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If a Republican .....................
Had his face on an American Flag what kind of storm would ensue?
What is this from? Give us a link man.
You can buy it on ebay for $27
lol, wow...I get pissed just looking at this crap. I'm big on not disrespecting the American flag, and this is about as bad as you can treat it besides burning it.
but it was also flying over the Lake County(Fla) Democratic Club for the last 2 months
Obama didn't do, or endorse this, a democrat headquarters in Florida did it. As soon as someone told them it was against flags rules, they took it down.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama didn't do, or endorse this, a democrat headquarters in Florida did it. As soon as someone told them it was against flags rules, they took it down.
Is it not just common sense? haha
^Yeah really man...

How could someone think this is ok? Good God...I'm pissed that it's got a face on it period, no matter if it's Pres Obama's, Santorum's or baby Jesus's. Hard for me to believe that a Democrat Club, with multiple people, would have no one who knew how ridiculous and disrespectful this is...
Disrespectful. Needs to be took down.
But in no way do these ignorant people represent .1% of the democratic party. Stupid is in a class of its own.
^They represent a lot more than you may be willing to admit. From what I've read on the Huffington Post, and seen on TV. Ed Schultz called Sarah Palin a slut, and he's upper tier for dems. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are two more to be proud of. How many percent would the Occupy Movement participants and the bussed in lunatics who near rioted in Wisconsin represent? The reason they do all this kind of stuff is because they think only democrats are fit to govern. Checks and balances be darned. The way dems talk and act they want to rule the US, not govern along side their republican counterparts.
If one of the Repubs faces would have been put on that flag, their would have been a shit storm so fierce, ajax couldnt wipe it clean.

Its a double standard.

Couldn't find a CNN article on it, lol. Regardless, the attitude of this bitch makes me sick...there is no way in hell that ANY party's county representative club should get away for so long flying something like this, and no way in hell that the CHAIRWOMAN think it's perfectly fine!

Heck, I've yelled at people for so much less, just holding a flag upside down on Veteran's Day! If I seen this, I think my head would explode...I know one thing, there is no way I'd leave that place without taking that flag down, jail or not, I don't care.
To me, the flag makes BO look a dictator than a president.......either way it was a dumb idea.
Cult of Personality
judgementday Wrote:To me, the flag makes BO look a dictator than a president.......either way it was a dumb idea.

Very good observation. To some extent we have gotten a taste of what it feels like to be under the thumb of a dictator the past three years. He is imposing HIS will on the nation with all these new laws and regulations. When we allow 'special' condidtions to be enacted for minority interest groups, that's a loss of freedom for everybody else. Take his policy of "redistribution of wealth", working folks are being forced to fund the lives of those who don't want to work by the very people we elect to govern us. I don't get it, why does the party or the working class, who vows to continue entitlements on into infinity, get so much support from blue collar voters? I mean it isn't all that complex a problem to work out, basically one has two choices vote democratic and pay more taxes, or vote republican and pay less taxes.

As gullible as the average democratic voter seems to be these days, it would seem likely that sector of America is slowly showing signs of accepting the idea of a dictator. As long as the dems continue to make promises to take care of the non-workers they would vote democratic, even if they knew that meant sucumbing to a dictatorship.
TheRealThing Wrote:^They represent a lot more than you may be willing to admit. From what I've read on the Huffington Post, and seen on TV. Ed Schultz called Sarah Palin a slut, and he's upper tier for dems. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are two more to be proud of. How many percent would the Occupy Movement participants and the bussed in lunatics who near rioted in Wisconsin represent? The reason they do all this kind of stuff is because they think only democrats are fit to govern. Checks and balances be darned. The way dems talk and act they want to rule the US, not govern along side their republican counterparts.

Really? You want me to go back and show all the stupid shit republicans have said and done.

"I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed." —GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ®, speaking in 2011 to unemployed people in Florida. Romney's net worth is over $200 million. How many people does this guy represent?

No they don't represent one percent of the democratic party.
vundy33 Wrote:

Couldn't find a CNN article on it, lol. Regardless, the attitude of this bitch makes me sick...there is no way in hell that ANY party's county representative club should get away for so long flying something like this, and no way in hell that the CHAIRWOMAN think it's perfectly fine!

Heck, I've yelled at people for so much less, just holding a flag upside down on Veteran's Day! If I seen this, I think my head would explode...I know one thing, there is no way I'd leave that place without taking that flag down, jail or not, I don't care.
Gracias, that's why I couldn't find it, it's a video...that dang CNN video thing loves to freeze my computer up.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really? You want me to go back and show all the stupid shit republicans have said and done.

"I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed." —GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ®, speaking in 2011 to unemployed people in Florida. Romney's net worth is over $200 million. How many people does this guy represent?

No they don't represent one percent of the democratic party.

You're right about that, it's way more than 1%. It's all the non-woking types who want to make sure the government checks keep coming in.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're right about that, it's way more than 1%. It's all the non-woking types who want to make sure the government checks keep coming in.

And he'll keep about 99.9% of that freeloader/dopehead/hippy/weirdo/gay vote, which probably represents about 75% of the total democratic vote to begin with. It's tough to compete against "free" everything when it's running almost 50% nationwide, in the non payer category.
In all reality your telling the truth Segar.
Its the reason im completely against the democratice party.
I do not believe 100% with republican views, but their so much closer to how i define myself then the democratic party.
The democratic party didnt always use to be that way....
Bob Seger Wrote:And he'll keep about 99.9% of that freeloader/dopehead/hippy/weirdo/gay vote, which probably represents about 75% of the total democratic vote to begin with. It's tough to compete against "free" everything when it's running almost 50% nationwide, in the non payer category.

To me working class guys are some of the smartest people I've ever met. Not all of them but, a fair number were very sharp. Even more importantly, the vast majority had tons of common sense. Given that, can you in any way understand why blue collar types keep on voting in the very slugs that promise to take even more of their hard earned money and just hand it over to the non-workers? It beats anything I've ever seen.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
In all reality your telling the truth Segar.
Its the reason im completely against the democratice party.
I do not believe 100% with republican views, but their so much closer to how i define myself then the democratic party.
The democratic party didnt always use to be that way....

Totally agree. The repubs are sure not perfect, but they got their act together much better than the democrats. To be fair, republicans need to be kept honest by voting out the bozos. As to the bolded, the voting public didn't keep the dems honest, by demanding good reputable candidates, this resulted in the asylum being taken over by the inmates. If there is anybody in government any more polarized and goofy than Pelosi and Reid I haven't seen them and we're talking the former speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. The creme de la creme, if you will of the democratic party. :please:
Pres Obama I know is not a great president, but I have news for the republican party...he beats the hell out of having Bush!!!! Economy is this bad mainly because of Bush, he gave an economy that was in such rough shape no one can fix it in 4 years. Worst mistake this country ever made was vote Bush back in for a 2nd term. We need Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton is one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. Our economy had a surplus each year he was in office and we went in debt each year Bush was in. Bush is the reason for over half the United State debt
Crazy Horse Wrote:Pres Obama I know is not a great president, but I have news for the republican party...he beats the hell out of having Bush!!!! Economy is this bad mainly because of Bush, he gave an economy that was in such rough shape no one can fix it in 4 years. Worst mistake this country ever made was vote Bush back in for a 2nd term. We need Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton is one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. Our economy had a surplus each year he was in office and we went in debt each year Bush was in. Bush is the reason for over half the United State debt

LOL, not a great president? He's a 100 foot tsunami of a president my friend. In case you haven't noticed, even Lanny Davis admits he cannot explain Obama positions such as holding back the pipeline, and predicting skyrocketing electricity prices under his policies. Instead, he (Davis) has resorted to just saying no matter how rediculous Mr Obama's policies make him look, he intends to vote to reelect him anyway.

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