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This is what will happen with ENDA

The mayor of Atlanta, GA, Kasim Reed, has punished Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for his book which deals with sin and redemption through Jesus Christ and addresses homosexual behavior. Reed suspended Cochran for one month without pay, will require him to complete sensitivity training, and will be prohibited from distributing the book on city property. Now, if ENDA were to be enacted, this is the kind of thing we would see on a regular basis. These heathens look for a reason to be offended and to persecute somebody for their beliefs.
I'd tell him to shove it up his...seems fitting since he is siding with mental problems such as homosexuality
The country is going to hell and those with traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs sit in their pews and do nothing while the wild-eyes, derelicts, and oddballs push their doctrine. Too bad. It was a nice country at one time.
Do you think we should observe the year of Jubilee? I am all about it!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The country is going to hell and those with traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs sit in their pews and do nothing while the wild-eyes, derelicts, and oddballs push their doctrine. Too bad. It was a nice country at one time.

I agree

Jesus would have wanted health care for everyone, watching over the elderly, and trying to educate our children. Yet to many people are concerned billionaires making money...oh well!

You and I can continue to do what we can to try to make Eastern Kentucky better.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Too bad. It was a nice country at one time.

tvtimeout Wrote:I agree

Jesus would have wanted health care for everyone, watching over the elderly, and trying to educate our children. Yet to many people are concerned billionaires making money...oh well!

You and I can continue to do what we can to try to make Eastern Kentucky better.

I feel safe in saying that Jesus would want every person who is able to work and support their family, this includes providing health care for themselves and family, to do so.
C.E. Riggs Wrote:I feel safe in saying that Jesus would want every person who is able to work and support their family, this includes providing health care for themselves and family, to do so.

This is exactly right and that means any work available including shoveling out barns, working at Walmart, or doing yard work if that's all one can find.
God clearly said that a man should work by the sweat of his brow to support his family and I have zero respect for any man who don't..............especially men who abuse things like disibility when they know they can work but are to lazy. People like this are part of the scum of the earth to me!
C.E. Riggs Wrote:I feel safe in saying that Jesus would want every person who is able to work and support their family, this includes providing health care for themselves and family, to do so.

A man works 40 hours a week if they are lucky at $9.00 hr that is 720 every two weeks, that is 17280 a year. Let's say he had a family that is commanded of him to do so if he goes by the Genesis book and has a family of 4. Health Insurance is around $120 a month before AHA bill went through, that is $1,440 a year. That leaves a man $15,840. We have not begin to pay any other bill yet, this is the man in Eastern Kentucky, but he is bum!!! Yeah Jesus would not lift a finger "Common Man"
Do-double-gg Wrote:God clearly said that a man should work by the sweat of his brow to support his family and I have zero respect for any man who don't..............especially men who abuse things like disibility when they know they can work but are to lazy. People like this are part of the scum of the earth to me!

My sins are just the same as the men that you refer to or at least the cost of my sins are the same.
C.E. Riggs Wrote:I feel safe in saying that Jesus would want every person who is able to work and support their family, this includes providing health care for themselves and family, to do so.

How much did Jesus charge to heal the sick?
tvtimeout Wrote:A man works 40 hours a week if they are lucky at $9.00 hr that is 720 every two weeks, that is 17280 a year. Let's say he had a family that is commanded of him to do so if he goes by the Genesis book and has a family of 4. Health Insurance is around $120 a month before AHA bill went through, that is $1,440 a year. That leaves a man $15,840. We have not begin to pay any other bill yet, this is the man in Eastern Kentucky, but he is bum!!! Yeah Jesus would not lift a finger "Common Man"

Now you're equating state provided health insurance with God's commandments? I noticed what I would think to be a small flaw in your logic as it could be applied in New Testament terms. Take the stated position of the Apostle Paul for example, in his mind it's better to follow his example and remain unmarried; 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 (KJV)
6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

And then we have one of the times in which our Lord Himself spoke on the matter of marriage to His disciples. Who were at the time, incredulous with His statement regarding the fact that divorce is forbidden except as relief in the case of adultery. Matthew 19:10-12 (KJV)
10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
11 But he said unto them, [COLOR="Red"]All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. [/COLOR]

I didn't notice any continued urgency to multiply and replenish the earth among their concerns in the above text, did you?

In any event, man brought about the curse of death (and therefore the associated ailments) because of his own disobedience. Medicine mitigates the curse to some degree and I don't know about you but, access to medicine is a fee based concept at my house. So as in the case of Christians, who rather than being forced to do so, tithe out of conviction and grateful appreciation for the sake of the Church and her ongoing efforts toward the work of their Heavenly Father, taxpayers should likewise not be forced to pay for those able bodied people to have the finer things in life just because they feel shortchanged or entitled. In other words, acts of charity are to be voluntary and from the heart, not a government mandated tax. Further, if one cannot see a way to rear a family from a fiscal standpoint, maybe they should consider having only one child.

Finally there are always options if one truly wants to earn a living in this land. Educational opportunity for the poor, or moving to an area which affords labor centered jobs are two among a myriad of viable alternatives to just sitting in Eastern Kentucky and pinning away. Agreed?
TheRealThing Wrote:Now you're equating state provided health insurance with God's commandments? I noticed what I would think to be a small flaw in your logic as it could be applied in New Testament terms. Take the stated position of the Apostle Paul for example, in his mind it's better to follow his example and remain unmarried; 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 (KJV)
6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

And then we have one of the times in which our Lord Himself spoke on the matter of marriage to His disciples. Who were at the time, incredulous with His statement regarding the fact that divorce is forbidden except as relief in the case of adultery. Matthew 19:10-12 (KJV)
10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
11 But he said unto them, [COLOR="Red"]All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. [/COLOR]

I didn't notice any continued urgency to multiply and replenish the earth among their concerns in the above text, did you?

In any event, man brought about the curse of death (and therefore the associated ailments) because of his own disobedience. Medicine mitigates the curse to some degree and I don't know about you but, access to medicine is a fee based concept at my house. So as in the case of Christians, who rather than being forced to do so, tithe out of conviction and grateful appreciation for the sake of the Church and her ongoing efforts toward the work of their Heavenly Father, taxpayers should likewise not be forced to pay for those able bodied people to have the finer things in life just because they feel shortchanged or entitled. In other words, acts of charity are to be voluntary and from the heart, not a government mandated tax. Further, if one cannot see a way to rear a family from a fiscal standpoint, maybe they should consider having only one child.

Finally there are always options if one truly wants to earn a living in this land. Educational opportunity for the poor, or moving to an area which affords labor centered jobs are two among a myriad of viable alternatives to just sitting in Eastern Kentucky and pinning away. Agreed?

If we followed Paul's example: what would happen to our species? Second, who owns everything in the universe? Do you think we should follow the example of the year of Jubilee? I have to go but will respond more to this.
tvtimeout Wrote:I agree

Jesus would have wanted health care for everyone, watching over the elderly, and trying to educate our children. Yet to many people are concerned billionaires making money...oh well!

You and I can continue to do what we can to try to make Eastern Kentucky better.

Millions of people lost their health care plans because of Obamacare, so if Jesus would want everyone to have health insurance, then he surely would approve of Obamacare.
tvtimeout Wrote:How much did Jesus charge to heal the sick?

As much as he charged you when he died on the cross for your sins?
tvtimeout Wrote:If we followed Paul's example: what would happen to our species? Second, who owns everything in the universe? Do you think we should follow the example of the year of Jubilee? I have to go but will respond more to this.

Jubile was directed to Old Testament Jews. The coming of Christ as Messiah to the Jew was noteworthy in that once He was nailed to the cross for our sin, His action of sacrifice ended the Old Testament observances of festivals and ordinances outlined in the Old Testament Books of Leviticus and Numbers. Therefore, not only does jubile not apply to we gentiles, neither does it any longer apply to the Jew.

Jubile BTW, was as much a reward for obedience to those who honored God with their lives, as it was healing for the land.
TheRealThing Wrote:Jubile was directed to Old Testament Jews. The coming of Christ as Messiah to the Jew was noteworthy in that once He was nailed to the cross for our sin, His action of sacrifice ended the Old Testament observances of festivals and ordinances outlined in the Old Testament Books of Leviticus and Numbers. Therefore, not only does jubile not apply to we gentiles, neither does it any longer apply to the Jew.

Jubile BTW, was as much a reward for obedience to those who honored God with their lives, as it was healing for the land.

So nothing in the old testiment should be followed? Then tear down every Ten commandments symbol there is... I disagree. I was taught that Jesus came to fulfill the law not to abolish the law. Here is another example what does Jesus say about Homosexuality? Jesus, not man, Jesus?

Jubile was a festivable of forgiving one's debts every 49 years. Everyone would start fresh! We get told God owns everything, why do you think some people believe they own everything they make, when ourselves are made by a higher Creator.
C.E. Riggs Wrote:Millions of people lost their health care plans because of Obamacare, so if Jesus would want everyone to have health insurance, then he surely would approve of Obamacare.

Do you have link for that? I would like to read it. I know 400,000 people have health insurance in our state, health cost continue to go down, and can prove that, but hey I am open minded, please post the link.
tvtimeout Wrote:So nothing in the old testiment should be followed? Then tear down every Ten commandments symbol there is... I disagree. I was taught that Jesus came to fulfill the law not to abolish the law. Here is another example what does Jesus say about Homosexuality? Jesus, not man, Jesus?

Jubile was a festivable of forgiving one's debts every 49 years. Everyone would start fresh! We get told God owns everything, why do you think some people believe they own everything they make, when ourselves are made by a higher Creator.

tvtimeout Wrote:Do you have link for that? I would like to read it. I know 400,000 people have health insurance in our state, health cost continue to go down, and can prove that, but hey I am open minded, please post the link.

You need to learn how to use the multi-quote function when posting.

First off, you have gloated about your faith in Christ on here so I would expect you to have some knowledge of the Bible - it was Paul, in the book of Romans near the end of the first Chapter, that mentioned homosexuality. You have claimed to believe in the Bible as God's Word in the past. So based on your rationale, then you are saying you accept only the words of Jesus but not the words of the ones that He chose to spread His Word through? Which is it?

As for your part about health care, I'll go ahead and break down what is happening with my health care thanks to you and about 60 million others who voted for Obama and other leaders in this administration. The company I work for was able to keep our insurance plan (A good plan, I will add) for this year, but our deductible increased and the cost went up as well - and we are a small local business. There is the famous quote from Obama that "if you like your plan, you can keep it," which even the media has admitted is far from the truth. We will be able to keep our current plan for one more year, but it will be terminated in 2016 due to not meeting the requirements of the ACA. The new plan for 2016 will increase the cost tremendously - we are talking 15% a month, which is deadly for a small business. Bob Seger has mentioned numerous times on here how the cost has impacted him as well. Don't even start talking about "tax credits" we will receive to offset that cost. Believe me, the "credits" are very minimal compared to the cost of the health plan and will hurt both the employees and the company.

The requirements for the ACA cause some serious problems, thus the reason most companies have to terminate their current insurance plans. I will give you an example of one, a requirement that a health care plan must include pediatric dental care. We have a separate insurance plan for dental care as well as vision it is a very good plan. Since our main plan does not include that, it does not meet the requirements and we have to terminate our plan to go with a more costly one.

My case is one of many and believe me when I say there are millions of others going through the same problems with this, if not worse. The people that are hurt the most are the middle class.

I thought about posting a link, but I'm not going to because it's not going to work. Posting a link does nothing on this website. If you want to look at the impact in-depth, I recommend checking out places like the CBO, BLS, even the liberal websites have posted plenty of information regarding how this is going to cost a fortune. I'll give you a little hint in the areas of tax - this law will result in 21 new taxes.

There is almost no hope for two-time Obama supporters, the type of people that vote for the "rock stars" no matter what the person stands for because they are "cool." Most of them cannot provide any rationale for their arguments, they make bad decisions at the voting poll, enjoy making bad decisions at the voting poll, and then they follow Obama no matter what he may stand for or how many times he is proven wrong.
tvtimeout Wrote:So nothing in the old testiment should be followed? Then tear down every Ten commandments symbol there is... I disagree. I was taught that Jesus came to fulfill the law not to abolish the law. Here is another example what does Jesus say about Homosexuality? Jesus, not man, Jesus?

Jubile was a festivable of forgiving one's debts every 49 years. Everyone would start fresh! We get told God owns everything, why do you think some people believe they own everything they make, when ourselves are made by a higher Creator.

God says the sin of homosexuality is an "abomination" and that He will turn those guilty of that sin over to a reprobate mind, meaning that He has forever turned His back on them.

The first day of the week was to be the Sabbath Day (a day to honor God and rest) and it came around every 7th day. Then there was the Sabbath year when the ground was to lay fallow for a year, to allow it to rest and it came around every 7th year. Then there was Jubile (a special Sabbath year), which came around every 7 Sabbath years, or once every 49 years. When land was sold in ancient Israel, it was more like a 50 year lease, as all land that had been sold reverted back to the original owners at that time. All of this was part and parcel to God's chosen people, applying only to them.

Owing to man's fall in the Garden of Eden, all men are guilty of breaking the law. Hence the need for a Savior; Romans 3:22-23 (KJV)
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
We can in no sense keep the law, however, our acceptance of Jesus justifies us in God's eyes, as Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly and took upon Himself the penalty for our sin, that of death or eternal separation from God.

None the less, the Lord was rejected by His own people when He came to earth, and ministered to them in Israel. Therefore, from the day they nailed Him to the tree until this, Israel has been in a state of rebellion. And has consequently suffered greatly for that rejection. First Rome came and utterly dismembered their homeland scattering them abroad. Persecuted down through history without a place to call home, they wound up approaching annihilation at the hands of Stalin and Hitler. Today it is Hamas, Iran, and the balance of the Arab World at their throats. But ultimately, it will be the anti-Christ who will come nearest to wiping the Jew off the face of the planet. They brought the whole mess upon themselves in rejecting Him and, when they called for Pilate to crucify Jesus, they said this; Matthew 27:23-25 (KJV)
23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

To return then to the specific situation of the Old Testament Jew, he looked forward to that coming of Christ for salvation. and in so doing, he honored the Old Testament rites and rituals such as Passover, Jubile and sacrificing animals on the altar and the like. All were mere shadows of the unspeakable act of love that our Lord provided for us on the cross. Therefore, once the Jew rejected Him, they had rejected the one and only way that God had provided for them to be saved, even though they had practiced the fulfillment of their salvation through oblation for centuries. That's why the Jew is persecuted above all men, and that's why he can observe all the ritual and ceremony in the world and it will do him no good. One day in the near future the Jew will repent and fall before Him, and He will forgive them and protect them.

So, festivals of the Old Testament were only applicable up until the day Christ hung on the cross, and the veil over the Holy of Holies was rent in twain. After that day it was the age of grace. In short, the law can bring only death to man. While the cross brings forgiveness and life for those who will accept the gift through repentance.
WideRight05 Wrote:You need to learn how to use the multi-quote function when posting.

First off, you have gloated about your faith in Christ on here so I would expect you to have some knowledge of the Bible - it was Paul, in the book of Romans near the end of the first Chapter, that mentioned homosexuality. You have claimed to believe in the Bible as God's Word in the past. So based on your rationale, then you are saying you accept only the words of Jesus but not the words of the ones that He chose to spread His Word through? Which is it?

As for your part about health care, I'll go ahead and break down what is happening with my health care thanks to you and about 60 million others who voted for Obama and other leaders in this administration. The company I work for was able to keep our insurance plan (A good plan, I will add) for this year, but our deductible increased and the cost went up as well - and we are a small local business. There is the famous quote from Obama that "if you like your plan, you can keep it," which even the media has admitted is far from the truth. We will be able to keep our current plan for one more year, but it will be terminated in 2016 due to not meeting the requirements of the ACA. The new plan for 2016 will increase the cost tremendously - we are talking 15% a month, which is deadly for a small business. Bob Seger has mentioned numerous times on here how the cost has impacted him as well. Don't even start talking about "tax credits" we will receive to offset that cost. Believe me, the "credits" are very minimal compared to the cost of the health plan and will hurt both the employees and the company.

The requirements for the ACA cause some serious problems, thus the reason most companies have to terminate their current insurance plans. I will give you an example of one, a requirement that a health care plan must include pediatric dental care. We have a separate insurance plan for dental care as well as vision it is a very good plan. Since our main plan does not include that, it does not meet the requirements and we have to terminate our plan to go with a more costly one.

My case is one of many and believe me when I say there are millions of others going through the same problems with this, if not worse. The people that are hurt the most are the middle class.

I thought about posting a link, but I'm not going to because it's not going to work. Posting a link does nothing on this website. If you want to look at the impact in-depth, I recommend checking out places like the CBO, BLS, even the liberal websites have posted plenty of information regarding how this is going to cost a fortune. I'll give you a little hint in the areas of tax - this law will result in 21 new taxes.

There is almost no hope for two-time Obama supporters, the type of people that vote for the "rock stars" no matter what the person stands for because they are "cool." Most of them cannot provide any rationale for their arguments, they make bad decisions at the voting poll, enjoy making bad decisions at the voting poll, and then they follow Obama no matter what he may stand for or how many times he is proven wrong.

Why did Paul mention it... because of the Old Testiment correct? Yes I will brag about being a Christian I will not deny that I love Him and love my neighbor.

Rock-stars having nothing to do with the way I vote, but what I think is right and wrong. Don't get me wrong I don't think that ADA is the best, I would be for a single payer health care system.

Didn't the CBO say that health care law has decreased cost in the health care cost as well as many of their projections were absoluetely wrong. I would post a link but you can check it out for yourself.

A bad decision for me is not going and vote, not stating my opinion. I know that is hard for some to understand that thought, oh well.
TheRealThing Wrote:God says the sin of homosexuality is an "abomination" and that He will turn those guilty of that sin over to a reprobate mind, meaning that He has forever turned His back on them.

The first day of the week was to be the Sabbath Day (a day to honor God and rest) and it came around every 7th day. Then there was the Sabbath year when the ground was to lay fallow for a year, to allow it to rest and it came around every 7th year. Then there was Jubile (a special Sabbath year), which came around every 7 Sabbath years, or once every 49 years. When land was sold in ancient Israel, it was more like a 50 year lease, as all land that had been sold reverted back to the original owners at that time. All of this was part and parcel to God's chosen people, applying only to them.

Owing to man's fall in the Garden of Eden, all men are guilty of breaking the law. Hence the need for a Savior; Romans 3:22-23 (KJV)
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
We can in no sense keep the law, however, our acceptance of Jesus justifies us in God's eyes, as Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly and took upon Himself the penalty for our sin, that of death or eternal separation from God.

None the less, the Lord was rejected by His own people when He came to earth, and ministered to them in Israel. Therefore, from the day they nailed Him to the tree until this, Israel has been in a state of rebellion. And has consequently suffered greatly for that rejection. First Rome came and utterly dismembered their homeland scattering them abroad. Persecuted down through history without a place to call home, they wound up approaching annihilation at the hands of Stalin and Hitler. Today it is Hamas, Iran, and the balance of the Arab World at their throats. But ultimately, it will be the anti-Christ who will come nearest to wiping the Jew off the face of the planet. They brought the whole mess upon themselves in rejecting Him and, when they called for Pilate to crucify Jesus, they said this; Matthew 27:23-25 (KJV)
23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

To return then to the specific situation of the Old Testament Jew, he looked forward to that coming of Christ for their salvation. and in so doing, he honored the Old Testament rites and rituals such as Passover, Jubile and sacrificing animals on the altar and the like. All were mere shadows of the unspeakable act of love that our Lord provided for us on the cross. Therefore, once the Jew rejected Him, they had rejected the one and only way that God had provided for them to be saved. That's why the Jew is persecuted above all men, and that's why he can observe all the ritual and ceremony in the world and it will do him no good. One day in the near future the Jew will repent and fall before Him, and He will forgive them and protect them.

So, festivals of the Old Testament were only applicable up until the day Christ hung on the cross, and the veil over the Holy of Holies was rent in twain. After that day it was the age of grace. In short, the law can bring only death to man. While the cross brings forgiveness and life for those who will accept the gift through repentance.

The debate that you and I are having can be seen in the book of Acts between Peter and Paul. I disagree my church still celebrates the Passover. An Old Testment festiable that has meaning today!
tvtimeout Wrote:The debate that you and I are having can be seen in the book of Acts between Peter and Paul. I disagree my church still celebrates the Passover. An Old Testment festiable that has meaning today!

When were Peter and Paul at each other in the Acts? There was a dispute between believing Pharisees and Paul in Acts. Later, Paul and Peter did have something to work out between them in Galatians, but in both cases, the argument was over the act of circumcision and it got resolved the right way.

I don't consider the discussion you and I are having to be any form of debate, I have laid out the foundation for my beliefs and you did not. At any rate, the Old Testament ordinances were nailed to the cross along with the Lord; Colossians 2:13-14 (KJV)
13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

So, the observance of Passover, an ordinance, was "taken out of the way" because it was only intended to carry man to the point where all his transgressions were forgiven and under the blood thanks to Christ's finished and perfect work on cross. God even said we'd better be on guard not to get that truth wrong; Hebrews 2:2-4 (KJV)
2 For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;
3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
4 God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

After the death of our Lord on the cross, there remains only two ordinances for men to keep. That being the Lord's Supper; 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 (KJV)
24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

And secondly the ordinance of Baptism; Acts 2:38 (KJV)
38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Sort of seems to diminish His unspeakable gift, in observing an ordinance His death on the cross was to supersede.
tvtimeout Wrote:Do you have link for that? I would like to read it. I know 400,000 people have health insurance in our state, health cost continue to go down, and can prove that, but hey I am open minded, please post the link.
tvtimeout Wrote:Do you have link for that? I would like to read it. I know 400,000 people have health insurance in our state, health cost continue to go down, and can prove that, but hey I am open minded, please post the link.

Health cost going down? Could you provide a link?
tvtimeout Wrote:Why did Paul mention it... because of the Old Testiment correct? Yes I will brag about being a Christian I will not deny that I love Him and love my neighbor.

Rock-stars having nothing to do with the way I vote, but what I think is right and wrong. Don't get me wrong I don't think that ADA is the best, I would be for a single payer health care system.

Didn't the CBO say that health care law has decreased cost in the health care cost as well as many of their projections were absoluetely wrong. I would post a link but you can check it out for yourself.

A bad decision for me is not going and vote, not stating my opinion. I know that is hard for some to understand that thought, oh well.

Again, TVT, you miss the point entirely. That's why I don't often go into detailed posts on here. Stating your opinion isn't the problem. You have not put together a coherent response to my points. There is much more to discussing an issue than just posting a link from the media, most sites of which lean to the left. Every media site twists the "facts" to (1) rile people up, and (2) use deceptive wording to attract readers to their articles. Thus, posting links rarely work. I usually just post them if I am opening a thread.

While the numbers can certainly enhance a lucid post, a well thought out argument as to why you believe the way you do on an issue is much more likely to draw a better discussion than just nit-picking one little sentence from somebody's argument and twisting it out of proportion, as you have done many times on here.

Now, as to your post, I am going to respond to only one part since you failed to respond to any of the major points I made in my previous post. If you respond to them, I will go into further detail and give you a much deeper response.

The only part I will mention for now is that you have been critical of the Republican party for lack of caring about the poor - which is certainly not the stance any Republican has. I can understand being frustrated with the Republicans as many of us on this board have expressed our frustrations at times. However, that does not mean that one should vote for abortion on demand, the removal of God from our country, and support of the homosexual lifestyle, all of which the Democratic party have sadly fallen prey to. Sin is a daily struggle that we all fall into as humans, myself included (You may not believe in this since Jesus didn't say it himself, but look at Romans 7:15), but struggling with sin and supporting sin are two different things.

Loving thy neighbor means helping those who are truly in need, and it also means telling them the truth on what's right and wrong if they try to lead you in a wrong direction. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure that you voted for Obama twice. There is no logical reason for having voted for Obama for a second term. Even someone I go to Church with who is more of a moderate woke up after Obama "evolved" (Note that liberals "evolve" - only conservatives flip-flop) on the issue of same-sex marriage. You have your choice between being an Obama supporter and a Christian, and I would strongly recommend being the latter.

C.E. Riggs Wrote:Health cost going down? Could you provide a link?

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