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Companies Announcing Post Tax-Cut Bonuses
Announcing just today:

Fifth Third Bancorp
Wells Fargo

Those dirty rich folks.
Dem's are out today saying this first year of the Trump Era economy is all due to Barack. These guys want to be misled.
give a 20 billion dollar tax break... agree to give 2 billion in bonuses aka 1000 dollars to the average joe... 1 billion to infrastructure... that leaves 17 billion... man glad for the 1000
A Trump tax cut >> a flood of Obama tax hikes.

Donald Trump, mitigating the disastrous economic policies of Barack Hussein Obama since 2017. Why do liberals despise liberty and the pursuit of happiness to such a jaw dropping extent?

Australia and other economic competitors are getting panicky over the prospect of an American economy freed from the shackles of over regulation and one of the world's heaviest business tax burdens.

Let's all welcome home the capital and jobs that fled our shores under the long procession of economically liberal presidents that followed Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I don't personally find Trump a likable human being, but it sure is nice to have a competent, pro-American president in the White House again.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:A Trump tax cut >> a flood of Obama tax hikes.

Donald Trump, mitigating the disastrous economic policies of Barack Hussein Obama since 2017. Why do liberals despise liberty and the pursuit of happiness to such a jaw dropping extent?

Australia and other economic competitors are getting panicky over the prospect of an American economy freed from the shackles of over regulation and one of the world's heaviest business tax burdens.

Let's all welcome home the capital and jobs that fled our shores under the long procession of economically liberal presidents that followed Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I don't personally find Trump a likable human being, but it sure is nice to have a competent, pro-American president in the White House again.
I didn't vote for Trump because I "liked" him...I voted for him to do a job. And so far just about everything he has done is what he said he would do.
I love Trump! And anyone can say anything they want, but name a politician who more people like than Trump. Nobody. I actually thank God for Trump. This country as we know it was on the brink of being gone forever and Trump has saved us from that fate. And it took about 20 miracles for it to happen. Much more work to be done but it's getting better every single day.
Well I didn't like him, and I never did.

But you must admit that he pretty much thumbs his nose at political correctness, which I LOVE!! He also doesn't bow to the usual powers that determine an election. I mean, think about it....BOTH parties were against him. He still won. He won because the people of the country finally came together to realize how close we were to the point of no return.

I love what he has accomplished so far.
In opposing the establishment Trump faced (and faces) a monumental task. Everybody is against him except those who either voted for him or those who've been won over by his successes in doing what he promised to do on the campaign trail. So though the wind of 'the people' is at his back, IMHO the opposition and lies will only increase as time goes by. Here's why.

There are two fronts on which the President faces opposition. First are the major News networks and news papers, whom do not hold anchors, writers and talking heads accountable for the daily avalanche of anti-Trump slanders. Therefore because these guys are unfettered by any particular moral standard or threat from their employers, and because the news industry is in all aspects a literal monopoly, they are free to lie their heads off with impunity. And I want to point out FOX News in particular here. Although they have a conservative evening lineup, once Fox and Friends goes off every morning the daytime programing (especially Sheppard Smith) is rabidly liberal. Same goes for FOX Business although to a lesser degree, after the noon hour you get 2 hours of Neil Cavuto and junk yard dog never-Trumper Charlie Gasparino. Followed by never-Trump groupie Liz Claman. which is just a Cavuto carryover.

So out of all TV news media coverage, only one broadcaster offers anything other than hard left coverage. That being FOX, said coverage must be sifted through however, to get through the liberal drivel. Nonetheless there are 2 daily morning shows which are basically conservative, and 7 evening shows. Those being split 3/4 between the two networks of FOX News and FBN. A very good ratio in this day in time. If it weren't for those shows America would have no alternative news source which could be considered main stream news.

The Second front obviously, are those of the belt way establishment. They comprise the bureaucracy and most of the combined elected officials of Washington D.C.. The challenge? One man, a consummate outsider in the person of DJT, comes to town to do "the people's" business and is met before he even arrives with a wall of resistance. Between a proactively combative CBC and other Democrat anti-American congressman, around 70 of them boycotted the inauguration and announced their intentions to impeach the incoming President from the git-go. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and many other Republicans are every bit as culpable for not calling out the destructive impact of such widespread subversion.

Incredibly in the background of all this, Barack is still pulling strings running a shadow government and lurking about at every stop the duly elected President makes when he goes overseas. None of which is being reported by anybody except FOX, BTW. Frankly, I think it's remarkable that we could even find a man with force of character enough to come in and attempt such an impossible task, and even then we didn't find him, he stepped forward of his own volition. Paying for his own campaign expenses and not accepting any pay for sitting the captain's chair.

As Trump came to office ISIS had the greatest nation (supposedly) on earth, backing up. China was taking over the ocean shipping lanes, combined with feverish pursuits by North Korea and Iran to acquire Nukes, and US citizens being forced to pay for the transport of and living expenses for terrorists, who BTW are untouchable even by law enforcement, not to mention Putin's Russia resurgence. What an unbelievable mess. Trump has by himself mitigated much of the mess already, though if the two arms of the establishment have their way, he will be deposed.

I saw a failed rescue attempt once. An unfortunate moose had fallen through the ice and was nearly dead from the cold. A rope that had been tied onto his antlers and a 4 wheel drive vehicle had come sooo close, to pulling the moose completely out. But then tragically the rope broke, and he slipped back down into the icy water. And though the effort to save him continued, the moose had been so weakened that was for him the end.

That unfortunate story has certain similarities with the present state of the US. We are like the moose floundering, in our case it is not icy water, but confusion and false morality. Yet it would seem we are, against all odds and the best laid plans of the left, making progress anyway. However, instead of worrying that the rope may break, we have an entire contingency out there trying their best to CUT the rope. In any case, I've not heard anybody suggest there was another from among the 17 candidate field who had force of character enough to come remotely close to meeting the challenge awaiting a Republican President. But I would say not to kid yourself, these 'oppositionist haters' were lying in wait for whomever might have been elected. And I say that it is extremely unlikely there would have been any other candidate who could have withstood the certain onslaught which was to come. I fully support President Trump and find his strength, vision and candor, much more than just refreshing.

The people can vote out establishment puppets, and they can refuse to listen to the uber left-wing propagandist slurs of the left. The situation has always been up to them.
jetpilot Wrote:I love Trump! And anyone can say anything they want, but name a politician who more people like than Trump. Nobody. I actually thank God for Trump. This country as we know it was on the brink of being gone forever and Trump has saved us from that fate. And it took about 20 miracles for it to happen. Much more work to be done but it's getting better every single day.
Ronald Reagan. Hands down. Trump has done better than I had hoped or expected, but the Clintons are still fugitives from justice, IMO, and Trump promised to pursue justice for Hillary if he was elected.
This country is still on the brink of disaster but it is not Trump's fault. Every time that voters put a liberal president and/or Congress into power, the good deeds by presidents like Trump and Reagan are swamped by power grabs designed to destroy the country and life as we know it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Ronald Reagan. Hands down. Trump has done better than I had hoped or expected, but the Clintons are still fugitives from justice, IMO, and Trump promised to pursue justice for Hillary if he was elected.
This country is still on the brink of disaster but it is not Trump's fault. Every time that voters put a liberal president and/or Congress into power, the good deeds by presidents like Trump and Reagan are swamped by power grabs designed to destroy the country and life as we know it.

I wasn't clear but I meant current politician. Yes more people love Reagan but two things I want to point out: Reagan like Trump was hated by liberals and establishment Republicans, and also it is worth noting that Bill Bennett is stating that Trump is far more conservative in his first year of office than Reagan. But I basically agree with your post.

Give Trump some time on going after crooked Dems including the Clintons. The timing isn't right just yet. I believe that Mueller and Sessions will be history in 2018 and then it's open season on corrupt Dems.
So... how are those bonuses and job creation going? Got love getting the rich richer and the poor poorer... AT&T = sad.
mr.fundamental Wrote:So... how are those bonuses and job creation going? Got love getting the rich richer and the poor poorer... AT&T = sad.

Hey nutjob, I worked for AT&T for several years when they were the world's largest employer...Never ever got a bonus one time...period.

I know this good economic stuff happening drives you looking for a handout, I deserve something for nothing crowd, that thinks with their heads stuck up their hind ends, nuts.

Name me a poor man that ever created a job for anyone?
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey nutjob, I worked for AT&T for several years when they were the world's largest employer...Never ever got a bonus one time...period.

I know this good economic stuff happening drives you looking for a handout, I deserve something for nothing crowd, that thinks with their heads stuck up their hind ends, nuts.

Name me a poor man that ever created a job for anyone?

I could never name one in the real world, but the entirety of the Democrat Party draws a pretty nice paycheck taking care of poor men. Of course they extort all the money they throw around to that end from people who actually do work. Confusednicker:
This is what I was referring to

Now some will attack the sources that I have used, that is fine, but I do ask to cite the sources that disprove the sources that I have used for the tax breaks and with it the relation on jobs. For an example, "it is a false statement that carrier is laying people off, here is my source" Or "it is false that ATT are firing people, here is my source to prove it"

I look forward to seeing the responses...

Here are the odds of responses

5-2 the sources I named a liberal propaganda and not worth the time to disprove it
1-6 my opinion is all I need and I am right
1-10 some quote dealing with the Bible and somehow relates to AT&T
1-3 It is Hillary Clinton's emails that have caused this to happen and no matter how the tax cuts went (even though the republicans said it would help these very companies to create jobs) there was to much harm done by her as the emails will point to
1-3 It is President Obama's fault, with his over regulation of the markets and no matter how the tax cuts went, there was to much harm done by him.
1-50 Here are the sources to disprove your theory
1-20 I will get called tvtimeout and about three paragraphs to five about an opinion
1-10 The tax cuts have not taken affect yet and we will see an extraordinary amount of growth once they do

Take your odds... I am going with 1-20... don't let me down!
Seeing that our resident nutjob, tvtimeout, wont acknowledge articles like this I thought I would share it:

per Bloomberg/CNBC

Walmart is boosting its starting hourly wage to $11 and delivering bonuses to employees, capitalizing on the U.S. tax overhaul to stay competitive in a tightening labor market.

Walmart's decision makes it the latest corporate titan to plow expected tax savings into employee payouts. Boeing Co., AT&T, and Wells Fargo have all made similar announcements in recent weeks. Walmart said it's "early in the process of assessing potential additional investments" it could make.

The company will also provide full-time hourly workers with 10 weeks of paid maternity leave and six weeks of paternal leave. Parents who adopt kids will get the same benefit. along with $5,000 to help cover the costs.

Tax reform gives us the opportunity to be more competitive globally and to accelerate plans for the U.S.," Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon said in the statement.

But we all know that you cant fix liberal stupidity. Right tvtimeout?
we have one for tvtimeout...1-20 not bad...

Well I am glad Wal-Mart was mentioned... here is another source about them from that liberal mag Forbes
tvtimeout, was one of the biggest morons to ever grace this forum? Don't be offended if the shoe fits.

When you get the chance to get your head out of your hind end you might be able to figure out that tax reform is allowing for reversal. They could have just stuck it in their pockets. Nobody was holding a gun at anyones head to make them do anything.

You're just a hack..No wait, you're not smart enough to hack.
Bob Seger Wrote:tvtimeout, was one of the biggest morons to ever grace this forum? Don't be offended if the shoe fits.

When you get the chance to get your head out of your hind end you might be able to figure out that tax reform is allowing for reversal. They could have just stuck it in their pockets. Nobody was holding a gun at anyones head to make them do anything.

You're just a hack..No wait, you're not smart enough to hack.

He's really not saying anything Bob, my bet is somebody's coaching him. Even then the supposed premise is past vague. The left were very close to a total takeover in the US and the reality of watching it all go up in smoke now, is more than they can handle. Thats why after the election we saw idiots on their knees in the streets screaming noooo at the top of their lungs. And that's why they make up their own lies and stick to them. Take the line about comparing the first year stock markets under Barack versus Trump. The market grew 6% in 2008, and for DJT? 28%. Not even close, but you'll NEVER hear a Dem admit it.

Lefties even strain their religious opinions through the Democrat Party platform and then accuse others of doing exactly that. It's a true culture war, and the command center is the DNC. We'll just have to wait and see how many Dems choose to deny the tax cuts were actually for the middle class, and not for corporations (which BTW, are largely just a collection of middle class stock market investors anyway).
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey nutjob, I worked for AT&T for several years when they were the world's largest employer...Never ever got a bonus one time...period.

I know this good economic stuff happening drives you looking for a handout, I deserve something for nothing crowd, that thinks with their heads stuck up their hind ends, nuts.

Name me a poor man that ever created a job for anyone?

Ah, the puppet master emergeth.

Jesus literally conceived of, and then created every last atom, ion, quark, and whatever is smaller than that, in this whole universe, known and unknown. Plus the glorious and unimaginable confines of Heaven and, the horrors which are Hell. He owns it all, and He owned it all when He walked among men.

How is it that He is poor again? :please:
“He was despised and afflicted, homeless, rejected and poor.”

Now, I know, TRT, that Jesus Caesar, or maybe Jesus Napolean might be your role models, but I’ll take the one revealed in the Gospels. Speaking of puppets, apparently, if you call a nation or entire continent a “#%$& hole” you get to say you didn’t say it if the statement was “leaked.” What a bunch of jokers.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Jesus?

Ah, but a rich man indeed, for he owns the whole world. If you have a job, it is he, who you thank.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:“He was despised and afflicted, homeless, rejected and poor.”

Now, I know, TRT, that Jesus Caesar, or maybe Jesus Napolean might be your role models, but I’ll take the one revealed in the Gospels. Speaking of puppets, apparently, if you call a nation or entire continent a “#%$& hole” you get to say you didn’t say it if the statement was “leaked.” What a bunch of jokers.

And that has what to do with companies announcing post-tax reform bonuses?

Start another thread.
Bob Seger Wrote:And that has what to do with companies announcing post-tax reform bonuses?

Start another thread.

Follow along, or put on the cap.
Like I said, stay on the subject or start another thread..I didn't start it for "some hack" to veer off onto something that is not related to the subject at hand.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah, but a rich man indeed, for he owns the whole world. If you have a job, it is he, who you thank.

Seriously? Born as he was? Trade that he had? Crowd he attracted? “The Nazarene carpenter”?
Bob Seger Wrote:Like I said, stay on the subject or start another thread..I didn't start it for "some hack" to veer off onto something that is not related to the subject at hand.

Like I said.
Bob Seger Wrote:tvtimeout, was one of the biggest morons to ever grace this forum? Don't be offended if the shoe fits.

When you get the chance to get your head out of your hind end you might be able to figure out that tax reform is allowing for reversal. They could have just stuck it in their pockets. Nobody was holding a gun at anyones head to make them do anything.

You're just a hack..No wait, you're not smart enough to hack.

You already got the 1-20 for tvtimeout...

But you do have truth in your statement, which I actually agree with... I bolded it... remember the GOP sold it as this would create jobs... we will keep coming back to this...
TheRealThing Wrote:He's really not saying anything Bob, my bet is somebody's coaching him. Even then the supposed premise is past vague. The left were very close to a total takeover in the US and the reality of watching it all go up in smoke now, is more than they can handle. Thats why after the election we saw idiots on their knees in the streets screaming noooo at the top of their lungs. And that's why they make up their own lies and stick to them. Take the line about comparing the first year stock markets under Barack versus Trump. The market grew 6% in 2008, and for DJT? 28%. Not even close, but you'll NEVER hear a Dem admit it.

Lefties even strain their religious opinions through the Democrat Party platform and then accuse others of doing exactly that. It's a true culture war, and the command center is the DNC. We'll just have to wait and see how many Dems choose to deny the tax cuts were actually for the middle class, and not for corporations (which BTW, are largely just a collection of middle class stock market investors anyway).

Was there a recession we were coming off of? Also, if the tax bill that was passed in Dec., what happened before then... Jan. through Nov.... this for all accounts was the first piece of legislation that President Trump passed. So how could the market grow, because of President Trump if this is the first piece of legislation passed?

I already know what you are going to say this is a rhetorical exercise, the CEO's felt things are different which caused the market to go up...
So now the market is based upon feeling...

They were right, they got a heck of a lot richer in the tax breaks...we will see how that corresponds to main street.

As pointed out by a conservative poster on here, no one is holding a gun to the heads of the CEOs to create jobs. I agreed with him/her. In fact the sources that I have came up with points to this very thought. They will keep the money...

So now to the odds...

You did not quote the I am torn on saying you made the bet... I think I will give it to you because of the religious culture war comment ... let me look up the odds and get back to you.

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