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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
look at this


premiums here 2 increase by 64-146%
i used forbes just 4 our liberal residents who use it from time 2 time
WideMiddle03 Wrote:look at this


premiums here 2 increase by 64-146%
i used forbes just 4 our liberal residents who use it from time 2 time
As you very well know premiums rates are cheaper for younger, healthy persons, as compared to older people anyway. They always have been. Also, some of the higher premiums rates will offer lower out of pocket costs. Under the ACA premiums are only allowed to be triple for older people. BTW, if someone can get insurance for 260 a month, like it states in your article, that is dirt cheap.


BTW, you might want to search for information under the programs true name, instead of the name that offers up information with a preconceived motive behind it. ie: the ACA, or Affordable Care Act, instead of Obamacare.
^Preconceived motives, as in the motives all you "right wingers" have against anything Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:As you very well know premiums rates are cheaper for younger, healthy persons, as compared to older people anyway. They always have been. Also, some of the higher premiums rates will offer lower out of pocket costs. Under the ACA premiums are only allowed to be triple for older people. BTW, if someone can get insurance for 260 a month, like it states in your article, that is dirt cheap.


BTW, you might want to search for information under the programs true name, instead of the name that offers up information with a preconceived motive behind it. ie: the ACA, or Affordable Care Act, instead of Obamacare.

There are liberal Democrats like Montana Senator Max Baucus who are more familiar with Obamacare (a/k/a the misleading name of Affordable Care Act) than any left wing Obamabot journalist, who are putting as much distance as possible between Obmacare and themselves.

I have concluded that all people who have IQs higher than room temperature who still defend this crooked administration have crossed supporter territory and entered the camp of accomplices who surround our Know-Nothing president.

Jon Stewart seems to be reaching the same conclusion about Obama that I did more than 5 years ago. Better late than never.

[YOUTUBE="Jon Stewart Slams Obama Again"]eDfmUK833hc[/YOUTUBE]
No news to me.
I see it on my paychecks every week.
TheRealVille Wrote:As you very well know premiums rates are cheaper for younger, healthy persons, as compared to older people anyway. They always have been. Also, some of the higher premiums rates will offer lower out of pocket costs. Under the ACA premiums are only allowed to be triple for older people. BTW, if someone can get insurance for 260 a month, like it states in your article, that is dirt cheap.


BTW, you might want to search for information under the programs true name, instead of the name that offers up information with a preconceived motive behind it. ie: the ACA, or Affordable Care Act, instead of Obamacare.

*The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

I'd hate for you to get it wrong since you your really up to date with all 2,000+ Pages

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:*The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

I'd hate for you to get it wrong since you your really up to date with all 2,000+ Pages

Type that in then, instead of Obamacare, and maybe you will get true info.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:*The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

I'd hate for you to get it wrong since you your really up to date with all 2,000+ Pages

It is poetic justice that liberal Democrats find themselves in the position of needing Republican support to "fix" Obamacare after pushing the legislation through Congress with no Republican support using all sorts of gimmicks and bribes. Hopefully, there are enough Republicans with spines left in the House to see to it that Obamacare dies a natural and well deserved death.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is poetic justice that liberal Democrats find themselves in the position of needing Republican support to "fix" Obamacare after pushing the legislation through Congress with no Republican support using all sorts of gimmicks and bribes. Hopefully, there are enough Republicans with spines left in the House to see to it that Obamacare dies a natural and well deserved death.
Are you insinuating that they are going to have a 39th vote to repeal it?Confusednicker:
Quote:Individuals and the Affordable Care Act
The health care law helps improve care and lower costs for healthy individuals and people with health conditions. When key parts of the health care law take effect in 2014, there’ll be a new way to get health insurance: the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace is designed to help you find health insurance that fits your budget, with less hassle.

Healthy Individuals and the Affordable Care Act
Even if you’re healthy now, sooner or later there will come a time when you will need health insurance. Not having health insurance when you need it can result in large amounts of debt and bad credit ratings. Worrying about health insurance and the cost of your care is the last thing you want to do. The Affordable Care Act is expanding your options for health insurance and making them more affordable.Find out how you can get a break on costs.

5 Things to Know for Healthy Individuals
Under the health care law, insurance companies can no longer drop you when you get sick just because you made a mistake on your coverage application.
Parents have new options to cover their children. If you have children under age 26, you can insure them if your policy allows for dependent coverage. The only exception is if you have an existing job-based plan, and your children can get their own job-based coverage.
Job-based health plans and new individual plans are no longer allowed to deny or exclude coverage to any child under age 19 based on health conditions, including babies born with health problems.
Starting in 2014, if your income is less than the equivalent of about $88,000 for a family of four today and your job doesn’t offer affordable coverage, you may get tax credits to help pay for insurance.
Starting in 2014, if your employer doesn’t offer insurance, you will be able to buy insurance directly in the Health Insurance Marketplace that gives you power similar to what large businesses and members of Congress have to get better choices and lower prices.
Individuals with Health Conditions and the Affordable Care Act
If you have a health condition, you know how important having health insurance is and how expensive it can be. Worrying about where to get coverage and the cost of your care is the last thing you want to do when you are dealing with chronic illness. The health care law is expanding your options for health insurance and making them more affordable.

7 Things to Know for Individuals with Health Conditions

Under the health care law, if you have been uninsured for at least six months and have a health condition, you may be able to get health insurance through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.
If a new insurance plan doesn’t pay for services you believe were covered, you now have new, clear options to appeal the decision.
Insurance companies can no longer drop you when you get sick just because you made a mistake on your coverage application.
Starting in 2014, job-based and new individual plans won’t be able to exclude you from coverage or charge you a higher premium for a pre-existing condition, including a disability.
Starting in 2014, if your income is less than the equivalent of about $88,000 for a family of four today, and your job doesn’t offer affordable coverage, you may get tax credits to help pay for insurance.
If you have insurance and have problems with your plan or questions about your coverage, get help through the Consumer Assistance Program.
If you have been rejected for insurance, learn more about your rights and find out how to appeal denied claims.

COBRA insurance payments 2012=$783.00, 2013=$983.00. But my letter did say that my childern living at home would be covered untill they are 26 although i have no childern living at home.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you insinuating that they are going to have a 39th vote to repeal it?
They don't have to repeal it anytime soon. All they have to do is refuse Obama's pleas to fix the mess that he created. When Baucus talked of the coming Obamacare trainwreck, he was acknowledging that it is not being implemented correctly and it is not likely to be fixed. Baucus is taking the coward's way out by running away from the battlefield before the carnage begins.
the other guy Wrote:COBRA insurance payments 2012=$783.00, 2013=$983.00. But my letter did say that my childern living at home would be covered untill they are 26 although i have no childern living at home.
COBRA is a different animal, and you know it. The extent of your guys fabrications are unlimited, I guess. COBRA is a plan that keeps your company's insurance from dropping you. It doesn't limit what your company's insurance charges you.

Quote:The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events. Qualified individuals may be required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102 percent of the cost to the plan.
COBRA generally requires that group health plans sponsored by employers with 20 or more employees in the prior year offer employees and their families the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage (called continuation coverage) in certain instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end.
COBRA outlines how employees and family members may elect continuation coverage. It also requires employers and plans to provide notice.

FTR, when were you terminated from your company?
the other guy Wrote:COBRA insurance payments 2012=$783.00, 2013=$983.00. But my letter did say that my childern living at home would be covered untill they are 26 although i have no childern living at home.

Quote:The U.S. Department of Labor's program for the review of denials of the COBRA premium reduction under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has ended. The COBRA premium reduction was available for individuals who experienced involuntary terminations on or before May 31, 2010. The COBRA premium reduction under ARRA is not available for individuals who experience involuntary terminations after May 31, 2010; therefore the eligibility period for the subsidy has passed.
Were you terminated in this window where the subsidy reduced you payment? I find it hilarious that you have the nerve to bring up COBRA payments into the equation. Did you think some of us didn't know what COBRA was? I use COBRA all the time in my trade, because I get laid off at times, and have to buy my insurance myself through it, just so I don't have to shop for other insurance until I go back to work. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There are liberal Democrats like Montana Senator Max Baucus who are more familiar with Obamacare (a/k/a the misleading name of Affordable Care Act) than any left wing Obamabot journalist, who are putting as much distance as possible between Obmacare and themselves.

I have concluded that all people who have IQs higher than room temperature who still defend this crooked administration have crossed supporter territory and entered the camp of accomplices who surround our Know-Nothing president.

Jon Stewart seems to be reaching the same conclusion about Obama that I did more than 5 years ago. Better late than never.

[YOUTUBE="Jon Stewart Slams Obama Again"]eDfmUK833hc[/YOUTUBE]

Hilarious, (both the video and your comment). There is no way any rational thinking person could defend these morons. Right, left whatever. :biglmao:
Affordable Care Act Calculator

TheRealThing Wrote:Hilarious, (both the video and your comment). There is no way any rational thinking person could defend these morons. Right, left whatever. :biglmao:
Like you two were accomplices to the two crooks formally known as President Bush and VP Cheney?

You never did answer my question in the other thread. Where did you study law? You insinuated that you were "law" savvy to HRV. Did you go back to school to study law after your carpentry career?
Watch the 'Rats scurrying for the tall weeds, TRT. The strategy of personal attacks and changing the subject is all Obama's accomplices have left. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Watch the 'Rats scurrying for the tall weeds, TRT. The strategy of personal attacks and changing the subject is all Obama's accomplices have left. Confusednicker:
I posted the facts, you ignore them. Man up, and quit cry babying. You sound like Barney hollering "citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest".
http://www.healthcare.gov/law/ The facts, with no spin.
TheRealVille Wrote:Were you terminated in this window where the subsidy reduced you payment? I find it hilarious that you have the nerve to bring up COBRA payments into the equation. Did you think some of us didn't know what COBRA was? I use COBRA all the time in my trade, because I get laid off at times, and have to buy my insurance myself through it, just so I don't have to shop for other insurance until I go back to work. Confusednicker:
You say COBRA has nothing to do with this but you also say you use COBRA to buy insurance. The place where i was working raised prices on all employees Jan 1st, 2013 my COBRA rates were based on the normal employee plan, I don't think you are smart enough to comment on any of this. You are blind to anything but Obama talking points. You think it's Hilarious well I think it's anything but hilarious. BTW terminated is not what happened. I worked and paid taxes for 47 years but after an A-FIB attack and suffering heart failure I was forced to retire. You continue to show how little you know about almost any subject on this forum.
TheRealVille Wrote:I posted the facts, you ignore them. Man up, and quit cry babying. You sound like Barney hollering "citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest".

TheRealVille Wrote:http://www.healthcare.gov/law/ The facts, with no spin.
Spoken like a good little socialist. Straight from the Obama administration's website to your keyboard. Hilarious. You can't make this stuff up. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Spoken like a good little socialist. Straight from the Obama administration's website to your keyboard. Hilarious. You can't make this stuff up. :biglmao:
Post any lie that the link has.
the other guy Wrote:You say COBRA has nothing to do with this but you also say you use COBRA to buy insurance. The place where i was working raised prices on all employees Jan 1st, 2013 my COBRA rates were based on the normal employee plan, I don't think you are smart enough to comment on any of this. You are blind to anything but Obama talking points. You think it's Hilarious well I think it's anything but hilarious. BTW terminated is not what happened. I worked and paid taxes for 47 years but after an A-FIB attack and suffering heart failure I was forced to retire. You continue to show how little you know about almost any subject on this forum.
COBRA is for people to keep their employer's insurance due to job lose. It is not an insurance you can stay on permanently after you lose your job. There is a limited amount of time you can keep it. Yes, I know full well what COBRA is, I pay for it any time I am off work, due to getting laid off. COBRA has zero to do with healthcare raises that you speak of. Cobra premiums raised after the subsidy went away to keep the prices down due to the downturn in the economy. I posted the link. Prices raised after the subsidy ended. If you ate on COBRA you know these facts, and are spinning truth.

Quote:The U.S. Department of Labor's program for the review of denials of the COBRA premium reduction under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has ended. The COBRA premium reduction was available for individuals who experienced involuntary terminations on or before May 31, 2010. The COBRA premium reduction under ARRA is not available for individuals who experience involuntary terminations after May 31, 2010; therefore the eligibility period for the subsidy has passed.

Quote:The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events. Qualified individuals may be required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102 percent of the cost to the plan.
COBRA generally requires that group health plans sponsored by employers with 20 or more employees in the prior year offer employees and their families the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage (called continuation coverage) in certain instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end.
COBRA outlines how employees and family members may elect continuation coverage. It also requires employers and plans to provide notice.
TheRealVille Wrote:Post any lie that the link has.
I'm not wasting my time on Obama's propaganda. You waste enough on it for all of us.
You don't use COBRA to buy insurance, you use it to keep insurance for a short(temporary) time. Anybody that says COBRA is permanent insurance is lying.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm not wasting my time on Obama's propaganda. You waste enough on it for all of us.
In other words, you know there is no lie there, or it would be pounded on. Right wing sources aren't going to give you the truth about ACA. The truth is at the link I posted about the law. It's not propaganda, it's law. And, the law is right there at the link for it. Anything posted that isn't in line with what the law says at this link, is a lie. The link below is the ACA. It even has a complete text of the ACA law. If you find an untruth there, I'd petition for an impeachment. The link is not propaganda, it's the actual law.
TheRealVille Wrote:In other words, you know there is no lie there, or it would be pounded on. Right wing sources aren't going to give you the truth about ACA. The truth is at the link I posted about the law. It's not propaganda, it's law. And, the law is right there at the link for it.
Only idiots and propagandists cite the Obama administration's websites as sources of unbiased "facts." Nobody with any sense is buying Obama's lies these days. Neither Obama nor his socialist allies in Congress read the Obamacare bill before signing it into law or voting in support of it. For you to repeatedly post links to the law and suggest than anybody read it is plain silly.
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