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Dow continues record run
TheRealVille Wrote:The chart is percentages. Here's you another link to study on global decline in religion.

:biglmao: DA at least use a link that is neutral

free thinking
have the google search engine do you're thinking for you
free goodies
get you're checks, insurance, xboxes, ps2s all from the federal gov't
WideMiddle03 Wrote::biglmao: DA at least use a link that is neutral

free thinking
have the google search engine do you're thinking for you
free goodies
get you're checks, insurance, xboxes, ps2s all from the federal gov't

But 03. Neutral sites don't back liberal ideas up! :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:But 03. Neutral sites don't back liberal ideas up! :biglmao:

If your argument is not supported by facts you are probably a liberal.

The idea that there is a decline in religion is hilarious at best, a pathetic attempt for liberals to further push communism and worst. I guess that decline is why the history channel put on a series called The Bible, put tons of religous add's in it. Add in the most popular new show on TV being about a bunch of rich hillbilly's using guns, and praying at the end of every episode and you'll see there is no decline. Christians have long been a silent majority in this country and are generally not represented in any argument, But with things like this on TV, and new anti-abortion laws passing it looks like the silent majority is about to be much less silent. The decline TRV speaks of is in the cherry picked polling liberals love to put out. The same polls they are using in their anti-gun arguments. Or the classic brady campaign reasoning behind all of the gun buying going on, they say its less people buying more guns. I know a ton of people who have bought their first gun, and know even more who have came back to Jesus.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:If your argument is not supported by facts you are probably a liberal.

The idea that there is a decline in religion is hilarious at best, a pathetic attempt for liberals to further push communism and worst. I guess that decline is why the history channel put on a series called The Bible, put tons of religous add's in it. Add in the most popular new show on TV being about a bunch of rich hillbilly's using guns, and praying at the end of every episode and you'll see there is no decline. Christians have long been a silent majority in this country and are generally not represented in any argument, But with things like this on TV, and new anti-abortion laws passing it looks like the silent majority is about to be much less silent. The decline TRV speaks of is in the cherry picked polling liberals love to put out. The same polls they are using in their anti-gun arguments. Or the classic brady campaign reasoning behind all of the gun buying going on, they say its less people buying more guns. I know a ton of people who have bought their first gun, and know even more who have came back to Jesus.

Good post. I tell ya Tigerfan, men standing up and acting like men will be what brings the church and this country out of their doldrums. These timid ones that are so concerned they might offend somebody need to abandon all the political correctness and grow a set. :biggrin:

Job 40:6-7 (KJV)
6 Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.
TheRealThing Wrote:Good post. I tell ya Tigerfan, men standing up and acting like men will be what brings the church and this country out of their doldrums. These timid ones that are so concerned they might offend somebody need to abandon all the political correctness and grow a set. :biggrin:

Job 40:6-7 (KJV)
6 Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

Yeap that and the liberal media grilling the new pope for not being pro gay marriage, and being anti-abortion. What exactly do they think the pope is? The liberals are making a conserted attempt to subvert God, and they are reaping the rewards in the form of more and more religous folks speaking up.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Yeap that and the liberal media grilling the new pope for not being pro gay marriage, and being anti-abortion. What exactly do they think the pope is? The liberals are making a conserted attempt to subvert God, and they are reaping the rewards in the form of more and more religous folks speaking up.

In yet another twist of irony. The liberal argument that folks who don't conform to the liberal way of thought are not "open minded". While they jealously protect the right to go nuclear for perceived instances of racism or, when they themselves are not open minded toward others that do not share their views. This goes all the way up to God Himself Who, will certainly judge every one of them. They feel justified in carving out the scriptures they don't like. Take for instance, the fact that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality, or that He said He will turn those guilty of that sin over to a reprobate mind. The very thought of that level of intolerance is way too offensive for their delicate sensitivities. The days of tolerance, need to end. Time to tell the truth again.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:If your argument is not supported by facts you are probably a liberal.

The idea that there is a decline in religion is hilarious at best, a pathetic attempt for liberals to further push communism and worst. I guess that decline is why the history channel put on a series called The Bible, put tons of religous add's in it. Add in the most popular new show on TV being about a bunch of rich hillbilly's using guns, and praying at the end of every episode and you'll see there is no decline. Christians have long been a silent majority in this country and are generally not represented in any argument, But with things like this on TV, and new anti-abortion laws passing it looks like the silent majority is about to be much less silent. The decline TRV speaks of is in the cherry picked polling liberals love to put out. The same polls they are using in their anti-gun arguments. Or the classic brady campaign reasoning behind all of the gun buying going on, they say its less people buying more guns. I know a ton of people who have bought their first gun, and know even more who have came back to Jesus.
Does your God heal amputees? :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Does your God heal amputees? :biggrin:

^Not for people who type stuff like this on the internet. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:^Not for people who type stuff like this on the internet. :biggrin:
Does he heal amputees that don't type stuff like me? You know, the ones that offer up sincere prayers?
TheRealVille Wrote:Does he heal amputees that don't type stuff like me? You know, the ones that offer up sincere prayers?

That was a little joke. Your second sentence left me wondering what you're talking about.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Widemiddle said nothing about percentages - he said more people. He was right. All you need to do is apply the percentages to the U.S. population for the period of time covered by the chart that you posted to confirm that fact.

Religion is alive and well in this world and in this country. Even atheists should rejoice that thankful that is the case. The last thing this world needs is more Machiavellians who believe that they are free to define morality in a vacuum free of any higher authority than themselves.

"You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion."
TheRealVille Wrote:"You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion."

On the contrary, aside from God's Word there exists no solid standard for comparison of what actually is right and what is wrong and therefore, the idea of right and wrong becomes subjectively empathetic. Since empathy is nothing if not subjective, the best standard we could hope for would be a chaotic state of flux. Without God's clear and unalterable standard, the common ground once aspired to from both sides of the aisle would not exist and, we would fall prey to the petty whims of special interest groups. Remove God's clearly stated moral code out of our courts and legislatures and each man would begin to follow his own opinion. The orderly workings of the federal government, at one time the envy or the world, would spiral out of control and gridlock would rule our land. Backbiting and bickering would become the new face of the US Congress, and America would become so seriously divided she, (like Rome) would fall from within.

I'm being sarcastic of course. We have turned our back on God and we will reap the whirlwind for our arrogance. "God is not mocked" and "His Word will not return unto Him void." America has two paths she can take. If she insists on the present and keeps on cranking out abortions by the million and continues her trek towards becoming the land of the gay, it's over. If America snaps out of it and returns to her traditional conservative roots, God's hand of blessing will rest upon us again. There is no middle ground.
TheRealVille Wrote:"You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion."
So, is it lack of empathy that drives one to ridicule Christians and derisively refer to the Bible as a book of "fairy tales?"

It is interesting that you chose to post an unattributed quote from an agnostic, RV.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, is it lack of empathy that drives one to ridicule Christians and derisively refer to the Bible as a book of "fairy tales?"

It is interesting that you chose to post an unattributed quote from an agnostic, RV.
No ridicule, just stating my non belief in the book, fairy tales if you will. Would it be any different than me believing that Louis L'Amour was god, and his books were his bible? Would you take up for my belief when others here called me a kook for believing he was god? Do you disagree with the quote? Can a person have morals, and empathy, without religion?
TheRealThing Wrote:On the contrary, aside from God's Word there exists no solid standard for comparison of what actually is right and what is wrong and therefore, the idea of right and wrong becomes subjectively empathetic. Since empathy is nothing if not subjective, the best standard we could hope for would be a chaotic state of flux. Without God's clear and unalterable standard, the common ground once aspired to from both sides of the aisle would not exist and, we would fall prey to the petty whims of special interest groups. Remove God's clearly stated moral code out of our courts and legislatures and each man would begin to follow his own opinion. The orderly workings of the federal government, at one time the envy or the world, would spiral out of control and gridlock would rule our land. Backbiting and bickering would become the new face of the US Congress, and America would become so seriously divided she, (like Rome) would fall from within.

I'm being sarcastic of course. We have turned our back on God and we will reap the whirlwind for our arrogance. "God is not mocked" and "His Word will not return unto Him void." America has two paths she can take. If she insists on the present and keeps on cranking out abortions by the million and continues her trek towards becoming the land of the gay, it's over. If America snaps out of it and returns to her traditional conservative roots, God's hand of blessing will rest upon us again. There is no middle ground.
That's pretty much what a big percentage of Christians do, right now. I have no religion, per say, and I am every bit as moral as you. All one has to do is go back through your posts to some people on BGR.
TheRealVille Wrote:No ridicule, just stating my non belief in the book, fairy tales if you will. Would it be any different than me believing that Louis L'Amour was god, and his books were his bible? Would you take up for my belief when others here called me a kook for believing he was god? Do you disagree with the quote? Can a person have morals, and empathy, without religion?
:biglmao: It is impossible to take you seriously, RV. You never miss an opportunity to ridicule Christians and their beliefs. You won't convince me otherwise, nor will you convince anybody else who spends much time reading your posts. (Well, maybe you have your sidekick fooled.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biglmao: It is impossible to take you seriously, RV. You never miss an opportunity to ridicule Christians and their beliefs. You won't convince me otherwise, nor will you convince anybody else who spends much time reading your posts. (Well, maybe you have your sidekick fooled.)
Can a person have morals, and empathy, without religion?
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biglmao: It is impossible to take you seriously, RV. You never miss an opportunity to ridicule Christians and their beliefs. You won't convince me otherwise, nor will you convince anybody else who spends much time reading your posts. (Well, maybe you have your sidekick fooled.)
To be honest, I make just as much fun of you around Johnson county. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Can a person have morals, and empathy, without religion?
Of course they can but they are far less likely to exhibit those traits. Organized religion is one of the first casualties when a totalitarian government takes over - and that is by design not by accident. That is why I respect followers of peaceful religions and why your infantile attacks on Christianity draw my fire. Human beings deserve the freedom to hold and express their personal religious beliefs without being harassed by those without faith.
TheRealVille Wrote:To be honest, I make just as much fun of you around Johnson county. Confusednicker:
I am sure that you do. Everybody can see what kind of man you are, so I doubt anybody is surprised by anything you do. Were you always a frustrated bully, or are you a late bloomer?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Of course they can but they are far less likely to exhibit those traits. Organized religion is one of the first casualties when a totalitarian government takes over - and that is by design not by accident. That is why I respect followers of peaceful religions and why your infantile attacks on Christianity draw my fire. Human beings deserve the freedom to hold and express their personal religious beliefs without being harassed by those without faith.
As do I.

Your fire means very little to me, you waste your time.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's pretty much what a big percentage of Christians do, right now. I have no religion, per say, and I am every bit as moral as you. All one has to do is go back through your posts to some people on BGR.

I stand by every post I've ever put up.

No question, you are every bit as moral a person as I am. The difference between us is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ covers my sin. I wear the robe of righteousness He has provided for me through His substitutionary death on the cross. So, although I may be a scoundrel, I am forgiven through His unspeakable gift.

One thing is sure. There remains no hope for any who appear before Him at the Judgment Seat whose sins are not covered by the shed blood of God's Son. My suggestion to you is not to try it. There's that standard popping up again. There is only one way for any man to be considered "Moral" and that is by accepting God's Lordship and bowing before Him in repentance. He will give you the morality Jesus died to pass on to all who believe.

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