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Obama v. Romney: Part Deux
TheRealVille Wrote:In the scheme of things, would it have made any difference in one day and 2 weeks, while they sorted it out? Why are you all so focused on the one day to 2 week timetable? Again, did you want a "shoot first, aim later" response? Or, are you just making a big deal out of talking points? Not debating, just asking.

My take on all this. First, the president, through his own state department had, real-time-information, about the Benghazi embassy attack. The administration knew this was bad, because over the course of the past few months they had denied Ambassador Stevens repeated requests for enhanced security. Thus, they would be guilty of having mishandled the whole affair due to the fact that Ambassador Stevens concerns were more than founded, (as in fact he now lay dead). The state department official "under oath" admitted this along with the fact that she, Amy Lamb, even instructed the Benghazi embassy to stop any further requests for enhanced security because they would not be honored. Second, with election day looming and to hide this inconvenient truth, this administration concocted a cover story. In pursuit of this deceit, Hillary declared the slain US diplomats victims of violence over the video. So did UN Ambassador Susan Rice, and Press Secretary Jay Carney. Also complicitous in the cover was our president himself. ulogizing Chris Stevens two weeks later, at the United Nations, Mr Obama mentioned the inflamatory video no less than 6 times while, never once having referred to the matter as an act of terror. Third, having realized everybody else in the whole world is not quite as dumb as he first thought, and therefore recognizing he is in the deep doo-doo, administration officials are forced to rely on the only 'out', they can come up with. That was the vague reference to terror in his perfunctory closing remarks the day following, from the Rose Garden.

What is wrong with just telling folks the truth? This what I believe is the Modus~Operandi of these folks, everything must be spun to achieve maximum benefit for the administration. It's lying
tvtimeout Wrote:http://www.mercurynews.com/politics-nati...ranscript/


Romney: Thank you very much. And let me tell you, you’re absolutely right about part of that, which is i want to bring the rates down, i want to simplify the tax code, and i want to get middle- income taxpayers to have lower taxes.

And the reason i want middle-income taxpayers to have lower taxes is because middle-income taxpayers have been buried over the past four years. You’ve seen, as middle-income people in this country, incomes go down $4,300 a family, even as gasoline prices have gone up $2,000. Health insurance premiums, up $2,500. Food prices up. Utility prices up.

The middle-income families in america have been crushed over the last four years. So i want to get some relief to middle-income families. That’s part — that’s part one.

Now, how about deductions? ‘cause i’m going to bring rates down across the board for everybody, but i’m going to limit deductions and exemptions and credits, particularly for people at the high end, because i am not going to have people at the high end pay less than they’re paying now.

the top 5 percent of taxpayers will continue to pay 60 percent of the income tax the nation collects. so that’ll stay the same.

as many have stated about small business paying taxes because it is that owners income... What is the point if someone is going to change the rate and i am still paying the same amount? Someone explain this to me? At least with obama he wants the 1%. mitt is going after anyone making over 100k, if i am reading this right.

You're not.
His lying is holding a lot of people back from his side. Playing to the women, he told the "binders full of women" story, and how he asked for names, but that wasn't the truth of what happened.

Quote:Jesse Mermell, a Democratic local official in Brookline, Massachusetts, who was executive director of the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus from 2004 to 2008, took exception to Romney's statement that he initiated the search for qualified women for his cabinet.
A program her group oversaw provided Romney's transition team in 2002 with resumes of qualified women, Mermell told a conference call with reporters Wednesday.
"Mitt Romney did not request those," Mermell said, explaining that the program called MassGAP approached Romney and his Democratic opponent before the election to get their commitment for hiring women to state positions in proportion to the female population. "Then after the election, our group approached the Romney transition team with the resumes, or the so-called binders full of women."
She also cited a study that showed Romney initially hired 14 women among 33 appointments to his cabinet -- 42% of the total -- but by the end of his four-year term, the number of women in his administration was 25%, lower than the previous or subsequent governors.
"At the time Romney paid lip service to the public about hiring more women in senior positions, and treated it like a quota," Mermell said. "But like with so many other things that are Mitt Romney, the facts did not match the rhetoric."
Mermell and Ledbetter, the woman for whom the equal pay legislation was named, told reporters that Ryan voted against the measure and Romney also opposes it. Romney has yet to clearly state his position on the law that strengthens the ability of women to sue employers over unequal pay.
David S. Bernstein, a staff writer for the Phoenix in Boston, told CNN on Wednesday that Romney also had issues involving judicial appointees, noting 17 of the first 19 judges he appointed were men.
"After some unfavorable press about that, he began appointing more women," Bernstein said.

^Whew! Getting hard to run down a good distortion these days, isn't it? All Romney was saying was that he has a good record with regard to employing women.
TheRealVille Wrote:His lying is holding a lot of people back from his side. Playing to the women, he told the "binders full of women" story, and how he asked for names, but that wasn't the truth of what happened.

I'll see your binder full of women and raise you a President Obama comment[YOUTUBE="so true"]CCN5-ovvFL0[/YOUTUBE]:why:
Big Bird, and now binders. This Obama campaign is working overtime to find major campaign issues that nearly all Americans have just plain overlooked. Confusednicker:
nky Wrote:I'll see your binder full of women and raise you a President Obama comment[YOUTUBE="so true"]CCN5-ovvFL0[/YOUTUBE]:why:

Talk about your flip-flopper.
TheRealThing Wrote:^Whew! Getting hard to run down a good distortion these days, isn't it? All Romney was saying was that he has a good record with regard to employing women.
He said it in a lie that "he searched them out". They called him out on hiring women after he was elected, and brought him the resumes'(binders). Nothing major, but why didn't he just tell it straight?
^ well you know he's just a big liar. The All powerful great one keeps telling us that
[Image: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9G...hzSUt4Mvww]
TheRealVille Wrote:He said it in a lie that "he searched them out". They called him out on hiring women after he was elected, and brought him the resumes'(binders). Nothing major, but why didn't he just tell it straight?

I'm glad you don't think it's a big deal cause it certainly isn't. Obama is desperate to paint him as having a "war on women" though and we are discussing the fruits of dems labor to that end. By "searched them out" he meant he'd intended to hire women as governor. He looked at who he wanted and he hired them. The point was that he did hire them and he made that known prior to his successful run up to governor. One woman who served on two different search committees for the governor was just on TV a few minutes ago saying what a load, the whole mole hill made mountain, is anyway.
nky Wrote:^ well you know he's just a big liar. The all powerful great one keeps telling us that
[Image: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9g...hzsut4mvww]

TheRealThing Wrote:I'm glad you don't think it's a big deal cause it certainly isn't. Obama is desperate to paint him as having a "war on women" though and we are discussing the fruits of dems labor to that end. By "searched them out" he meant he'd intended to hire women as governor. He looked at who he wanted and he hired them. The point was that he did hire them and he made that known prior to his successful run up to governor. One woman who served on two different search committees for the governor was just on TV a few minutes ago saying what a load, the whole mole hill made mountain, is anyway.
Not much different in the "1 day or 2 weeks" breaking of the "terrorists" stuff, while they were getting intelligence from over there?
TheRealVille Wrote:Not much different in the "1 day or 2 weeks" breaking of the "terrorists" stuff, while they were getting intelligence from over there?

I don't know. I guess that depends on how fertile your personal fields of rationalization are.

^The reason why I'm personally aggravated about this controversy is because I used to sometimes watch Candy Crowley's show on CNN. I thought she was one of the most unbiased media hosts on CNN. But now that this controversy has come out, I'm not sure what to believe.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're not.

Ok, so small business owners are still getting the shaft here? I mean I have heard that small business owners claim their profit have to put that on their income tax statements. Most small business owners companies make over 100K a year. So there taxes are not going to change was the whole point. I though Romney was the champion of small business owners.
TheRealVille Wrote:What is the difference if he called it terror the first day, or two weeks later? Do you think it doesn't time to get intelligence and figure things out? Would you prefer a "shoot first, aim later" type of response? Why don't you respond to post #254's points also?

Are you really that dumb, TheRealVille? Your boy tried to pass the terrorist act off on the infamous video for almost two weeks. He and his minions gave the same line over and over hoping the public would believe it. He didn't need to worry about the media since they are committed to playing "kissie butt" with him until after the election.

Your boy lied. His minions lied. Not even the lovely Candy Crowley can rebut that fact.

Your boy is an abomination.
tvtimeout Wrote:Ok, so small business owners are still getting the shaft here? I mean I have heard that small business owners claim their profit have to put that on their income tax statements. Most small business owners companies make over 100K a year. So there taxes are not going to change was the whole point. I though Romney was the champion of small business owners.

:igiveup: I'm out.
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