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US Dollar Diminishing
Actually, there's not been many threads on it that I can remember. I've watched that video, the guy says he'snot trying to sale anything but he is, lol. Not sure how seriously I should take what he says, alot of that stuff is past what I know about economics.

I'd like to see what the usual's have to say about it though.
Aslan Wrote:Yeah, he's definitely promoting his company. He does being up a ton of facts though.

Facts? I think he's blowing a bunch of smoke:

The US Dollar hasn't really been the worlds reserve currency for a number of years. Banks around the world invest in currencies that are stable or increasing in value at any given time. The US dollar has been diminishing against some currencies for several years. However, the Fact of the matter is that the exchange rate works in a cyclical pattern. Once the dollar reaches a certain low, the cost to import goods becomes so great that it becomes cheaper to produce rather than import. It also becomes cheaper for other countries to buy goods from the US than to produce. So IF the dollar were to drop to that level, then we would see a revitalization of manufacturing in the US (not necessarily a bad thing). Of course, a lot more comes into play than the value of the dollar, but you see what I'm saying.

This guy is using scare tactics to sell his products....period. I mean write off the bat he talks about how much time and money he spent to make the video, but how much does it cost to buy a dry-erase board and hire an artist to draw pictures on it?

I don't think I'll be preparing for a world chaos due to the value of the the impending Zombie Apocalypse is another story!
The declining dollar is only one of the different ways that a global economic collapse can occur (through hyperinflation if the Federal Reserve continues to buy our bonds). From what I understand, there's also the derivative market collapsing, China possibly selling our bonds, and the European Union collapsing as possible causes of the coming economic collapse.

You probably already know about it, but I made a thread about the coming economic collapse:

Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse

I'm currently watching what's happening in Europe. Of the events that I listed above, the collapse of the European Union might occur first. From what I understand, if a country leaves the European Union, it would cause global economic problems. I personally would think this would trigger the other causes for the coming economic collapse. Here's a video that I usually refer to about the current trouble Europe is in right now:

^This video of Nigel Farage was made back before Ireland was given bailout money.
I duno about this. I have a dollar tracker on my lap top that checks its value agains the Euro. It has gained two cents in the past week. ???

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Euro is at an 11 month low. No currency is strong right now
laker20 Wrote:Facts? I think he's blowing a bunch of smoke:

The US Dollar hasn't really been the worlds reserve currency for a number of years. Banks around the world invest in currencies that are stable or increasing in value at any given time. The US dollar has been diminishing against some currencies for several years. However, the Fact of the matter is that the exchange rate works in a cyclical pattern. Once the dollar reaches a certain low, the cost to import goods becomes so great that it becomes cheaper to produce rather than import. It also becomes cheaper for other countries to buy goods from the US than to produce. So IF the dollar were to drop to that level, then we would see a revitalization of manufacturing in the US (not necessarily a bad thing). Of course, a lot more comes into play than the value of the dollar, but you see what I'm saying.

This guy is using scare tactics to sell his products....period. I mean write off the bat he talks about how much time and money he spent to make the video, but how much does it cost to buy a dry-erase board and hire an artist to draw pictures on it?

I don't think I'll be preparing for a world chaos due to the value of the the impending Zombie Apocalypse is another story!
As to the bolded, while it is true that the exchange rate fluctuates, our trade deficit has been growing consistently for many years. Take, for example, our trade deficit with China, which has been in the red and growing since at least 1985. While the magnitude of the deficit has fluctuated, it has never oscillated enough to give us a trade surplus during that time period.

Trade in Goods with China

I believe that we are headed for an economic catastrophe, but I don't believe that anybody can predict its arrival. Nor do I think that there is much that most of us can do to adequately prepare for the calamity over the long run. If I won a large lottery, then I would use part of the money to build a secure shelter and stock it with food, guns, ammo, etc., but adequately protecting ourselves from the impact of a global depression and anarchy is currently beyond the means of the 99-percenters and I do not pay the stupidity tax (a/k/a the Lottery) very often.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As to the bolded, while it is true that the exchange rate fluctuates, our trade deficit has been growing consistently for many years. Take, for example, our trade deficit with China, which has been in the red and growing since at least 1985. While the magnitude of the deficit has fluctuated, it has never oscillated enough to give us a trade surplus during that time period.

Trade in Goods with China

I believe that we are headed for an economic catastrophe, but I don't believe that anybody can predict its arrival. Nor do I think that there is much that most of us can do to adequately prepare for the calamity over the long run. If I won a large lottery, then I would use part of the money to build a secure shelter and stock it with food, guns, ammo, etc., but adequately protecting ourselves from the impact of a global depression and anarchy is currently beyond the means of the 99-percenters and I do not pay the stupidity tax (a/k/a the Lottery) very often.

^I just wanted to quickly say that I personally believe Hoot Gibson is correct, especially with the bolded part. The coming global economic collapse could occur this week or five years from now. The best advice to prepare is to try to help each other when it does occur.
In a real global crisis, lead in a copper jacket can be much more valuable than gold.
I dont even have a dollar for it to diminish.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:In a real global crisis, lead in a copper jacket can be much more valuable than gold.

That should be brass instead of copper.

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