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McConnell Wins
Was this even close? CNN and Fox calls it with only a little over 5% reporting.

Huge blow to Dems who thought this might be a good race.
I never could believe it was going to be all that close. Right now with 55% reporting McConnell is up 13%.
I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!! McConnell wins!
In what me a blowout of epic proportion.
I'm glad that Willie and The Hilderbeast came to town to give Grimes that added shot in the arm...This one could have gotten embarrassing for her.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'm glad that Willie and The Hilderbeast came to town to give Grimes that added shot in the arm...This one could have gotten embarrassing for her.
I love it when people like Slick Willie and the former First Lady and Moochelle hit the campaign trail and cannot even remember the names of the Democrats that they are endorsing.
It should be no surprise to anyone that Clueless Barbie got her rather broad butt kicked in a landslide for McConnell. In her "concession" speech she was so confused that she forgot to concede. Still, it was a joyous occasion for the Lundergan family as Andy Lundergan has been found and was quietly standing at her side. Of course, he looked just as clueless as his "spouse".

We Republicans also need to be sure that the Clintons visit us up here in Northern Kentucky before each election. Republicans won in an overwhelming manner in Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Counties with McConnell having an over 70,000 vote win in our area.
I noticed that.
Stardust got the republican vote out up in NKY.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It should be no surprise to anyone that Clueless Barbie got her rather broad butt kicked in a landslide for McConnell. In her "concession" speech she was so confused that she forgot to concede. Still, it was a joyous occasion for the Lundergan family as Andy Lundergan has been found and was quietly standing at her side. Of course, he looked just as clueless as his "spouse".

We Republicans also need to be sure that the Clintons visit us up here in Northern Kentucky before each election. Republicans won in an overwhelming manner in Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Counties with McConnell having an over 70,000 vote win in our area.
I am glad that Grimes lost in a landslide but I am happy to hear that Andy resurfaced in time to console the Democrats' loser candidate. The Clintons are well on their way to forgetting her name.
Let's not celebrate too much. McConnell is better than Grimes, but neither is worth a damn.

Our outlook is very bleak in this country. Seems like in almost every race around the country is between candidates who lack the intelligence, fortitude, and ability to help this country dodge the dark cloud that is coming our way.

It's coming, the dollar isn't going to last another decade on our current trajectory.

You ever seen tens of millions of Americans starve to death? It might sound like hyperbole, but it's not, and it's exactly what is going to happen.
Beetle01 Wrote:Let's not celebrate too much. McConnell is better than Grimes, but neither is worth a damn.

Our outlook is very bleak in this country. Seems like in almost every race around the country is between candidates who lack the intelligence, fortitude, and ability to help this country dodge the dark cloud that is coming our way.

It's coming, the dollar isn't going to last another decade on our current trajectory.

You ever seen tens of millions of Americans starve to death? It might sound like hyperbole, but it's not, and it's exactly what is going to happen.

Ive got a feeling your about to see bills being placed on Obamas desk that include MAJOR cuts in spending, which is what this country needs right now.
Whether or not he signs them could be the final destruction of the dems chances.
Beetle01 Wrote:Let's not celebrate too much. McConnell is better than Grimes, but neither is worth a damn.

Our outlook is very bleak in this country. Seems like in almost every race around the country is between candidates who lack the intelligence, fortitude, and ability to help this country dodge the dark cloud that is coming our way.

It's coming, the dollar isn't going to last another decade on our current trajectory.

You ever seen tens of millions of Americans starve to death? It might sound like hyperbole, but it's not, and it's exactly what is going to happen.

If it does happen you can blame those who bought votes with entitlements. The Dems built a base comprised of special interests, ironically using working people's tax dollars to buy the allegiance those who have rejected personal responsibility.

When America had an opportunity to dodge the apocalypse you mention back in 2012, they chose to reject Romney in favor of 4 more years of living for today. We would be well on our way to being healed right now if selfishness and sloth had not motivated so many to vote for the candidate who promised the most free goodies. A horrific foreboding swept over many in the land of the free that night. Is it too late? Hard to be sure but I can tell you one thing, if we're not toast by the time the present 8 year nightmare is over with. We will certainly be if somebody like Hillary follows the man from Kenya up.
I thought (according to people like TRV and CNN) that the Republican party was dead. After last night I think the American people sent a loud and clear message that a party red or blue is only as strong or weak as the last person to fill an office and how good of a job they did, but the Republican party and the values of the people in it are alive and well. I was not a big fan of Bush Jr and I think he did hurt the Republican chances in the last 2 elections, but I also think that Obama is now hurting his own party for 2016. I think the scary thing for democrats is that Obama still has 2 years to make it even worse. I think that the eyes of all the nation will be on Obama from now till 2016 to see how he responds to this Republican surge and if he does bad I can see a Republican in office in 2016 IMO.
I absolutely agree!!

However, I do empathize with beetle on one issue...when are we going to have a real choice in major elections, and NOT just the lesser of two evils?
Granny Bear Wrote:I absolutely agree!!

However, I do empathize with beetle on one issue...when are we going to have a real choice in major elections, and NOT just the lesser of two evils?

This and excuse me while I clear my throat. I didn't vote for either of these two candidates and will sleep well tonight as a result.

Mitch lost the vision and skill set to meet the needs of the "majority of Kentucky" years ago! Easy to do when big $$$ fills his pockets with trade equity favors in return for power and control. If Mitch was as great as his campaign rhetoric, the coal industry wouldn't be in the shoes they are in now.

Please listen folks, it's up to groups of people getting together, game planning, building consensus for the majority. A very elite, small, well funded group dictate policy and they lack the ability, have no interest in, and are all about themselves to care about the majority.

Focus on your family, town, and county with regards to positive change you can impact. The state and federal guys aren't going to get it done for you.

But don't get me wrong, when you get it right, save money, have vision, and build an economy, they will hook their trailer to you in a heartbeat. Moral to the story, don't count on government to meet your familys needs. Adapt, overcome, be innovative, gain experience, network, and trail blaze your own path. The government will not do that for you!!!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Congradualtions to the Republican Party
tvtimeout Wrote:Congradualtions to the Republican Party

Congrats to the nation, working man, and tax payer.
It is a great day to be an American!
I just watched some of the President's press conference...there's not a humble fiber in his body. So much so that it's extremely odd.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I just watched some of the President's press conference...there's not a humble fiber in his body. So much so that it's extremely odd.

Bout time you weighed in on the election, LOL.

I remember when after Reid ran the ACA through the Senate in a midnight session devoid of Republicans, he (the President) made a big production about entertaining ideas from them regarding the ACA. All the big wigs from Congress were seated around him at the table. They had a lot to say and most of it made perfect sense, all of it turned out to be prophetic. At any rate, not one single solitary idea was put into practice. It was his way only.

As I recently mentioned, when Romney was making so much hay with Netanyahu during his visit there last election cycle, suddenly Obama was promising all kinds of cooperation with Ol BB. Then he got reelected and Israel went right back into the deep freeze.

Now, at the dawn of a completely new government, he spends an hour and a half blowing so much smoke only those used to the 'fog' can see through it. I think Mitch has it about right. Reid has protected him (O) for the last 4 years by not sending him anything he didn't like. Instead, sitting on a mountain of would be legislation, Reid incessantly called out the Republicans for their alleged obstructionism. All that is about to come to a screeching halt because the Republican Congress is getting ready to do it's idea of a document dump, right on his desk. See RUTG's post above^^
I like what McConnell had to say
Do-double-gg Wrote:I thought (according to people like TRV and CNN) that the Republican party was dead. After last night I think the American people sent a loud and clear message that a party red or blue is only as strong or weak as the last person to fill an office and how good of a job they did, but the Republican party and the values of the people in it are alive and well. I was not a big fan of Bush Jr and I think he did hurt the Republican chances in the last 2 elections, but I also think that Obama is now hurting his own party for 2016. I think the scary thing for democrats is that Obama still has 2 years to make it even worse. I think that the eyes of all the nation will be on Obama from now till 2016 to see how he responds to this Republican surge and if he does bad I can see a Republican in office in 2016 IMO.
Great points. Liberal pundits are already talking as if Obama will not be a campaign issue in 2016, but you are right our president has two more years to make even more Americans hate his policies and his incompetence. Republicans just won a wave of elections by tying Democratic candidates to Obama. It is only logical to think that the GOP will run a campaign against any Democrat who has supported Obama's policies (and what potential Democratic candidate has not?) by portraying them as a status quo candidate.

Hillary Clinton can run but she cannot hide from her role in Obama's administration. If the Democrats are smart, they will start looking very hard for a Democratic governor who criticized Obama's policies, if such a person exists. It will be very hard for a Washington insider who supported Obama to get elected in 2016.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Great points. Liberal pundits are already talking as if Obama will not be a campaign issue in 2016, but you are right our president has two more years to make even more Americans hate his policies and his incompetence. Republicans just won a wave of elections by tying Democratic candidates to Obama. It is only logical to think that the GOP will run a campaign against any Democrat who has supported Obama's policies (and what potential Democratic candidate has not?) by portraying them as a status quo candidate.

Hillary Clinton can run but she cannot hide from her role in Obama's administration. If the Democrats are smart, they will start looking very hard for a Democratic governor who criticized Obama's policies, if such a person exists. It will be very hard for a Washington insider who supported Obama to get elected in 2016.

Democrats are renowned for mindless cohesion right now. Nancy Pelosi's role in selling and passing the ACA is the prime example of what I'm talking about. Standing up there behind the podium with that look of vacuous, glassy eyed liberal enthusiasm on her face, declaring that we just need to pass it (ObamaCare), in order to find out what is in it. Americans had better find a way to send representatives to DC who are blessed more intellectually than that mushroom.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the Democrats are smart, they will start looking very hard for a Democratic governor who criticized Obama's policies, if such a person exists. It will be very hard for a Washington insider who supported Obama to get elected in 2016.

Joe Manchin comes to mind. He has been a detractor on many different issues. But, on a side note, he's close to becoming the newest GOP senator. So we'll see how that plays out. Word on the street was that if republicans had a 50-50 split, they were gonna offer Manchin some of the best committee assignments to come over to our side and get a majority out of it. Manchin has publicly stated that its a possibility if the democratic party keeps sliding left.

But he's a pro-coal, pro-union, fiscal conservative, with a distrust of Obama and ObamaCare...... He's a dying breed. Southern Democrat - Dixie Crat.
ronald reagan Wrote:He's a dying breed. Southern Democrat - Dixie Crat.

Is that a complement?
ronald reagan Wrote:Joe Manchin comes to mind. He has been a detractor on many different issues. But, on a side note, he's close to becoming the newest GOP senator. So we'll see how that plays out. Word on the street was that if republicans had a 50-50 split, they were gonna offer Manchin some of the best committee assignments to come over to our side and get a majority out of it. Manchin has publicly stated that its a possibility if the democratic party keeps sliding left.

But he's a pro-coal, pro-union, fiscal conservative, with a distrust of Obama and ObamaCare...... He's a dying breed. Southern Democrat - Dixie Crat.

I would give ANYTHING to see some Dems start a movement like this.
Its happening with the Tea Party in the Republican establishment. Be nice to see old time southern democrat types come back out. Stir up the far left liberals.
ronald reagan Wrote:Joe Manchin comes to mind. He has been a detractor on many different issues. But, on a side note, he's close to becoming the newest GOP senator. So we'll see how that plays out. Word on the street was that if republicans had a 50-50 split, they were gonna offer Manchin some of the best committee assignments to come over to our side and get a majority out of it. Manchin has publicly stated that its a possibility if the democratic party keeps sliding left.

But he's a pro-coal, pro-union, fiscal conservative, with a distrust of Obama and ObamaCare...... He's a dying breed. Southern Democrat - Dixie Crat.
Manchin would be smart to switch parties anyway. Obama has single-handily destroyed the Democratic Party in WV. The GOP has taken control of both the WV Senate (thanks to a party switcher) and the House of Delegates. There are many former Democrats in WV that are probably less likely to vote for another Democrat in a national election than I am. Thanks, President Obama.
Did TheRealVille move to Niger or Nigeria?
I applaud the liberals who showed up to discuss the election results. It is always easier to just go into hiding until the news is more to your liking, but it takes character to show up after such a lopsided loss by your side, whether it is in sports or the political arena.

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