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"Jacob Conway, the Jefferson County Democratic Party’s executive committee member who originally accused Progress Kentucky of making the recording, told NBC News he was on his way to talk to the FBI about the allegations. And the group’s treasurer confirmed he had quit his position after the audio was published."

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Tactics like this are not the exception, they are the rule for today's democrat, IMO. Dirty dealings, the like of which would seem much more apropos coming from the pages of a Dallas script, are the new normal. I keep hearing about the "tasteless comments" that were being made from the other side of the door by those being interviewed. So what? There are tons of tasteless comments from the other side of every door in government circles. Such rationalizations are the convoluted thoughts by members of an up and coming political culture whose mantra is win at any cost. In these guys minds, secretly taping a meeting in which the Senate Minority Leader is involved, was no big deal, an entirely justifiable means to their visions of a heroic end. I will say that I am impressed so far with Jacob Conway's willingness to come forward and name names, however. A liberal with a conscience, are you kidding me? If it is on the up and up, and not a cover for something else, I for one will be impressed.

So, let me understand this, catching our own president cutting a secret deal with the Russian President on matters of national defense was not newsworthy but, an unknown "presenter" speaking of Ashley Judd's idiosyncrasies in a private meeting was damnable enough to warrant the excusal of an offense for which Richard Nixon was impeached? What were these guys thinking? It shows the level to which, they have been indoctrinated by the left. I'm sure they felt they'd pulled off the political coup de tat of the century. Murder you can get away with it seems, but taping a meeting with Mitch McConnell and sending it to Mother Jones?
^ Calling the FBI has turned out to be a mistake on Mitch's part. They are investigating him. LOL
Quote:When a liberal watchdog group secretly taped Mitch McConnell and his staff discussing ways to smear would-be Senate challenger Ashley Judd, they discovered that the republican was planning to use everything from the actress’ medical history to her own family relations to attack the “out of touch Hollywood liberal” during the 2014 campaign. As it turns out McConnell ended up not needing the dirt, as Judd announced she wouldn’t be seeking office. But that didn’t stop him from asking the feds to investigate just how the secret surveillance was pulled off and whether the watchdog group broke any laws in the process. But now the FBI is investigating him on the charge that he may have misused his senate staff by instructing them to perform opposition research her potential campaign on the government dime.

If there ends up being any heft to accusations, it could end up hurting McConnell in 2014 more than a famous opponent might have. The senate majority leader from Kentucky has already been voted America’s “least popular senator” for his obstructionist tactics aimed at roadblocking Barack Obama’s presidential agenda at all costs. And while overall voter distaste for McConnell nationwide isn’t nearly as strong in Kentucky, the only place where it matters come election time, such a scandal could prove to be his undoing. Is the only senator who’s inappropriately used his taxpayer-funded staff for opposition research? Likely far from it. But he’s the only one in recent memory who’s been caught in the act on tape. And in elevating the surveillance tape to a criminal matter, McConnell may have unwittingly set off a legal chain reaction he can’t stop.
I bet miss judd heard the tapes and decided Mitch wasn't going to just rollover and play dead for her.
TheRealThing Wrote:"Jacob Conway, the Jefferson County Democratic Party’s executive committee member who originally accused Progress Kentucky of making the recording, told NBC News he was on his way to talk to the FBI about the allegations. And the group’s treasurer confirmed he had quit his position after the audio was published."

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Tactics like this are not the exception, they are the rule for today's democrat, IMO. Dirty dealings, the like of which would seem much more apropos coming from the pages of a Dallas script, are the new normal. I keep hearing about the "tasteless comments" that were being made from the other side of the door by those being interviewed. So what? There are tons of tasteless comments from the other side of every door in government circles. Such rationalizations are the convoluted thoughts by members of an up and coming political culture whose mantra is win at any cost. In these guys minds, secretly taping a meeting in which the Senate Minority Leader is involved, was no big deal, an entirely justifiable means to their visions of a heroic end. I will say that I am impressed so far with Jacob Conway's willingness to come forward and name names, however. A liberal with a conscience, are you kidding me? If it is on the up and up, and not a cover for something else, I for one will be impressed.

So, let me understand this, catching our own president cutting a secret deal with the Russian President on matters of national defense was not newsworthy but, an unknown "presenter" speaking of Ashley Judd's idiosyncrasies in a private meeting was damnable enough to warrant the excusal of an offense for which Richard Nixon was impeached? What were these guys thinking? It shows the level to which, they have been indoctrinated by the left. I'm sure they felt they'd pulled off the political coup de tat of the century. Murder you can get away with it seems, but taping a meeting with Mitch McConnell and sending it to Mother Jones?
So, you are not ok with the democrats recording him to try to catch him up in something, but you are ok with him trying to get something on, and trash an opponent? You are right though, especially with Mitch McConnell, this type of stuff is his norm. Are you saying it's ok to demonize Ashley's mental health issues she had a few years back as a way to help his campaign?
This is how he responds to questions about whether he considers it fair game to use her struggles with depression as a campaign strategy.

[YOUTUBE="Mitch McConnell"]jJdVHPSVbp8[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealVille Wrote:So, you are not ok with the democrats recording him to try to catch him up in something, but you are ok with him trying to get something on, and trash an opponent? You are right though, especially with Mitch McConnell, this type of stuff is his norm. Are you saying it's ok to demonize Ashley's mental health issues she had a few years back as a way to help his campaign?

Are you kidding? After the campaign, and I use that term loosely obviously, your boy ran against Romney? Heck, anybody with brain cells with even a remote familiarity among them, could see Romney got backdoored by Candy and Barry in the 2nd debate. And, at just the right moment Mother Jones was there to make something from nothing on the 47% deal, (your greatest fan's area of expertise) and now medusa has raised her head again to make it look like Mitch is really the bad guy here with similar tactics of bad and dishonest reporting.

If Ashley is a little nutty that's unfortunate but, as usual, stretching to make a charge is no problem for a supporter like you. The "presenter" made the statements that were feloniously attained by the leftist zealots. It certainly didn't ruffle you feathers any when Reid blasted the person of Mitt Romney with his lies from the well of the Senate, accusing him of being a 10 year long tax cheat did it? Nor did it bother you that so many of O's cabinet and czarships went to tax cheats, as I recall.

I'm sure coming up with plausible counter charges wasn't the hardest assignment O's taxpayer paid troops have ever been given. Still in all, misuse of government time is the best you got? If Mitch is guilty of it so are the one's who spent their time coming up with the counter charges. It's not about learning the truth for liberals. It's about deception, distortions, and self delusion.
if the law was broken by either side then they should be prosecuted
nky Wrote:if the law was broken by either side then they should be prosecuted

True. However, we both know that there will be no prosecutions whatsoever. The Kentucky law in regard to the recording of conversations was clearly violated. It is a felony. However, nothing will happen.

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