deal with it.:Thumbs:
Are we a country of laws or not?
I don't think we told Pakistan anything. To many people in our government believe that some within the Pakistan government had knowledge and may have been aiding Bin Laden. From what I've been reading even within our own government only a few knew about this activity
panther thunder Wrote:i will answer this with a resounding, "i don't care if it is illegal".

tideshoss32 Wrote:yeah, exactly. Hey judge, i dont give a **** if it was illegal. Shut up and deal with it.:thumbs:

This is why I don't watch Fox news.
Like someone earlier said, 911 was certainly illegal.
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The law they're talking about on FOX says it is illegal to kill or target another country's leader if I'm not mistaken. Of course Bin Laden isn't a leader he is a terrorist and has been declared an enemy combatant. Heaven help us if the ACLU gets involved with this or that law will be stretched to include everybody on the planet except Americans.

Covert activity by our government whether by the CIA or special forces is normally outside what would be considered legal. A self confessed mass murderer like Bin Laden who was being aided and abetted by a rogue government was dealt with in a manner befitting the situation. We've chased this guy for a decade and what were the chances that he would have ever been caught? Like somebody said, "who knows, maybe the million dollar compound Bin Laden was living in was financed in part or completely by US aid money?"

Sometimes we have to give as good as we get. Otherwise, terrorists can use our own law as a sheild to protect the terrorist while he is engaged in wholesale slaughter of Americans. I would think the concept is justifiable in the same way war is justifiable. They attack innocent civilians like the cowards they are and we respond by going after them. We got people sitting around writing laws nearly 24/7 if it's illegal to go after these monsters let's change the law. By the way if you've been listening to the legal oppinion about this by the lawyers on TV then you know that whether it's legal or illegal is about as clear as mud. None of them agree.

I'm pretty sure we would extradite any mass murderers lurking about in a militaryesque compound from within our borders.
^ Good post, I agree with most of that
That's why we can not have civilian trials for terror suspects. I think the administration has finally figured that one out.
Thanks to rules initiated by Reagan and Bush, the action was legal.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obama is playing this up for all the political mileage he can get out of it? He reminds me of the kid who never participated in sports celebrating on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. And, from the way he throws a baseball, it is obvious he never participated in America's Pastime.

I have often been told, and I believe it is true, that you can tell a lot about a man from the way he throws a baseball.
^Tell that to Napolitano, he seems to be having a lot of trouble understanding the law in this matter. The overreaching and meddling by US lawyers into the armed services is a very troubling prospect to me.
Truth Wrote:Thanks to rules initiated by Reagan and Bush, the action was legal.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obama is playing this up for all the political mileage he can get out of it? He reminds me of the kid who never participated in sports celebrating on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. And, from the way he throws a baseball, it is obvious he never participated in America's Pastime.

I have often been told, and I believe it is true, that you can tell a lot about a man from the way he throws a baseball.
How about this guy!
[YOUTUBE="President Bush 1st World Series after 9/11 in NY"]UXuxCqPKflo[/YOUTUBE]

Truth Wrote:Thanks to rules initiated by Reagan and Bush, the action was legal.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obama is playing this up for all the political mileage he can get out of it? He reminds me of the kid who never participated in sports celebrating on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. And, from the way he throws a baseball, it is obvious he never participated in America's Pastime.

I have often been told, and I believe it is true, that you can tell a lot about a man from the way he throws a baseball.
From the way Obama throws a baseball his first pitch as a president may have been the first time he touched a baseball. I have never seen a grown man who is supposed to be somewhat athletic throw like Obama. He looks like what Arnold would call a "girly man" - and that is an insult to the many girls who have cannons for arms by comparison. :biggrin:
Truth Wrote:Thanks to rules initiated by Reagan and Bush, the action was legal.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obama is playing this up for all the political mileage he can get out of it? He reminds me of the kid who never participated in sports celebrating on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. And, from the way he throws a baseball, it is obvious he never participated in America's Pastime.I have often been told, and I believe it is true, that you can tell a lot about a man from the way he throws a baseball.

Yeah, but have you seen him shake and bake?....:biggrin:
^I have seen some footage of Obama on the court, he looked less than comfortable at best IMO. Saw where Omar Bin Laden is demanding an investigation into the legality of the raid and subsequent outcome on his dad's compound in Pakistan.

What would be the penal consideration if some judge the likes of Vicki Miles-LaGrange who, having circumvented the Oklahoma State amendment which bans judges from consulting Sharia law were to sit in judgement in a matter such as this one? Would Bin Laden's relatives be able to indict a sitting president? These embrace all comers under the liberal flag of everything better wake up! The United States answers to no one. You think Hitler or Sadaam wouldn't have a case against Roosevelt, Truman or Bush under sharia law? My guess would be that the Bin Ladens will demand some huge money award in view of their loss. If we were to bow even once to this stupidity IMO there would be no stopping point. In my view, the Bin Ladens and their ilk owe America trillions in real loss and pain and suffering. Let our lawmakers stand up and demand repayment for those that suffered so greatly on 9/11 and the following decade.
I could care less if it was illegal or not really.
I believe strongly that it was illegal.

A nearly 60 y/o man walking with a cane, on dialysis, unarmed, and weighing as much as a 10 year old....... needed to be taken out by the most elite unit in the military? and extrajudicially executed in front of children and women?

This guy wasn't charged with 9/11. He was in a soveriegn nation that didn't give us permission to carry out the operation. Imagine if russia were to invade Oklahoma to capture a dissident? It'd never fly... so why does it when its reversed?

Obama should be charged with war crimes for violating the sovereignty of Pakistan and violations of the charter on human rights, as well as the UN charter.

And speaking of violations of human rights, GUANTANAMO is a disgrace and a war crime itself. How can we hold hundreds for nearly 10 years!!! and not give them a chance to prove their innocence?
real_change Wrote:I believe strongly that it was illegal.

A nearly 60 y/o man walking with a cane, on dialysis, unarmed, and weighing as much as a 10 year old....... needed to be taken out by the most elite unit in the military? and extrajudicially executed in front of children and women?

This guy wasn't charged with 9/11. He was in a soveriegn nation that didn't give us permission to carry out the operation. Imagine if russia were to invade Oklahoma to capture a dissident? It'd never fly... so why does it when its reversed?

Obama should be charged with war crimes for violating the sovereignty of Pakistan and violations of the charter on human rights, as well as the UN charter.

And speaking of violations of human rights, GUANTANAMO is a disgrace and a war crime itself. How can we hold hundreds for nearly 10 years!!! and not give them a chance to prove their innocence?

This has to be the worst post ive ever seen.
Congratulations, sir.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This has to be the worst post ive ever seen.
Congratulations, sir.

If i were running for homecoming king, i'd be concerned about your disapproval. But I'm not.... and I'm not.

Truth Wrote:Thanks to rules initiated by Reagan and Bush, the action was legal.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obama is playing this up for all the political mileage he can get out of it? He reminds me of the kid who never participated in sports celebrating on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. And, from the way he throws a baseball, it is obvious he never participated in America's Pastime.

I have often been told, and I believe it is true, that you can tell a lot about a man from the way he throws a baseball.

The constitution makes clear that treaty's and international law are the 'law of the land'. (article 6, clause 2)

Articles 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19 of the declaration of human rights were violated in this case. This doesn't even cover violation of sovereignty and extrajudicial killings.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This has to be the worst post ive ever seen.
Congratulations, sir.

^Agree, sometimes honorable governments have to cut through the lies and do what is neccessary to take out a mass murdering terrorist while the harboring nation is thumbing their nose and making a mockery of justice. They shouldn't be allowed to have it both ways. Lie to our face while taking our money. Nations of the world don't fear us much anymore because it like we look for a reason to fail to prosecute a decent persuit or retalliate in kind.

As I mentioned earlier, terrorists and rogues commit acts of atrocity against Americans as a matter of course. One reason they are so brazen in their actions is because they know we as a nation will invariably allow our selves to be victimized by our own laws. This whole notion is mixing apples and oranges if you ask me, and I know you didn't. If Bin Laden had turned himself into the authorities here on US soil he would have been given full rights under the law. He was declared an ENEMY COMBATANT and a fugitive out in the world at large. Added to that is the subtle little fact that he murdered 3000 innocent civilians in a military action by his little government on the go. Whether from a cave or a US taxpayer funded million dollar compound in Pakistan, he got what he deserved. And I for one, believe one military action should be answered by a another military action. We can let the court system deal with it if we capture them on US soil or they turn themselves in to the authorities.

Pakistani officials knew full well Osama was living large in the friendly confines of their nation and, are guilty of taking our money and laughing at us just like everybody else we send our billions to are fond of doing. These guys don't honor our laws unless they are turning them on us to shield themselves from justice. We have some wierd ideas when it comes to justice in this day and time. It's like being Marandized here in America. Most people of conscience are pretty honest following the commission of some crime and regret their actions, and thus, are forthcoming about their guilt. We've turned logic on it's head by suggesting that the offender is somehow wronged by admitting his trespass. No, he needs to get lawyered up so he can lead the American taxpayers on a merry oddessy often costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove his guilt even if he wants to confess. While his attorney looks for some hickup that police may have somehow erred on some practical issue so he can be set free to do it all over. Really, would it be so wrong to just let somebody admit their guilt?

Guantanamo Bay is full of war criminals. They and Osama Bin Laden would have gleefully killed every one of us if they could somehow gain the means to do it. Old man on a cane or not, soveriegn nations bring people like this to justice one way or another by military action, tribunal or at the courts. Any government worth honoring would have turned him over, and would not have protected him and likely thousands more just like him inside their borders.
real_change Wrote:I believe strongly that it was illegal.

A nearly 60 y/o man walking with a cane, on dialysis, unarmed, and weighing as much as a 10 year old....... needed to be taken out by the most elite unit in the military? and extrajudicially executed in front of children and women?

This guy wasn't charged with 9/11. He was in a soveriegn nation that didn't give us permission to carry out the operation. Imagine if russia were to invade Oklahoma to capture a dissident? It'd never fly... so why does it when its reversed?

Obama should be charged with war crimes for violating the sovereignty of Pakistan and violations of the charter on human rights, as well as the UN charter.

And speaking of violations of human rights, GUANTANAMO is a disgrace and a war crime itself. How can we hold hundreds for nearly 10 years!!! and not give them a chance to prove their innocence?

A NEARLY 60 YEAR OLD MASS MURDERER. Nothing more, I dont care if he was on life support i hope he magically awoken and they put one in his brain just for good measure.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:A NEARLY 60 YEAR OLD MASS MURDERER. Nothing more, I dont care if he was on life support i hope he magically awoken and they put one in his brain just for good measure.

so if you were charged or accused of a murder, you would accept death as the penalty without trial? ok. got ya.

tough guys crack me up. those that love their nation, abide by the laws and rules that build it.

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