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The ‘bribe’ to silence Wright
Good stuff...but is anybody really surprised?

Quote:[COLOR="Blue"]The ‘bribe’ to silence Wright

When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “G****** America!” Edward Klein interviewed Wright, who told him Obama’s team tried to buy his silence.

‘Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told me when we met in his office at Chicago’s Kwame Nkrumah Academy. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”

“Who sent the e-mail?” I asked Wright.

“It was from one of Barack’s closest friends.”

“He offered you money?”

“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”

“How much money did he offer you?”

“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.

“Did Obama himself ever make an effort to see you?”

“Yes,” Wright said. “Barack said he wanted to meet me in secret, in a secure place. And I said, ‘You’re used to coming to my home, you’ve been here countless times, so what’s wrong with coming to my home?’ So we met in the living room of the parsonage of Trinity United Church of Christ, at South Pleasant Avenue right off 95th Street, just Barack and me. I don’t know if he had a wire on him. His security was outside somewhere.

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Using deceit, money and thugs to get people to shut up and to get out of his way is an expertise of our President. What kind of guy pays his "mentor" to shut up?

Who can support such a sleaze bag?
I'm not surprised that Barry offered hush money, just surprised at the amount. I thought it would have been at least three times higher.
Old School Wrote:I'm not surprised that Barry offered hush money, just surprised at the amount. I thought it would have been at least three times higher.
I guess he thought that he could get elected by attacking Fox News for reporting the hate that spewed from Wright's lips. He was right in 2008 but it seems that people are a little more willing to hear the truth about Obama after four years of worrying about their jobs, declining wages, and high fuel prices. I think that Obama may need to hand out a lot of hush money to get elected again.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I guess he thought that he could get elected by attacking Fox News for reporting the hate that spewed from Wright's lips. He was right in 2008 but it seems that people are a little more willing to hear the truth about Obama after four years of worrying about their jobs, declining wages, and high fuel prices. I think that Obama may need to hand out a lot of hush money to get elected again.

I wonder if he has enough money to keep Joe "the human gaffe machine" quite.:biggrin:
vector Wrote:
You know that it is a bad day for the Obama campaign when its minions resort to posting "facts" from his own campaign website and the left wing propaganda site, Media Matters. Confusednicker:
vector Wrote:
The Obama smear machine has shifted into high gear. I am sure that you can find more dirt on the Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos. It is going to be a pretty hard sell convincing people that a journalist who has written for the New York Times magazine and Vanity Fair is a right wing extremist, but I am sure that you will give it your best shot.

Wright's silence could not be bought for $150,000 in 2008, maybe $300,000 will be enough for him to denounce Klein as a liar, assuming that there is no audio of the interview.
It never ceases to amaze me lol.....

To think this guy has made a fool of so many Americans....Wheres all the celebrity and athlete support now? Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It never ceases to amaze me lol.....

To think this guy has made a fool of so many Americans....Wheres all the celebrity and athlete support now? Confusednicker:

The problem is that too many fools and freeloaders are allowed to vote. As I have said repeatedly, if you contribute nothing to the system but only take from the system, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. If this were the case, and it makes perfect sense, the little fellow would lose even in New York, Massachusetts, and California.
Truth Wrote:The problem is that too many fools and freeloaders are allowed to vote. As I have said repeatedly, if you contribute nothing to the system but only take from the system, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. If this were the case, and it makes perfect sense, the little fellow would lose even in New York, Massachusetts, and California.

It would end the democratic, taxpayer funded, dynasty built on vote buying.
TheRealThing Wrote:It would end the democratic, taxpayer funded, dynasty built on vote buying.

Indeed, it would do so. Democrats would never win anywhere if the vote were limited to those who actually help pay the nation's bills that are incurred to run the country. Of course, most of these bills are incurred in providing handouts to those same loyal Democrat voters.

This is not a touchy, feely, politically correct post. It is, instead, a post filled with truth.
It is ridiculous that freeloaders, fools, and people who are here illegally are allowed to vote. It amazes me, the knowledge of a lot of the freeloaders. The church I was at a few years ago went over to a local apartment complex to deliver food to a group of people that had called the Church and needed help. They had video games (PS3, Xbox 360 at a time when both machines were much more expensive) and empty pizza boxes thrown all over the place and tried to make a lame excuse about why they were needing food. Not to mention, the place stunk. They tried to build me up to cover up they thought I was stupid lol..."we'll be at church every Sunday..." "you guys are such good people!" My eyes swung over to the side of the wall where there were a bunch of obama posters. They noticed I had seen them and started saying, "Yeah I hear obama when he gets elected is going to get prayer back in schools and ban abortions!" I just thought....oh, man. I wasted my breath warning them about him, as they tried to convince me he was some big Christian out to vote. I don't know if they were faking this or what - but I had a feeling they might have actually thought that. My point is that like this guy and his family, I would really doubt that 1/10 of the freeloaders could get the candidates' positions right.

And it's not just the freeloaders. A good majority of people simply do not know what they are talking about when it comes to the candidates. Go to a college campus and ask students about the positions of the candidates. It amazes me that these people actually vote.
WideRight05 Wrote:It is ridiculous that freeloaders, fools, and people who are here illegally are allowed to vote. It amazes me, the knowledge of a lot of the freeloaders. The church I was at a few years ago went over to a local apartment complex to deliver food to a group of people that had called the Church and needed help. They had video games (PS3, Xbox 360 at a time when both machines were much more expensive) and empty pizza boxes thrown all over the place and tried to make a lame excuse about why they were needing food. Not to mention, the place stunk. They tried to build me up to cover up they thought I was stupid lol..."we'll be at church every Sunday..." "you guys are such good people!" My eyes swung over to the side of the wall where there were a bunch of obama posters. They noticed I had seen them and started saying, "Yeah I hear obama when he gets elected is going to get prayer back in schools and ban abortions!" I just thought....oh, man. I wasted my breath warning them about him, as they tried to convince me he was some big Christian out to vote. I don't know if they were faking this or what - but I had a feeling they might have actually thought that. My point is that like this guy and his family, I would really doubt that 1/10 of the freeloaders could get the candidates' positions right.

And it's not just the freeloaders. A good majority of people simply do not know what they are talking about when it comes to the candidates. Go to a college campus and ask students about the positions of the candidates. It amazes me that these people actually vote.

The people who are forever arguing and pushing for destructive actions such as these KNOW they are bad in the first place. This idea that we must sort of educate these folks with the truth is like you said a "waste of breath". When God says he has convicted every man through his own conscience He means it. They know it's wrong to push prayer out of our schools and they know abortion is wrong. I can imagine those in the stinky apartment laughed at the prospect of playing a local church for fools as they made their plan, and I can imagine them laughing after you all left. Like minded folks laugh in the caucases, on CNN and MSNBC, and anywhere else losers congregate to bilk taxpayers or church folks out of goods and services. That's why I hate all this bleeding heart baloney in the first place. Let them work for what they get, pull out the freebies and watch all the attitude adjustments that will happen. It would do everybody nothing but good.
^ Good post!

Oh yeah, and I forgot to address the topic lol. Wright is nuts. I feel that right now our racial divide is as far as it has been since the pre-MLK days. Some of this is due to the president of the United States hanging around with someone that is an evident racist such as Wright. I am curious as to how many people know what this "United Church of Christ" is about and what they really represent. That is the denomination that Wright preaches for.
I just watched a faily large child, around 11 or 12 years old, maybe 250 pounds atleast prolly around 4'5 tall in front of me at the convient store purchase 4 fountain drinks and a 2 liter of mountain dew with a food stamp card.

I thought we were ending this?

BTW, there were prolly 300 cases of water beside the counter on sale for 2.99 each, which is 4 dollars less than what he paid for pure sugar.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I just watched a faily large child, around 11 or 12 years old, maybe 250 pounds atleast prolly around 4'5 tall in front of me at the convient store purchase 4 fountain drinks and a 2 liter of mountain dew with a food stamp card.

I thought we were ending this?

BTW, there were prolly 300 cases of water beside the counter on sale for 2.99 each, which is 4 dollars less than what he paid for pure sugar.

Chicago politics at it's best
MustangSally Wrote:Chicago politics at it's best
With everything going on in the country and world right now, I love that people allow themselves to be distracted by meaningless stories.
Beetle01 Wrote:With everything going on in the country and world right now, I love that people allow themselves to be distracted by meaningless stories.
So, an allegation that a supporter of Obama's offered his Marxist minister $150,000 to shut his mouth during the campaign and that Obama himself followed up personally to ask Wright to keep his mouth shut so that he could win the election is a "meaningless story?"

I disagree. If people had cared more about Obama's ethics and Marxist associations in 2008, this country would be much better off today. Instead, Democrats are running an incumbent who has shown that he will do whatever it takes to win an election.

Obama supporters have been pretty quiet on this topic. Maybe they have noticed that Wright has not denied that he made the statements that Klein has reported. Meantime, the Obama campaign has been busy smearing Klein at every opportunity.
Klein has a tape recording of his three-hour interview with Jeremiah Wright. If Obama and his cheerleaders have a problem with Klein's story, then their problem is with Jeremiah Wright, not Klein. I don't expect that they will go after Wright - Wright says that he has a box containing a copy of the email that was sent to him offering the $150,000. Who knows what he may have locked up in some safe deposit box as an insurance policy?
Beetle01 Wrote:With everything going on in the country and world right now, I love that people allow themselves to be distracted by meaningless stories.

Look Beetle, all you really got to fight with is your vote. You could always throw yours away like tvtimeout and vote for Ron Paul. Romney will turn us back to the right, away from the abyss. Keep working for what is right and use your vote like it was pure gold. A lot of US fighting men and women died so you could execise your right to vote and even campaign till your heart's content.
It is meaningless. Not one vote will change because of this story = meaningless.

This type of story and focus is what is wrong with American politics. 1000 other more important topics for the media and the candidates to be focusing on.
Beetle01 Wrote:It is meaningless. Not one vote will change because of this story = meaningless.

This type of story and focus is what is wrong with American politics. 1000 other more important topics for the media and the candidates to be focusing on.
Honesty is always an important issue in elections, except when both candidates are universally considered beyond reproach ethically - and that rarely, if ever happens. Obama shares Jeremiah Wright's vision for this country and that is why he attempted to muzzle him in 2008.

I agree that there are more important issues to debate, but if every thread focuses on Obama's mishandling of the budget and misguided efforts to pump life into a critically ill economy, then people would lose interest pretty quickly.
Beetle01 Wrote:It is meaningless. Not one vote will change because of this story = meaningless.

This type of story and focus is what is wrong with American politics. 1000 other more important topics for the media and the candidates to be focusing on.

Trot it on out there Beetle. Tell us all what is wrong with American politics. The more the topic is discussed the more the dems demonize the messenger. It's going on 24/7 right now, turn on your TV.

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