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Egypt Demonstrators: "The Gas Chambers Are Ready"
Here is the link:

Just to let everyone know, is a website that was made by Glenn Beck. Please be careful of any political bias.

I have a feeling that we shouldn't have supported the Egyptian uprising. And I know that President Mubarak did a lot of horrible things to the Egyptian people, but it looks like Egypt might become anti-Israel because of this uprising.

If they do become anti-Israel, there might be another war in the Middle East, seeing that there are many countries now against Israel (Iran, Turkey, Egypt).

Possible making of the Battle of Gog and Magog? :eyeroll:
^ ALL countries in the middle east are against Israel, and always have. There are political times when those countries do not publicly condemn Israel, but don't think that those countries EVER supported or sided with Israel!
don't forget to add the stock piles of weapons now under "new" management in Libya and the whole Middle East is once again on the brink of a large scale war. The "Arab spring" the media is so fond of may because warring winter
Stardust Wrote:^ ALL countries in the middle east are against Israel, and always have. There are political times when those countries do not publicly condemn Israel, but don't think that those countries EVER supported or sided with Israel!

You're right that pretty much everyone, if not everyone, in the Middle East dislikes Israel. However, I was talking about Egypt's and Syria's peace treaty with Israel. Egypt has now changed governments, which means that they don't have to keep that peace treaty. If the Syrian government collapses, then Syria no longer has to keep that peace treaty either.

As a matter of fact, I think Egypt is now controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. If that's correct, I'm pretty sure that the Muslim Brotherhood said that they would break the peace treaty with Israel.
^ Gotcha, I see where you are coming from. I'm not sure that the Brotherhood is in control of Egypt, but it is the oldest and largest Islamic organization in Egypt.
Stardust Wrote:^ Gotcha, I see where you are coming from. I'm not sure that the Brotherhood is in control of Egypt, but it is the oldest and largest Islamic organization in Egypt.

Thanks for correcting me Stardust. I looked on search engines to see whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood is controlling the Egyptian government, but I couldn't find anything. But from this link, the Muslim Brotherhood is described to be "Egypt's most popular and organized political force". That article also says:

Quote:The Brotherhood is generally seen as the best prepared group for the November election in which its newly formed "Freedom and Justice" party will contest half the assembly's seats.

And I did find a link that does talk about whether or not they would end the peace treaty with Israel. Here's the link:

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