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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Right because when Republican women get raped they just tell there body to stop the pregnancy.
Weak response, WC, very weak. Most of the single women with multiple children and no desire for employment will be voting for Obama again and we all know it. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, but you cannot escape the truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Is that your attitude for a union man making a living?

I disagree with a lot of union philosophies, but there is NO reason to put down what someone does for a living.

Is that your attitude toward how non-union people make a living?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Weak response, WC, very weak. Most of the single women with multiple children and no desire for employment will be voting for Obama again and we all know it. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, but you cannot escape the truth.

Its only weak because its the Republican view. Stop all abortions, no Exceptions. That is absolutely ridiculous.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Its only weak because its the Republican view. Stop all abortions, no Exceptions. That is absolutely ridiculous.
What is ridiculous is that Democrats put a plank in their platform calling for federal funding of partial birth abortions. Are you familiar with that procedure, WC? What is next, will Obama propose legislation to legalize infanticide, as long as the woman's intent was to abort the fetus before it is born? You know, one of those non-viable fetuses who manage to survive their journey into the world that Obama voted three times against protecting?
Have you ever been in any of the Men in Black movies Wildcat? You're pretty good at dodging bullets.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Its only weak because its the Republican view. Stop all abortions, no Exceptions. That is absolutely ridiculous.

It's really hard to respect a man that refuses to be reasonable. 1% of all abortions performed are loosely due to rape/incest danger to mother. In fact only .006 percent are attributable to danger to mother. So, you're telling me you can forgive yourself for supporting the policy of slaughtering 6 million babies every single presidential term because you feel good about the 384 that were aborted because of danger to mother?

Everybody knows that republicans would accept the 384 abortions needed per 4 year cycle for danger to mother, (which would mean only 96 a year) if those that insist on legalized abortion on demand, were forced to stand down, thusly saving the lives of 1-1/2 million babies each year. Only 15,000 abortions each year would be done if we in fact included the rape/incest inclusion, along with the danger to mother rule. This is the liberal policy--- Kill 1.5 million a year for convience to mother and when the republicans or some conservative calls their hand on it, vilify them and say they don't care about women. :please:
What about the 1.5 million innocent babies slaughtered each year? Who cares about them? I mean seriously, murder versus an inconvenience? Gee, I'd hate to put the would be Mom out any, let's just kill the little buggers! Like I have said before, whether one wears a swastika on his lapel or an American flag pin. When one presides over 1.5 million murders every year he is a monster by any definition. There is a lot of argument on here about the sovereignty of God, but, rest assured, He has made it clear in the scriptures regarding hurting the innocent.

FWIW---Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Thanks for the support, Wide, but I expect no more from the cast of liberals on this forum. They depend on unions or Uncle Sam for a living and the unions keep Uncle Sam's piggy bank full in return. They are jealous of those who get paid for their skills and ideas.

you depend on the goverment for a payday
vector Wrote:you depend on the goverment for a payday
And you pretend to be a coal miner. I believe that you are a liar.
The Real Clear Politics national poll average has Obama and Romney tied today. Rasmussen has Romney up by 3 points and even CNN has the two candidates tied. Gallup has Obama up by a point.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What is ridiculous is that Democrats put a plank in their platform calling for federal funding of partial birth abortions. Are you familiar with that procedure, WC? What is next, will Obama propose legislation to legalize infanticide, as long as the woman's intent was to abort the fetus before it is born? You know, one of those non-viable fetuses who manage to survive their journey into the world that Obama voted three times against protecting?

Are you familiar with your Man Mitt Romney Investing in a Medical Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Are you familiar with your Man Mitt Romney Investing in a Medical Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses?

I thought he was "your man" now? You said yesterday you were voting for him.

You aint Flip Floppin again, are you?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Are you familiar with your Man Mitt Romney Investing in a Medical Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses?
Which do you believe is worse, actively working to defeat legislation to require doctors to treat babies who survived botched abortion attempts or investing in a medical waste company that disposed of fetuses? Do you think that somebody as wealthy as Romney consciously decided to invest in a medical waste company because they handled fetuses? Tell me that you are not that dumb. Do you own any mutual funds? If so, do you know the types and names of each company that the fund manager invests your money in?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:And you pretend to be a coal miner. I believe that you are a liar.

wheres your link to back up that hypothesis
Bob Seger Wrote:I thought he was "your man" now? You said yesterday you were voting for him.

You aint Flip Floppin again, are you?

Another way to avoid a question.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Another way to avoid a question.

My name is not Hoot.

How about you answering the question? You were the one I asked.

Another way to avoid a question?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Which do you believe is worse, actively working to defeat legislation to require doctors to treat babies who survived botched abortion attempts or investing in a medical waste company that disposed of fetuses? Do you think that somebody as wealthy as Romney consciously decided to invest in a medical waste company because they handled fetuses? Tell me that you are not that dumb. Do you own any mutual funds? If so, do you know the types and names of each company that the fund manager invests your money in?

Yes he knew, and he didn't care. Which is weird since he cares so much now? Hoot he voted for womens rights for years.
Bob Seger Wrote:My name is not Hoot.

How about you answering the question? You were the one I asked.

Another way to avoid a question?

I said i was going to vote for him. But people like you make that impossible.

Ahh flopping? Listening to romney talk is like watching a fish out of water.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Which do you believe is worse, actively working to defeat legislation to require doctors to treat babies who survived botched abortion attempts or investing in a medical waste company that disposed of fetuses? Do you think that somebody as wealthy as Romney consciously decided to invest in a medical waste company because they handled fetuses? Tell me that you are not that dumb. Do you own any mutual funds? If so, do you know the types and names of each company that the fund manager invests your money in?

Dems know the link between Romney and aborted fetuses in darn near nonexistent. That is an example of your tax dollars at work. Obama staffers pouring over Romney's financial dealings attempting to find something the DNC can use to distort into what they hope will be a damning charge of impropriety. Wonder how many WE employ just to dig up dirt on republicans?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I said i was going to vote for him. But people like you make that impossible.

Ahh flopping? Listening to romney talk is like watching a fish out of water.

Your convictions on anything must not be very strong then,.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Yes he knew, and he didn't care. Which is weird since he cares so much now? Hoot he voted for womens rights for years.
Women and their doctors do not have the right to place live newborn babies in linen closets to die in agony and deny them medical treatment. That was what was going on in Illinois. That is the practice that Obama's actions protected. He even referred to the babies as "non-viable fetuses." If you doubt me, there are audio clips of the debate.

These attacks on Romney over his transformation into a pro-life position make no sense, given Obama's record. Democrats really should try to stay away from the abortion issue during this election. A large majority of Americans oppose partial birth abortions and most people would be appalled to learn that Obama voted in favor of infanticide as an Illinois State Senator. I am amazed at the number of people who are unaware of Obama's past position on "abortion." It is not a winning issue for Obama in this election.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I said i was going to vote for him. But people like you make that impossible.
Ahh flopping? Listening to romney talk is like watching a fish out of water.

You're saying you'd rather run your own career in the ditch than vote for Romney who has already vowed to ramp up the domestic energy scene to levels that will heal our land, and 'your' bank account? Just because Seger asked you not to back up on your word?

Do what's right and don't worry about trying to win an argument with a man that has "built it himself" Surely you can't be suggesting Seger is stupid. Love him or hate him, he has made the lives of a lot of people much better. I like a guy who puts it in your whiskers rather than your back when it's turned. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:You're saying you'd rather run your own career in the ditch than vote for Romney who has already vowed to ramp up the domestic energy scene to levels that will heal our land, and 'your' bank account? Just because Seger asked you not to back up on your word?

Do what's right and don't worry about trying to win an argument with a man that has "built it himself" Surely you can't be suggesting Seger is stupid. Love him or hate him, he has made the lives of a lot of people much better. I like a guy who puts it in your whiskers rather than your back when it's turned. :biggrin:

Twist words how ever you like. I have not said im voting for Obama in any of the post.

My Career is going to be fine either way.

As to the rest i could not care less.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Twist words how ever you like. I have not said im voting for Obama in any of the post.

My Career is going to be fine either way.

As to the rest i could not care less.

Uh huh!!! Keep telling yourself that.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Twist words how ever you like. I have not said im voting for Obama in any of the post.

My Career is going to be fine either way.

As to the rest i could not care less.

Oh good, cause I thought you said you worked in the coal industry. Obama has sworn that he will make coal usage so expensive nobody will be able to afford it and of course that would put people in the coal mining business out of work. Barack Obama---“if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”
This is a great article BTW, you should look at it.
Bob Seger Wrote:Uh huh!!! Keep telling yourself that.

LOL, you gotta wonder how many articles have to be written before folks will finally wake up?
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh good, cause I thought you said you worked in the coal industry. Obama has sworn that he will make coal usage so expensive nobody will be able to afford it and of course that would put people in the coal mining business out of work. Barack Obama---“if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”
This is a great article BTW, you should look at it.

It wouldn't matter if he is or isn't. Everything, and I mean everything has a trickle down effect from coal in eastern Kentucky, and the whole state for that matter. Those who dont want to believe that can only fool themselves just until whatever they are involved 'in goes completely belly up from the absence of our economic base. It's a sign of extreme immaturity on Wildcats part to think otherwise.
My job is not going anywhere . Believe me . And no it's not in the coal business.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:My job is not going anywhere . Believe me . And no it's not in the coal business.

Foolish, foolish, foolish to think that anything in eastern Kentucky is not ultimately predicated on the success of the coal industry..
Bob Seger Wrote:Foolish, foolish, foolish to think that anything in eastern Kentucky is not ultimately predicated on the success of the coal industry..

I do not just work in eastern Kentucky .

We adapt to survive . No matter how things go this election eastern Kentucky and coal is goin to have to transform. It would be safe to say that 50% of coal miners In this area are from my generation . I know atleast 25 off the top of my head that are/were currently miners. When the mines in Martin shut down they didn't set around and wait for things to get better or draw a check . Most went to Logan with mountain laurel . Some went back to school . Coal mining cannot last forever . Plain and simple. Eventually your resources will run out .
Wildcatk23 Wrote:My job is not going anywhere . Believe me . And no it's not in the coal business.

And this coming from the little fellar who only a couple of months ago tried to convince us that the eastern Kentucky economy was booming and doing just fine. Remember all those little graphs and charts you were flashing all over the place from your left wing wacko buddy websites? Wanna give us an update on all that now junior? That hard head of yours makes youhave to learn everything the hard way, doesn't it? Confusednicker:

Ah Junior, junior, junior!!!!:Shaking:

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