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The Case Against Donald J. Trump
I intend to use this thread to make a compelling case to oppose Donald Trump's campaign for president. I suggest that anybody wanting to build a case in favor of Trump create a separate thread to refute the case to be made in this one.

I will attempt to present information here with little or no commentary.
As Mark Levin said recently, once upon a time, four months ago...

Quote:Excerpts from 60-Minute Interview
Sept. 28, 2015

Scott Pelley: What's your plan for Obamacare?
Donald Trump: Obamacare's going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what's going on with premiums where they're up 40, 50, 55 percent.

Scott Pelley: How do you fix it?

Donald Trump: There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, "No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private. But--"

Scott Pelley: Universal health care.

Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?

Donald Trump: They're going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably--

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: --the government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.
Note that single payer healthcare is generally accepted as meaning the government will pay costs directly versus private individuals or insurance companies. Trump outlined his support for a Canadian style single payer universal healthcare system explicitly in one of his books, I can posts excerpts from the book, if anybody doubts that there is reason to suspect that Trumpcare will have much in common with Obamacare and could be even worse, once Trump shares the details of his plan.

Below is what Trump said on his healthcare plan today, 1/31/2016.

Quote:Trump promises to ‘work something out’ on healthcare

Republican primary front-runner on Sunday pledged to extend healthcare coverage to the lower class, but remained vague on the details of his plan.

“If somebody has no money and they’re lying in the middle of the street and they’re dying, I’m going to take care of that person,” Trump said on ABC’s “This Week.”

When host George Stephenopoulos asked the billionaire businessman how he accomplish that, Trump said he would “work something out.”

“We’re going to work with our hospitals,” he said. “We’re going to work with our doctors. We’ve got to do something. You can’t have a – a small percentage of our economy, because they’re down and out, have absolutely no protection so they end up dying from, you know, what you could have a simple procedure or even a pill. You can’t do that."

“We’ll work something out,” he added. “That doesn’t mean single payer.”

“And if this means I lose an election, that’s fine, because, frankly, we have to take care of the people in our country. We can’t let them die on the sidewalks of New York or the sidewalks of Iowa or anywhere else.”

He also reiterated that he still wants to repeal Obamacare.

Trump has called primary rival Ted Cruz a “liar” for suggesting the front-runner wants to impose a single-payer healthcare system.
Trump favors granting amnesty for illegal aliens after securing the border.


That’s right. Under Trump’s immigration plan, almost all of the 11 million illegal aliens (save for a small minority with criminal records) will get to return and get permanent legal status to stay here in America.

Trump supports amnesty.

On Fox News on November 12, Trump’s son Eric expressed frustration that the media overlooks this:

The point isn’t just deporting them, it’s deporting them and letting them back in legally. He’s been so clear about that and I know the liberal media wants to misconstrue it, but it’s deporting them and letting them back legally.

Eric Trump is right. His father has been crystal clear that he wants all the illegals to return and live in America.

Listen closely to what Trump is actually proposing. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash earlier this year, Trump explained his plan this way:

I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.

This is a policy called “touchback” and it was first proposed in 2007 by moderate Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas). She offered a “touchback” amendment on the Senate floor that would have required illegal immigrants to return to their home countries to apply for a special “Z visa” that would allow them to re-enter the United States in an expedited fashion and work here indefinitely.
This is a pretty long article but worth reading. The accuser is a well respected British journalist, Selena Scott. It is a widely accepted fact that Trump has been a serial adulterer who has traded in two wives for newer models, but what is more disturbing about this claim is Trump's alleged grudge against a woman for refusing his sexual advances while he was married to his second wife. A less disturbing allegation is his exaggeration of his wealth to impress the woman.

Quote:The comb-over creep who hates women - and I should know: British newsreader Selina Scott reveals how Donald Trump failed to seduce her... then stalked her for 20 YEARS
  • Selina Scott met tycoon Donald Trump while profiling him for ITV in 1995
  • She said the experience had both 'revealing and excruciating' moments
  • Scott gained insight into Trump's lavish lifestyle and psyche during stint
  • She claims after programme she got mail from Trump calling her a 'loser'
Even by the extraordinary standards of Donald Trump, it was a creepy chat-up line.

We were at 30,000ft on Trump’s private jet flying to Florida, when he showed me his white leather double bed. ‘I like beautiful things,’ he purred seductively. ‘That’s why I like you so much.’

This was just one of many revealing and excruciating moments during the two weeks I spent with Trump in 1995 while making a 60-minute profile of him for ITV – a fortnight which started with a charm offensive, but ended in bitterness, recrimination and intimidating letters that only stopped when I threatened legal action.
Trump University fraud allegations.

Quote:Donald Trump billed his ‘University’ as a road to riches, but critics call it a fraud
By Emma Brown September 13, 2015

They hoped to get rich off real estate, and who would be a better mentor than one of the richest men in the world? So they enrolled in Donald Trump’s university to learn the tricks of the trade, some of them maxing out their credit cards to pay tens of thousands of dollars for insider knowledge they believed could make them wealthy.

With Trump rising in the polls as the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, his brief foray into education is an episode — and a business failure — that remains far more obscure than other chapters of the celebrity billionaire’s career.

Never licensed as a school, Trump University was in reality a series of real estate workshops in hotel ballrooms around the country, not unlike many other for-profit self-help or motivational seminars. Though short-lived, it remains a thorn in Trump’s side nearly five years after its operations ceased: In three pending lawsuits, including one in which the New York attorney general is seeking $40 million in restitution, former students allege that the enterprise bilked them out of their money with misleading advertisements.

Instead of a fast route to easy money, these Trump University students say they found generic seminars led by salesmen who pressured them to invest more cash in additional courses. The students say they didn’t learn Trump’s secrets and never received the one-on-one guidance they expected.
Trump and Al Sharpton.

Quote:Trump Twitter Tweet from 12/15/2014:

@TheRevAl @realDonaldTrump " Al Sharpton loves "Trump" because he knows I get him, others don't! Check out picture.

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: Rev. Al Sharpton sees Donald Trump as the white Don King

The Rev. Al Sharpton thinks Donald Trump has run a “great” media campaign in his bid for the White House — and believes the Republican is like a white version of his pal Don King.

Sharpton, in a wide-ranging interview with the Daily News editorial board Thursday, said he’d probably get in trouble for saying it, but admitted that the similarities between the boxing promoter and the real estate tycoon are striking.

"My definition of Donald Trump is that if Don King had been born white, he'd be Donald Trump," Sharpton said.

Asked if he thought Trump believed some of the divisive rhetoric he's spewed on the campaign trail, Sharpton said, "About as much as Don King believed in ‘Rumble for the Jungle’” — a reference to the famous 1974 fight between Muhammed Ali and George Foreman that King promoted.

Sharpton said he’s not close with Trump, despite knowing him for decades socially through hip hop mogul Russell Simmons and King.

King, one of the most famous boxing promoters in history, introduced Sharpton to Trump in the 1980s after he opened Trump Plaza in Atlantic City. At the time, Sharpton was close with boxer Mike Tyson, who King was managing.

“Imagine sitting in a room with both of them (Trump and King),” Sharpton said. “That’s how I got to know Donald Trump!”
Admittedly, the timing of this lawsuit is suspicious, but given Trump's history of insulting women based on their looks, this is the kind of thing that Democrats would trumpet as proof of the "Republican War on Women."

Quote:Ex-Trump field organizer accuses campaign of sex discrimination

A former field organizer for Donald Trump is accusing the Republican front-runner’s presidential campaign of sex discrimination, according to a new report.

Elizabeth Mae Davidson, 26, was fired in mid-January as a paid field organizer in Davenport, Iowa, The New York Times reported Sunday, and filed a discrimination complaint on Thursday with the Davenport Civil Rights Commission.

In the complaint, according to the Times, Davidson said men were paid more for doing the same jobs that she did and were allowed to plan and speak at campaign rallies, while her requests to do the same were ignored.

She told the Times she was paid $2,000 per month while men with the same job title were paid between $3,500 and $4,000 a month.

She also said Trump told her and a young female volunteer at a rally last summer that, “You guys could do a lot of damage,” referring to their physical appearances.

Davidson was fired after the Times published a story about the campaign’s senior Iowa leadership.

Davidson said in the complaint that she was fired for making “disparaging comments about senior campaign leaders to third parties” and breaking a nondisclosure clause.

Davidson denied making such comments about campaign leaders to the media, according to the Times, and said men with the same job title were quoted by the media without being fired.
Trump defends $250,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation. According to Trump's explanation, he was obligated to do so because he is a businessman.

How much money do you think that the Koch brothers have donated to criminal enterprises run by liberal Democrats? Koch Industries is far more successful and provides far more jobs than Trump's business ventures (100,000 employees on $115 billion in sales in 2014).

Quote:Trump defends Clinton Foundation donations

Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday explained why he gave a quarter of a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation before he ran for president.

“I did give to the Clinton Foundation. What I didn’t know is they’d be using it for private aircraft and things like that,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“The Clinton Foundation was helping with Haiti and with lots of other things, and I thought it was going to do some good work, so it didn’t make any difference to me,” he added.

The real estate mogul also pointed to his business interests in cultivating support among politicians from each party.

“Again, I was a businessman, and it was my obligation to get along with everybody, including the Clintons, including Democrats and liberals and Republicans and conservatives,” he said. “As a businessman, I had an obligation to do that.”
Trump, the deal maker. Ask yourself what kind of deals a friend of Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Harry Reid is likely to make. Making bad deals with liberals is worse than no deals at all. McConnel, Boehner, and Ryan have proven that over and over.

[YOUTUBE="No more deals."]OOJrYxHQO-E[/YOUTUBE]
The link below, provides at least in part, what I have been trying to say with regard to the person of Donald Trump and the way Pastors and leaders of the Church are to speak about candidates. Dr Robert Jeffress is the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. “it is better to vote for a non-Christian who supports biblical principles like life and marriage than voting for a professing Christian like Barack Obama who absolutely repudiates what Jesus Christ said about some key issues.” --- Dr Robert Jeffress

More fuel to the fire.

[YOUTUBE="Trump uses F-word and then claims he did not use it"]rj8mpdY0fE0[/YOUTUBE]
A real conservative does not believe in crony capitalism. One thing that crony capitalists do is to use the power of eminent domain to line their own pockets.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:A real conservative does not believe in crony capitalism. One thing that crony capitalists do is to use the power of eminent domain to line their own pockets.


They're making as much of this as possible. It's not exactly like Trump was shoving her out into the cold. Nobody's mentioning this little tidbit but, Trump had offered her one million dollars to move and she turned that down. I know people who were actually given much more than fair market value for their homes due to the expansion of local business, and though they came out better off, they were still mad about it. They felt forced out as people always do in such circumstances.
Trump will do nothing to reverse the Supreme Court ruling supporting gay marriage. He considers gay marriage a settled matter that is irreversible.

Quote:[URL="http://www.nomblog.com/40820/#sthash.DTOCK6tY.eqx8xnAY.dpuf"]It's Ted Cruz!
When it comes to marriage, Donald Trump folded like a cheap suit, saying that the US Supreme Court ruling has settled the matter and that we have to accept it. No, we don't have to accept it, and we won't accept it because it is wrong, illegitimate and anti-constitutional. We will fight as long as needed to reverse this travesty.

As with a great many issues, Trump has flip-flopped on this one. If flip-flopping again would mean the difference of winning or losing California or New York, he would throw his support behind gay marriage again, IMO, just as he out pandered all other candidates to the ethanol lobby in the Iowa GOP caucus.

Quote:Donald Trump: 10 Comments On Same-Sex Marriage

10. Trump once weighed in on Kim Davis:

The GOP frontrunner said that the Kentucky clerk should not have been jailed, but same-sex marriage is the law. "You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land."

Bonus – 11. Surprisingly, he offered this support for amending the Civil Rights Act back in 2000, before flip-flopping eleven years later:

"Amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans—it's only fair," he said. He's since changed his mind, and now opposes being fair.

[Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CbD73N1WEAE-ouL.jpg]
How many times have you heard Donald Trump state that he is "self funded" and follow up the statement by claiming that he will not owe anybody any favors (unlike other candidates) if he is elected? Do you take that statement to mean Trump does not take campaign donations? If so, then you are wrong.

In 2015, Trump took in $6.8 million in donations and borrowed another $12.6 million (from himself) to finance his campaign. Unless I am mistaken, Trump can repay those loans with future donations to his campaign. The bottom line is that Trump has no intention of paying for his presidential campaign out of his own pocket and he has lied about being self-financed. He may dip into his own funds if absolutely necessary, but Trump is not required to repay loans from himself to himself with his own money.

Federal Election Commission Financial Summary Trump, Donald J. (click Two Year Summary tab)
If you do not believe that Trump is lying about self financing his campaign, or if you believe he is lying but shrug it off as just Donald being Donald:

Make a Donation to Donald J. Trump for President
^^^Yeah he does take donations, everyone knew that, but look at his biggest donors compared to flip flopper Cruz. Cruz is owned by all the bug financial companies, wall street is keeping him in business :biggrin:
Demarcus ware Wrote:^^^Yeah he does take donations, everyone knew that, but look at his biggest donors compared to flip flopper Cruz. Cruz is owned by all the bug financial companies, wall street is keeping him in business :biggrin:
The point is, he will continue to "loan" his campaign money. After getting the votes of those people who fall for his "self financing" scam and he has pocketed the nomination, then he will be free to take donations from anybody who wants to buy influence, just as he claimed to buy influence his entire career.

Trump's companies owe billions to Wall Street banks. Trump is a serial liar but his supporters must take him at his word, because his deeds scream. "Greedy liberal crony capitalist!" Trump owes George Soros, just as every other liberal politician does.
Ask yourself, was Trump lying about Ted Cruz then or did he start lying about Ted Cruz after he decided to run for president? This video is two years old and shows what loyalty and gratitude mean to Donald Trump.

Oh come on. Show me a billionaire that hasn't used their wealth to buy influence in one way or another, that's how they became billionaires in the first place. Then to assume that Trump will be bought when in fact Cruz already has is kinda funny. I look at it like this, they are all dirty, so it comes down to an individual's preference of who they will vote for. This discussion could go on forever so I'll bail out and just agree to disagree Confusednicker:
Demarcus ware Wrote:Oh come on. Show me a billionaire that hasn't used their wealth to buy influence in one way or another, that's how they became billionaires in the first place. Then to assume that Trump will be bought when in fact Cruz already has is kinda funny. I look at it like this, they are all dirty, so it comes down to an individual's preference of who they will vote for. This discussion could go on forever so I'll bail out and just agree to disagree Confusednicker:
More than any politician that I know of, Cruz has kept the promises that he made when he ran for the U.S. Senate. That, IMO, increases the chances that he will at least strive to continue keeping his campaign promises if he is elected. Donald Trump has changed positions on a long list of major issues since he announced that he was running for president.

If you have not taken time to watch the last video that I posted, it is well worth watching. Trump spoke about Cruz in glowing terms until Cruz became a threat to him during the campaign. I am just finding it hard to believe why so many people are unwilling to recognize the multitude of lies that Trump has told, yet are sure that he will keep his campaign promises when he is elected.

This is a very important election and the loss of Scalia makes it even more critical that we don't screw up the choice of the next president. Trump has no experience with government, he has filed bankruptcy for four different companies, and he has a very liberal record as a private citizen. For conservatives, placing a bet on Trump is like putting your life savings on a 99-1 long shot in the Kentucky Derby.

The next president will leave a very large footprint on this nation's future, if for no other reason, his choice of several Supreme Court justices. It is not a good time to play a long shot.
Trump is a RINO at best and a Trojan Democrat at worst. He certainly is not a conservative.

This should come as no surprise to people who watched the South Carolina debate last night as Trump accused George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and blaming him for the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks.

Quote:Trump: Bill Clinton the Best President of the Last Four
By Greg Richter | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2015 04:57 PM

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Donald-t...z40APovvGz
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Should Donald Trump win the Republican nomination for president, he would most likely face Democrat Hillary Clinton in the general election. So which president of the last four presidents does he most admire? Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill Clinton.

In a pretaped interview set to air Thursday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Trump was asked whom he most admired of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or Barack Obama.

"Well, I would say Clinton probably. I would have to say Clinton," Trump told co-host Mark Halperin.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump is a RINO at best and a Trojan Democrat at worst. He certainly is not a conservative.

This should come as no surprise to people who watched the South Carolina debate last night as Trump accused George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and blaming him for the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks.

I can see him saying that about Bill Clinton, though I don't agree with him and you know why. Democrats and the media couldn't have stolen more of the Reagan legacy to formally credit Bill with if they'd wanted to, and they did. Most of the Clinton phenomena owes it's success to Reagan, not Clinton. Other than a few notable boneheaded policies, like the decimation of the US Armed Services, CIA and the FBI, all Clinton did was continue solid programs already set in motion by Reagan. In saying that, I will say that in a general comparison of the two Presidencies, Clinton v Bush W, Clinton comes out on top in the minds of many people. But to say that, one has to ignore the fact that Clinton could have taken out Osama bin Laden and chose not to do so. That precipitated 9/11, which crushed the US economy with over 3 Trillion in lost revenue in war, trade and the stock market. It was the perfect storm come to call, exacerbating the affects of the global economic downturn of 2007 here in the US. None the less, comparing Clinton to Obama would be like comparing Washington to Carter. No contest. Bush H was still Shangri-La, so he's wrong.

And may I just say on a side note? The mass exodus of US industry into Mexico and other foreign lands began under Bill Clinton. After the passage of the NAFTA, it's been all downhill and I suspect the TPP to be a double down of the same kinds of trade inequities from the American perspective.

Consequently, I am a little tired of one of he late breaking gems of political wisdom. That being the belief that governors always make the best Presidents. I doubt that is true, though in the case of Ronald Reagan and the unfortunate case of Mitt Romney, it is true. In Jeb's case, not so much.

George W is not guilty of lying to the Congress about Iraq. They all (Congress and the Executive Branch) saw the same intel, and the little bit of stuff George had that they had not seen, was dutifully turned over to the Congress promptly upon their demand to see same. Trump is wrong about that.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Oh come on. Show me a billionaire that hasn't used their wealth to buy influence in one way or another, that's how they became billionaires in the first place. Then to assume that Trump will be bought when in fact Cruz already has is kinda funny. I look at it like this, they are all dirty, so it comes down to an individual's preference of who they will vote for. This discussion could go on forever so I'll bail out and just agree to disagree Confusednicker:
Do you have any idea how much money Trump's companies owe to Wall Street banks and people like George Soros? Why do you think that all those huge business loans will not give Wall Street any leverage over Trump? On a single project, a large office tower in Chicago, George Soros loaned Trump $160 million.

If elected president, Donald Trump is not going to turn his back on his many Wall Street friends and associates.

Trump is lying about being self financed and as far as I know, his soliciting donations and loaning himself money to finance his campaign is entirely legal. So, ask yourself why he is lying about being self financed and what else is he or will he lie about to get elected?
Trump is threatening to leave the Republican Party again and wage a third party campaign.

This guy is a spoiled cry baby. I remember guys like him from school. Whether they were grade school bullies or obnoxious spoiled frat boys, one punch in the nose and they slithered away to find somebody weaker to pick on.

In the same speech, Trump called Cruz a "lying liar who lies." Is this really the kind of man that you want in the White House? Trump is the guy who brings the only ball to a game, cheats, and when called out for cheating, he accuses everybody else of cheating and threatens to take his ball home.
It's true that he is not reacting well. But, I would refer you to my predictions with regard to his candidacy in which I said he would be pounced on by Republicans and Democrats alike. Both establishments feel threatened. And though Trump may be likened more closely to chemotherapy than antibiotics, the cure must rise to the level of infection. I'm not 100 percent sold, but I've been in his corner because he has represented the most viable challenge to the Republican a′vant-gard′ists du jour.
TheRealThing Wrote:It's true that he is not reacting well. But, I would refer you to my predictions with regard to his candidacy in which I said he would be pounced on by Republicans and Democrats alike. Both establishments feel threatened. And though Trump may be likened more closely to chemotherapy than antibiotics, the cure must rise to the level of infection. I'm not 100 percent sold, but I've been in his corner because he has represented the most viable challenge to the Republican a′vant-gard′ists du jour.
A better analogy for the Trump cure would be the liberal application of leaches from head to toe. It's no cure at all but it is political and economic suicide.

Trump is not a viable alternative to the GOP establishment. Ted Cruz is.

Trump has been able to run a very cheap and effective campaign because the media has been much kinder and gentler than he deserves. Some of the hosts on Fox News are actively campaigning for Trump (e.g., Eric Boling and Judge Jeannine Pirro). Most of the rest are campaigning for Rubio. Cruz seems to get zero free favorable media coverage. The GOPe sees Cruz as the real threat to their control of the Republican Party.

Trump has a comfortable lead in the national polls but he is sounding like a sore loser. His antics are not those of a stable man. Trump did not become wealthy because of his talent. He inherited $200 million from his father and if he had invested it in an S & P 500 index fund, he would be worth billions today. Trump is a great example of a man born on third base who is convinced that he hit a triple.
All Americans should feel threatened by Donald Trump. He has no qualifications or personal characteristics to recommend him as our president. He is dishonest and much too thin skinned and self centered to be president. The last thing we need is another Obama in the White House.

Oh, as I typed this, Trump threatened again to sue Cruz for lying about him. He has probably used some variant of "lie" at least a dozen times during his tirade.

How can anybody believe that this spoiled brat is in any way presidential material? I just don't get it.
Case in point, Trump is still rambling in a press conference that is being covered live by Fox News. Cruz should demand equal time because most of the press conference has consisted of Trump calling Cruz a liar and repeating his claim that Cruz is not eligible for the presidency. The press conference was supposed to be about Gitmo, but Trump lied about his agenda.

Mercifully, Fox News finally cut away from the press conference while Trump was still making unfounded claims about Cruz.

How much money do you think the free media coverage that Trump has received is worth? Trump is the biggest cry baby ever to toss his hat into a presidential campaign.
Donald J. Trump, putting immigrants to work doing the jobs that Americans would like to be doing.

Quote:Donald Trump's companies sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.
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