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WWE Royal Rumble Live Updates and Results
JBL in at 24
JBL goes out as soon as he steps in the rin
Erick Rowan out 25th
Ryback out 26th
Del Rio out 27th
Batista out 28th
Big E Langston out 29th....Batista has eliminated 3 mean already....Ryback, Del Rio and someone else
Mysterio is out at 30
Sheamus eliminates Big E
Reigns eliminates Luke Harper...Amrbose tries to eliminate Reigns.....Somehow three people (two members of the shield) got eliminated

Kane just eliminated Punk

Batista, Reigns, Sheamus are the only ones left
Kane throws Punk against the barrier cade then slames him on steel steps then choke slams him through the announce table
Reigns eliminates Sheamus.....Batista vs. Reigns
Quick Recap:

New Age Outlaws def. The Rhodes Brothers to win the tag titles --- Pre-show match

Bray Wyatt defeated Daniel Bryan

Brock Lesnar defeated Big Show

Randy Orton defeated John Cena

Batista won the 2014 Royal Rumble match

Reigns was pretty impressive eliminating like 8 other guys including Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
BTW, Your Welcome Wink
Reigns sets a record by eliminating 12 superstars.

I give the whole Royal Rumble a C+.

There were way too much outside interference.
I was pulling for CM punk to win the rumble, but Kane interfered.

Best match was Wyatt vs.Bryan
^ I agree with Bryan/Bray was the best match.

Kane interferring and costing Punk is just another step to the match between Triple H and Punk at Mania.

I'd give it a solid B, maybe an A.
Thanks for the info on the website
Great rumble! Thanks SK for the link.
Your welcome
I bet the fans who paid top dollar for tickets were pleased to see Daniel Bryan left out of the rumble match so guys like Khali, Grandpa Nash, and a midget in a bull costume could have a shot.
^ That's something I didn't get at all. You have a ton of superstars in the back that didn't have a match and has worked their a**es off and yet you let guys like Nash (who was gone after RR), Khali who got eliminated pretty much as soon as he stepped, a stupid midget bull and a ring commentator (who stepped in the ring and got sent packing as soon as he came through the ropes). That part was complete B.S.
Sooner or later the creative team is going to have to embrace the momentum Bryan has built. Night in and night out he gets the biggest reaction no matter the extent WWE goes to try to bury him. But instead we get a stale Super Cena always in a title feud and an unwillingness to build more than a couple storylines. I felt bad for Mysterio entering #30 and getting booed out of the building for simply not being Daniel Bryan. Even if they didn't want Bryan in the main event at Mania, they still should have let him enter the rumble to appease the fans somewhat. Locking him out is only adding fuel to the fire. Which could be alright as well if used properly. Another Bryan-Shamus match isn't cutting it.
Wrestling was best when stone cold and the rock were battling
It started off real good, the pre-show match was good...Bryan/Wyatt was excellent...Lesnar/Show was pretty good for what it was...

But Orton/Cena happened, and it was clear the fans didn't wanna see that and it was completely boring.

The Royal Rumble match...oh god, a absolute trainwreck.


I'll give the show a C-
C+? You guys are off your rockers if you believe that was a C+ .. awful! I can remember watching Pay-Per-Views as far back as Bad Blood when Kane debuted in 1997, I was FOUR. I've been to 3 pay per views, and if my parents had back the money they've spent on them, we'd be rich people, and I can honestly say this could be the worst one I've seen. It's DEFINITELY the worst Royal Rumble. First of all, crowd reaction has a ton to do with momentum of the show. The crowd, as well as me watching at home, absolutely hated the Cena and Orton match. Then a group that the WWE is trying to push that looks like a bad stereotype of our area interferes and ends it and after looking back at the ending, the match wasn't so bad!

Then, I don't know about you guys, but I like surprises in the rumble. The big surprises? A midget, JBL, and Kevin Nash. Not one thing happened that sent the crowd into a frenzy. The anxiousness of #30 is completely taken away when you realize Rey Mysterio is in the video clip before the match and hasn't entered yet. Not only that, but the crowd is waiting to explode for the most over superstar in the business. Then you bring out a hack who has been back 1 week after missing 4 years and hand him a main event when the crowd obviously isn't behind him a bit. Instead of the final 4 coming down to CM Punk and Batista, at least a guy that's pretty over, we get Roman Reigns. Did anyone believe Roman Reigns was gonna headline Wrestlemania? I sure didn't.

Awful. Once CM Punk was eliminated we knew for sure what we already knew before, Batista was gonna win it. I think as long as Punk was around I could convince myself WWE was gonna throw me a curveball. I give this PPV a D-... NO! NO! NO!
IMO. Bryan wasn't in the rumble because the writers at WWE have no idea on what to do yet, They didn't want Bryan to lose in the rumble of course and give a big downer to his character/momentum. Im sure Batista had in his contract to win rumble blah blah and probably a title reign..I have heard Taker wants to work with Bryan and he usually gets what he wants for a Mania appearance....At this point anything can happen, Wont know anything really until after EC.

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