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The lies have started already
Just as predicted, Gov Perry declares on Saturday and first thing Monday morning we see on the 3 hour news loop that he is being accused of threatening personal harm to Fed Chief Ben Bernanke. He said, in paraphrase, that the "fed's overspending was so destructive by nature, and caused such harm to the US economy that it bordered on being treasonous". The liberal propaganda machine can take one word and make a mountain out of it.

Frankly, I agree with Perry completely. Matter of fact, those that willfully cause harm to the good of the US do skirt treason IMO. I think Harry Reid got dangerously close to treason during his shenanigans with the debt ceiling debacle and, the failure of democrats in general to produce a yearly budget as the law requires. Their actions meet the definition of "criminal intent". How else can one define the actions of government officials when they choose to decieve and mislead the American voting public with the work product of their closed door collaborations meant to blame others for their own misdeads and missteps?

Further, I believe the underlying psychology behind most of the lies, red herrings and political feints is tactically to totally point the finger of blame at the repbulicans, for the very things they know they are guilty of. In other words, the dems hold the American public hostage while they knowingly stone wall any and all legislation coming up out of the House and say it's the republicans fault. The thing that keeps amazing me is the fact that it works, almost every time.
One thing I hope he does NOT do, is apologize. No need to apologize for anything here.
Apparently the democrats are terrified at the thoughts of Perry. They have already started the "reincarnated GWB" propaganda.

I guess desperate people do desperate things.
Bob Seger Wrote:Apparently the democrats are terrified at the thoughts of Perry. They have already started the "reincarnated GWB" propaganda.

I guess desperate people do desperate things.

It's gonna get ugly, and it will be merciless. Today's weather, a hail of lies and distortions.
^ Ahhh, it's the greatest season of the year - Fallpolitics.............
Seeing how all the Republicans are so truthful and honest, Great leaders and loyal to the american people. I dont even see why there is an election.

Seeing how all the Republicans are so truthful and honest, Great leaders and loyal to the american people. I dont even see why there is an election.

^ That may be the ONLY intelligent post you have ever made on BGR! It's about damn time!
Stardust Wrote:^ That may be the ONLY intelligent post you have ever made on BGR! It's about damn time!

HEY! don't run off all the regulars. :yikes:
^ If I could only get rid of you, I could post in peace!!!!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Seeing how all the Republicans are so truthful and honest, Great leaders and loyal to the american people. I dont even see why there is an election.


I just call em like I see them. There is nothing magic about republicans except they have a tendency to stay true to traditional interpretation of US law and accepted practical governance as has been the NORM for lo these past 200 years now. Adopting the liberal and progressive standards and doctrines that smack of marxism is what poisoned the well for the dems. They and the rest of the ultra liberal left were indoctrinated early in life, the same way Hitler's Youth were indoctrinated, in school. Your man Obama is the one that has talked about the fundamental transformation of this land and wants to change the United States into a liberal wasteland. But, enough of that for now.

Explain to me why the following recap of recent events in the Congress would not be an example of lying to the public by the democratic Senate Leaders Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer. Goes as follows----The House of Representatives sent up two different bills to the Senate for ratification to establish a new debt ceiling. Senate Leader Harry Reid tabled BOTH bills without debate, thereby usurping the constitutionally given authority of the House to author all legislation dealing with federal spending of any kind. Then after forcing those in the House to accept a bill HE authored, makes televised statements with Durbin and Schumer at his side, to the country accusing the republicans and the tea party of holding Americans hostage by fillibustering spending legislation. I don't know about you but, I don't need any help figuring this stuff out, I mean, it's happening right in front of your eyes!
Stardust Wrote:^ If I could only get rid of you, I could post in peace!!!!

You will never get that lucky.
TheRealThing Wrote:I just call em like I see them. There is nothing magic about republicans except they have a tendency to stay true to traditional interpretation of US law and accepted practical governance as has been the NORM for lo these past 200 years now. Adopting the liberal and progressive standards and doctrines that smack of marxism is what poisoned the well for the dems. They and the rest of the ultra liberal left were indoctrinated early in life, the same way Hitler's Youth were indoctrinated, in school. Your man Obama is the one that has talked about the fundamental transformation of this land and wants to change the United States into a liberal wasteland. But, enough of that for now.

Explain to me why the following recap of recent events in the Congress would not be an example of lying to the public by the democratic Senate Leaders Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer. Goes as follows----The House of Representatives sent up two different bills to the Senate for ratification to establish a new debt ceiling. Senate Leader Harry Reid tabled BOTH bills without debate, thereby usurping the constitutionally given authority of the House to author all legislation dealing with federal spending of any kind. Then after forcing those in the House to accept a bill HE authored, makes televised statements with Durbin and Schumer at his side, to the country accusing the republicans and the tea party of holding Americans hostage by fillibustering spending legislation. I don't know about you but, I don't need any help figuring this stuff out, I mean, it's happening right in front of your eyes!

Once again you read what you wanted to see. I did not defend and Democrat in any way. None. It's just amazing that you give no BLAME what so ever to the Republicans for the trouble that were all in now.
it's obama fault
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Once again you read what you wanted to see. I did not defend and Democrat in any way. None. It's just amazing that you give no BLAME what so ever to the Republicans for the trouble that were all in now.

I think you've got me a little wrong too. In no way did I intend to step on you. Republicans have, in fact, been guilty of their share of the blame. Take for instance the republican Contract with America written and released in 1994 by Larry Hunter, Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey and Tom Delay. If I'm not mistaken, all but Larry Hunter found themselves in legal trouble and were up on ethics charges in the Congress. Not to mention the fact that though the language of the CWA was noteworthy, the dictates of the contract were not fulfilled by the Senate. I thought their actions were reprehensible and they got what they deserved. In short I thought they treated the voter like they were too stupid to realize the republican short fall on their promises. Wrong! I was one of the one's that were totally upset with the republican controlled senate of those days.

However, I am not about to back up on what I have said of late regarding the liberal power brokers and their soldiers in the congress and in the media. If their mouth is open they are lying to us and that offends me. I hate to be talked down to by these clowns that think Americans are too stupid to see what is happening in congress and on the world stage. We, America, lost 3 trillion dollars in the stock market as a result of Reid's promise to Obama to get the government funded till after the election and to table anything that had spending caps or a balanced budget amendment attached to it. These three items were seen as requisite to at least keep the level of control they presently have in congress. I totally resent these guys coming on TV to explain what everything means and to castigate and malign those across the aisle.

Right now, it's the dems that are in the wrong and they are WAY in the wrong. I knew once Standard and Poor's downgraded our credit the administration would mount a campaign of slander against them just like I knew they would and will mount a viscious assault against the character, integrity, personal life of Rick Perry and his family, as well as his experience and general record.

So far they've accused Perry of threatening the life of Ben Bernanke, and forcing 11 year old girls to take Gardasil vaccine against their will. Last I heard we had something called the Food and Drug Administration to decide if drugs and vaccines are safe or not, and State school districts have a list of mandatory immunizations that must be administered before students are eligible to attend school. If I didn't know better, and believe me I do, I'd have thought Gov. Perry was down there at the school districts in Texas with a bug spray sized hypo jacking a pint of turpentine laced venom into little girls. And perhaps he will just call in an unmanned drone to hit Bernanke with a hell-fire missle strike by the Texas National Guard. Thirdly the dems are saying that though 39% of all jobs created in America happened in Texas on Perry's watch that he "didn't have a thing to do with it". UNBEIEVABLE

He announced late Saturday he was running for president, if you count Sunday as a day off, as I type this it's been only 3 days and Perry is already up to his neck in allegations. By the way, Repulican strategist and one time deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove is giving Gov Perry the Christine O'Donnell treatment. He maligned her during an interview on Fox News during her run for the senate and last night he cast Gov Perry as a novice without any chance of getting the nomination. Rove wants Mitt Romney. Which makes me like Perry that much more. I can definitely do without Rove hanging around dictating terms too!

I don't know if you've given consideration to how much money taxpayers are hemmoraging to fund the legion of lyers that pass as government servants, highly paid government servants, and the additional taxpayer money to refute all the lies and inuendo that has to follow all that up. I guarantee you it's in the billiions. I'd rather just have people in there that I had some reasonable expectation of being believable, and save all that money myself. We PAY these guys to lie to us and we have to pay to have other people figure out the truth. It's rediculous. We pay these guys to dream up propaganda and we pay them to get it out to us. Thus, the media are getting rich with the 24/7 news/talk shows dessecting all the "Newspeak and Double Speak" coming down from the government's ministry of truth. If that doesn't fit an Orwellian scenario I don't know what would. Added to that, you're only gonna get one view point from the main stream media and of course that would be the liberal/democratic view point. Lying means nothing to them, as is easily discernable from the release of statements coming out of the senate and the media of late.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Once again you read what you wanted to see. I did not defend and Democrat in any way. None. It's just amazing that you give no BLAME what so ever to the Republicans for the trouble that were all in now.
I can't recall seeing any poster defending a Republican for lying. Yet, despite repeated and clear-cut cases of lying by Obama, Pelosi, and Obama, every day their supporters still stand up and defend their positions. This thread is all about the whoppers that Obama, the Democrats, and their obedient agents in the liberal media have begun (actually, I don't think that they ever stopped) to spread to get the worst president in American history a second term.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I can't recall seeing any poster defending a Republican for lying. Yet, despite repeated and clear-cut cases of lying by Obama, Pelosi, and Obama, every day their supporters still stand up and defend their positions. This thread is all about the whoppers that Obama, the Democrats, and their obedient agents in the liberal media have begun (actually, I don't think that they ever stopped) to spread to get the worst president in American history a second term.

Very well said. On a side note. If McCain (and admittedly our choices last election were like choosing between a sharp stick in the eye or having a root canal done at midas muffler) had been elected president instead of Obama and added 15 trillion to the national debt, you know the uproar from the left would have been thunderous. Where are the complaints that should be raining down on these dopenicks? Instead, we've got the common man, working folks, defending this president and to this day I find it defies all logic. The main stream media of George W's time were acting like 6% unemployment was the end of the world and I heard working folks talking like he should have been drawn and quartered.
TheRealThing Wrote:Very well said. On a side note. If McCain (and admittedly our choices last election were like choosing between a sharp stick in the eye or having a root canal done at midas muffler) had been elected president instead of Obama and added 15 trillion to the national debt, you know the uproar from the left would have been thunderous. Where are the complaints that should be raining down on these dopenicks? Instead, we've got the common man, working folks, defending this president and to this day I find it defies all logic. The main stream media of George W's time were acting like 6% unemployment was the end of the world and I heard working folks talking like he should have been drawn and quartered.

Right around 5% when he took office? 8.5% When he left office was it not? Its at what 9.2% now? And you guys act as if there weren't any unemployed under bush.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Right around 5% when he took office? 8.5% When he left office was it not? Its at what 9.2% now? And you guys act as if there weren't any unemployed under bush.

Here if you're gonna quibble about it at least look at the rate of unemployment from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In late 2008 Bush was as lame a duck as we've had since Carter, even at that, the umemployment rate in Sept. was a by today's standards a giddy 5.7, by Nov. it had risen to 6.7 and when Bush departed it was up to 7.2. Here's the link, have a look---

Meanwhile, my point is valid, the president is being defended by people like you, for instance. My guess is that you are in school and you are something less than one of those fat cat rich people, in that you can't jump up and pay cash for a top notch education from the likes of Transy or UK. That your best come back for all I posted?
The research departments for the liberal main stream media and the dirt mongers for the present administration have people working nearly 24/7, desperately trying to uncover the silver bullet that will effectively unhorse Governor Perry as he begins his run for the presidency in 2012.

I have a question about all that. Where was all this investigative fervor when an unvetted Barrack Obama ran for that office in 2008? Does anyone on here think for a moment if the circumstances of the two races were reversed and the following article actually described Perry's pastor and church and not Obama's that all heck wouldn't break loose?---

Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's south side, has a long history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own "terrorism."

In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, "I don't think my church is actually particularly controversial." He said Rev. Wright "is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with," telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family.

Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."

Or, how about the possibility that Gov Perry would have intimate ties and a long association with known terrrorists and a decidedly anti-American underground group known as the Weathermen? Think they would maybe bring that to light? Here's an excerpt from an article in the New American.

Much of the major media coverage of the Obama-Ayers connection follows the pattern of reportage we saw in the case of Barack Obama's ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's race-baiting, America-cursing pastor. The pro-Obama media have ignored the Ayers issue as much as possible, but when forced to deal with it have put as benign a face on it as possible. Ayers is usually referred to as a "former radical," not a "terrorist" or "former terrorist." Thus, for instance, the New York Times, which has been head-over-heels for Obama, in a recent article ("Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths," October 4, 2008) noted that "Bill Ayers helped found the radical Weathermen." The Times could not bring itself to use "terrorist" or terrorism" in connection with Ayers in the entire article, except to rehabilitate Ayers with his own self-serving statement that his memoir, Fugitive Days, "is from start to finish a condemnation of terrorism."

The evidentury points in fact that would form a link between Perry and the accusations leved at him so far are nonexistant. But, that doesn't stop the media attempts to hang trumped up charges on him anyway. On the other hand, with a veritable wealth of evidence to frollic in ad nauseum, the liberal main stream media gave Mr O a pass, and, continue to extend that lattitude to him and certainly will give even broader charter now that their liberal champion is back on the campaign trail again.

The president gets up and proclaims to his adherents that the republicans are putting their party over the interests of America. In fact, it's the dems doing exactly that and I have demonstrated examples of that very trespass in this thread.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Right around 5% when he took office? 8.5% When he left office was it not? Its at what 9.2% now? And you guys act as if there weren't any unemployed under bush.
As "they" say, you are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts. Obama famously stated that the reason for the $800 trillion porkulus bill was to prevent the national unemployment rate from soaring above 8 percent. I was employed by a company during Bush's full eight years in office, the last 6 of which by a company that had been in business for 27 years. Obama took office in January and I was looking for a new job in May after my employer went out of business.

The impact of elected a socialist president with no experience working on a real job in the private sector was swift and it is persistent. If we make the same mistake in 2012, our economy may be damaged beyond repair.
$800 trillion should have been $781 billion plus interest on the debt.
I thought about starting a new thread for this but, it will be consistent with the lies premise.

Along with the so called PROBE of Standard and Poor's, now we have an all out attack on the person of Rep Darrell Issa ® Cal. He is the target of the left's political hit men because he heads up the House Judiciary Committee's investigation into the botched Fast and Furious gun running debacle. It's beginning to look like Eric Holder is right in the middle of it and Senator Grassley recently said that he believed oversight "goes all the way to the top"

So in retaliation, liberal left media lieutenant Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times, publishes a story to discredit (wonder where that political tactic came from?), Mr Issa to errode his effectiveness on the Judiciary Committee. They've learned, the dems, that one can get away with murder these dark days if one can sway/control public opinion. It's circle the wagons around the democratic leadership time again boys! I'll make a stab at installing a link to an article in Newsmax, but, here's an excerpt---

“It's disappointing that the so-called 'paper-of-record' has decided to publish a story that is nothing more than a compilation of left-wing blog posts that are easily found by a simple Google search. It's the same old playbook, every time Darrell Issa starts gaining ground, the left-wing smear machine goes on the attack. If anything, this story validates the work that the Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is pursuing.”



The idea is to make any inflamatory accusation one can dream up, human nature may then be counted on to take matters to the next level which, of course, is that the public will view, from that day onward, the accused as being guilty, and thus, deminished. And, as fortune of late has had it, the accused becomes a somewhat less than credible witness, or investigator, or accounting/rating agency, or potential pesidential candidate from Texas in the person of Rick Perry.

This administration is guilty of the charges being leveled at them from S & P and Mr Issa. During the debt ceiling spending fight waged recently in the congress, the democratically controlled Senate held the US citizenry at large a hostage untill the house, for lack of time due to the looming Aug 2nd default deadline, finally gave up and allowed the senate to author legislation favorable to the dems to continue to buy votes through the promise of entitlements. Then, republican Senate Leader Reid flanked by his liberal buddies said the republicans did it. And, Mr Obama on the big bus tour parrots the same talking point over and over and even the Fox News network will not hold him or Harry Reid accountable. The question is, can anybody in this country see to it that they stand accountable for their actiions? Surely Americans love their country more than the lies of the left and will vote to oust these jokers in 2012.
^ You say Fox is the #1 Network, And its watched more than any network. IT shouldn't matter what the left media says.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:^ You say Fox is the #1 Network, And its watched more than any network. IT shouldn't matter what the left media says.
Nonsense. The fact that Fox is the #1 cable news network does not mean that everybody watches it - most people do not. Millions of young people in particular get more of their news from sources like the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and rap songs than from credible sources like Fox News.

GE paid no federal taxes last year and it owns NBC and MSNBC. In exchange for GE's unlimited support of the tyrannical Obama administration, the company has been awarded $1.9 billion dollars in federal contracts this year alone and avoided being on Obama's corporate enemies list. The "news" that GE's news outlets disseminate on Obama's behalf amount to a free propaganda machine. What GE loses in its news operations it gains ten-fold in favorable treatment by the corrupt Obama administration.

The Obama administration is running a protection racket and the left wing media has been willing accomplices. That is the reason that Obama and his supporters believe that he will raise $1 billion in campaign cash this year - that goal is certainly not a reflection of his dismal record as president. The Chicago way is wrong on a local scale and it is a dangerous precedent to set for national elections.

One of Obama's campaign promises was to end all no-bid contracts for more than $25,000. Not only has he not kept his promise, he has turned the contracting process into a political campaign money tree.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nonsense. The fact that Fox is the #1 cable news network does not mean that everybody watches it - most people do not. Millions of young people in particular get more of their news from sources like the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and rap songs than from credible sources like Fox News.

GE paid no federal taxes last year and it owns NBC and MSNBC. In exchange for GE's unlimited support of the tyrannical Obama administration, the company has been awarded $1.9 billion dollars in federal contracts this year alone and avoided being on Obama's corporate enemies list. The "news" that GE's news outlets disseminate on Obama's behalf amount to a free propaganda machine. What GE loses in its news operations it gains ten-fold in favorable treatment by the corrupt Obama administration.

The Obama administration is running a protection racket and the left wing media has been willing accomplices. That is the reason that Obama and his supporters believe that he will raise $1 billion in campaign cash this year - that goal is certainly not a reflection of his dismal record as president. The Chicago way is wrong on a local scale and it is a dangerous precedent to set for national elections.

One of Obama's campaign promises was to end all no-bid contracts for more than $25,000. Not only has he not kept his promise, he has turned the contracting process into a political campaign money tree.

Unbelievable! If this kind of stuff had gone on as recently as 20, what am I saying, 10 years ago, he'd have been impeached by now. By the way, we all better enjoy the freedom we have right now to discuss the things we presently do on here if what I have been hearing is true.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Right around 5% when he took office? 8.5% When he left office was it not? Its at what 9.2% now? And you guys act as if there weren't any unemployed under bush.

There was a spike in his last 4 months or so. Prior to that, the high was 6.3. Obama would be a God if his LOW was the same as Bush's high.

Bush had 43 months of 5.0% unemployment or less. Obama has had 9.0% or higher 26 of the last 28 months.

Unemployed people existed under Bush, yes. An unemployed nation exists under this president though. 16.2% of americans have no job, and either can't find one or have given up looking. 43% of those looking for a job have been unemployed for 6 months or MORE.
real_change Wrote:There was a spike in his last 4 months or so. Prior to that, the high was 6.3. Obama would be a God if his LOW was the same as Bush's high.

Bush had 43 months of 5.0% unemployment or less. Obama has had 9.0% or higher 26 of the last 28 months.

Unemployed people existed under Bush, yes. An unemployed nation exists under this president though. 16.2% of americans have no job, and either can't find one or have given up looking. 43% of those looking for a job have been unemployed for 6 months or MORE.

Good post!:Thumbs:

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