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Keystone pipeline falls in senate
By a vote of 59-41. Only one vote short of making it.
Another win for the liberal idiots, but not for long.

Lets see if it fails in January.
One has to ask why after years of blocking a vote on Keystone in the US Senate that suddenly the first order of business becomes voting on Keystone. The answer is likely that Harry Reid was trying to save Mary Landrieu's seat. Only one vote shy of passage and they couldn't scrape up one more. The Democratic coalition makes strange bedfellows and I have always wondered how they manage to hold things together.

Laughably, we hear much ado about infighting and disputing among Republicans mainly between Tea Partiers and RINO's. And there is some of that. Frankly, that is about the only thing that gives me hope that the Republican Party can rediscover it's true identity. The foregoing discourse pales however, when compared to the extreme left of the Democrats. The uber liberal Elizabeth Warren types, foaming at the mouth to see "change." They have driven the lunacy seen during the past 6+ years but, make no mistake, they are very distraught with President Obama's reluctance to force the liberal agenda at a much faster rate. I predicted the day will come when the 'zoo stew' of special interest groups which comprise the Democratic base will turn on each other. I believe it will be ugly and it looks like it has started to happen.

One can only hope. :Thumbs:
I just don't understand the democratic party at all anymore.

Its as though they are one big interest group and that's completely it.

People literally vote Democratic because of one reason in most cases. They could claim there next order would be genocide and these groups would still vote for them.

They are the environmentalist, the gays, the blacks, the immigration bunch, and the liberal holly weird types.

This is different than groups like unions, because there is actual meaning to why they do it. But interest groups make no sense to me. Id love see UK basketball automatically win the title each year, but if that was the number one goal of Obama, I still wouldn't vote for the loser.

They almost make me truly think that the illuminati could be real

Ive never seen anything like it. It blows my mind.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I just don't understand the democratic party at all anymore.

Its as though they are one big interest group and that's completely it.

People literally vote Democratic because of one reason in most cases. They could claim there next order would be genocide and these groups would still vote for them.

They are the environmentalist, the gays, the blacks, the immigration bunch, and the liberal holly weird types.

This is different than groups like unions, because there is actual meaning to why they do it. But interest groups make no sense to me. Id love see UK basketball automatically win the title each year, but if that was the number one goal of Obama, I still wouldn't vote for the loser.

They almost make me truly think that the illuminati could be real

Ive never seen anything like it. It blows my mind.

I've given a lot of thought to the matter too, (shocker), and the nearest I can come to an understandable example for their behavior and anti logic is Jonathan Gruber. First and always they revel in their education. The college campus is rife with self styled know-it-alls (profs) who consider their own intellect to be the highest form of awareness in the universe. Where these intellectual 'gods' meet with resistance is where the practical utility of their classroom realm are attempted in the real world. For example, real scientists cannot justify America falling on her economic sword in the name of global warming. The evidence is just not out there, and all the models predicted by the so-called "settled science" are completely wrong. We're not seeing warmer winters, we're seeing much colder winters. And then of course there is the college vision of bio fuels based on algae. The plant may look impressive and is certainly costly, but fuel production at any appreciable level is not there.

But as in the case of Gruber and the ACA , they are none the less convinced of their own importance. To the liberal, the children of lessor gods such as factory workers and those who provide service, need to be told what is best for them, even if that includes lying or other deception. In other words liberals fancy themselves to be the intellectual elite, evolved much higher than normal people. This is why a community organizer with no executive experience whatever, and only a faint glimmer of what the US military's role should be. Would feel completely comfortable telling our commanders what to go do with themselves from day one.

When you stop to think about the whole thing it is as you say, "mind blowing." I would challenge anybody to come up with another President who was narcissist enough to come in with both liberal six guns blazing and immediately begin running over the will of 300 million legal US citizens and their duly elected representatives in the US Congress. The framers intended the body of the House of Representatives (435 congressmen in our day), to be the bellwether of the will of the people. The idea was that if it were to ever be the unhappy case that some would-be monarch should ascend to the Presidency, the other two co-equal branches could keep him reeled in. Or, one might say the collective wisdom of 435 congressmen and 100 Senators should outweigh the delusions of grandeur of which one man might be reasonably beset.

This idea that we can elect folks to high office based on party is so over. Candidates should always be vetted, much less the ones who are talking about transforming the face of America. Transform to what?
What a shame to see this... Koch brothers will make another Billion dollars once this goes through and there will be 45 long term jobs created. Well worth it!
tvtimeout Wrote:What a shame to see this... Koch brothers will make another Billion dollars once this goes through and there will be 45 long term jobs created. Well worth it!

LOL, you seem to think the Koch brothers have had control of at least 2/3 of congress the past 8 years don't you?

Oh my, someone using the money that they earn to donate toward a cause they believe in. How awful.
WideRight05 Wrote:LOL, you seem to think the Koch brothers have had control of at least 2/3 of congress the past 8 years don't you?

Oh my, someone using the money that they earn to donate toward a cause they believe in. How awful.

^^ Takes his cues from Harry Reid. :igiveup:
Those dang Koch brothers.
There much more influential than the 99% of celebrities and Hollywood millionaires who would love to see Obama become king and every wipe there ass with there hand to save a tree from being used for toilet paper.
I just point out that they will make 2 billion dollars once this goes through and it does not help the U.S. economy that much for the cost. 45 jobs, really that is what we are really talking about, seems like we could spend our monies better.
tvtimeout Wrote:I just point out that they will make 2 billion dollars once this goes through and it does not help the U.S. economy that much for the cost. 45 jobs, really that is what we are really talking about, seems like we could spend our monies better.

^^This is ridiculous, unless you're alleging 45 jobs per refinery along the Texas coast. And which of "our monies" are you talking about? TransCanada Corporation will be putting up 7 billion dollars for the construction costs and it's hard to say how much the US government will get in permits taxes and fees.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^This is ridiculous, unless you're alleging 45 jobs per refinery along the Texas coast. And which of "our monies" are you talking about? TransCanada Corporation will be putting up 7 billion dollars for the construction costs and it's hard to say how much the US government will get in permits taxes and fees.

It will be shipped, no new refineries will be built. Why would they, it is the same oil being shipped in a more direct method. But I can stand to be wrong, please use a source to point out the number of permement jobs that will be created after the pipeline is built.
tvtimeout Wrote:It will be shipped, no new refineries will be built. Why would they, it is the same oil being shipped in a more direct method. But I can stand to be wrong, please use a source to point out the number of permement jobs that will be created after the pipeline is built.

You know I can back it up or I wouldn't put it up. Try skipping your left wing preachers and use the Google bar to enlighten yourself.
TheRealThing Wrote:You know I can back it up or I wouldn't put it up. Try skipping your left wing preachers and use the Google bar to enlighten yourself.

Wow! A person asked to see where another got their information and they respond google it yourself.

In the words of Stephanie Tanner That is just "Rude"! What else is there to expect though?

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