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You won't see this on the mainstream media

A guy peacefully protests against the unions in Michigan, only to get attacked. Similar to what Harry Rex Vonner mentioned in another thread, these people are freaking crazy!
Wow; looks like a power keg!!!
^Hannity just ran the same video. Pretty disgusting, and shows the true nature of all the rhetoric coming out of unions these days. Lanny Davis was on the show. Hannity, pointing out incidents of documented violent behavior from 'Occupy', Wisconsin and labor protestors, asked Davis why we always see scenes of violent behavior coming from left wing protestors, while we never see it coming from right wing protestors. Davis tried to blow smoke to get out of answering the question but, when pressed to give even one example of right wing violence, he couldn't come up with a thing. It was a great question.

The truth is of course, that the left is engaged in a semi-peaceful overthrow of traditional American laws and values, they are the rowdy ones and they always like to do their own color commentary. In this manner they paint the other side as the violent and lawless ones. Exactly the same tactic is used by the liberal dems against republicans, both during campaigns and when controversial legislation is afoot, such as ObamaCare. This fact is why a complicitous main stream media is crucial to their success. Without the lies coming across the nightly news it would be impossible to sell the haze job they are running right now. Not exactly rocket science, but a fact that the media and dems scoff at when challenged with the truth.

Here is what is obvious about all this. Conservatives are peaceful law abiding citizens and they all act the very same way, (all the time) because it's in their nature. Just as it is in natural for the lawless to be violent.
If the reporter had hit the union thug, the former would be in jail and the latter would be plotting with a union attorney to file a large civil suit. Since it was the other way around, it will be ignored by the liberal media and law enforcement.

While we are to assume that all are treated the same under the law, we know that some are just seen as more equal than are others. Thus, union thugs go free.
Oh those fun loving Union thugs aren't they special
Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

When a report is negtive to your union thugs, it must have been doctored. Keep that opinion until spring so I can use it for fertilizer on my tomato plants.

History shows that the vast majority of your union thugs are over weight, under worked, over paid, under educated, over aggressive trouble makers who learned their social graces and moral standards in some back alley.

I see that America's con artist in chief, Jesse Jackson, wants a national strike against right to work. Other than hustling, pimping, and shaking down corporations and the government, Jesse has never worked a day in his life. He is the perfect person to speak for the union thugs.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

You can see this video in several places; some places show a little more than others but the message doesn't change, IMO.
I cannot take liberals anymore. I'm done.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

Hunh, Where is the Liberal Left version, because if there was one, we would be seeing it 34 hours a day..... Hmm, this MUST be the way it went down then if there was no other version, because we KNOW that it would have been shoved down our throats like anything else with a leftist twist....
Stardust Wrote:Hunh, Where is the Liberal Left version, because if there was one, we would be seeing it 34 hours a day..... Hmm, this MUST be the way it went down then if there was no other version, because we KNOW that it would have been shoved down our throats like anything else with a leftist twist....

"34 hours a day"? That is what these union boobs want to get paid for, isn't it?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:"34 hours a day"? That is what these union boobs want to get paid for, isn't it?

:Thumbs: :hilarious:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

Tell me a good reason that these guys should physically attack and attempt to hurt a man.

And that wasn't even the main point, Wildcat. Can you honestly sit here and type with a straight face and say that the media wouldn't be focusing on this if it were a right-wing group attacking somebody?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

Rolleyes Why must you post in a forum that you obviously know nothing about?
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:Rolleyes Why must you post in a forum that you obviously know nothing about?

Why must you post at all.
WideRight05 Wrote:Tell me a good reason that these guys should physically attack and attempt to hurt a man.

And that wasn't even the main point, Wildcat. Can you honestly sit here and type with a straight face and say that the media wouldn't be focusing on this if it were a right-wing group attacking somebody?

The guy was there to cause trouble. No doubt about it. But he should have not been physically attacked. And he should press charges.

As for unions in general. I dont think someone that isnt union should have to pay union dues, and someone that works at a unionized company should even have to join the union. Im all for the right to work law.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol a video cut and edited to only show the union causing trouble. Got to live you guys .

This had to be one of the most filmed fights ever. You can go on line and see many different angles from many different cameras but you still see the same thing. Video is not cut and edited. Sincere piece of advice for you 23, if you hear dems or supporters maligning somebody on the right. It's 99% acid sure, a lie.

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