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Netanyahu Embarassed by Obama Administration
I know that we all have our different political views, and we all feel deeply about them. But surely we can all agree that a top administration official of President Obama doesn't need to be calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a chicken shit.
The biggest chicken shit on earth is the entire Obozo administration. Give me Netanyahu over any of these ass clown we have now.
Demarcus ware Wrote:The biggest chicken shit on earth is the entire Obozo administration. Give me Netanyahu over any of these ass clown we have now.

Woo-Wee! Come in there Demarcus ware. I'd take Netanyahu for president for two terms sight unseen and, be insisting he be available to assume the Oval Office as of tomorrow.

You know what's behind all this multi-culturalism going on across Europe, England, Canada and now the US don't you? Hint, it's a liberal idea. Wide open borders encourage immigrants from around the globe to blend into the major and lessor nations having the effect of terraforming a one world culture. In the case of the US, that is sort of like winning the mega prize lotto and then handing the cash back to the lotto office employees. :biggrin:
There's that song by Jim Croce I'm sure many of you have heard..

You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim.

In other words, you don't mess around with Israel. It looks like the administration is not going to press deeply into finding out who made the comment. This administration has made apologizing a common part of our foreign policy. Let's see how quick they are to issue an apology to Benjamin Netanyahu and to Israel, if at all.
They would apologize to ISIS before they would Israel.
Bob Seger Wrote:They would apologize to ISIS before they would Israel.

LOL, what makes you think they haven't already?
WideRight05 Wrote:There's that song by Jim Croce I'm sure many of you have heard..

You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim.

In other words, you don't mess around with Israel. It looks like the administration is not going to press deeply into finding out who made the comment. This administration has made apologizing a common part of our foreign policy. Let's see how quick they are to issue an apology to Benjamin Netanyahu and to Israel, if at all.

I can't help but harken back to the last Presidential campaign. Mitt Romney was making some real hay visiting Israel and meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu. As I recall promising the Israeli leader that the US would stand with Israel shoulder to shoulder. Well, that woke up the Dems and the next thing you know Obama was talking like he'd like to have a pup out of ol Netanyahu. Yeah, 4 years of being kept in the political deep freeze and all of a sudden Obama was all-in buddies with Israel. Then he got reelected.

Since that time we have seen Israel castigated by administration officials for their war with Hamas resultant from the 3,000 plus rockets they shot into Israel. And according to a recent article by Jeffrey Goldberg, much is being made about Netanyahu being called a chicken s**t by an administration official. But eclipsing that is the revelation made by his associate, essentially admitting that the US had pressured Netanyahu not to attack Iran, and that now it was too late anyway. (So, it's a good thing that Iran will soon have nuclear weapons?) Welcome to your "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" Mr Netanyahu!
Bob Seger Wrote:They would apologize to ISIS before they would Israel.
I would say somewhere along the way he has already. For as long as I can remember we've always stood with Israel, but looky here, we got us one of those Muslim presidents that hate everything Israel stands for, hell from the looks of things, hates everything we stand for. The man wants to destroy it all.

I agree with The Real Thing give the oval office to Netanyahu and try to get him in there tomorrow.
Granny Bear Wrote:I know that we all have our different political views, and we all feel deeply about them. But surely we can all agree that a top administration official of President Obama doesn't need to be calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a chicken shit.
The Obama administration did not embarrass Netanyahu, the Obama administration embarrassed me again. How could such an unqualified, obnoxious groups of the worst kind of political hacks have gained control of the most powerful government office in the world for 8 years?

Maybe the liberal Jews who have supported these clowns will finally begin to do the right thing by Israel. Voting Republican on Tuesday would be a great start for them to make amends for past sins.
Smokey Hayes Wrote:The Obama administration did not embarrass Netanyahu, the Obama administration embarrassed me again. How could such an unqualified, obnoxious groups of the worst kind of political hacks have gained control of the most powerful government office in the world for 8 years?

Maybe the liberal Jews who have supported these clowns will finally begin to do the right thing by Israel. Voting Republican on Tuesday would be a great start for them to make amends for past sins.

That is the very thing that has puzzled me. Going back to the second election, it was pretty obvious what they were dealing with as far as his anti-Israel stance...The surprise was all gone, and they still voted for him...It's the exact same mentality as a coal miner voting for Obama or any of his other liberal henchmen. You just have to wonder what in the world is going through their heads.
Bob Seger Wrote:That is the very thing that has puzzled me. Going back to the second election, it was pretty obvious what they were dealing with as far as his anti-Israel stance...The surprise was all gone, and they still voted for him...It's the exact same mentality as a coal miner voting for Obama or any of his other liberal henchmen. You just have to wonder what in the world is going through their heads.
I agree, Bob Seger. I have read that big Jewish donors have cut back on their financial support for the anti-Israeli Democrats, but I have not seen any numbers yet to confirm that they are coming to their senses.
Bob Scheifer interviewed Netanyahu and asked him the specific question about being called a chicken shit on Face The Nation, just now. Netanyahu was incredibly gracious and dismissed this comment as if it was never made.

With yet another American beheaded, and a film released of 15 others soldiers, from other countries, beheaded; I must say that I appreciate Netanyahu's attitude and his response about the commitment to America from Israel being strong.

Scheifer went straight to an interview with Mitt Romney and is now interviewing Clair McCaskill D-Missouri. I sort of like what McCaskill was saying about replacing Obamacare and debating immigration. She made some good sense.
McCaskill supported Obama when he was doing his heaviest damage to this country. She was among the first Senators to endorse him in the 2008 campaign, she supported Obamacare, and she supported the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

The only reason McCaskill has taken some moderate positions lately is that she understands the need to distance herself from the damage that she did before she runs for reelection in 2018. McCaskill has four years to make Missouri voters forget what an Obama tool she has been for the past six years.

I won't forget what a reliable vote McCaskill was in the Senate when Obama most needed her to get his radical left agenda imposed on Americans.
Well, she's sure singing a different song now!! Even encouraging the repeal of Obamacare. It would appear that the rats are abandoning the ship!
Granny Bear Wrote:Well, she's sure singing a different song now!! Even encouraging the repeal of Obamacare. It would appear that the rats are abandoning the ship!
The 'Rats will do anything to hang on to power. So will the RINOs. They move here for the power and the generous pensions and benefits that taxpayers provide. That's why I think that the Republicans can get quite a bit done in the next two years if they show a backbone.

The problem is, the national Chamber of Commerce wants so-called "immigration reform" in the worst way and have stuffed the campaign coffers of the establishment GOP with plenty of cash. I think that McConnell and Boehner will be happy to see Obama sign an unconstitutional executive order granting amnesty, so they will not have to dirty their own hands. That is why I will not vote for anybody that McConnell and Boehner support in the GOP primaries. They are political cowards.
So what will you do....not vote??
Granny Bear Wrote:So what will you do....not vote??
If Republicans nominate a RINO like Chris Cristie or Jeb Bush, I will vote for a third party. The more I listen to potential Republican candidates speak and flip-flop their positions depending on the audience, the less likely it seems to be that I will be able to vote for the Republican nominee. I certainly do not want to see Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, or any other likely Democrat win the White House in 2016, but it absolutely turns my stomach to watch George W. Bush refer to the rapist Bill Clinton as his "brother from another mother."

A ruling class has formed in this country where its members engage in cheap theatrics to convince us that we still have a voice in our federal government, but at the end of the day they meet to play handball, share a bottle of scotch, and laugh about what fools voters are. It's like the good cop/bad cop routine but on a larger scale.

For the most part, the difference between being a Washington Republican or Democrat is no different than being a Dallas Cowboy or a Washington Redskin. The skills required to make either team are the same and the rivalry means more to the fans (voters) than it does to the players who are paid to play the games.

An extreme example of the point that I am trying to make is Florida's Charlie Crist. The man has now lost elections running as a Republican, an Independent, and a Democrat. The sad thing is that after running unsuccessfully as both a Republican and an Independent, he narrowly lost to Republican Rick Scott as a Democrat. How gullible must voters be to believe that Crist's core beliefs are much different now than they were when he was a Republican governor of Florida? Voters are being played big time and we are all losing the game.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Republicans nominate a RINO like Chris Cristie or Jeb Bush, I will vote for a third party. The more I listen to potential Republican candidates speak and flip-flop their positions depending on the audience, the less likely it seems to be that I will be able to vote for the Republican nominee. I certainly do not want to see Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, or any other likely Democrat win the White House in 2016, but it absolutely turns my stomach to watch George W. Bush refer to the rapist Bill Clinton as his "brother from another mother."

A ruling class has formed in this country where its members engage in cheap theatrics to convince us that we still have a voice in our federal government, but at the end of the day they meet to play handball, share a bottle of scotch, and laugh about what fools voters are. It's like the good cop/bad cop routine but on a larger scale.

For the most part, the difference between being a Washington Republican or Democrat is no different than being a Dallas Cowboy or a Washington Redskin. The skills required to make either team are the same and the rivalry means more to the fans (voters) than it does to the players who are paid to play the games.

An extreme example of the point that I am trying to make is Florida's Charlie Crist. The man has now lost elections running as a Republican, an Independent, and a Democrat. The sad thing is that after running unsuccessfully as both a Republican and an Independent, he narrowly lost to Republican Rick Scott as a Democrat. How gullible must voters be to believe that Crist's core beliefs are much different now than they were when he was a Republican governor of Florida? Voters are being played big time and we are all losing the game.

I'm sorry Hoot but there is no comparing what we have seen out of the present administration and any other. From the repeal of DADT, to the Republicans being locked out of the ObamaCare tax burdensome nightmare including the Jonathan Gruber revelations, to Benghazi, to Harry Reid's obstruction, to frozen and shrinking personal incomes, to using the likes of Al Sharpton as race relations advisor, to forced climate control, to foreign policy which if I had to compare to something the Tsarnaev brothers pressure cooker bombs come to mind.

The voters none the less as you point out, are being played. That's because they have not been involved enough nor informed enough to participate from the perspective of self governance. Voters must vet and subsequently hold public office holder's feet to the fire, and when they don't perform or mislead, they should be dispatched in exactly the same manner as November 4th, 2014. Otherwise, if we're going to sit back and just pull the lever with a D or R on it we're going the way of the Do-Do in any event.

Border control, Keystone pipeline, and the ridiculous regulations that have been belched out of brainstorming sessions straight out of La-La Land, are at least on the table again. If they sit on their hands or underwhelm us again, then it's time to turn the two party system on it's head.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'm sorry Hoot but there is no comparing what we have seen out of the present administration and any other. From the repeal of DADT, to the Republicans being locked out of the ObamaCare tax burdensome nightmare including the Jonathan Gruber revelations, to Benghazi, to Harry Reid's obstruction, to frozen and shrinking personal incomes, to using the likes of Al Sharpton as race relations advisor, to forced climate control, to foreign policy which if I had to compare to something the Tsarnaev brothers pressure cooker bombs come to mind.

The voters none the less as you point out, are being played. That's because they have not been involved enough nor informed enough to participate from the perspective of self governance. Voters must vet and subsequently hold public office holder's feet to the fire, and when they don't perform or mislead, they should be dispatched in exactly the same manner as November 4th, 2014. Otherwise, if we're going to sit back and just pull the lever with a D or R on it we're going the way of the Do-Do in any event.

Border control, Keystone pipeline, and the ridiculous regulations that have been belched out of brainstorming sessions straight out of La-La Land, are at least on the table again. If they sit on their hands or underwhelm us again, then it's time to turn the two party system on it's head.
I think you are missing the point that I am trying to make. I am not saying that any of the Republican candidates in 2016 will be anywhere near as bad as Obama. What I am saying is that if the Republican Party stood on principle, then a loathsome, anti-American candidate like Obama would never have been elected once, let alone twice. Instead of learning from the experience of living with Obama for two terms, the Republicans are still looking for common ground with Obama, and I think that the GOP occupies common ground with him on amnesty for illegals.

If Republicans cannot do better than another Bush, McCain, or Romney in 2016, then they will have to retake the White House without my support. The difference in these guys and Hillary Clinton is just not enough for me to support any of them again. If Romney could not beat Obama after a disastrous first term, then he does not deserve a second chance. We can do better. The Bush family has grown very close to the Clintons, so there is no way in the world that I will even consider a vote for Jeb.

I will enthusiastically support Ted Cruz until he either wins the presidency or withdraws from the race. If he is not the nominee in 2016, then I hope that he does not disappoint me by endorsing a RINO.

I know that there are millions of conservatives who feel much as I do. Some of them will cave and support whoever Karl Rove and the GOP establishment tells them to, but I predict that many in the conservative base will not compromise their principles again by voting for a moderate candidate produced by a rigged system.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think you are missing the point that I am trying to make. I am not saying that any of the Republican candidates in 2016 will be anywhere near as bad as Obama. What I am saying is that if the Republican Party stood on principle, then a loathsome, anti-American candidate like Obama would never have been elected once, let alone twice. Instead of learning from the experience of living with Obama for two terms, the Republicans are still looking for common ground with Obama, and I think that the GOP occupies common ground with him on amnesty for illegals.

If Republicans cannot do better than another Bush, McCain, or Romney in 2016, then they will have to retake the White House without my support. The difference in these guys and Hillary Clinton is just not enough for me to support any of them again. If Romney could not beat Obama after a disastrous first term, then he does not deserve a second chance. We can do better. The Bush family has grown very close to the Clintons, so there is no way in the world that I will even consider a vote for Jeb.

I will enthusiastically support Ted Cruz until he either wins the presidency or withdraws from the race. If he is not the nominee in 2016, then I hope that he does not disappoint me by endorsing a RINO.

I know that there are millions of conservatives who feel much as I do. Some of them will cave and support whoever Karl Rove and the GOP establishment tells them to, but I predict that many in the conservative base will not compromise their principles again by voting for a moderate candidate produced by a rigged system.

I understand and I agree. And yet, were we to move to some third party option, the ailment that underpins our problem will still be there. That being the fact that the low information or uninformed electorate which installed a two term Obama to office would still be in place. Uninformed, self centered, all powerful and hadable for a price. We have come to the precipice Benjamin Franklin warned us about; "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

The vision of the framers is fragile but, that vision's survival in tact is at the same time our only hope. We are a self governing people and therefore pursuit of the common good is our best tack to continued opulence. Recently the people have been taught that government "creates" jobs and quality of life. That notion runs contrary to my experience and traditional conservative values. To demonstrate, the erosive affects of such foolishness are the headlines of today's 24/7 news loop. At any rate, it seems to have taken about 200 years for the truths set forth in the Constitution, and the American History classroom, to completely escape our understanding. The special interests view of government (modern liberalism) is the destroyer of equality, not the savior. With self governance comes a fearsome reality. We can choose to err as well as choose to do what is right.

As I have said, America has turned her back on that which gave her the moral authority to govern herself, that being God's Word. If we abandon that authority for what we reason to be right, we will see a steady departure from all that we hold dear and all that is familiar. Standards that were at one time cast in granite will become malleable and America's idealism will be constantly blown about by men who argue cases in court which erode and transform us to become something completely different. We would be persuaded daily by the most clever argument, as endless debate would supersede the unity and sanity represented by that shining alabaster city on a hill. It is my contention that we will slide so far into obscurity that America will be lucky survive in any form.

So, if America is to right her ship she must return to familiar waters. The current throes of unrest must be refocused to reveal that equality of opportunity and the willingness to defend our shores are what creates jobs and middle class well being, not entitlements. And the voter must be made aware what he is really choosing when he votes for more entitlements. Candidates bear much of the responsibility in the matter, and therefore I am solidly behind your rationale with regard to men of virtue such as Ted Cruz. I don't know what the last straw will be, but a Hillary Clinton Presidency would to me feel like playing the 'extended' version of Russian Roulette. How many times can we really expect the hammer to land on an empty cylinder?

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