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IRS scandal, the gift that keeps on giving.
"More than two years after her upstart Senate campaign rocked the Delaware political world, Christine O'Donnell got an unexpected contact from a U.S. Treasury Department agent warning that her private tax records may have been breached.

The phone message earlier this year shocked the battled-scarred candidate, a tea party favorite who knocked off Republican mainstay Michael Castle in the primary before losing in a bid to win Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s former seat.

“Ms. O'Donnell, this is Dennis Martel, special agent with the U.S. Department of Treasury in Baltimore, Md. … We received information that your personal federal tax info may have been compromised and may have been misused by an individual,” he said in the January message left on her cellphone.

For Ms. O'Donnell, the message immediately raised red flags.

On March 9, 2010, the day she revealed her plan to run for the Senate in a press release, a tax lien was placed on a house purported to be hers and publicized. The problem was she no longer owned the house. The IRS eventually blamed the lien on a computer glitch and withdrew it.

Now Mr. Martel, a criminal investigator for the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration, was telling her that an official in Delaware state government had improperly accessed her records on that very same day.

Beyond that, Ms. O'Donnell and Senate investigators who have tried to help her have run into a wall of silence, leaving more questions than answers about whether abuses of the IRS system extend to private individuals and not just the tax-exempt groups already identified as victims."

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Imagine that, O'Donnell was victimized by the IRS in yet another illegal invasion of privacy but, investigators "have run into a wall of silence". Who'd have ever believed that! LOL
Like I said, it never seems to end.

"IRS lawyer says scandal was overseen by D.C., names names

9:32 PM 07/17/2013

Top IRS officials in Washington, D.C. planned and oversaw the agency’s improper targeting of conservative groups, according to the 72-year old retiring IRS lawyer who will testify Thursday before the House Oversight Committee.

Retiring IRS lawyer Carter C. Hull implicated the IRS Chief Counsel’s office, headed by Obama appointee William J. Wilkins, and Lois Lerner, the embattled head of the IRS’ exempt organizations office, in the IRS targeting scandal and made clear that the targeting started in Washington, according to leaked interviews that Hull granted to the Oversight Committee in advance of Thursday’s hearing."

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If true, this entire administration should be impeached.
Everyone of them needs to go if this is the case.
Repub, Dem, doesnt matter. For the govt to do this, it should have the entire nation up in arms.
Hopefully, Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan can keep the Republicans from blowing this one, too.
Incredibly, the vote to pursue Lois Lerner went down party lines. Not one Dem voted to purse the truth. Do Dems give a flip about getting to the truth about anything these days? I didn't know the phrase 'public servant' was just a front but, that's certainly the way things are shaping up. I wrongly believed that federal legislators were there for the "common good" but, we know that's not the case because of all the vitriol and Republican lambasting going on. So, if I have this straight, elected officials and their appointees are immune to any form of accountability to those who pay their salaries, and to whom they swore an oath of office thanks to the 5th amendment. That being the case, they could conceivably commit any number of offenses and just refuse to answer any questions about any of them. That means these folks have an even better deal than do foreign diplomats, immunity from the law. What a deal!

Again, if I have this right, under the privileges provided under the 5th amendment, no politicians, appointees or valued staff, have to answer the first darn question "the people" may have, for whom they supposedly work. I mean, it's one thing to be compelled to incriminate one's self, it's an altogether different matter to take the 5th in lieu of giving an accounting for one's performance of his sworn duties. Is it not? Heck, no wonder all the stone walling is going down. None the less, in spite the fact that we are seeing the "mother of all wagon circling strategies", it's beginning to look more and more like Miss Lerner is in some real trouble.

"Former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner engaged in an "aggressive and improper pursuit" of Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, a nonprofit political group advised by Republican Karl Rove, according to the House Ways and Means Committee.
Lerner's intervention should be investigated by the Justice Department as a crime because she treated Republican-leaning groups unfairly, the committee said in a letter published after a two-hour closed session today. Some of the information in the letter had been kept secret until now under taxpayer-privacy laws.

"This is so important that the public has a right to know," Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, told reporters after the party-line vote to send the letter. "What do we have as Americans if we don’t have our constitutional rights?"
"The House Ways and Means Committee released a statement Friday saying the IRS had informed the committee it had lost some of Lerner's emails from January 2009 through April 2011 because of a computer crash.

According to the House committee, the IRS said it can only produce Lerner's emails she sent to and received from IRS employees. The IRS said it does not have emails Lerner sent to and received from other outside agencies — "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices," the House committee said."
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How obvious can these guys get and still no media coverage? Other than FOX, only CBS reported on the matter. They can talk about the US being a nation of laws till they turn blue (Democrat blue), but lawless and arrogant so-called loss of emails and stonewalling across the board will not stay confined at the top. Nothing is ever really deleted from the hard drive of a computer, the FBI is crawling with folks who can easily retrieve the needed information.

BTW, the convenient loss of critical emails did not stop with Miss Lerner. The emails of six other IRS employees under investigation with regard to targeting the Tea Party, were lost as well.
A friend of mine asked me for help a while back with his phone because he accidentally deleted the photos on it. I did not know how to recover them, but another person was able to do so.

If we are able to recover lost photos on phones, we should be able to recover emails.
WideRight05 Wrote:A friend of mine asked me for help a while back with his phone because he accidentally deleted the photos on it. I did not know how to recover them, but another person was able to do so.

If we are able to recover lost photos on phones, we should be able to recover emails.

^^Perfect example to demonstrate the point. There are thousands of tech savvy people out there able to recover deleted items from a hard drive too, and many of them are already employed by the government and paid with our tax dollars.

As I have mentioned in the past, Nixon lied up until the time he was confronted with the evidence. Not that he was a particularly honorable man and yet, he was still clear minded enough to recognize what was important. He resigned as President of the United States because he knew his loss and the embarrassment that went along with it was a small price to pay in order to preserve the credibility of the office of the President. It kills me to hear liberals go on and on about Watergate as if that were enough proof to indict the Republican party from that day forward. At least Tricky Dick had enough class to put the good of the nation over his own selfish interests when it was time.

Now, fast forward to the Obama era. So many lies and scandals afoot you couldn't keep up with them if you had a score card. And that doesn't take into account the pre-Obama era when Barney Frank and his cohorts who regulated, cajoled or, otherwise demanded that banks and real estate lenders practically give the money away that eventually led to the housing bubble. We're still renewing those bad notes FWIW, ever heard of a harp loan? The only way you can qualify for one of those is if your financial page reads something like Harpo Marx may have come up with. From Fast and Furious to Benghazi, to the IRS, to the VA and on and on, nobody has assumed any responsibility whatever, except to blame Bush and I actually heard Bob Beckel doing just that again last night on Hannity.

After Clinton turned lucid thought on it's head by suggesting that "It depends on what your definition of is, is", lies have gotten far past the boundaries of being ridiculous. Today, politicians will literally try to fly any lamebrain notion or excuse that pops into their head. The reason for that of course is because main steam media, (which should be renamed the Ministry of Truth), refuses to hold them in any way responsible for anything they say. The sky is literally the limit.

So, when they say the emails are gone what they're really saying is, "ask me again and I'll tell you another lie."
I was told that Koskinen, the IRS Commissioner, lived in Ashland a while and graduated from Ashland. I'll bet he is the most infamous person with ties to Ashland since Charles Manson.
Memo Luna Wrote:I was told that Koskinen, the IRS Commissioner, lived in Ashland a while and graduated from Ashland. I'll bet he is the most infamous person with ties to Ashland since Charles Manson.

While I don't know him personally, I know a few people from Ashland who say Koskinen is the salt of the earth. But, when I heard his testimony yesterday before the House Ways and Means Committee, I almost passed out. KOSKINEN--- “I don’t think an apology is owed,” Koskinen said. “We haven’t lost an email since the start of this investigation.” Safe to say from my view, regardless of past achievements, I'm no Koskinen fan. The big boys up on the Hill, will fight this one out and, I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

It is all so obvious to anybody not entrenched on the Dems side or, the Republicans side, just for the sake of party. Even though every argument is argued from exactly that point of view. Dems are supposedly infallible and the Republicans, if you listen to Dems, are the party of NO. It never gets any more profound than that. In my view, for a country the likes of America The Beautiful, to accept the possibility that Republicans are like the enemy of state around here, and only the Dems have workable ideas and are always right, is an absurdity of the highest degree. The 'truth,' is the holy grail, not party line philosophy. (Although I must say the Republicans are at least trying to put the good of the country first.) The mocking and contempt coming from Dems in lieu of anything of substance is glaring. As I have mentioned, whenever Dem's failings and lawlessness are pointed out, they immediately turn the conversation into another unwinnable food fight. Ironically, it is we taxpayers who lose every round as the inevitable solution is to throw money at every conceivable problem.

Case in point, the news lately, has been full of reports of poor, and starving children who've been somehow separated from their parents, (all possible scenarios for their plight, are willful commissions of wanton recklessness by said parents, FWIW). Republicans rightly recognize despite the unspeakable calamity of the situation, that the US cannot take in the multiple millions, perhaps even billions, of folks clamoring to immigrate illegally to the US from Mexico, Central America, even as far away as Nicaraqua in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE! Not to mention immigration insurgents from across the entire planet. Republicans rightly argue to control our borders first. Dems come at the issue from the bleeding heart perspective. Their default setting is in refusing to temper compassion with the reality of the cost of cradle to grave entitlements for planet earth, which must be visited upon the backs of what can only be considered the 'relative few' who still work or even believe they should work. You might want to check with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi about that, LOL.

But as I said, it is we taxpayers who always wind up losers. My purpose in pointing out the illegal immigrants massing on our southern border primarily, was to mention how the Dems want to deal with it. First, we will be taking them in, and it will cost us all dearly. Second, it has already been determined, that the countries guilty of pushing so many towards our border, are to be given a total of 500 million of your tax dollars to use toward reintegration of those who for some mysterious and dubious outcome, may not be allowed in country. They (Dems) want the American voter to let them do what ever they want, apart from any form of accountability. They want to be essentially 'appointed for life' to elective office, by virtue of only one criterion, they a Democrat.

At any rate, we're headed down the tubes because of all the giveaways. The only question is whether or not the American voter will let Republicans put on the brakes, or give the Dems leave to keep the accelerator pressed to the floor, in the coming mid-terms. I know my vote will be.
"The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it can't provide emails sent between 2009 and 2011 that were requested by congressional investigators because of hard drive crashes.

The agency said that emails stored on dead drives were lost forever because its email backup tapes were recycled every six months, and employees were responsible for keeping their own long-term archives.

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to, which lists the contract as being for "automatic data processing services." Sonasoft's motto is "email archiving done right," and the company lists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS."

Huh? So, they couldn't just request the emails from the archiver? You couldn't make this stuff up.
TheRealThing Wrote:While I don't know him personally, I know a few people from Ashland who say Koskinen is the salt of the earth. But, when I heard his testimony yesterday before the House Ways and Means Committee, I almost passed out. KOSKINEN--- “I don’t think an apology is owed,” Koskinen said. “We haven’t lost an email since the start of this investigation.” Safe to say from my view, regardless of past achievements, I'm no Koskinen fan. The big boys up on the Hill, will fight this one out and, I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

It is all so obvious to anybody not entrenched on the Dems side or, the Republicans side, just for the sake of party. Even though every argument is argued from exactly that point of view. Dems are supposedly infallible and the Republicans, if you listen to Dems, are the party of NO. It never gets any more profound than that. In my view, for a country the likes of America The Beautiful, to accept the possibility that Republicans are like the enemy of state around here, and only the Dems have workable ideas and are always right, is an absurdity of the highest degree. The 'truth,' is the holy grail, not party line philosophy. (Although I must say the Republicans are at least trying to put the good of the country first.) The mocking and contempt coming from Dems in lieu of anything of substance is glaring. As I have mentioned, whenever Dem's failings and lawlessness are pointed out, they immediately turn the conversation into another unwinnable food fight. Ironically, it is we taxpayers who lose every round as the inevitable solution is to throw money at every conceivable problem.

Case in point, the news lately, has been full of reports of poor, and starving children who've been somehow separated from their parents, (all possible scenarios for their plight, are willful commissions of wanton recklessness by said parents, FWIW). Republicans rightly recognize despite the unspeakable calamity of the situation, that the US cannot take in the multiple millions, perhaps even billions, of folks clamoring to immigrate illegally to the US from Mexico, Central America, even as far away as Nicaraqua in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE! Not to mention immigration insurgents from across the entire planet. Republicans rightly argue to control our borders first. Dems come at the issue from the bleeding heart perspective. Their default setting is in refusing to temper compassion with the reality of the cost of cradle to grave entitlements for planet earth, which must be visited upon the backs of what can only be considered the 'relative few' who still work or even believe they should work. You might want to check with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi about that, LOL.

But as I said, it is we taxpayers who always wind up losers. My purpose in pointing out the illegal immigrants massing on our southern border primarily, was to mention how the Dems want to deal with it. First, we will be taking them in, and it will cost us all dearly. Second, it has already been determined, that the countries guilty of pushing so many towards our border, are to be given a total of 500 million of your tax dollars to use toward reintegration of those who for some mysterious and dubious outcome, may not be allowed in country. They (Dems) want the American voter to let them do what ever they want, apart from any form of accountability. They want to be essentially 'appointed for life' to elective office, by virtue of only one criterion, they a Democrat.

At any rate, we're headed down the tubes because of all the giveaways. The only question is whether or not the American voter will let Republicans put on the brakes, or give the Dems leave to keep the accelerator pressed to the floor, in the coming mid-terms. I know my vote will be.

The reason why some Ashlanders think Koskinen is the "salt of the earth" has nothing to do with politics. You must remember that they only see him as a "Tomcat" and, of course, in their eyes, that elevates him above all else. The fact that he is an arrogant liar assigned the job of protecting the administration at any cost is not relevant to them.
Does anyone else find it appalling that Koskinen's less than impressive appearance on Friday has received no coverage on any media source other than Fox News? On Meet the Press, the little ferret moderator did briefly mention "Ryan's rantings". And, of course, Ashland's newspaper failed to make any mention of Koskinen's time in the limelight. Wonder why?
Truth Wrote:The reason why some Ashlanders think Koskinen is the "salt of the earth" has nothing to do with politics. You must remember that they only see him as a "Tomcat" and, of course, in their eyes, that elevates him above all else. The fact that he is an arrogant liar assigned the job of protecting the administration at any cost is not relevant to them.

LOL. The "Tomcat" strainer, is a bit narrow a means with which to define national affairs.

Have you given any thought to why lies seem to be accepted in today's world rather than mocked and rejected out of hand the way they used to be? There was a time not so long ago, when the incredulous scowl of a Senator or Congressman brought with it great trepidation to the unfortunate witness. I mean, it is past ridiculous to apply a court room level of standard to assess truth in all our matters of state. If you ask me, to have a public servant get up and take the fifth about any matter concerning the "peoples" business, is treasonous. They say there is no proof to incriminate Lois Lerner or, any authority to demand honorable and factual answers about activities regarding the IRS in general. Officials who esteem themselves above the law is the real legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL. The "Tomcat" strainer, is a bit narrow a means with which to define national affairs.

Have you given any thought to why lies seem to be accepted in today's world rather than mocked and rejected out of hand the way they used to be? There was a time not so long ago, when the incredulous scowl of a Senator or Congressman brought with it great trepidation to the unfortunate witness. I mean, it is past ridiculous to apply a court room level of standard to assess truth in all our matters of state. If you ask me, to have a public servant get up and take the fifth about any matter concerning the "peoples" business, is treasonous. They say there is no proof to incriminate Lois Lerner or, any authority to demand honorable and factual answers about activities regarding the IRS in general. Officials who esteem themselves above the law is the real legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.

I believe the problem lies squarely with the media. No media source reports the news. All are partisans. The Obama scandals have gained no notice from the under educated and uninformed general public because they are being censured on all media outlets except Fox News.

All of these sources of "news" are preaching their own agendas. Unfortunately for conservatives, while they have Fox News and the Wall Street Journal (to a lesser degree), the liberals have NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, New York Times, Washington Post, Public Television, and all the rest.

Therefore, Obama and his minions (like the abominable Holder, Lerner, and Koskinen) are completely protected from a public more interested in who the Kardashians are presently mating with than in what is happening in this country.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Does anyone else find it appalling that Koskinen's less than impressive appearance on Friday has received no coverage on any media source other than Fox News? On Meet the Press, the little ferret moderator did briefly mention "Ryan's rantings". And, of course, Ashland's newspaper failed to make any mention of Koskinen's time in the limelight. Wonder why?

You're not going to see anybody working for the paper leading with their journalistic chin. You know, somebody could get offended, a cardinal sin around this town. But, yeah. I am frequently appalled with the national media and how they protect Democrats and their causes across the board. When cornered, and that is an oft occurrence even in today's media world, they like to fall back on their favorite rationale. Saying, "Both sides do it", speaking of Republicans and Democrats. Frankly both sides don't do it, anywhere near the level the media would like us to believe. The national picture represented by today's media is a total fabrication intended to protect Dems while at the same time, mocking and berating Republicans as if they deserve to be laughed to scorn. The nuclear food fight overtones of congressional machinations as presented by these pie throwing combatants, has done it's work. Thusly, lemon meringue pie faced pundits, have succeeded in stripping any shred of credibility away from lady liberty in the eyes of the world.

The whole thing looks like the mother of all soap operas to the inhabitants of the world looking in. Sometimes I think folks forget the fact that anybody with a TV set or a computer across the entire planet, can watch the very same news programs, read the same internet and news articles, and hear the same government excerpted sound bites we all do. In short, our dirty laundry, though done quite tastefully in cinematic terms, is presented for all to see without nary a blink's worth of hesitation from a liberally rabid media. And, like you so accurately pointed out. Fox is the only one willing to carry the torch of truth, though I see their product as somewhat compromised as well.

I can't help drawing a parallel here. Just as the organized Church has incurred skepticism and contempt in place of the admiration man once held for her and the guiding wisdom she represented for so long. A consideration which is the direct result of the effect her recent compromises have wrought regarding the Lord of this universe, His inerrant Word and the attributes of His character. That character being one that, due to the erosive nature of any untruth, does not accept compromise in truth to any degree whatever. A scripture comes to mind that demonstrates the PR problems of the Church; Galatians 5:9 (KJV) 9 "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Though God's true Church is vibrant, organizations which have moderated have suffered, and rightly so.

America has seen the same kind of contempt growing towards her at the secular level at an ever increasing rate, and for the same reason. We who at one time held forth the God of this Universe as the only true God worthy of our worship, and from Whom we gladly took our cues socially, nationally and globally, have since turned out backs and have become "tolerant" to man's ridiculous challenges to His sovereignty. In fact we have moderated all the moral views that have defined this land since the days of it's inception.

The result is that America has lost much in the way of respect across the globe. In place of that respect is the hatred and contempt of everybody from Russia to the Arab World. We are in a spiraling decline, and compromise is the evil taskmaster to which Americans will all ultimately succumb.
When the media spins the story that Lerner's computer crashed before the start of the investigation, keep in mind that Rep. Camp sent a letter to IRS concerning the targeting of conservative groups ten days BEFORE Lerner's computer crashed.

Also, when the media insists that Lerner immediately informed technicians that her computer had crashed so that they could attempt to retrieve her emails, it is just as likely that she or someone at her direction crashed her computer, made sure everything was as unrecoverable as possible, and sought assistance to develop an alibi. That sequence of events makes far more sense that saying that it was all coincidence. Nothing is coincidence in politics.

Lerner lied. the former commissioner lied. And, the present commissioner is lying.
Truth Wrote:When the media spins the story that Lerner's computer crashed before the start of the investigation, keep in mind that Rep. Camp sent a letter to IRS concerning the targeting of conservative groups ten days BEFORE Lerner's computer crashed.

Also, when the media insists that Lerner immediately informed technicians that her computer had crashed so that they could attempt to retrieve her emails, it is just as likely that she or someone at her direction crashed her computer, made sure everything was as unrecoverable as possible, and sought assistance to develop an alibi. That sequence of events makes far more sense that saying that it was all coincidence. Nothing is coincidence in politics.

Lerner lied. the former commissioner lied. And, the present commissioner is lying.

Makes perfect sense to me. If I was a betting man, my money would be riding on your understanding of the likely chain of events, over the official Obama/Press release version. But, that's what I have been saying. It's one thing to be a low information voter, an attitude adjustment could cure that. It's quite another to be goofy enough buy into a lie as transparent as the Lerner situation. One has to want to be misled to swallow something like that.
I have noticed a disturbing, but not unexpected, trend from Republicans. On several of the political talk shows this morning and afternoon, the Democrat has stated that the organizations investigated by IRS were fairly even conservative and liberal. We all know that that is not true. However, the Republicans let the comments slide without any kind of rebuttal.

We have a real problem with the media and the justice department. However, we also have a big problem with spineless Republicans who seem to be less informed than are we.
Truth Wrote:I have noticed a disturbing, but not unexpected, trend from Republicans. On several of the political talk shows this morning and afternoon, the Democrat has stated that the organizations investigated by IRS were fairly even conservative and liberal. We all know that that is not true. However, the Republicans let the comments slide without any kind of rebuttal.

We have a real problem with the media and the justice department. However, we also have a big problem with spineless Republicans who seem to be less informed than are we.

They are spineless, but I don't think they are unimformed. They wrongly believe they will be perceived as hovering above the muck and mire of dirty politics if they let such comments go. I know, it's ridiculous but that, none the less, is part of their rationale. No wonder nobody respects these nimrods. They don't possess the gumption to speak up for what is right or to utter the truth for the people to hear. Sickening. You don't back your enemies down when you are busy backing down yourself.
TheRealThing Wrote:They are spineless, but I don't think they are unimformed. They wrongly believe they will be perceived as hovering above the muck and mire of dirty politics if they let such comments go. I know, it's ridiculous but that, none the less, is part of their rationale. No wonder nobody respects these nimrods. They don't possess the gumption to speak up for what is right or to utter the truth for the people to hear. Sickening. You don't back your enemies down when you are busy backing down yourself.

You are absolutely correct, TheRealThing. The republicans seem to be foolish enough to believe that, if they stay out of the mud, they will appear strong and the other side will respect them. They are fools. The Democrats fight with no holds barred- cheat, lie, mislead, whatever it takes. They would and do stab the poor impotent Republicans in the back at every opportunity.

It is past time for attempts at peace making and time to pull out the weapons and fight to win with no consideration of the other side or the means required to win.

Koskinen is scheduled to appear before another committee tomorrow. Republicans need to burn his a$$.
Truth Wrote:You are absolutely correct, TheRealThing. The republicans seem to be foolish enough to believe that, if they stay out of the mud, they will appear strong and the other side will respect them. They are fools. The Democrats fight with no holds barred- cheat, lie, mislead, whatever it takes. They would and do stab the poor impotent Republicans in the back at every opportunity.

It is past time for attempts at peace making and time to pull out the weapons and fight to win with no consideration of the other side or the means required to win.

Koskinen is scheduled to appear before another committee tomorrow. Republicans need to burn his a$$.

Agreed, and the worst of it is that any Republicans who do in fact have some chin, get slammed by the likes of McConnell and McCain with regularity. Two guys who though cheesy and mealy mouthed, are still much better a choice than some vacuous cipher the likes of Grimes. Ted Cruz has the backbone to speak the truth with courage, we need more like him.

At any rate, Republicans better get their act together.
TheRealThing Wrote:Agreed, and the worst of it is that any Republicans who do in fact have some chin, get slammed by the likes of McConnell and McCain with regularity. Two guys who though cheesy and mealy mouthed, are still much better a choice than some vacuous cipher the likes of Grimes. Ted Cruz has the backbone to speak the truth with courage, we need more like him.

At any rate, Republicans better get their act together.

I look forward to the hearing scheduled for 7:99 pm. I would hope that Trey Gowdy thoroughly burns Koskinen's pompous, lying butt.
Truth Wrote:I look forward to the hearing scheduled for 7:99 pm. I would hope that Trey Gowdy thoroughly burns Koskinen's pompous, lying butt.

^Let's hope. All this ongoing imagery being put forth by the current administration and the complicitous all-in-for-Dems media, has reached the choke point for me. Koskinen is just another example of a man willing to sacrifice his personal reputation on the altar of liberalism. He get's a call from THE WHITE HOUSE, telling him he can single handedly salvage hope for the administration to yet be successful, and the sudden rush of ego, power and national limelight, must have stuck him temporarily stupid.

This kind of thing is why I will never vote for another Democrat. Another case in point; did you see the book coming out by Kenneth Timmerman? It's entitled "Dark Forces, The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi" and according to the author, Hillary was neck deep in the whole deal, a conclusion any rational thinking man would have come to, even in the absence of proof. She spoke on the phone with the President, and again according to Timmerman, it was he who directed her to publicly make the case for the video. If I understood it right, Timmerman supports his account with records of conversations Hill and Bill had about all this, in which she complains that the whole story is impossible to sell. Timmerman further claims, Hill was the one who issued the infamous stand down order. Something which has been denied and sidestepped on the basis that the 'beyond a doubt' proof, does not exist, with which to pin the 'tale' on this particular 'donkey', LOL.

I have known for some time they just make up stuff to tell the American public everyday. Some say the 'sausage making' has gotten a bit out of hand. I say the 'sausage making' was passed up a long time ago and now Dems are passing buckets of monkey puke around. At least one could fry the sausage, heating monkey puke has a different affect.
Truth Wrote:I look forward to the hearing scheduled for 7:99 pm. I would hope that Trey Gowdy thoroughly burns Koskinen's pompous, lying butt.

The time is actually 7:00 pm. The 7:99 pm time must have been supplied by the IRS, Justice Department, White House, and/or MSNBC.
It is reported that Ashland's fair haired boy has given over $100,000.00 to liberal Democrat candidates through the years. He is nothing more than a political hack sent in to block for the Obama Administration.
I work in employee benefits administration in a po-dunk small town in rural Appalachia. It is mandated by FINRA for me to be able to produce certain reports/emails/legers during audit time. A crashed hard drive is not an excuse that is accepted for not providing any documents that are requested during audit.

That's why my company (small as it may be) continues to back up to a file that's not affected by local mishaps.

AND, I have no forensic lab to work on my computer to try and retrieve any lost documents. With the back up system we have in place, there's no need.

I do; however, wonder about a forensic lab that cannot find files on a crashed hard drive. I also wonder about the condition of Koskinen's rear this morning after Issa got finished with him....Confusednicker:

Maybe Issa will spark some life into the Republicans.
Granny Bear Wrote:I work in employee benefits administration in a po-dunk small town in rural Appalachia. It is mandated by FINRA for me to be able to produce certain reports/emails/legers during audit time. A crashed hard drive is not an excuse that is accepted for not providing any documents that are requested during audit.

That's why my company (small as it may be) continues to back up to a file that's not affected by local mishaps.

AND, I have no forensic lab to work on my computer to try and retrieve any lost documents. With the back up system we have in place, there's no need.

I do; however, wonder about a forensic lab that cannot find files on a crashed hard drive. I also wonder about the condition of Koskinen's rear this morning after Issa got finished with him....Confusednicker:

Maybe Issa will spark some life into the Republicans.

Well ironically, both situations may have something to do with the telephone pole. Telephone poles support the fiber optic cabling, through which so much of our cyber communications flow. And, it would probably take something about the size of a telephone pole to plug the orifice in question, after the reaming Koskinen took. :dangcompu :Thumbs:

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