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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Fair trials are few and far between. This one has very little chance at being a bit fair.
If he does he will be acquitted and there will be riots
Since there not allowed to use past photos, his drug history, criminal records or basically anything other than the fact that a white guy shot a black guy. I would suspect its going to be a completely unfair trial.
It all depends on the jury.
Most likely, no.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Since there not allowed to use past photos, his drug history, criminal records or basically anything other than the fact that a white guy shot a black guy. I would suspect its going to be a completely unfair trial.
After a goodly number of years in the legal profession, my experience tells me that Truth is correct. It is likely that political pressure from the media, certain politicians, and other liberal groups and the ever-present likelihood of civil unrest if Zimmerman is acquitted, Zimmerman will be, in reality, guilty until proven innocent.

For example, evidence of Martin's disruptive behavior, quasi-criminal conduct, and probable criminal acts will not be admitted into evidence. However, the media will continue to display the angelic, pre-teen picture of Martin leading many to conclude that he is just an innocent child. This, though unconscionable, will still be the case.

It will be difficult for unsophisticated observers (that covers the vast, vast majority) to believe that such an "innocent child" could have been a threat to Zimmerman. Of course, a twelve year old Charles Manson was probably no threat either. But, that, as we know, is irrelevant and immaterial.

The system will also make sure that the jury is of mixed race. Can you imagine the outcry if there were six Caucasians and/or Hispanics on the final panel? The jury pool is overwhelmingly Caucasian because that is the makeup of the venue. Therefore, look for a subtle "quota system" in selecting the jury.

All in all, there is less interest in justice and more interest in keeping the peace. If Zimmerman must be sacrificed, so be it.
Unfortunately, Harry, I think that your analysis is right on the money.

Regardless of the verdict, Zimmerman will not get a fair trial because the only reason that he was charged is that a large number of racists believed that he was a white racist who stalked and killed an innocent black juvenile just to watch him die. Now, state and federal politicians (including our racist president) can only save face by sending Zimmerman to prison.

The jury will not hear all of the relevant evidence because the judge will exclude much of it. If Zimmerman is convicted, then maybe he will eventually manage to get the verdict overturned. If he is found not guilty, then I expect that Obama will unleash Eric Holder to hound Zimmerman with an extensive investigation and possible federal civil rights violation charges.
All of these things that cant be used in the trial kind of suprises me.
You would think showing the character of the "victime" would be the biggest weapon the defense could use but of course thats been taken away.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unfortunately, Harry, I think that your analysis is right on the money.

Regardless of the verdict, Zimmerman will not get a fair trial because the only reason that he was charged is that a large number of racists believed that he was a white racist who stalked and killed an innocent black juvenile just to watch him die. Now, state and federal politicians (including our racist president) can only save face by sending Zimmerman to prison.

The jury will not hear all of the relevant evidence because the judge will exclude much of it. If Zimmerman is convicted, then maybe he will eventually manage to get the verdict overturned. If he is found not guilty, then I expect that Obama will unleash Eric Holder to hound Zimmerman with an extensive investigation and possible federal civil rights violation charges.

Hoot Gibson, your post contains a lot of likely truth. Your last sentence is probably right on target. I wonder if Obama and Holder would have any interest in identifying and holding accountable the perpetrators of the unrest that would most likely follow an acquittal? I'm sure the answer to that is "no".
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:After a goodly number of years in the legal profession, my experience tells me that Truth is correct. It is likely that political pressure from the media, certain politicians, and other liberal groups and the ever-present likelihood of civil unrest if Zimmerman is acquitted, Zimmerman will be, in reality, guilty until proven innocent.

For example, evidence of Martin's disruptive behavior, quasi-criminal conduct, and probable criminal acts will not be admitted into evidence. However, the media will continue to display the angelic, pre-teen picture of Martin leading many to conclude that he is just an innocent child. This, though unconscionable, will still be the case.

It will be difficult for unsophisticated observers (that covers the vast, vast majority) to believe that such an "innocent child" could have been a threat to Zimmerman. Of course, a twelve year old Charles Manson was probably no threat either. But, that, as we know, is irrelevant and immaterial.

The system will also make sure that the jury is of mixed race. Can you imagine the outcry if there were six Caucasians and/or Hispanics on the final panel? The jury pool is overwhelmingly Caucasian because that is the makeup of the venue. Therefore, look for a subtle "quota system" in selecting the jury.

All in all, there is less interest in justice and more interest in keeping the peace. If Zimmerman must be sacrificed, so be it.
If it isn't related to the night this happened, why would anything in your 2nd paragraph be allowed to be used? Can citizens follow, and kill people that might have previously had any of those mentioned aspects?
TheRealVille Wrote:If it isn't related to the night this happened, why would anything in your 2nd paragraph be allowed to be used? Can citizens follow, and kill people that might have previously had any of those mentioned aspects?

If we adopt your philosophy, why would anything in Zimmerman's past be admissible?

Patterns of behavior tell us a lot about the likely future behavior of an individual. Martin's record is relevant particularly in light of the media's continuous efforts to paint him as the choirboy in the preteen picture. It is disingenuous and promotes a lie. Martin, at the time of the encounter, was no more the boy in the angelic picture than was Whitey Bulger in his sixth grade class picture. Martin's ever-growing criminal and delinquency record is relevant to anyone really seeking a just result. Of course, that doesn't include the above-mentioned groups.

The media, the race baiters, and the other liberals don't want the truth. They want a quick conviction so that they can carry on their agenda. And, of course, the "Martin Family" will be in a position to pursue monetary damages. Finally, Obama and Holder will herald the fairness of our legal system while gleaning for civil rights violations in the same manner as Don Quixote battling the windmills.

That, TheRealVille, is fact and I suspect you know it.
^ If he was only going to the store to get pop and candy, while staying at his dad's girlfriend's place, and was followed by Zimmerman(after being told not to), what does his past, and look have to do with this case about this night? I'm seeing a pattern on this thread that doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm talking you, btw.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ If he was only going to the store to get pop and candy, while staying at his dad's girlfriend's place, and was followed by Zimmerman(after being told not to), what does his past, and look have to do with this case about this night? I'm seeing a pattern on this thread that doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm (*not)talking (*about)you, btw.
* I'm *not* talking about you.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ If he was only going to the store to get pop and candy, while staying at his dad's girlfriend's place, and was followed by Zimmerman(after being told not to), what does his past, and look have to do with this case about this night? I'm seeing a pattern on this thread that doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm talking you, btw.

If he were only getting his pop and candy and innocently going to visit his father, that would be significant. Of course, there is no real proof that that is the case. That is the spin from the media and the other "interested" parties. It may be true and it may not be true.

The spin also has suggested that he is a model citizen. That, too, is spin that can be contradicted by a ton of undeniable evidence. However, the jury will probably not hear that "side" of Martin. The angelic facade will most probably prevail.

I'm not out to tar Martin. However, I don't want to see the railroad job applied to Zimmerman.

Zimmerman should, as our system allegedly requires, be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by all six jurors. Otherwise, he must be acquitted. My experience tells me that that will not, because of the high profile racial overtones and undertones, be the case.

I hope I am wrong but I'll bet I am not wrong.
The original Trayvon Martin Death thread. Anybody who is interested in browsing the earlier thread will notice RV calling everybody who disagreed with his rush to judgment racists in that thread too. The things that he pushed as "facts" that have since been disproved are numerous. One would think that a person would learn to exercise some restraint after being proven so wrong, so often, but not our resident Energizer Bunny of Obamabots.
The symbol of Lady Justice with her blindfold tells us that all of us will receive equal treatment under the law of the land. Sadly, we all know that that is not the case.

If both Martin and Zimmerman were of the same race, the general populace wouldn't be aware of the incident or the trial.

If Zimmerman were black or Hispanic and Martin were Caucasian, very little would have been reported by the media. Again, the general populace would be unaware.

If Zimmerman were Caucasian and Martin black or Hispanic, the media would be even more fervent in its coverage.

All of this is not really a reflection on Lady Justice. It is a reflection on the attitude displayed by the media and its ilk.

In the end, the fault lies with the media and those who stir up racial unrest and not with the foundation beliefs of our legal system. Unfortunately, the former seriously effects the performance of the latter which results in Lady Justice's blindfold being transparent.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The symbol of Lady Justice with her blindfold tells us that all of us will receive equal treatment under the law of the land. Sadly, we all know that that is not the case.

If both Martin and Zimmerman were of the same race, the general populace wouldn't be aware of the incident or the trial.

If Zimmerman were black or Hispanic and Martin were Caucasian, very little would have been reported by the media. Again, the general populace would be unaware.

If Zimmerman were Caucasian and Martin black or Hispanic, the media would be even more fervent in its coverage.

All of this is not really a reflection on Lady Justice. It is a reflection on the attitude displayed by the media and its ilk.

In the end, the fault lies with the media and those who stir up racial unrest and not with the foundation beliefs of our legal system. Unfortunately, the former seriously effects the performance of the latter which results in Lady Justice's blindfold being transparent.
Many in the media assumed in early reports that Zimmerman was a Caucasian. After all, "Zimmerman" sounds like a white person's name. When that turned out not to be true, the narrative changed to Zimmerman being identified by the media as a "white Hispanic."

If the media and the race hustlers like Sharpton and Obama had initially realized that Zimmerman was Hispanic, this story may have remained a local news story.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Many in the media assumed in early reports that Zimmerman was a Caucasian. After all, "Zimmerman" sounds like a white person's name. When that turned out not to be true, the narrative changed to Zimmerman being identified by the media as a "white Hispanic."

If the media and the race hustlers like Sharpton and Obama had initially realized that Zimmerman was Hispanic, this story may have remained a local news story.

Indeed, your second paragraph is most likely correct, Hoot Gibson. Hispanic vs. Black doesn't charge the media batteries like Caucasian vs. Black.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The original Trayvon Martin Death thread. Anybody who is interested in browsing the earlier thread will notice RV calling everybody who disagreed with his rush to judgment racists in that thread too. The things that he pushed as "facts" that have since been disproved are numerous. One would think that a person would learn to exercise some restraint after being proven so wrong, so often, but not our resident Energizer Bunny of Obamabots.
Have you always had this complex about trying to make yourself look big? You'd think a middle aged man would outgrow that.
TheRealVille Wrote:Have you always had this complex about trying to make yourself look big? You'd think a middle aged man would outgrow that.
It's only seems that way from your perspective because your actions make you look small so often. I only posted a link to the other thread to make it easy for people can see "patterns" for themselves.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's only seems that way from your perspective because your actions make you look small so often. I only posted a link to the other thread to make it easy for people can see "patterns" for themselves.
Yea, anybody that's been here anytime at all, knows you bring up old posts. You have even been known to copy PM's and post them in open forum.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, anybody that's been here anytime at all, knows you bring up old posts. You have even been known to copy PM's and post them in open forum.
Anybody who has been here anytime at all knows that you are a liar. Your old posts make that self evident. Calling people racists for disagreeing with you is the pattern that is at work here.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Anybody who has been here anytime at all knows that you are a liar. Your old posts make that self evident. Calling people racists for disagreeing with you is the pattern that is at work here.
Are you saying you didn't post a PM from me to you in open forum?
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you saying you didn't post a PM from me to you in open forum?
I don't recall whether I did or not. If not, then I certainly paraphrased your thinly veiled threat in an open forum and have no regrets for doing so. Feel free to repost the post here if you want and I will see if it rings any bells. An apology for once again painting people who disagree with you racists would be a better use of your time, IMO, but one of the few skills that you have mastered is wasting people's time by derailing threads to talk about yourself.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't recall whether I did or not. If not, then I certainly paraphrased your thinly veiled threat in an open forum and have no regrets for doing so. Feel free to repost the post here if you want and I will see if it rings any bells. An apology for once again painting people who disagree with you racists would be a better use of your time, IMO, but one of the few skills that you have mastered is wasting people's time by derailing threads to talk about yourself.
There was no threat, just an invite to bring your big talk to my address the next time you rolled through Johnson county. I just wanted to give you an opportunity, along with my address, to tell me face to face what you had to say to me, since you come to Johnson at times.
TheRealVille Wrote:There was no threat, just an invite to bring your big talk to my address the next time you rolled through Johnson county. I just wanted to give you an opportunity, along with my address, to tell me face to face what you had to say to me, since you come to Johnson at times.
I have no desire to meet you, RV. You gave PM'ed me what you claimed was your address because I pointed out one of your lies. You said that I posted that PM publicly. Prove it. It never happened. If it did, then you should be able to find it by searching for your own address. Do it, or admit that you lied again or were mistaken. If you don't like being called a liar, then stop lying. It is really that simple. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have no desire to meet you, RV. You gave PM'ed me what you claimed was your address because I pointed out one of your lies. You said that I posted that PM publicly. Prove it. It never happened. If it did, then you should be able to find it by searching for your own address. Do it, or admit that you lied again or were mistaken. If you don't like being called a liar, then stop lying. It is really that simple. :biglmao:
It happened, but I have no desire to go back that far searching. Be a man, and say what you have to say, face to face, or continue being a school child.
^But, it's no biggie, just doing my yearly reminding you of posting the PM in public.
TheRealVille Wrote:It happened, but I have no desire to go back that far searching. Be a man, and say what you have to say, face to face, or continue being a school child.
As I said, you are a liar. You searched and could not find the post that you claimed that I made because it does not exist. If it did, then all you have to do is search for your address, unless you lied about that too. Now you are not man enough to admit that you were wrong.

You should re-read the posts that you made in the original Zimmerman thread and start learning from your mistakes. It is never too late to redeem yourself.
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