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15th Region:opinions on the large catagory
Magoffin County HS

Belfry (varsity)

Betsy LayneHS

Pike County Central HS

Sheldon Clark HS

who will prove to be the best in the largest divison of the 15th Region?
"BHSAll-American" Wrote:Magoffin County HS

Belfry (varsity)

Betsy LayneHS

Pike County Central HS

Sheldon Clark HS

who will prove to be the best in the largest divison of the 15th Region?

i have no clue at this point
good luck to all teams
BELFRY (Varsity) :Cheerlead :wenumber1
Belfry Varsity All The Way!! :Cheerlead :wenumber1 :#1:
I've been hearing good things about Magoffin Co. Am I the only one?
What does Belfry have that is going to help them pull out with a win???
heres how its gonna be...belfry varsity..thats all i have to say..and it's gonna be another red letter day!!! duh!! :dance:
What is putting Belfry over the top? You keep saying they're going to win. Why?
so belfry has a co-ed and a large varsity squad competing this year at KAPOS?

If they do, that is awesome that they have that many girls/guys interested in cheerleading. Way to go Belfry!
"57thScarlett" Wrote:What does Belfry have that is going to help them pull out with a win???

Let me see if I can help you out on your question 57th...

Belfry Varsity has been a co-ed squad for the past 8-10 years (not exactly sure of the correct number). This year, not enough interest was shown by boys to make a co-ed squad (more than 2 boys), so Mrs. Casey has 19 girls and 1 guy on her squad this year making it a nonco-ed squad. The girls that are flyers on this squad has 3 years of experience climbing on bases made up of very strong guys which makes their flying ability very strong and confident. It also helped in building up stamina in the girls that are still there being in a co-ed squad and doing more stunts/tumbling in a co-ed routine than a normal "All-girl" squad usually has to do.

The squad has some great tumblers on it as well. This squad is hungry to prove that co-ed or not...Belfry is still Belfry, the place were the drive to be the best is born into them.
"PvilleCheerAlum" Wrote:so belfry has a co-ed and a large varsity squad competing this year at KAPOS?

If they do, that is awesome that they have that many girls/guys interested in cheerleading. Way to go Belfry!

I think it is great that cheerleading is becoming such a mainstreet sport.

Belfry Varsity has 20 members and Belfry JV (Co-ed) has 19 members I believe.
so now how many boys do you have to have to go coed? because once i watched pikeville's jv at kapos and they only had 1 boy and went co-ed have the rules changed?? just wondering
"cheer_leader" Wrote:so now how many boys do you have to have to go coed? because once i watched pikeville's jv at kapos and they only had 1 boy and went co-ed have the rules changed?? just wondering

yes, the rules did change right after that year i believe. you have to have two or more boys to compete in a co-ed division. i believe that is right, not completely sure..

:#1: okay, i too think that belfry varsity is going to pull out their big win in the 15th..
i have faith in them!!
anyone heard anything about Pike Central, i've heard they have ALOT of recent injurys...?
What about the other teams (besides Belfry) in large? Pike Central...Magoffin?
"57thScarlett" Wrote:What about the other teams (besides Belfry) in large? Pike Central...Magoffin?

what about them...???
The thread is called "Opinions on the large category" are everyone’s opinions on the rest of the squads.

I don't Know!!!!!
"BHSAll-American" Wrote:anyone heard anything about Pike Central, i've heard they have ALOT of recent injurys...?

Yes the girls that were injured competed 2day-- they sucked it up and went-- thats what i love about our girls they never give up
i thought the large varsity divison was great i loved watching it
congrats to magoffin co.! good luck at state
BHS Varsity is not # q nor will they ever be. They were beat by Magoffin County and should have been beaten by Pike County Central Central. Belfy looked horrible!! I am sorry I have to disagree about the red letter day. I think it is usually a maroon letter day in cheerleading in Pike County. Uh huh, Everyone should know that. Pikeville is all that needs to be spoken. PIKEVILLE Enough said
Pikeville didn't even compete in the large division.
pirate pal we all know who you are and we arent impressed
"cheer_leader" Wrote:pirate pal we all know who you are and we arent impressed

Cheer_leader...I really don't care if you know who I am or not...just about everyone does. I really don't care if someone your age is impressed or not, but until you make a substantial, mature, intelligent post in any of these threads, then I suggest that you go back to your morning cartoons and leave the knowledgeable post to the adults.

One other thing..If you are a member of this site, then I am sure that you read the rules when you signed up. You will remember that trying to hint to or reveal anyone's identity on here is a violation. I suggest that the next time that you have something personal to say to me, send me a private message and I will be happy to discuss it with you there.
"Pirate Pal" Wrote:Cheer_leader...I really don't care if you know who I am or not...just about everyone does. I really don't care if someone your age is impressed or not, but until you make a substantial, mature, intelligent post in any of these threads, then I suggest that you go back to your morning cartoons and leave the knowledgeable post to the adults.

One other thing..If you are a member of this site, then I am sure that you read the rules when you signed up. You will remember that trying to hint to or reveal anyone's identity on here is a violation. I suggest that the next time that you have something personal to say to me, send me a private message and I will be happy to discuss it with you there.

how is that giving away your identity in any way?
"cheer_leader" Wrote:how is that giving away your identity in any way?

I didn't say that you were, but I wanted to remind you of the rules before it possibly went any further.

This site was made so that people who love sports could discuss their opinions freely and with intelligent and mature posts containing facts and stats.

Noone expects everyone to agree and 90% of the time noone will. But, this forum has gotten to the point that every thread contains the same crap from the same people and it has to stop. I'm not saying that to only you, I am talking about several people, myself included at times.

Now, I have stepped back, calmed down, and re-evaluated my posts before I post them. I suggest that everyone else do the same.

This is for everyone.....If you don't like a squad from a different school...fine that is expected. If you have an opinion on the results...perfect, that is what this site is for. If you feel the need to continually say the exact same thing in every thread....then you will find yourself suspended because it is turning a lot of people off from the cheerleading forum and proving the point that the vast percentage of cheerleaders are nothing but crybabies!
and you've already tried to hint and expose my identity saying i cheered for pikeville you assumed i was young and in high school

try again
and i wasnt saying bad things about squads go back and read my posts ive said a lot of nice things you were making fun of a squad that i happen to like on here so i think i can voice my opinion about that if not than what is this for?

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