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Collins Not Making Any Friends
From Twitter...

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

I have covered PC�� for over 20 years all over the state. We have not missed one game live durin that time. Tonight was a first. We arrived at Collins. The AD showed us where to set up. Ready to go live. We were told to leave the press box since another local crew (cont)

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

Unexpectedly. We were placed outside in driving rain. No way to use the equipment in those conditions. We asked about help in securing some way to broadcast? No help. Hate it for the Maroon followers and our great sponsors. Live long enough you will see a lot! Not a great (cont)

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

Way to support high school athletes.
Please...if people can use endzone cameras in the rain, you can find a way to broadcast radio. Collins doesn't have the biggest press box, isn't mandatory visiting radio gets in press box. Bring an extension next time and find a way.
When the Tropical Storm came through this year Belfry's radio broadcast had to be done outside in the rain because they didn't have a spot in the press box at Bryan Station
There is a difference in being told BEFOREHAND that there is no room. Had it happen to me several times. Totally different to be told you have a spot, get set up, then told to tear down and leave 10 minutes before going live.
Maybe I’m just old-school, but guests in my house get the best seat.
No offense, but make sure you ask the right people before you set up. Don't just ask any joe shmoe in the pressbox if you can set up, then the actual home people that use the area show up and you are in their spot. Remember you are a guest and they don't even have to let you broadcast at all.
Ghostofjoey Wrote:No offense, but make sure you ask the right people before you set up. Don't just ask any joe shmoe in the pressbox if you can set up, then the actual home people that use the area show up and you are in their spot. Remember you are a guest and they don't even have to let you broadcast at all.
The AD is the one who showed them where to set up. They had contact with him earlier in the week. The LC Sports Guys have been doing this for well over 20 years. They wouldn't just show up and set up anywhere. I have seen several do that over the years tho.
Forever Maroon Wrote:There is a difference in being told BEFOREHAND that there is no room. Had it happen to me several times. Totally different to be told you have a spot, get set up, then told to tear down and leave 10 minutes before going live.

I totally agree!!

I thought it was terrible when Bryan Station did this to the Belfry crew. To get permission and clearance beforehand and then be treated like this, is inexcusable!!!
When you are guest in my house you get the best seat, the best glass and the best treatment and attention! Shame on Collins! Some people just have no manners about how to treat guests! Other schools remember stuff like this. It reflects badly on the whole school system when something like this is done! :please:
Many schools do this to visiting coaches all the time. The setup for the visiting coaches is supposed to be comparable and many times it's not and no one cares. Some places home coaches have their own secluded room and the visiting coaches sit around 10 radio guys and the clock keepers.
Gitback Coach Wrote:Maybe I’m just old-school, but guests in my house get the best seat.

I'm pretty partial to my chair. There's plenty of other seats, and the couch is very nice.
When did Dudley start coaching Collins
99% of the time I have been treated respectful when going on the road. Even if there wasn't room in the box, we were always told ahead of time. That way we could always make arrangements for tents, weather gear, etc...I have never even heard of a broadcast team being kicked out of a press box after having permission to be there, being shown where to set up, by the AD himself, THEN kicked out of the box before going on the air.
E's Army Wrote:When did Dudley start coaching Collins

Couldn’t have been him. Pretty sure they WERE allowed to use the locker room!
Forever Maroon Wrote:From Twitter...

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

I have covered PC�� for over 20 years all over the state. We have not missed one game live durin that time. Tonight was a first. We arrived at Collins. The AD showed us where to set up. Ready to go live. We were told to leave the press box since another local crew (cont)

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

Unexpectedly. We were placed outside in driving rain. No way to use the equipment in those conditions. We asked about help in securing some way to broadcast? No help. Hate it for the Maroon followers and our great sponsors. Live long enough you will see a lot! Not a great (cont)

Michael Kerr‏ @mlkerr13 Oct 27

Way to support high school athletes.

I would pay then the same courtesy, no matter how big PC's press box is, their guys would not set foot in there unless an apology was sent to me via their AD and assurance it doesn't happen again. I mean I wasn't there, but anyone knows if there is room enough or not and to make this post I figure you saw there was at least some room for you guys.
TheHotSnakes Wrote:I'm pretty partial to my chair. There's plenty of other seats, and the couch is very nice.

Thanks for the invitation. If I’m not there by 8:00, I found something better to do.
Forever Maroon Wrote:There is a difference in being told BEFOREHAND that there is no room. Had it happen to me several times. Totally different to be told you have a spot, get set up, then told to tear down and leave 10 minutes before going live.

I have been through that before had to sit outside and video in and snow and rain after halftime because we were up and they didn't have room all of a sudden. Our radio station was told the same thing after halftime didn't have room and when they set up and tent their AD came and ask them to take it down it was blocking people's view which there was no one behind them lol. Some teams have no morals but they expect royal treatment when they come to visit
What comes around goes around posters.

Karma is a bitch!!!
Ghostofjoey Wrote:No offense, but make sure you ask the right people before you set up. Don't just ask any joe shmoe in the pressbox if you can set up, then the actual home people that use the area show up and you are in their spot. Remember you are a guest and they don't even have to let you broadcast at all.

Athletic Director is the right person and should be hospitable ?
Tight End Wrote:When you are guest in my house you get the best seat, the best glass and the best treatment and attention! Shame on Collins! Some people just have no manners about how to treat guests! Other schools remember stuff like this. It reflects badly on the whole school system when something like this is done! :please:

treat others how you want to be treated. what goes around comes around. love thy neighbor as you do your self. etc. etc. etc.
When they come to your house, you know what to tell them. :-)
If the AD told me where to go, I'd tell some homer radio people to go get him to make me move. High school administration runs the show, not local radio.
pjdoug Wrote:Athletic Director is the right person and should be hospitable ?

Most AD's I have any experience with are JERKS! Seems to be a criteria they look for when hiring them in the areas I frequent! Confusedhh:

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