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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign?
I have been looking into Dr. Carson a lot over the past few months. Have listened to several speeches, started to read his books, and have watched most of the national interviews he has had lately. I love just about everything he says. He is makes too much sense to be president! He speaks with common sense and great reverence for the Constitution and wants to get away from the "PC" world we live in.

Thoughts on a potential long shot run at the WH from Dr. Carson?
No chance. Great surgeon, but politician? I'm sure Dems would love to see Ben Carson opposite their candidate on the ticket. And don't get me wrong, I'm sure many members of BGR would love to see a candidate who said Obamacare is the worst thing in this country since slavery, but the majority of rational thinking Americans will probably lean otherwise. He also believes the earth is only 6,000 years old, that we should have a flat tax because it is God's plan, that we should abolish many social programs that he himself benefited from growing up, has repeatedly compared America to Nazi Germany, that the 2016 elections may not take place because Obama might declare martial law, that the current US History curriculum in this country will cause people to join terrorists groups, thanked God for dead soldiers amid the VA scandals, and striking fear into his followers that Ebola will be turned into a weapon to destroy the world.

He has two years to add to the lunacy. Something tells me he is just getting started. But like I said, despite what I said above, he's somewhat perfect for the majority of posters on this forum.
Motley Wrote:No chance. Great surgeon, but politician? I'm sure Dems would love to see Ben Carson opposite their candidate on the ticket. And don't get me wrong, I'm sure many members of BGR would love to see a candidate who said Obamacare is the worst thing in this country since slavery, but the majority of rational thinking Americans will probably lean otherwise. He also believes the earth is only 6,000 years old, that we should have a flat tax because it is God's plan, that we should abolish many social programs that he himself benefited from growing up, has repeatedly compared America to Nazi Germany, that the 2016 elections may not take place because Obama might declare martial law, that the current US History curriculum in this country will cause people to join terrorists groups, thanked God for dead soldiers amid the VA scandals, and striking fear into his followers that Ebola will be turned into a weapon to destroy the world.

He has two years to add to the lunacy. Something tells me he is just getting started. But like I said, despite what I said above, he's somewhat perfect for the majority of posters on this forum.

Looks to me like you are afraid of Ben Carson running and are trying to make up anything and everything you can about him. I am going to guess that you are a two time Obama voter - which if you are that or even a one time Obama voter, you certainly have no room to be calling out anybody else's thinking as "lunacy."

What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker?" You must be really be something special. We should all just bow down to that caustic post with many false claims about Ben Carson.

I like Ben Carson, but he won't be my pick to go to the white house unless he wins the primary.
WideRight05 Wrote:Looks to me like you are afraid of Ben Carson running and are trying to make up anything and everything you can about him. I am going to guess that you are a two time Obama voter - which if you are that or even a one time Obama voter, you certainly have no room to be calling out anybody else's thinking as "lunacy."

What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker?" You must be really be something special. We should all just bow down to that caustic post with many false claims about Ben Carson.

I like Ben Carson, but he won't be my pick to go to the white house unless he wins the primary.

Making it up? Everything I said was a fact that he has said in the last 2-3 years. Look them up if you don't believe me. I'm a zero time Obama voter. False claims? I'll do the work for you then.

Worst thing since slavery -

Earth - 6,000 years old -

God's Flat tax -

Welfare hypocrisy -

America is like Nazi Germany -

2016 Election Anarchy & Marshall Law -

US History Curriculum & ISIS -

Dead Soldiers Quote -

Ebola -

But like I said, this all sounds rational and perfectly fine to the BGR moral majority. Anything else I can "make up" for ya?
Motley Wrote:Making it up? Everything I said was a fact that he has said in the last 2-3 years. Look them up if you don't believe me. I'm a zero time Obama voter. False claims? I'll do the work for you then.

Worst thing since slavery -

Earth - 6,000 years old -

God's Flat tax -

Welfare hypocrisy -

America is like Nazi Germany -

2016 Election Anarchy & Marshall Law -

US History Curriculum & ISIS -

Dead Soldiers Quote -

Ebola -

But like I said, this all sounds rational and perfectly fine to the BGR moral majority. Anything else I can "make up" for ya?

Not that I consider The Washington Post or CNN credible, but half of those links aren't even close to credible and I'm not going to waste my time debating somebody that is fed by the media - I would bet you probably didn't even take the time to read many of those and just googled them.

Now, my from my previous post which you did not answer - What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker" to the point that everyone who has a different view is irrational and/or thinking like a lunatic?
WideRight05 Wrote:Not that I consider The Washington Post or CNN credible, but half of those links aren't even close to credible and I'm not going to waste my time debating somebody that is fed by the media - I would bet you probably didn't even take the time to read many of those and just googled them.

Now, my from my previous post which you did not answer - What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker" to the point that everyone who has a different view is irrational and/or thinking like a lunatic?

:thatsfunn Yep, you're right not credible at all considering they all contain quotes and even videos of him saying those things, and not to mention that some of those things are part of the appeal to some. Can't seem to find anything from a tea party website about those things, but seems like the other several million results on the topics did turn up information on them. Funny how that works.

Determine your own opinions on what it means to be rational because something tells me we have different ideas on what it means as well. Personally I think someone who says that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery is a bit irrational, but I'm sure it's all just liberals spinning that in their own way to make it sound bad. Maybe you can rationalize that for me?

Or Maybe I should find a more credible source
Motley Wrote::thatsfunn Yep, you're right not credible at all considering they all contain quotes and even videos of him saying those things, and not to mention that some of those things are part of the appeal to some. Can't seem to find anything from a tea party website about those things, but seems like the other several million results on the topics did turn up information on them. Funny how that works.

Determine your own opinions on what it means to be rational because something tells me we have different ideas on what it means as well. Personally I think someone who says that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery is a bit irrational, but I'm sure it's all just liberals spinning that in their own way to make it sound bad. Maybe you can rationalize that for me?

Or Maybe I should find a more credible source

You getting ObamaCare there Motley?
TheRealThing Wrote:You getting ObamaCare there Motley?
I smell a twicer, TRT. :biggrin:
Motley Wrote::thatsfunn Yep, you're right not credible at all considering they all contain quotes and even videos of him saying those things, and not to mention that some of those things are part of the appeal to some. Can't seem to find anything from a tea party website about those things, but seems like the other several million results on the topics did turn up information on them. Funny how that works.

Determine your own opinions on what it means to be rational because something tells me we have different ideas on what it means as well. Personally I think someone who says that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery is a bit irrational, but I'm sure it's all just liberals spinning that in their own way to make it sound bad. Maybe you can rationalize that for me?

Or Maybe I should find a more credible source

I distinctly wrote that I would not open the links when after seeing the names of the sources and it's not worth me wasting time on. Chances are substantial that the videos are small excerpts from various speeches that either you or the media source have twisted greatly out of proportion. If there is one credible source for politics, and that's a big IF, it's watching it straight from the mouths of the politicians on C-SPAN. The content displayed on C-SPAN differs from many of the videos produced by the major media organizations that are known to edit out key parts of interviews. You cannot sit at your computer with a straight face and say that sites like CNN and The Washington Post do not have a liberal leaning.

Prejudging a whole group of people because of their political preferences in the fashion you did is a demonstration that you must be worried about Ben Carson winning the Republican nomination. That would be equivalent to me worrying about Andrew Cuomo or Martin O'Malley winning the Democratic nomination, both of whom have a small chance but are unlikely to win. You still didn't answer my question about what you did that elevated your "rationality" to a higher level than ours. I should just pull the liberal tactic of using the race card since that is what your side enjoys doing when a conservative disagrees with Barack Obama's viewpoints. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I smell a twicer, TRT. :biggrin:

:thatsfunn Good evening sir. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

What a news day huh? The statesmanship displayed by Netanyahu from the well of America's house today was striking.
WideRight05 Wrote:I distinctly wrote that I would not open the links when after seeing the names of the sources and it's not worth me wasting time on. Chances are substantial that the videos are small excerpts from various speeches that either you or the media source have twisted greatly out of proportion. If there is one credible source for politics, and that's a big IF, it's watching it straight from the mouths of the politicians on C-SPAN. The content displayed on C-SPAN differs from many of the videos produced by the major media organizations that are known to edit out key parts of interviews. You cannot sit at your computer with a straight face and say that sites like CNN and The Washington Post do not have a liberal leaning.

Prejudging a whole group of people because of their political preferences in the fashion you did is a demonstration that you must be worried about Ben Carson winning the Republican nomination. That would be equivalent to me worrying about Andrew Cuomo or Martin O'Malley winning the Democratic nomination, both of whom have a small chance but are unlikely to win. You still didn't answer my question about what you did that elevated your "rationality" to a higher level than ours. I should just pull the liberal tactic of using the race card since that is what your side enjoys doing when a conservative disagrees with Barack Obama's viewpoints. :lmao:

Twisting it? It's been all over the news that he said many of those things. Open your eyes. Funny you keep talking about sources yet in a very recent thread you posted a link to yahoo story that included poll results from A CNN poll, that was originally posted in he Washington Post. I'm not worried about Ben Carson in the least. I'm perplexed as to how he has any political momentum at all with some of the absurd things he has said. Also comical to me is the obsession that you and many others have with Barack Obama when this thread wasn't asking about him, nor did I mention him. Nothing can be mentioned on these forums without you and many others mentioning him. It's very interesting.

Do what you must in regards to rationality and defining it. For one, I'm sticking to the topic. You're not. Who looks irrational?
By the way, I greatly enjoy seeing your sources as I look back through some threads. The highly esteemed yahoo news seems popular with you, but I particularly like the highly unbiased Freedom Outpost that has the TEA Party slogan plastered on the top of their site. Along win Charisma Magazine which seems to tilt just a bit Christian (haha just a bit) Good thing I can now ignore all of the things you post as you openly admit there is so much bias out there. I'm off to watch CSPAN to try and re-educate myself on all these dirty liberal topics.
Motley Wrote:Twisting it? It's been all over the news that he said many of those things. Open your eyes. Funny you keep talking about sources yet in a very recent thread you posted a link to yahoo story that included poll results from A CNN poll, that was originally posted in he Washington Post. I'm not worried about Ben Carson in the least. I'm perplexed as to how he has any political momentum at all with some of the absurd things he has said. Also comical to me is the obsession that you and many others have with Barack Obama when this thread wasn't asking about him, nor did I mention him. Nothing can be mentioned on these forums without you and many others mentioning him. It's very interesting.

Do what you must in regards to rationality and defining it. For one, I'm sticking to the topic. You're not. Who looks irrational?

If you read the threads where I posted a link or where I discussed media you would know that I love using the liberal's own sources against them. Thus, if I do post a link (which is rare) it will come from a center-left and/or a left-wing source. Posting links are a waste of time in most scenarios because it just creates a defensive reaction from other political parties about the source, so usually I avoid them unless it comes a liberal website.

Second, if you spent time studying every politician you would find "absurd" comments, as you put them. I could go on all day about Barack Obama's "if you like your plan you can keep it," or his comments on cap and trade - and don't even get me started on the long list of Joe Biden comments. All one needs to do to find a list of "absurd" for any politician is a search on YouTube.

Your entire rant on Ben Carson is an exhibition of defensive reaction. See, that is the difference between you and I. You are lying in wait for Ben Carson to say something that you disagree with so you can bash him. I choose to look at the politician's position on the issues, their voting history, and their ability to work with other political parties. You told me to open my eyes, but you are the one that needs to open your eyes. Discussing current events is a waste of time with people like you because you are just looking for a faulty comment, and it's people like you that have played a role in putting this country in the position it is in because of your poor choices at the voting polls.
TheRealThing Wrote::thatsfunn Good evening sir. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

What a news day huh? The statesmanship displayed by Netanyahu from the well of America's house today was striking.
I would trade Netanyahu for Obama, Reid, Bohner, McConnel, and a first round draft pick in a minute. It is too bad that Republicans have to import a statesman and a leader to show this country what is missing in our own government. I was not able to listen to Netanyahu's speech but I have read some excerpts.

The news about Hillary's use of a very hackable private email account to conduct government business should be getting much more coverage than it is receiving. If Nixon had been as dishonest and disrespectful of the U.S. Constitution as Obama and his cabinet, he might have hung on for three terms. It is amazing the depths to which this country has sunk to find our current "leaders."
WideRight05 Wrote:Looks to me like you are afraid of Ben Carson running and are trying to make up anything and everything you can about him. I am going to guess that you are a two time Obama voter - which if you are that or even a one time Obama voter, you certainly have no room to be calling out anybody else's thinking as "lunacy."

What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker?" You must be really be something special. We should all just bow down to that caustic post with many false claims about Ben Carson.

I like Ben Carson, but he won't be my pick to go to the white house unless he wins the primary.

Well, I've been getting quite a laugh from your conversation with Motley. I actually took the time to look at all his sources and as it turns out, your gut feeling was pretty close.

Just two examples quickly even though any one of those given would be easy to respond to. Let's take the one about the deal with God telling the good doctor that the idea of a flat tax was His plan. All Carson was saying with that was that Israel, a theocracy, did it's business and funded 'the state' through the voluntary act of Tithing. Or 10 percent of their substance. Now, maybe Motley thinks Carson is a moron, but I just wonder how much of his paycheck goes to the state? At any rate, I'd be much happier with paying a universal flat tax than I am the 18,000 plus dollar price tag my insurance company says is what I can now expect to pay in order to conform to the dictates of ObamaCare. So, for Carson to have drawn the parallel between Israel surviving on 10 percent versus a US flat tax is not all that bizarre if you ask me.

Secondly, was this deal about the earth being only 6,000 years old. Nobody knows how old the earth is but, I can tell you this. I am of the belief that God did in fact speak the universe into existence, and that He in fact, formed Adam of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. Now maybe I'm just too dumb to 'get it', but God didn't make a baby Adam, He made an adult Adam. Therefore, God made the man Adam as an adult. He made him with age already in him. It follows that God could very well have made a functioning universe to include the Earth for Adam to live in with the appropriate amount of age in it.

This idea we have about how the universe formed and how the planets formed out of space debris resultant from a big bang, is far harder for me to accept than the all powerful God Who is Creator. The theories that Motley cites as science are anything but proven. While the basis for rejecting the Creation account has to be one of emotion, as equally God's account cannot be disproven by known science.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would trade Netanyahu for Obama, Reid, Bohner, McConnel, and a first round draft pick in a minute. It is too bad that Republicans have to import a statesman and a leader to show this country what is missing in our own government. I was not able to listen to Netanyahu's speech but I have read some excerpts.

The news about Hillary's use of a very hackable private email account to conduct government business should be getting much more coverage than it is receiving. If Nixon had been as dishonest and disrespectful of the U.S. Constitution as Obama and his cabinet, he might have hung on for three terms. It is amazing the depths to which this country has sunk to find our current "leaders."

Man isn't that the truth! I'd take BiBi for life, no questions asked.
WideRight05 Wrote:If you read the threads where I posted a link or where I discussed media you would know that I love using the liberal's own sources against them. Thus, if I do post a link (which is rare) it will come from a center-left and/or a left-wing source. Posting links are a waste of time in most scenarios because it just creates a defensive reaction from other political parties about the source, so usually I avoid them unless it comes a liberal website.

Second, if you spent time studying every politician you would find "absurd" comments, as you put them. I could go on all day about Barack Obama's "if you like your plan you can keep it," or his comments on cap and trade - and don't even get me started on the long list of Joe Biden comments. All one needs to do to find a list of "absurd" for any politician is a search on YouTube.

Your entire rant on Ben Carson is an exhibition of defensive reaction. See, that is the difference between you and I. You are lying in wait for Ben Carson to say something that you disagree with so you can bash him. I choose to look at the politician's position on the issues, their voting history, and their ability to work with other political parties. You told me to open my eyes, but you are the one that needs to open your eyes. Discussing current events is a waste of time with people like you because you are just looking for a faulty comment, and it's people like you that have played a role in putting this country in the position it is in because of your poor choices at the voting polls.

Interesting. Freedom Outpost and Charisma Magazine don't seem to be center-left or left wing but what do I know? You post links on probably half of the threads you start in these forums.

I agree. Absurd comments can be found from pretty much everybody. This thread asked about Ben Carson, so that's who I decided to talk about. Once again I'm not sure why you continue to talk about Obama when I have never mentioned him.

I love your psychoanalysis of my defensive reaction, yet yours is viewed in a different light? You were defensive from your first reply to me, and by mentioning Obama immediately you lost your ability to argue otherwise. You are lying in wait to defend Carson or any other conservative that someone speaks I'll of. You ooze of hypocrisy in everything you are saying to me.

Keep judging me however, and mentioning that "people like me" have done this or that, and I'll stick to the topic at hand. Sorry you think I'm ruining this country because I don't like Ben Carson :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, I've been getting quite a laugh from your conversation with Motley. I actually took the time to look at all his sources and as it turns out, your gut feeling was pretty close.

Just two examples quickly even though any one of those given would be easy to respond to. Let's take the one about the deal with God telling the good doctor that the idea of a flat tax was His plan. All Carson was saying with that was that Israel, a theocracy, did it's business and funded 'the state' through the voluntary act of Tithing. Or 10 percent of their substance. Now, maybe Motley thinks Carson is a moron, but I just wonder how much of his paycheck goes to the state? At any rate, I'd be much happier with paying a universal flat tax than I am the 18,000 plus dollar price tag my insurance company says is what I can now expect to pay in order to conform to the dictates of ObamaCare. So, for Carson to have drawn the parallel between Israel surviving on 10 percent versus a US flat tax is not all that bizarre if you ask me.

Secondly, was this deal about the earth being only 6,000 years old. Nobody knows how old the earth is but, I can tell you this. I am of the belief that God did in fact speak the universe into existence, and that He in fact, formed Adam of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. Now maybe I'm just too dumb to 'get it', but God didn't make a baby Adam, He made an adult Adam. Therefore, God made the man Adam as an adult. He made him with age already in him. It follows that God could very well have made a functioning universe to include the Earth for Adam to live in with the appropriate amount of age in it.

This idea we have about how the universe formed and how the planets formed out of space debris resultant from a big bang, is far harder for me to accept than the all powerful God Who is Creator. The theories that Motley cites as science are anything but proven. While the basis for rejecting the Creation account has to be one of emotion, as equally God's account cannot be disproven by known science.

Thank you for taking the time to take a look at what I was saying. I can respect your disagreement. I personally feel different about it, but I was asked my opinion and gave it. I think my "rational" comment may have rubbed the wrong way so it probably could have went without being said, but the comment regarding slavery has been something that made me intrigued by him for a while now which led me to see so e other things he has said. So when asked about him, I was ready to respond.
Motley Wrote:Interesting. Freedom Outpost and Charisma Magazine don't seem to be center-left or left wing but what do I know? You post links on probably half of the threads you start in these forums.

I agree. Absurd comments can be found from pretty much everybody. This thread asked about Ben Carson, so that's who I decided to talk about. Once again I'm not sure why you continue to talk about Obama when I have never mentioned him.

I love your psychoanalysis of my defensive reaction, yet yours is viewed in a different light? You were defensive from your first reply to me, and by mentioning Obama immediately you lost your ability to argue otherwise. You are lying in wait to defend Carson or any other conservative that someone speaks I'll of. You ooze of hypocrisy in everything you are saying to me.

Keep judging me however, and mentioning that "people like me" have done this or that, and I'll stick to the topic at hand. Sorry you think I'm ruining this country because I don't like Ben Carson :Thumbs:

Why was I defensive from my first reply to you? Again, you were the one that called out the conservative posters on this website. You labeled an entire group of people irrational. Yes, I will call you out for that. If you make a comment like that, you should be able to back it up and prove us irrational. Instead of being able to connect on that, you show your hypocrisy and will not claim what it is you have that makes you so rational. You dodge pertinent criticisms others make against which, you cannot adequately defend.

When you have posters like TheRealVille, Vector, or TVTimeout that will not discuss issues but will dodge criticisms and dish personal attacks, meaningful conversations are impossible. Thus, the occasional resort to the link. The number of times you state I have posted a link are exaggerated.

One of the posters I deeply respect on this site is Kayaker, even though most of his views are totally opposite of mine. He makes lucid posts that delve into the issue at hand while constructively stating his argument using his reasoning. Discussing issues with him are enjoyable. If you can state an opinion and put some solid reasoning behind it, you will create a more engaging discussion.
Motley Wrote:Thank you for taking the time to take a look at what I was saying. I can respect your disagreement. I personally feel different about it, but I was asked my opinion and gave it. I think my "rational" comment may have rubbed the wrong way so it probably could have went without being said, but the comment regarding slavery has been something that made me intrigued by him for a while now which led me to see so e other things he has said. So when asked about him, I was ready to respond.

What was your response going to be? Carson has said over and again that the state has created a dependency specifically directed at the black man. And, that said dependency greatly resembled the dependency created by slavery, in that black men were generations deep in some cases, into being dependent upon their white owners for everything in life.

Taking aim at Carson for lifting himself up by his own bootstraps to become a doctor and a leader of doctors in his field, is somewhat misguided if you ask me. If you went to college, you have some idea how incredibly disciplined and motivated those who graduate in the field of medicine actually are. There are no free passes to be had there. But, if mixing affirmative action into the argument against Carson's character was your intent, I guess the rub must have gone over my head. If we taxpayers are going to invest tax dollars into the lives of college students, may all of them go to individuals with the drive and integrity that Ben Carson's life has demonstrated. But, as so often has been the case, Affirmative Action boiled down has become the easy road to riches.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would trade Netanyahu for Obama, Reid, Bohner, McConnel, and a first round draft pick in a minute. It is too bad that Republicans have to import a statesman and a leader to show this country what is missing in our own government. I was not able to listen to Netanyahu's speech but I have read some excerpts.

The news about Hillary's use of a very hackable private email account to conduct government business should be getting much more coverage than it is receiving. If Nixon had been as dishonest and disrespectful of the U.S. Constitution as Obama and his cabinet, he might have hung on for three terms. It is amazing the depths to which this country has sunk to find our current "leaders."

Most people have forgotten the arrogance that characterized the Clinton White House but, I have not. The only time I saw Bill without that cocky smirk was after the 'outing' of he and Monica Lewinski. But, even in light of all the sex, lies, videotape and criminal repercussions of those days, I still am having trouble wrapping my head around this one. I mean, a sitting US Secretary of State not ever using her assigned secure email account, (according to reports I heard tonight on the news) is incredible. More than that, we have to take her word that she actually turned over all emails for the archives as required by law. Four years of US State Department wheeling and dealing, many with historic implications, on her word alone? :igiveup:
Dr. Carson lost some of my respect today when he caved in and apologized to gay rights supporters over comments he made about homosexuality. We need our next candidate to be a strong-willed, balls to the wall candidate that does not cave in to pressure. Ben Carson proved today that he is not that person.
I have never liked Dr. Carson for a presidential candidate. I do; however, consider him a passionate and honest man. Whether I agree with him or not, he works diligently toward what he believes is a fair and honest representation. With that kind of integrity, it's difficult not to respect him.

Far cry from Obama and his administration, IMO.
Granny Bear Wrote:I have never liked Dr. Carson for a presidential candidate. I do; however, consider him a passionate and honest man. Whether I agree with him or not, he works diligently toward what he believes is a fair and honest representation. With that kind of integrity, it's difficult not to respect him.

Far cry from Obama and his administration, IMO.
I agree, Granny. Ben Carson is a very smart man and very articulate but he is a non-politician running for the highest political office in the country. Running for president has become an industry and I never expected Carson to be successful in his campaign.

I place the fault with dumbed-down voters, not Dr. Carson. The fact that criminals like Hillary Clinton are seen as viable candidates but men of great integrity and intellect like Ben Carson are not is just a sad fact of life in modern day America.

Ben Carson would make a great cabinet member or Surgeon General. If we must have a U.S. Department of Education, then Carson would be an ideal fit. He is an expert on higher education and he is an expert in the field of medicine. I hope that he continues to speak honestly about the issues but realizes that he will never be president unless he transforms himself into something that he should not become - a run of the mill political hack who speaks in sound bites.
^^ Carson serves an important purpose though. I mean, we need all the Carson's we can get out there at the national level to neutralize the affects of people like Al Sharpton, and frankly Eric Holder for that matter. The narrative coming from the top, paints the picture of an entirely victimized black populace, trodden down and deprived by white people. Ben Carson forces us to recognize the truth and presents a refreshing return to reality. That being the blessing of living in a land of freedom with unfettered equal opportunity for all Americans who have drive to succeed.

Ironically, the left is already slamming Carson for taking advantage of the educational grants and etc. he relied on to get his degree. They should be using him as a poster child for Affirmative Action. Instead, even though he is a highly successful black man with many admirable qualities, they're bashing him as a hypocritical traitor to the cause. Obviously the lone qualifier to ensure him enemy status in the minds of his bought and paid for critics, is the fact that he is a conservative, and even worse a Republican.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Carson serves an important purpose though. I mean, we need all the Carson's we can get out there at the national level to neutralize the affects of people like Al Sharpton, and frankly Eric Holder for that matter. The narrative coming from the top, paints the picture of an entirely victimized black populace, trodden down and deprived by white people. Ben Carson forces us to recognize the truth and presents a refreshing return to reality. That being the blessing of living in a land of freedom with unfettered equal opportunity for all Americans who have drive to succeed.

Ironically, the left is already slamming Carson for taking advantage of the educational grants and etc. he relied on to get his degree. They should be using him as a poster child for Affirmative Action. Instead, even though he is a highly successful black man with many admirable qualities, they're bashing him as a hypocritical traitor to the cause. Obviously the lone qualifier to ensure him enemy status in the minds of his bought and paid for critics, is the fact that he is a conservative, and even worse a Republican.
I agree on all counts. Don't get me wrong, if Ben Carson wins the GOP nomination, I will not hesitate to cast my vote for him - I just don't believe that it is in the cards. I will not vote for Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, or any other RINO, under any circumstance.

I agree that Ben Carson is doing the country a great service by proving that American blacks are not all representated by reprehensible characters like Obama, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. Men like Carson and Clarence Thomas and women like Condi Rice demonstrate everyday that no race holds a monopoly on common sense and traditional American values.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree, Granny. Ben Carson is a very smart man and very articulate but he is a non-politician running for the highest political office in the country. Running for president has become an industry and I never expected Carson to be successful in his campaign.

I place the fault with dumbed-down voters, not Dr. Carson. The fact that criminals like Hillary Clinton are seen as viable candidates but men of great integrity and intellect like Ben Carson are not is just a sad fact of life in modern day America.

Ben Carson would make a great cabinet member or Surgeon General. If we must have a U.S. Department of Education, then Carson would be an ideal fit. He is an expert on higher education and he is an expert in the field of medicine. I hope that he continues to speak honestly about the issues but realizes that he will never be president unless he transforms himself into something that he should not become - a run of the mill political hack who speaks in sound bites.
I think you nailed it here. A long shot, but at least thrwing his name in the hat could elevate his name and get him more involved even if he is running a campaign he knows he won't win. Getting his ideas out would be great for the country and may land he a position where he could do a lot of good for our nation in an appointed position.

I have objections to things he said recently, but I won't let a few differences in opinions sway my overall attitude. I think he is a brilliant man that could do people a lot of good if put in the right position.

Thanks to everyone for their input! :Thumbs:
Panther Thunder Wrote:I think you nailed it here. A long shot, but at least thrwing his name in the hat could elevate his name and get him more involved even if he is running a campaign he knows he won't win. Getting his ideas out would be great for the country and may land he a position where he could do a lot of good for our nation in an appointed position.

I have objections to things he said recently, but I won't let a few differences in opinions sway my overall attitude. I think he is a brilliant man that could do people a lot of good if put in the right position.

Thanks to everyone for their input! :Thumbs:

My vote would be Surgeon General!
I like him better than Rand Paul.

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