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dr gosnell convicted

surprisingly saw this on the front page of the news
he is convicted of three counts of first degree murder
cleared of one charge
The death penalty is too good for him. Of course, with the flaws in our legal system, he could play the appeal game and delay it for a quarter of a century or so. By then, he would be 97 and, most likely, dead anyway.

Gosnell would make even the most lenient liberal support torture.
Well, the piece of excrement made sure he kept his own miserable life by avoiding a possible death sentence by agreeing to two life sentences. It is truly a bitter irony that one who murdered thousands of human beings was allowed to "save" his own sorry existence.

I would hope that his "neighbors" in prison treat him with the same disregard of life that he exhibited toward the innocents whom he deprived of life. I wish for this unspeakable scum a short remaining life filled with endless physical and mental torture. He deserves no less. One must wonder why God let him murder so many for so long.

And, by the way, the women who hired him to kill their babies are no better. Regardless of what the liberals may say, there are absolutes in this life.
Funny how all the "right to choose crowd" don't have any thing to say about this post. The law said it was a crime after 24 weeks. I guess 23 weeks 6 days is OK. I just don't know anyone wise enough to pick what day-hour-minute-second that fetus changes to baby. I guess I'm just not as smart as some people.
the other guy Wrote:Funny how all the "right to choose crowd" don't have any thing to say about this post. The law said it was a crime after 24 weeks. I guess 23 weeks 6 days is OK. I just don't know anyone wise enough to pick what day-hour-minute-second that fetus changes to baby. I guess I'm just not as smart as some people.
What do you want anybody to say? He broke the law, and will be punished, as he should. If you've got a problem with what the law sets as to what point an abortion is legal or illegal, you need to contact PA. Federal law sets it at 22 weeks, which is more in line with when a fetus becomes viable. I wouldn't agree with PA's 24 weeks, I would go more with the 22 week Federal rule. I don't know of a single "right to choose" person on this board that gets to make laws, or interpret them as to legality goes. Gosnell did abortions illegally, and committed murder, and will pay the price of a murderer.
Since DNA advancements hav proven conclusively that, from the moment of conception, the baby has a separate DNA profile from the woman carrying said baby, it is disingenuous to argue that we aren't dealing with two separate and distinct human beings.

Now, some will argue, and they will be correct, that the law of the land allows for the "termination" of these babies using, of course, the politically correct bromide, "a woman's right to control her own body". But now we know that that is not a fact. She is controlling both her own body and the body of her helpless and vulnerable offspring.

Spin it as you please. Rationalize if you must. Keep reminding us that it is "legal". Make excuses for the "plight" of the woman accomplice. In the end, it is still, by any reasonable interpretation, premeditated murder of a separate human being. The fact that it is "legal" is merely a reflection of the state of society. It is not a legitimate justification whatsoever.
TheRealVille Wrote:What do you want anybody to say? He broke the law, and will be punished, as he should. If you've got a problem with what the law sets as to what point an abortion is legal or illegal, you need to contact PA. Federal law sets it at 22 weeks, which is more in line with when a fetus becomes viable. I wouldn't agree with PA's 24 weeks, I would go more with the 22 week Federal rule. I don't know of a single "right to choose" person on this board that gets to make laws, or interpret them as to legality goes. Gosnell did abortions illegally, and committed murder, and will pay the price of a murderer.

If congress passed a law that allowed anyone at any time to kick you (and only you) in the balls, would you be okay with that law too?

I know that's a silly comparison but, just because congress comes up with a law does not mean it is true and correct. We may have to live by said laws, but that does not mean we have to agree/settle with them.
TheRealVille Wrote:What do you want anybody to say? He broke the law, and will be punished, as he should. If you've got a problem with what the law sets as to what point an abortion is legal or illegal, you need to contact PA. Federal law sets it at 22 weeks, which is more in line with when a fetus becomes viable. I wouldn't agree with PA's 24 weeks, I would go more with the 22 week Federal rule. I don't know of a single "right to choose" person on this board that gets to make laws, or interpret them as to legality goes. Gosnell did abortions illegally, and committed murder, and will pay the price of a murderer.
Ok so 21 weeks 6 days 23 hrs 59 mins its a fetus but one minute later it's a baby. Again I'm not wise enough to make that decision.
My granddaughter was born early and spent quite a bit of time in NICU they were two babies in there that weighed less than two pounds they both made it

I seen these mothers do everything in their power to keep these kids alive.

No i don't make law but i vote for people who do. I vote for canidates aganist these things you vote for canidates for these things. Watever makes you happy i guess.
the other guy Wrote:Ok so 21 weeks 6 days 23 hrs 59 mins its a fetus but one minute later it's a baby. Again I'm not wise enough to make that decision.
My granddaughter was born early and spent quite a bit of time in NICU they were two babies in there that weighed less than two pounds they both made it

I seen these mothers do everything in their power to keep these kids alive.

No i don't make law but i vote for people who do. I vote for canidates aganist these things you vote for canidates for these things. Watever makes you happy i guess.
You ned to address the supreme court.
TheRealVille Wrote:You ned to address the supreme court.

Who were appointed my people we elected. So we still are responible for our votes.
What Gosnel did was not that much different than the practice of some Illinois hospitals that Obama defended. Gosnel killed live born babies by cutting their spinal cords and the Illinois hospitals were placing them in dirty linen closets, withholding medical treatment from them, and turning a deaf ear until the screams of agony stopped. It is debatable as to which practice is more merciful, but both are acts of barbarism that good, moral people cannot condone.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What Gosnel did was not that much different than the practice of some Illinois hospitals that Obama defended. Gosnel killed live born babies by cutting their spinal cords and the Illinois hospitals were placing them in dirty linen closets, withholding medical treatment from them, and turning a deaf ear until the screams of agony stopped. It is debatable as to which practice is more merciful, but both are acts of barbarism that good, moral people cannot condone.

Neither practice is "merciful". Both are premeditated murder. Obama is up to his large ears in his unwavering support of killing our most innocent human beings. Alleged Christians who still support Obama are enablers and fools.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Neither practice is "merciful". Both are premeditated murder. Obama is up to his large ears in his unwavering support of killing our most innocent human beings. Alleged Christians who still support Obama are enablers and fools.
That is my point exactly, Harry. Both are cruel and the only difference was that Gosnel gave his innocent victims a quick and painful death and the Illinois hospitals that Obama defended gave their innocent victims death that was sometimes preceded by hours of agony. The end result was the same and the murderers in both cases are equally guilty. It still confounds me how a man that referred multiple times to live born babies as fetuses and never apologized for his statements managed to get elected president. I can forgive the fools who voted for Obama once out of pure ignorance, but the two-time Obama voters knew full well what they were doing. As you said, they are enablers, for a more evil man has never occupied the White House.
^ Wise beyond your ears.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That is my point exactly, Harry. Both are cruel and the only difference was that Gosnel gave his innocent victims a quick and painful death and the Illinois hospitals that Obama defended gave their innocent victims death that was sometimes preceded by hours of agony. The end result was the same and the murderers in both cases are equally guilty. It still confounds me how a man that referred multiple times to live born babies as fetuses and never apologized for his statements managed to get elected president. I can forgive the fools who voted for Obama once out of pure ignorance, but the two-time Obama voters knew full well what they were doing. As you said, they are enablers, for a more evil man has never occupied the White House.

You are correct, Hoot Gibson. Obama, by his overt support of all abortion in general and for Planned Parenthood in particular, is clearly the most diabolical anti-life proponent of all our presidents. And, those who supported him knowing his beliefs are accomplices.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are correct, Hoot Gibson. Obama, by his overt support of all abortion in general and for Planned Parenthood in particular, is clearly the most diabolical anti-life proponent of all our presidents. And, those who supported him knowing his beliefs are accomplices.


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