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Thanks Richard Shelby!
For going on TV and getting Doug Jones across the finish line. Your idiocy boggles the mind. You did what Jones couldn't have done on his own, even with Obama, Schumer and Pelosi helping him. Dems have to be pinching themselves with glee with the gift you and Mitch have given them. With your help, hopefully the Dems win back control of both houses of Congress and impeach Trump. Then you and your idiot Republican buddies can go back to acting like you are fighting the Dems instead of getting Trump's agenda passed. You failed your state and this country. If sh!t could burn I would wish you were in hell. IDIOT.:flame:
It will take more than this to get Trump impeached, but I agree this is a mess. Don't forget Trump still doesn't have his people in place in the various agencies. Getting them confirmed now will be even harder, and with McConnell at the helm of the US Senate still doggedly insisting on the return to regular order, maybe the Dems should just save their energy, shut up, and let him finish the job of which he's done so well of making Republicans into RINO's. But as bad as this was for the country, I believe Steve Bannon is the real cause of this fiasco in Alabama. You can thank him for the runoff between Moore and Strange in the first place.
TheRealThing Wrote:It will take more than this to get Trump impeached, but I agree this is a mess. Don't forget Trump still doesn't have his people in place in the various agencies. Getting them confirmed now will be even harder, and with McConnell at the helm of the US Senate still doggedly insisting on the return to regular order, maybe the Dems should just save their energy, shut up, and let him finish the job of which he's done so well of making Republicans into RINO's. But as bad as this was for the country, I believe Steve Bannon is the real cause of this fiasco in Alabama. You can thank him for the runoff between Moore and Strange in the first place.

If you believe that the RINOs have successfully brainwashed you. Bannon is trying to get real conservatives elected, not the establishment's hand-picked fellow RINOs. Bannon didn't know the Washington Post would round up women from 40 years ago who would be spouting very dubious claims. No, you can thank Mitch for saying Moore should drop out of the race and Shelby for pulling the unthinkable move of going in front of the TV cameras right before election day and saying he couldn't vote for Moore for getting Jones elected. Even after everything that happened, if Shelby just keeps his mouth shut and stays off TV, Moore wins. He had to know he was helping elect a Democrat to the Senate and intentionally did it. I have totally lost faith in 95% of Republicans in Congress. Their majority will soon be a faint memory.
This is awesome.....
jetpilot Wrote:If you believe that the RINOs have successfully brainwashed you. Bannon is trying to get real conservatives elected, not the establishment's hand-picked fellow RINOs. Bannon didn't know the Washington Post would round up women from 40 years ago who would be spouting very dubious claims. No, you can thank Mitch for saying Moore should drop out of the race and Shelby for pulling the unthinkable move of going in front of the TV cameras right before election day and saying he couldn't vote for Moore for getting Jones elected. Even after everything that happened, if Shelby just keeps his mouth shut and stays off TV, Moore wins. He had to know he was helping elect a Democrat to the Senate and intentionally did it. I have totally lost faith in 95% of Republicans in Congress. Their majority will soon be a faint memory.

I disagree. I think TRT is absolutely correct in his assessment. No runoff? It’s a 52-48 Senate this morning.
jetpilot Wrote:If you believe that the RINOs have successfully brainwashed you. Bannon is trying to get real conservatives elected, not the establishment's hand-picked fellow RINOs. Bannon didn't know the Washington Post would round up women from 40 years ago who would be spouting very dubious claims. No, you can thank Mitch for saying Moore should drop out of the race and Shelby for pulling the unthinkable move of going in front of the TV cameras right before election day and saying he couldn't vote for Moore for getting Jones elected. Even after everything that happened, if Shelby just keeps his mouth shut and stays off TV, Moore wins. He had to know he was helping elect a Democrat to the Senate and intentionally did it. I have totally lost faith in 95% of Republicans in Congress. Their majority will soon be a faint memory.

I believe what I just saw Jet. I'm not in any way saying Moore was not the superior candidate, the man was a Chief Justice with the courage to put God's law in proper perspective. When ordered to remove a monument inscribed with the 10 Commandments, he to his great credit and at the cost of his life's work, he refused.

Past that, there is VERY likely not one person, male or female, serving in any position or in any branch of federal or state government who is guiltless where sexual trespass may be concerned. A question pastors used to ask their congregations about 20 years ago went like this: "Would anybody here like to have all their secret actions shown like a movie on the wall here for all to see?" And I believe that the Lord may have written the names of girl friends on the ground to those accusers of the woman taken in adultery. No stones were cast BTW. Our society cheers sexual conquest on the one hand, and judges people for it on the other. And I'm not speaking only of Roy Moore. The halls of Congress crawl with sexual offenders, whose exploits for a time were championed and given a measure of acceptance by the actions of none other than Bill Clinton.

Nobody is good prior to a salvation experience. And all that keeps people in line after salvation, is the knowledge of the truth. Why? Because though we are new creatures in Christ, we are still saddled with the same sin nature. That nature is however mitigated and very much controlled by the Spirit of Almighty God after salvation.
Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)
1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great *a cloud of witnesses[/B], let us *lay aside every weight, and *the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us *run with patience the race that is set before us.

In other words, for those of us Christians who are figuratively 'not still in diapers,' we understand a few things about ourselves and others. First is the fact that our lives are not lived out in anonymity where certain of the heavenly host are concerned, God, the angels, etc.. Therefore everything we say or do, is seen. Second, we are to lay aside things which do not matter and which deter our service to Him. Third, there is one sin in every person's life to which they will continue to fall prey until the day they die, even after they get saved, because it is their nature. They succumb to this sin as reliably as a dog barks at the mailman. Fourth, in this somber reality we are to carefully live out our lives in guarded vigilance from the day we are saved until we meet Him.

Even if Judge Roy Moore was somewhat interested in younger girls, the greatest trespass coming out of these 40 year old allegations that I saw, was ONE forceful kiss. Then he backed off and date over. But here's the kicker for me. Roy Moore's life and record as judge after his having met Jesus as Lord and Savior was stellar. And that's the point. "There is none that doeth good, no not one." The Church should have in my view, cleared the air just a bit by pointing out, the life of Judge Moore was markedly different before and after his coming to Christ, just like everybody else who ever got saved.

Republicans should have been able to ward off defeat by pointing out the obvious shortfalls of those presently serving, and holding up Moore's image by supporting him until such time that real evidence emerged. Then by all means, if all this were real, drop the hammer on him. But Republican silence on the matter magnified the condemnations of Moore made by the Speaker, the Majority Leader, and Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to make them all the more deafening. But all of this goes to show how wrong most people are about the truths of Christianity. Hypocrites make bad examples, especially when they're out there in the national eye not even realizing that they are totally devoid of spiritual wisdom themselves. Yet like current Republican leadership they are nonetheless, brave enough or arrogant enough to hold forth the moral status quo, which is mostly secular humanism, as if it were straight off the pages of God's Word.

Visible in this affair, is both the perfect example of a circular firing squad and how tragically short the natural mind falls from true enlightenment. Jesus said "I am the Light of the World." No offense intended, but unsaved people are just not going to see the full truth of it; 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV)
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

All of this correlates as follows, when we turned our backs on God we lost the moral authority to self govern. What we're seeing is the breakdown of the rule of law and of orderly society. By way of example, we created a vacuum in the Middle East into which Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, you name it, rushed in to fill. Same thing here. That which gave the American people the moral authority to self govern, God's Word, has since mid 20th Century been abandoned. That which has rushed in to fill the resultant vacuum was the wisdom of man. In which largely, something as dubious and precarious as procedural order of the Senate by Rule of Cloture has us by the throat. We're always a handful of votes from gridlock. And without the Lord's protection and guidance, we are just like Barack Obama and the other globalists want us to be. Like everybody else, we are sightless and lost.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I disagree. I think TRT is absolutely correct in his assessment. No runoff? It’s a 52-48 Senate this morning.

That was gracious of you Sombrero. ABTW, I washed down my crow with a nice cup of coffee this morning.

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