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Why not split America into two?

"How would this work, practically? One party could have no more than 25 of the current states, where a minimum of 23 would be geographically consecutive, assuming the same entity also had Hawaii and Alaska. It would probably have to leave room for each half having at least one state on each of the two oceans. Practically speaking, that would, in turn, mean that California and Washington state could not be part of the same country -- the question is which would be which. Other than that, almost every combination would be possible.

Clearly, this would have to entail moving, for close to half of the population. The real solution here would be one of natural selection, where people would do it over some period of time. Americans moved before, such as in the 1800s when they headed West, and they still move today where some states show large net immigration numbers and other states have been de-populating for at least a decade or two. With more change and distinction, chances are that this new migration would be faster and more pronounced.

Big Enough to Split

The U.S. today is one of the world's largest countries, geographically. Our population density is relatively low. In other words, we have the luxury of doing this. Even in our smaller and oldest states in the Northeast, natural resources are vast and not cramped by most international standards.

This type of change would be difficult in the Netherlands or Austria. There is neither the population nor the land mass to support a split with great ease. That said, keeping a country together that's filled with division is also a great peril. Just look at the former Yugoslavia, where the only solution was to divide it into several tiny countries, in order to end a bloody civil war.

We won't want any civil war of any kind, let alone any bloodshed. We want a peaceful and amicable separation that will greatly satisfy both political sides of the spectrum. I hear from Democrats all the time that they would prefer that Texas go off and be its own country, because it is just not like the rest of 'em. Likewise, I hear political activists from other states say the corresponding same thing about California and Washington, D.C. With a peaceful and amicable separation, problem solved.

All of these political scores could be settled once and for all by both political sides to enjoy relative peace in each of their homes. We don't need a one-size-fits-all. We can have our cookies and eat them too. Just split the cookie in half."

Take note that what I posted (the quotes) is not the full article. I don't like to post links too often, but I read this article and the guy actually makes sense. Take note that this article is from 2011 - but if there was talk of a split, honestly, with the way things are going now, I would be all for it.
Texas would function very nicely as a separate country. If Democrats think Texas is not like the other states, it must be because Texas is prosperous. The US needs Texas far more than Texas needs the US. Of course, the first item on the agenda would be to deport the fruits and nuts from Austin. They would fit in well with Obama in Chicago.
Ever noticed how large college towns, even in deeply conservative parts of the country are always very liberal? That's where telling teachers what they can and cant teach comes into play. How many conservative professors did you know in college?

As for splitting up, if you divided the country by land of being red or blue, 90% of the country would be red. Its only the big populated cities that are very democratic. Theoretically speaking (you know a theory like climate change) if the US were to split it would never work for one reason. The libs would see how well the conservative capitalist movement was doing while they were suffering and then they would flood our borders once again making the liberal part that broke off non existent and with nobody home.
Then, we would be right back in the same mess, with these people draggin our country down. Then they would start wanting things and before you know it, we back to this mess.
Most college professors have spent their lives going to school and teaching school. They have no real life experiences. They live in textbooks.

Many college students are away from home and on their own for the first time. They like to appear independent and, therefore, are always very open to the liberal dogma of their "professors" since it seems "cool". College students want to be seen as "cool" -whatever that means. They are naive, immature, and easily influenced by those who are "cooler" than their parents.

Fortunately, most eventually grow up. They cut their hair, take showers, and even find jobs. A goodly number, however, never get past their "age of rebellion". A good example of that is Obama and the radicals who surround him.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ever noticed how large college towns, even in deeply conservative parts of the country are always very liberal? That's where telling teachers what they can and cant teach comes into play. How many conservative professors did you know in college?

As for splitting up, if you divided the country by land of being red or blue, 90% of the country would be red. Its only the big populated cities that are very democratic. Theoretically speaking (you know a theory like climate change) if the US were to split it would never work for one reason. The libs would see how well the conservative capitalist movement was doing while they were suffering and then they would flood our borders once again making the liberal part that broke off non existent and with nobody home.
Then, we would be right back in the same mess, with these people draggin our country down. Then they would start wanting things and before you know it, we back to this mess.

And in this you have hit on an often over looked fundamental truth. There is a reason that the folks of the Arab world and Africa still live in mud huts and don't enjoy a high standard of living even though their societies are the oldest on the planet. For whatever reason, they are comfortable in their situation and have been for centuries. Same thing is true here in the US. Some want to work and improve their lives and some do not. It is not that the have nots could not improve themselves through gainful employment if they wanted to do so. They don't really want to yet they will take what bleeding heart liberals hand them until the treasury is Kaput.

We Americans (in existence a blink of an eye in the terms noted above) generally have been a people who seek to excel. But, to the point. By all means let's help the other folks of this world. However, we can help so much that we could, as you point out, be drug down ourselves. And that, from within our own borders or to an even larger degree from without. The Obama Administration wants all borders wide open, in an attempt to rescue the world. But not militarily, LOL. We can't have that in this dawn of the brotherhood of man. This world will always have the down trodden and we should help within limits. Look at it this way. Even the doomed passengers of the Titanic knew that only so many folks could get into a lifeboat and acted accordingly. The present Captain would have us load the boats until they sank.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ever noticed how large college towns, even in deeply conservative parts of the country are always very liberal? That's where telling teachers what they can and cant teach comes into play. How many conservative professors did you know in college?

As for splitting up, if you divided the country by land of being red or blue, 90% of the country would be red. Its only the big populated cities that are very democratic. Theoretically speaking (you know a theory like climate change) if the US were to split it would never work for one reason. The libs would see how well the conservative capitalist movement was doing while they were suffering and then they would flood our borders once again making the liberal part that broke off non existent and with nobody home.
Then, we would be right back in the same mess, with these people draggin our country down. Then they would start wanting things and before you know it, we back to this mess.

You make a good point Wide Gut. Heck, I'll show the political affiliations of my college professors...


2 accounting professors - one of them occasionally brought it up in class while still being open and tolerant to all views (he made fun of everybody that was running that year - McCain, Obama, and Hillary) and the other was an African-American that did not support Obama and would occasionally talk about it in class. However, you could speak out in disagreement and he would respect you.

I also had a math professor and a finance professor that was conservative, but they never brought up politics in class. The only reason I knew they were conservative was because I knew them well outside of the classroom.


1. Philosophy professor at community college - attacked Christianity all the time in her class in the name of "open-mindedness." Once put down a business colleague that had a discussion about Catholicism with me because "he didn't have the degrees." She likely has failed students because of their beliefs.

2. Religion professor at community college - again, used the class to turn people away from Christianity.

3. History professor at community college - huge liberal. Definitely made sure to take B.C. and A.D. out of the years when he described them.

4. Librarian at community college - one time our english professor took us to the library at the university to show us how a couple of the research systems work for a project. The librarian took several "shots" at George W. Bush while speaking, prompting the english professor to issue an apology in the next class. The english professor certainly struggled herself with tolerance - she was okay in class, but recently her and I debated on a social media website, prompting her to eliminate contact with me.

5. Accounting senior seminar professor at university - We spoke about the muslims at the time wanting to build a mosque in the area of the 9/11 attacks. If a conservative would speak, he would say (in his funny accent) "open mind, open mind." Of course, he let the outspoken liberals tear loose.

You have probably heard enough by now, LOL, but the point being, the conservative professors I had rarely brought up politics in class if at all. If they did, you felt comfortable enough if you had an opposing view that you would certainly be respected and you wouldn't have to worry about a grade being dropped. Except for the senior seminar class I mentioned in the last one, the liberal professors are different. They often use the classes to go on rants and you better be real careful if your views oppose them - if you speak up, prepare for your grade to be lowered and/or failing the class, so you should keep track of all papers you have.

And heck, I'll even go into an accounting organization I led in college. I often would speak at their regional/national meetings upon graduation. They have pretty much become another political organization/gay rights group. I'll still help out locally since it's mainly dealing with college students, but I won't go to the nationals. They always have presentation competitions for the students, and almost always the teams that win it promote gay rights in some sort or fashion.
WideRight05 Wrote:You make a good point Wide Gut. Heck, I'll show the political affiliations of my college professors...


2 accounting professors - one of them occasionally brought it up in class while still being open and tolerant to all views (he made fun of everybody that was running that year - McCain, Obama, and Hillary) and the other was an African-American that did not support Obama and would occasionally talk about it in class. However, you could speak out in disagreement and he would respect you.

I also had a math professor and a finance professor that was conservative, but they never brought up politics in class. The only reason I knew they were conservative was because I knew them well outside of the classroom.


1. Philosophy professor at community college - attacked Christianity all the time in her class in the name of "open-mindedness." Once put down a business colleague that had a discussion about Catholicism with me because "he didn't have the degrees." She likely has failed students because of their beliefs.

2. Religion professor at community college - again, used the class to turn people away from Christianity.

3. History professor at community college - huge liberal. Definitely made sure to take B.C. and A.D. out of the years when he described them.

4. Librarian at community college - one time our english professor took us to the library at the university to show us how a couple of the research systems work for a project. The librarian took several "shots" at George W. Bush while speaking, prompting the english professor to issue an apology in the next class. The english professor certainly struggled herself with tolerance - she was okay in class, but recently her and I debated on a social media website, prompting her to eliminate contact with me.

5. Accounting senior seminar professor at university - We spoke about the muslims at the time wanting to build a mosque in the area of the 9/11 attacks. If a conservative would speak, he would say (in his funny accent) "open mind, open mind." Of course, he let the outspoken liberals tear loose.

You have probably heard enough by now, LOL, but the point being, the conservative professors I had rarely brought up politics in class if at all. If they did, you felt comfortable enough if you had an opposing view that you would certainly be respected and you wouldn't have to worry about a grade being dropped. Except for the senior seminar class I mentioned in the last one, the liberal professors are different. They often use the classes to go on rants and you better be real careful if your views oppose them - if you speak up, prepare for your grade to be lowered and/or failing the class, so you should keep track of all papers you have.

And heck, I'll even go into an accounting organization I led in college. I often would speak at their regional/national meetings upon graduation. They have pretty much become another political organization/gay rights group. I'll still help out locally since it's mainly dealing with college students, but I won't go to the nationals. They always have presentation competitions for the students, and almost always the teams that win it promote gay rights in some sort or fashion.

This is exactly the way I view professors I had as well.
I always find it funny that most religion professors are atheist liberals lol.
At least the ones ive met.
HELLO Civil War anyone?
One question. If the country is split into a Republican country and a Democrat country, how can the Democrat country survive? Who would be available to pay all the taxes to give the freebies to the usual Democrat constituencies?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:One question. If the country is split into a Republican country and a Democrat country, how can the Democrat country survive? Who would be available to pay all the taxes to give the freebies to the usual Democrat constituencies?

Vampire world. Everybody would have to suck the life out of everybody else.
Civil War II
TheRealThing Wrote:Vampire world. Everybody would have to suck the life out of everybody else.

I would think that those living in the prosperous conservative country would enjoy watching the liberal country consume and destroy itself. I certainly would enjoy watching the mayhem.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I would think that those living in the prosperous conservative country would enjoy watching the liberal country consume and destroy itself. I certainly would enjoy watching the mayhem.

Would be nice but certain people can not be divided such as Patch / Cat Scratch Fever / DH
See, you cannot leave him out of anything, so there you go Clint. One message, and then you will have what you want. : )
Shove it where the sun don't shine and leave me and Fairview Football alone. Let it go will be alright...just let it go...leave us alone and quit posting on Fairview Football and I will stop all comments and remarks but if you don't then you better button down the hatch.
See, there you go again trying to take away my right to say what I want, and yet that would mean you will go on trashing me and our friend. Just answer me this, why is it that you won't step up and just contact him and tell him when and where? And don't give me that scared of a law suit crap, you know as will as I do that is not the reason. Just send him one, single message and I tell you what, you will NEVER see me back on this site again. It would be worth it to me.
If you agree to not spew anymore crap on Fairview threads then I will never again say anything about you on here again, do we have a deal?
How am I spewing crap? What did I say on here that isn't true? Raceland beat them down, yep, I said that and it is true. I said they had players who were from, not living in, other states. Yeah, they have some kids from WV. I haven't said a single thing that is not the truth. I will make you a deal, I will NEVER refer to you or reply to you AGAIN if you don't make implied comments or comments about me or our buddy, he has not done ANYTHING on here in years. I will act like you don't exist, you do the same with me and our friend.
Patch Wrote:How am I spewing crap? What did I say on here that isn't true? Raceland beat them down, yep, I said that and it is true. I said they had players who were from, not living in, other states. Yeah, they have some kids from WV. I haven't said a single thing that is not the truth. I will make you a deal, I will NEVER refer to you or reply to you AGAIN if you don't make implied comments or comments about me or our buddy, he has not done ANYTHING on here in years. I will act like you don't exist, you do the same with me and our friend.

You had your chance.
That is a two way street. You could make it so you never see me again on here with just one message to him, and you won't do it. And you called me a puss earlier?
Clint Westwood Wrote:You had your chance.

Patch Wrote:That is a two way street. You could make it so you never see me again on here with just one message to him, and you won't do it. And you called me a puss earlier?

Why don't you two take this childish banter somewhere else. It's getting old.

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