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The Dark Knight Rises
Anyone who knows me personally understands how big of a batman fan I've been all of my life.

I watched this movie and honestly I'm still stunned at how awesome it was...
The Dark Knight was out of this world and I went into this one expecting it to be great but not on the level of the last one.

This is THE definitive batman movie. It was perfect in nearly every aspect and it was shocking how closely they clung to the actual Knightfall graphic novel that featured Bane as the leading villain. It was a different storyline - but the basic skeleton was the same and it actually kept me guessing until the very end.

Thoughts and prayers go out to those that were present in Aurora and those that were affected by it. Growing up as a child it was a marquee day for me when a new Batman film would come out - but a day that has left many lives scarred after the actions of one crazy individual. A quote from The Dark Knight came to mind when I saw the news this morning.

Quote:Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
-Alfred Pennyworth
Are you talking about The Dark Knight Rises or the sad situation that happened out in Colorado?
but I titled the thread wrong.

The Dark Knight Returns is the most famous Batman graphic novel...
My mind must have short-circuited after watching the movie lol
I was wondering what was up lol

As for the movie, I can't wait to watch it. I loved the Dark Knight, so hopefully it's as good.

As for the Colorado situation, that's horrible. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone's families
Just got back myself. Absolutely fabulous. I thought this was supposed to be the finale, but it appears that they left it wide open for yet another sequel.
Havent seen it....
I'm taking my 23 year-old daughter to see it at noon! I'm looking forward to it, but there is no doubt that I will carry a heavy heart thinking of those in Colorado who suffered at the hands of a sickened individual. I will promise to say a prayer for them while the previews play.
Bob Seger Wrote:Just got back myself. Absolutely fabulous. I thought this was supposed to be the finale, but it appears that they left it wide open for yet another sequel.

They did - but I think Nolan just did that out of respect for anyone that wanted to pick up the series once again.

He had signed on for 3 movies and already has his plate full now with others.
I have heard rumors that after the Man of Steel movie that they are looking to make a Batman/Superman movie, though.
Absoltuely AWESOME!!!! Loved it. I was freaked out by the Letterman statement! But this movie was hands down the best of the DC Comics Super Hero movies. As stated earlier, the first two were dark and had that image of fake settings. This movie was bright and the action popped on the screen!

Zaga, you nailed it! Ending was incredible! Give me MORE!!!!
Just got back from seeing it......


LOVE IT, hope they make 5 more.
It was perfect. I too, am a ridiculous Batman fan. Although it was ruined by what happened two nights earlier in Colorado, the movie itself was a masterpiece. I think Christopher Nolan is a genius, although I was about to damn him to the hellfires because (SPOILER) I spent about five minutes sobbing, thinking he had killed off Batman, LOL..but, when Bruce Wayne and Alfred make eye contact at the end, it sealed it. I would be happy if no more movies were made, however, I would bet the farm Batman and Robin happen within the next four years or so..
^Thank god u said spoiler so id stop reading.

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