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Perry County Central Softball
How strong will Perry be this upcoming year? I know Shelby Sheffield,Maddie Minks,and a few others will make a big impact for them.I know they are going to be somewhat young.Heard they have an up and coming pitcher in Lauren Fugate along with some other young players and hearing great things about the team.
Perry will do well this year.Perry is always in the mix at the end of the year as well as Estill and Jenkins.They work hard during the off season and are a close team.
would love to see perry go to state, now that they have players with heart.
They might want to find their way to the weightroom so they can do something besides slap hit. You can take all the bp you want but you got to get some pop in your bats. Hit the weights. They do have a lot of potential and they definatly have some very dedicated coaches. Time for PCC to go to State. Losing Back and Sebastian is going to be hard spots to fill.
Back was tough as nails on the field lat year.Sheffield will step up her game another notch and so will the others.Time for PCC to get after it.Slap hitting is good but bunting and line drives will create nightmares for defenses.
:rockon: PCC starting back and the girls said they were ready for a good run.Conditioning and off season cannot be overlooked. Can't wait!!!
Heard some of these kids are being recruited by Knott. Any news of anyone transferring?
Haven't heard of any transfers from Perry or Hazard or Buckhorn as far as high school softball.News travels quickly concerning transfers.If this is true,we'll hear about it soon enough.By the way,I can't name one player that has transferred to Knott in along time from the Perry County schools for any sport.
Thanks for the information. I had the same the thought as well. All kinds of garbage flying around.
Perry finished 3rd in that region last year.This year will be even better imo.No one is leaving Perry softball for Knott,well,no one in their right mind.Perry has alot of class and teach respect for the game itself.Talked to LCC parents awhile back and there still talking about the KCC staff talking smack after the district game that eliminated Knott.Anybody know anything about what transpired there.I know Cordia has no right to talk concerning softball but Perry has always showed more sportsmanship toward us than Knott.
Perry's staff and school support the softball team 110 %. Check for yourselves.Most sports at Perry get a lot of support just like the softball team.I appreciate the fact that people notice the class presented by our girls,not only in softball but basketball and soccer too.I'm ready for the season to get started.Rumors do fly around but these girls aren't going anywhere.As I said,check for yourselves and ask them or their parents.See what they tell you.Go Commodores.
Girls hit some Tuesday and are getting geared up.I think alot of people will be surprised with the team this year.
is any of the perry girls playing fall ball?
Not sure.A few may but I can't say 100% if they are or not. I hope so along with what we are doing right now.I 'll check.
I know of one that plays travel ball and its the young pitcher Fugate I think. She played summer, Fall and now indoor winter softball. She is going to be a dandy pitcher.
Fugate has a lot of potential.The girls have been doing alot of conditioning and running.The season is right around the corner and Sheffield will be tough this year.Got alot of girls starting to come out and can't wait for spring!
Coach Campbell is a good guy and is making a real attempt to elevate his program. Still got a ways to go, but working hard to improve. You have to appreciate effort.
Jeff and Kim work their asses off with these girls. You gotta love that. If they don't win, its not because lack of practice that for sure. Good luck this year girls.
:Thumbs:Yes,they do.Coaches love these girls and see alot of potential.These girls are going to be a special group and they have alot of drive even down to the freshman and eighth graders.We're getting there! Work hard girls and remember the coaches and fans are behind you!
Keep giving the program the support that I've seen growing during the last few years and you guys will get where you want to be. Keep on working. Classy coaches, fans and players.
Perry has lost some players but they may be the team to upset the region as we expect it .
I think PCC will hold their own this year!! They have two positions to fill that are going to be hard to do, due to losing Back and Sebastian. They have a young team coming up that has a lot of potential. The coaches are wonderful with the girls. They know how to encourage them to work harder without doing it in a mean way or yelling. PCC has been working hard for this season. I hope all their hard work pays off for them. Good luck girls and have a great season.
PCC will be fine this year and even better in the future. They have a group of 7th and 8th graders that will bring pain to the 14th region in years to come. Pigman, Fugate, Pollard, Haddix, Jones, Noel, Eversole and others I can't recall. These girls have played with or against each other since 4th grade. They eat, drink, and sleep softball.

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