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Planned Parenthood drops a bomb.
^ RV and America's adopted way of thinking. Exactly my argument above.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Wanna be irresponsible and get pregnant? Sure, just kill it.

Want to be irresponsible and not work? Sure, your check will be in the mail on the 1st.

Want to be irresponsible and not find a way to get healthcare? No problem, taxpayers will foot the bill.

At no point in liberal America does a person ever have to be held accountable for anything. Unless of course, some other crazy person does something involving a gun. Then all gun-owners are accountable. All about saving the children in our schools, hell, if they are lucky enough to make it to school before being aborted.

There are plenty of hypocrisies of conservative logic, of that I am sure, but no one can act like the liberal counterparts are the standard of intelligence in the world.

Panther Thunder Wrote:Wanna be irresponsible and get pregnant? Sure, just kill it.

Want to be irresponsible and not work? Sure, your check will be in the mail on the 1st.

Want to be irresponsible and not find a way to get healthcare? No problem, taxpayers will foot the bill.

At no point in liberal America does a person ever have to be held accountable for anything. Unless of course, some other crazy person does something involving a gun. Then all gun-owners are accountable. All about saving the children in our schools, hell, if they are lucky enough to make it to school before being aborted.

There are plenty of hypocrisies of conservative logic, of that I am sure, but no one can act like the liberal counterparts are the standard of intelligence in the world.

My biggest problem with liberals is that they want to act like they are smarter than their counterparts on the right. They make up rights and force everyone to accept these rights while trying to desecrate the ones that are written in black and white. They laugh at religious folks while worshiping science. and they preach a message of hate against those who have worked for what they have. I guess I have a lot of problems with them. lol
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't make wishes, one way or the other. If a mother wants to have a baby, I'm fine with it. If a mother wants to have an abortion, I'm fine with it. I don't have a right to tell a woman what she can do with her body. That's the difference in you and me. You think you have that right.

It is your wish/preference that women be able to choose to abort and you fully support it. You are perfectly fine with Jane Doe down the street choosing to abort her baby. If I'm perfectly fine wishing that your mother had chose to abort you, is there any difference in our stance?

I'm playing a little devil's advocate here TRV. I don't really wish your mother had aborted you. Gee whiz!
TheRealVille Wrote:You pro lifers(a misnomer, btw, since after birth you want nothing to do with helping them) are the ones making all the noise about abortion. If it should be overturned, you should have to adopt the unwanted kids. Planned Parenthood keeps pro lifers in check on woman's rights issues.

As they say, ignorance is bliss. Rationalize it all you want. An abortion, for any reason, is the willful and premeditated murder of another human being. Your precious science, through DNA advances, has proven, unintentionally I am sure, that from the moment of conception, the preborn is a separate human being.

Take whatever position you want. Facts are facts.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, there is no mistake to pay for, unless you follow the bible. The last time I checked, the bible wasn't the rule of law for America. No man, including any here, have the right to tell a woman what decisions she can make concerning her body. And, that includes you and me. When that baby becomes viable, then we can step in and stop her from an abortion. That's fact.

Apart from the obvious absurdity of your post, I got a different take on that. Any man, including any here, who would allow his woman, wife, or significant whatever, to murder his child/children isn't a man at all. He's a whiney sniveling coward hiding behind "women's rights." If more men were man enough to face their own responsibilities, we wouldn't be seeing the need for the carnage which is the abortion industry. 55 million and counting. All in the name of self indulgence and dodging the natural results of sowing their oats.

You can repackage and relabel all these "social issues" until the Lord comes back. That's what I find so ridiculous about little men, worms actually, who have gotten all puffed up and have decided to redefine the purview and precepts of the Almighty. Abortion is infanticide, murder of the helpless innocents. Frankly, I am greatly consoled by the reality that though men may be up on their high horses right now with all this social legislation, there is one law against which, they will never be able to prevail. God is not mocked and His Word/Law will not return unto Him void. The Sodomites did exactly as they chose, right up until the day that the fire and brimstone fell. It will be no different in our day. We see the noose of His justice tightening on America, the boundless blessings that characterized the second half of the past century have largely begun to dissipate. The four horsemen will ride, judgment will fall, war and famine are coming.
TheRealThing Wrote:Apart from the obvious absurdity of your post, I got a different take on that. Any man, including any here, who would allow his woman, wife, or significant whatever, to murder his child/children isn't a man at all. He's a whiney sniveling coward hiding behind "women's rights." If more men were man enough to face their own responsibilities, we wouldn't be seeing the need for the carnage which is the abortion industry. 55 million and counting. All in the name of self indulgence and dodging the natural results of sowing their oats.

You can repackage and relabel all these "social issues" until the Lord comes back. That's what I find so ridiculous about little men, worms actually, who have gotten all puffed up and have decided to redefine the purview and precepts of the Almighty. Abortion is infanticide, murder of the helpless innocents. Frankly, I am greatly consoled by the reality that though men may be up on their high horses right now with all this social legislation, there is one law against which, they will never be able to prevail. God is not mocked and His Word/Law will not return unto Him void. The Sodomites did exactly as they chose, right up until the day that the fire and brimstone fell. It will be no different in our day. We see the noose of His justice tightening on America, the boundless blessings that characterized the second half of the past century have largely begun to dissipate. The four horsemen will ride, judgment will fall, war and famine are coming.
You can quote bible and claim that your God's judgement will come on the unjust until the cows come home. It still doesn't make it real. It will be a shame when you're gone, and it still won't be proven, after all of your spouting off.

BTW, your book will never be law in America. Although I respect your right to follow it, I never will.
TheRealVille Wrote:You can quote bible and claim that your God's judgement will come on the unjust until the cows come home. It still doesn't make it real. It will be a shame when you're gone, and it still won't be proven, after all of your spouting off.

BTW, your book will never be law in America.

Oh how wrong you are. War, economic collapse, famine will be the verdict rendered by the Supreme Judge. He went to great detail to lay it out for man in scripture. Hatred for those who serve Him will be the elixir which causes all those who will to believe a lie rather than the truth.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh how wrong you are. War, economic collapse, famine will be the verdict rendered by the Supreme Judge. He went to great detail to lay it out for man in scripture. Hatred for those who serve Him will be the elixir which causes all those who will to believe a lie rather than the truth.
Prove without a doubt that scripture is true, then maybe you will have an audience. Paul thought Jesus would come back in his lifetime, 2000 years ago, and claimed the world would get a lot worse. It has gotten better for 2000 years. Paul was wrong, why would I think you are right?
TheRealVille Wrote:Prove without a doubt that scripture is true, then maybe you will have an audience. Paul thought Jesus would come back in his lifetime, 2000 years ago, and claimed the world would get a lot worse. It has gotten better for 2000 years. Paul was wrong, why would I think you are right?

You're really ill informed for a guy with some kind of degree in the divinities. Paul was the only Apostle who was converted by the Lord Himself after His ascension. He was "caught up" to the third heaven and shown things by God that were unlawful for him to even write about. The last words Paul wrote were from prison in Rome, 2 Tim 4, he didn't even bring the Lord's second coming up, and he knew in fact his race was finnished. I doubt very seriously that Paul thought Christ would be back before he died.

And I can tell you one thing for sure. The world is much worse than it was only ten years ago. And anybody who would say otherwise is deluding himself.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're really ill informed for a guy with some kind of degree in the divinities. Paul was the only Apostle who was converted by the Lord Himself after His ascension. He was "caught up" to the third heaven and shown things by God that were unlawful for him to even write about. The last words Paul wrote were from prison in Rome, 2 Tim 4, he didn't even bring the Lord's second coming up, and he knew in fact his race was finnished. I doubt very seriously that Paul thought Christ would be back before he died.

And I can tell you one thing for sure. The world is much worse than it was only ten years ago. And anybody who would say otherwise is deluding himself.
He said as much. Are you privy to divine interpretation? Prove the bible is true, and you might have an audience. We have proof that Louis La'Amour wrote his books, what do you have?
TheRealThing Wrote:You're really ill informed for a guy with some kind of degree in the divinities. Paul was the only Apostle who was converted by the Lord Himself after His ascension. He was "caught up" to the third heaven and shown things by God that were unlawful for him to even write about. The last words Paul wrote were from prison in Rome, 2 Tim 4, he didn't even bring the Lord's second coming up, and he knew in fact his race was finnished. I doubt very seriously that Paul thought Christ would be back before he died.

And I can tell you one thing for sure. The world is much worse than it was only ten years ago. And anybody who would say otherwise is deluding himself.
Is it worse than Paul's time? Why go back just 10 years? Is it worse than the dark ages?
TheRealVille Wrote:He said as much. Are you privy to divine interpretation? Prove the bible is true, and you might have an audience. We have proof that Louis La'Amour wrote his books, what do you have?

No he didn't. Am I privy to divine interpretation? Funny you should ask.
1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV)
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. I have eternal life through His unspeakable gift. I have truth. And I have understanding enough to know that things are much worse than you would let on. As I have said over and again, no amount of proof will convince you because you have an emotional fire wall set up. You chose to believe a lie rather than the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV)
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
TheRealThing Wrote:No he didn't. Am I privy to divine interpretation? Funny you should ask.
1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV)
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. I have eternal life through His unspeakable gift. I have truth. And I have understanding enough to know that things are much worse than you would let on. As I have said over and again, no amount of proof will convince you because you have an emotional fire wall set up. You chose to believe a lie rather than the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV)
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Yes, he did, you don't look.

Quote:15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Quote:2 Thessalonians 1:7
New International Version (NIV)
7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.

Still no proof this book isn't a fairy tale, written by men to control the masses? Yes, you are under delusion, and believing a lie.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, he did, you don't look.

Still no proof this book isn't a fairy tale, written by men to control the masses? Yes, you are under delusion, and believing a lie.

You really ought to stick with insults and misleading posts cause you're taking a lot of backwater when you try to interpret scripture. The scripture you quote is speaking of the day when the Lord comes back but, there is absolutely no indicator that Paul thinks he will still be alive at that time. When he says "we who are alive and remain" just means the saved who are alive at the time of his return. Those who have lived and died will rise first and together, the former dead and those who yet live at that time, will join Him in the air.

In your 2 Thessalonians text Paul is speaking to those who have been persecuted for their belief in the Lord. Saying that God will "recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;" But I love the verse following your quote. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 (KJV)
"8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:"

You missed your mark by a mile with those scriptures I can assure you but, I appreciate your posting them. I really take heart from the reading of prophetic scripture. :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:You really ought to stick with insults and misleading posts cause you're taking a lot of backwater when you try to interpret scripture. The scripture you quote is speaking of the day when the Lord comes back but, there is absolutely no indicator that Paul thinks he will still be alive at that time. When he says "we who are alive and remain" just means the saved who are alive at the time of his return. Those who have lived and died will rise first and together, the former dead and those who yet live at that time, will join Him in the air.

In your 2 Thessalonians text Paul is speaking to those who have been persecuted for their belief in the Lord. Saying that God will "recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;" But I love the verse following your quote. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 (KJV)
"8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:"

You missed your mark by a mile with those scriptures I can assure you but, I appreciate your posting them. I really take heart from the reading of prophetic scripture. :Thumbs:
So he didn't mean what he said, and you get to interpret his meaning, other than what he said? I've saw that kind of bible interpretation all my life. Explain away what you don't believe. :Thumbs: Still no proof your bible is real, and written to control the masses?
TheRealVille Wrote:So he didn't mean what he said, and you get to interpret his meaning, other than what he said? I've saw that kind of bible interpretation all my life. Explain away what you don't believe. :Thumbs: Still no proof your bible is real, and written to control the masses?

Nope. Completely all wrong yet again. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

2600 odd, mostly fulfilled prophetic passages without a single miss, does make your position a bit tentative. Do they not?
^ Most all religious schools of thought, and scholars agree that early christians, Paul included, believed that Jesus would return in their lifetime, and save them from the oppression of Rome. I guess that has changed now, now that the reigns of biblical interpretation have been turned over to your leadership.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Most all religious schools of thought, and scholars agree that early christians, Paul included, believed that Jesus would return in their lifetime, and save them from the oppression of Rome. I guess that has changed now, now that the reigns of biblical interpretation have been turned over to your leadership.

A lot of them did. Paul did not, he was special. You just want to be right don't you? And to you, being right means trying to win an argument. You're wrong about the Apostle Paul and contrary to your belief, the Bible is not open to interpretation. There is only one true meaning to the scriptures and they are spiritually discerned. Your attitude about God would not place you in the company of those who the Holy Spirit enlightens with understanding. But please, do keep on embarrassing yourself.
TheRealThing Wrote:A lot of them did. Paul did not, he was special. You just want to be right don't you? And to you, being right means trying to win an argument. You're wrong about the Apostle Paul and contrary to your belief, the Bible is not open to interpretation. There is only one true meaning to the scriptures and they are spiritually discerned. Your attitude about God would not place you in the company of those who the Holy Spirit enlightens with understanding. But please, do keep on embarrassing yourself.
I guess you are enlightened above most biblical scholars now? Confusednicker: :Thumbs: You remind me of a superintendent we had once, we called him Popcorn, he thought he knew everything, but he was just short of being a total idiot.
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess you are enlightened above most biblical scholars now? Confusednicker: :Thumbs: You remind me of a superintendent we had once, we called him Popcorn, he thought he knew everything, but he was just short of being a total idiot.

degrees mean everything 2 liberals
the same Bible he reads is the same Bible the scholars read
none of the 12 apostles were considered "scholars"
WideMiddle03 Wrote:degrees mean everything 2 liberals
the same Bible he reads is the same Bible the scholars read
none of the 12 apostles were considered "scholars"
There goes your 2nd grade reading comprehension again. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess you are enlightened above most biblical scholars now? Confusednicker: :Thumbs: You remind me of a superintendent we had once, we called him Popcorn, he thought he knew everything, but he was just short of being a total idiot.

Well, believe me, you aren't.

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