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Jerry Lundergan- Convicted Criminal
Look up "Jerry Lundergan" on Yahoo or Google and read about his 1989 conviction for ethics violations that resulted in a fine and his resignation from the Kentucky General Assembly.

It is interesting that the little Lundergan girl who is "running" for the U.S. Senate has a convicted criminal as her father and chief advisor and it is never mentioned by the media. Where is Ronnie Ellis? Of course, the coverup should surprise no one, should it?
While you shouldn't place the sins of the father on his daughter, it is proper in this case. Who do you think is pulling her strings?
Finding out about Jerry's past was easy for me to do. However, Mr. Grimes' past is as non-existant as Obama's.
Granny Bear Wrote:Finding out about Jerry's past was easy for me to do. However, Mr. Grimes' past is as non-existant as Obama's.

Her only history is tied to her daddy who obviously pulls her strings. She is the puppet. He is the puppeteer. How could it be otherwise? She has never, ever done anything other than be Jerry's daughter. She needs to get some experience in the real world. I suggest that she work at a local
White Castle for a while so she can learn a little about the free market system.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Her only history is tied to her daddy who obviously pulls her strings. She is the puppet. He is the puppeteer. How could it be otherwise? She has never, ever done anything other than be Jerry's daughter. She needs to get some experience in the real world. I suggest that she work at a local
White Castle for a while so she can learn a little about the free market system.

LOL, ideally, we would all benefit if she were to take Obama along for the experience as well. If you heard any of that ridiculously self contradicting speech he made to West Point grads the other day, you know what I mean. He actually tried to coopt the graduates to the liberal view point at their graduation. A view which very likely contradicted that of the military leaders in attendance, and who had just spent years ingraining into the minds of those very graduates. Thanks to term limits, his days as commander-in-chief are numbered.

It's a little hard to accurately characterize how he sees the world but, aside from the influences of his shadowy past, it seems like he thinks life is sort of like an actor's role in a movie. You know, the president can lecture the planet on any subject, no matter whether he knows the first thing about what he's talking about or not. And, soldiers for the most part, are just clothes horses for the uniforms they wear. Same thing with police and teachers and all the rest as for him and other liberals, superficiality always trumps the reality of the past. La-La land is strange and wonderful place, I just wish he'd stayed there!

Unfortunately, though I do not believe Alison can pull off a win, there are many folks who will vote for her. She would be taking the place of the minority senate leader. thus we'd be trading the rather vast experience of an elder statesman for another hand picked Obama mushroom. Kentucky's loss would also be America's loss, and the arrival of Lundergan on the steps of the Senate would constitute even further loss. Which for her supporters, would only add fuel to the fire in their minds. Rock Skipper University must be really cranking them out these days.
Well this changes everything. :eyeroll:
Common sense tells you that this is Jerry's veiled attempt at running for the US Senate. His dubious past prevents him from running in his own name. However, he can put out a puppet and pull the strings. And, what better puppet than his little daughter, Alison? How else could a girl with absolutely no business or political experience run for office? Secretary of State? Hell, we all know that that office runs itself with its longtime employees. Little Alison just stays out of the way and does her daddy's bidding. Only MSNBC could find her to be a credible candidate for anything.
I'm just glad I have you guys to tell me all the ills and wrongdoings of society. My feeble mind can't comprehend all the ways Democrats are trying their best to destroy America but you all help keep it simple.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:I'm just glad I have you guys to tell me all the ills and wrongdoings of society. My feeble mind can't comprehend all the ways Democrats are trying their best to destroy America but you all help keep it simple.

You are welcome. As one who has earned a rather nice income from the capitalist system, who has accumulated a rather large net estate, who pays an obscene amount of state and federal income taxes, who has strong traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs, who believes abortion is premeditated murder, who believes homosexual "marriage" is abominable, who believes that it is time for minorities to quit whining and to make their own way like the rest of us, and who maintains a high level of knowledge about issues effecting our nation and the world, it would be an absolute oxymoron for me to vote for any Democrat. If you are of a similar level of accomplishment and knowledge, I would assume you believe the same.
Truth Wrote:You are welcome. As one who has earned a rather nice income from the capitalist system, who has accumulated a rather large net estate, who pays an obscene amount of state and federal income taxes, who has strong traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs, who believes abortion is premeditated murder, who believes homosexual "marriage" is abominable, who believes that it is time for minorities to quit whining and to make their own way like the rest of us, and who maintains a high level of knowledge about issues effecting our nation and the world, it would be an absolute oxymoron for me to vote for any Democrat. If you are of a similar level of accomplishment and knowledge, I would assume you believe the same.

I've made a nice living for myself, probably not good enough to brag about my wealth on a message board but I get by comfortably.
Truth Wrote:Common sense tells you that this is Jerry's veiled attempt at running for the US Senate. His dubious past prevents him from running in his own name. However, he can put out a puppet and pull the strings. And, what better puppet than his little daughter, Alison? How else could a girl with absolutely no business or political experience run for office? Secretary of State? Hell, we all know that that office runs itself with its longtime employees. Little Alison just stays out of the way and does her daddy's bidding. Only MSNBC could find her to be a credible candidate for anything.

Obama did it.

Oh wait, he isn't a girl.
Truth Wrote:You are welcome. As one who has earned a rather nice income from the capitalist system, who has accumulated a rather large net estate, who pays an obscene amount of state and federal income taxes, who has strong traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs, who believes abortion is premeditated murder, who believes homosexual "marriage" is abominable, who believes that it is time for minorities to quit whining and to make their own way like the rest of us, and who maintains a high level of knowledge about issues effecting our nation and the world, it would be an absolute oxymoron for me to vote for any Democrat. If you are of a similar level of accomplishment and knowledge, I would assume you believe the same.

Post of the year!
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:I've made a nice living for myself, probably not good enough to brag about my wealth on a message board but I get by comfortably.

Excellent. You don't need to brag. Actually, fact isn't brag. It is merely fact. Can I assume that you make it by the sweat of your own brow and not by the sweat of the taxpayer's brow? In other words, you aren't living comfortably from welfare and government handouts, are you?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Post of the year!

I like it too but I thought Granny came in there sideways too! That was hilarious. :biglmao:
This is a fine Wednesday. We should all do something positive for someone before the end of the day. That is important. Of course, while doing our act of kindness, we can reflect on the absolute fact that Little Lundergan is a unqualified novice who needs to work in that Payless Shoe Store for a while so she can learn something about the real world.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:This is a fine Wednesday. We should all do something positive for someone before the end of the day. That is important. Of course, while doing our act of kindness, we can reflect on the absolute fact that Little Lundergan is a unqualified novice who needs to work in that Payless Shoe Store for a while so she can learn something about the real world.

Agreed. The most disturbing part about this, HRV, is that she will not come forth on her positions. She will make a statement "hinting" toward what she believes in, but a politician like that can be dangerous. You and I certainly have our own grumblings about McConnell, but at least he is experienced and we know what he stands for.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:This is a fine Wednesday. We should all do something positive for someone before the end of the day. That is important. Of course, while doing our act of kindness, we can reflect on the absolute fact that Little Lundergan is a unqualified novice who needs to work in that Payless Shoe Store for a while so she can learn something about the real world.

Yeah because everyone needs to work a minimum wage job to know about the real world.
WideRight05 Wrote:Agreed. The most disturbing part about this, HRV, is that she will not come forth on her positions. She will make a statement "hinting" toward what she believes in, but a politician like that can be dangerous. You and I certainly have our own grumblings about McConnell, but at least he is experienced and we know what he stands for.

The truth is that she obviously has no concrete beliefs of her own. How could she? She has never done anything but be a surrogate for her ethically challenged father. She will say and do just as she is programmed to say and do. If elected (God forbid), she, as a neophyte Democrat, will do exactly what the party and Obama tell her to do. How could it be otherwise? If anyone out there believes otherwise, rebut my argument.

Some matters are obvious. Little Lundergan's situation is obvious. Her life experiences do not allow her to have a legitimate opinion on anything relevant in this election. That is just a fact.
:please: Jerry is not running for office. TongueirateSho
64SUR Wrote::please: Jerry is not running for office. TongueirateSho

He might as well be running. McConnell will hold serve in either case.
64SUR Wrote::please: Jerry is not running for office. TongueirateSho

You are right on this, his puppet is the one running.
64SUR Wrote::please: Jerry is not running for office. TongueirateSho

Of course he is running for office. Due to his checkered past and his criminal conviction, it isn't wise for him to run in his own name. Thus, he uses his neophyte daughter as his puppet.

Only a true fool really believes he isn't "running".
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Of course he is running for office. Due to his checkered past and his criminal conviction, it isn't wise for him to run in his own name. Thus, he uses his neophyte daughter as his puppet.

Only a true fool really believes he isn't "running".

Harry who will win your county MITCH or Grimes you know.:popcorn:
Politics is a lot like marriage in a way. When you marry, you get the whole family. In politics, it is much the same way. Jimmy Carter's brother, Bill Clinton's whole family, etc etc etc.

Granny Bear Wrote:Politics is a lot like marriage in a way. When you marry, you get the whole family. In politics, it is much the same way. Jimmy Carter's brother, Bill Clinton's whole family, etc etc etc.


Be careful, Granny Bear. A lot of us liked Billy Carter even though Billy Beer was watered down quite a bit.
64SUR Wrote:Harry who will win your county MITCH or Grimes you know.:popcorn:

Well, SUR64, my area has an abundance of Catholics and traditional Protestants. They aren't going to vote for a cafeteria Catholic who supports, among other non Christian positions, the Obama agenda of abortion and homosexual marriage. Thus, it is safe to say that northern Kentucky will favor McConnell as, in all honesty, the far lesser of the evils. We really don't much care for McConnell but we are not and cannot be hypocrites.

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