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Companies Announcing Post Tax-Cut Bonuses
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:“He was despised and afflicted, homeless, rejected and poor.”

Now, I know, TRT, that Jesus Caesar, or maybe Jesus Napolean might be your role models, but I’ll take the one revealed in the Gospels. Speaking of puppets, apparently, if you call a nation or entire continent a “#%$& hole” you get to say you didn’t say it if the statement was “leaked.” What a bunch of jokers.

Bob Seger Wrote:Ah, but a rich man indeed, for he owns the whole world. If you have a job, it is he, who you thank.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Follow along, or put on the cap.

Other than stating His mission on earth, which was that of a suffering servant, I'm not to argue with you about the Person of our Lord. You've got it all wrong as usual.

Seger has it right, you're the one who ALWAYS tries to put the conversation in the ditch.
mr.fundamental Wrote:Was there a recession we were coming off of? Also, if the tax bill that was passed in Dec., what happened before then... Jan. through Nov.... this for all accounts was the first piece of legislation that President Trump passed. So how could the market grow, because of President Trump if this is the first piece of legislation passed?

I already know what you are going to say this is a rhetorical exercise, the CEO's felt things are different which caused the market to go up...
So now the market is based upon feeling...

They were right, they got a heck of a lot richer in the tax breaks...we will see how that corresponds to main street.

As pointed out by a conservative poster on here, no one is holding a gun to the heads of the CEOs to create jobs. I agreed with him/her. In fact the sources that I have came up with points to this very thought. They will keep the money...

So now to the odds...

You did not quote the I am torn on saying you made the bet... I think I will give it to you because of the religious culture war comment ... let me look up the odds and get back to you.

YOU GUYS are the ones saying Obama's first year was better than Trump's. It's unbelievable, you start a lie and then act like the ones who really do know what's gone on, somehow need a liberal to explain it all to them.:please: Whether or not there was a recession, LIBERALS are saying Obama's first year was BETTER percentage-wise than Trump's. I mean, is it really that hard for you tvtimeout?

First, though only the Man in the Moon likely knows who your sources are, they're wrong.

Secondly, you don't know what I've said after I say it, much less before I say it.

Thirdly, even though you are a teacher's aide, renewable energy sector inventor/pioneer, multiple business owning deacon, I will take my cues on what the tax legislation all means from sources other than you.

Fourthly ANYTIME, and I mean anytime, you think you can refute the Scriptural implications/applications I've made on here please present your case. In the meantime, IMHO, you ought to be cheering me on IF you're really a Christian. Not smarting off from the peanut gallery, because I'll tell you why. If I'm right and you're wrong (which is extremely likely) you'll have a hard time explaining why you chose to oppose the truth rather than support the truth. But hey, knock yourself out either way.
TheRealThing Wrote:Other than stating His mission on earth, which was that of a suffering servant, I'm not to argue with you about the Person of our Lord. You've got it all wrong as usual.

Seger has it right, you're the one who ALWAYS tries to put the conversation in the ditch.

2 Corinthians 8:9 suggests the aspect upon which earthly life was lived. In addition, giving a corporation more money is not now and has never been any guarantee that the wealth will “trickle down.” Unlike Christ, the huge multinationals do not embrace the instruction of spirit of 2 Corinthians 8:9, not referenced as “two Corinthians” per our obviously deeply spiritual tweeter in chief. ANY time of your choosing, ANY place of your choosing, we’ll reason from the Scriptures together. Hey, even the religion forum.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:2 Corinthians 8:9 suggests the aspect upon which earthly life was lived. In addition, giving a corporation more money is not now and has never been any guarantee that the wealth will “trickle down.” Unlike Christ, the huge multinationals do not embrace the instruction of spirit of 2 Corinthians 8:9, not referenced as “two Corinthians” per our obviously deeply spiritual tweeter in chief. ANY time of your choosing, ANY place of your choosing, we’ll reason from the Scriptures together. Hey, even the religion forum.

Looked it up and altered your position just a bit huh? You said the God of this universe was poor, among other things. For our sake He did choose to become poor, as He chose to become human, as He chose to become the sacrifice for men. But He was always The God of creation. The fact that He was God and gave up so much is part of what makes His sacrifice and His gift so unspeakable. The major endowment to man being His death on the cross. You interjected Him errantly and quite irreverently, into an argument about the tax bill. Then you used your faux understanding of His Word to further slam corporations and take swipe number umpteen million at the President.

I prefer to let The Judge deal with you at some point, and I'm done casting my pearls before swine. I wouldn't waste ANY more time than I had to, and what I do say in response is only for the sakes of those who might read any of the heretical stuff you put up on here. Reasoning with a guy who's yet to get the first thing right regarding God's rightful standing as Creator and Lord of all, is both pointless and degrading.
I wonder if the name Stormy Daniels will show up in your churches Sunday morning?
TheRealThing Wrote:Looked it up and altered your position just a bit huh? You said the God of this universe was poor, among other things. For our sake He did choose to become poor, as He chose to become human, as He chose to become the sacrifice for men. But He was always The God of creation. The fact that He was God and gave up so much is part of what makes His sacrifice and His gift so unspeakable. The major endowment to man being His death on the cross. You interjected Him errantly and quite irreverently, into an argument about the tax bill. Then you used your faux understanding of His Word to further slam corporations and take swipe number umpteen million at the President.

I prefer to let The Judge deal with you at some point, and I'm done casting my pearls before swine. I wouldn't waste ANY more time than I had to, and what I do say in response is only for the sakes of those who might read any of the heretical stuff you put up on here. Reasoning with a guy who's yet to get the first thing right regarding God's rightful standing as Creator and Lord of all, is both pointless and degrading.

Note: for those actually following along, the initial query was “has a poor man ever created a job?” Now, consider how much loquacious peacockery has flowed from the straw of a certain poster.

Note2: See who followed Christ in his time on earth, the early church. Until Constantine joined up and such gold and silver and affairs of state flooded in that it will take the One True Judge to sift wheat and chaff, a sifting I have absolutely zero fear of, no matter the cocksure fluffery.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Note: for those actually following along, the initial query was “has a poor man ever created a job?” Now, consider how much loquacious peacockery has flowed from the straw of a certain poster.

Note2: See who followed Christ in his time on earth, the early church. Until Constantine joined up and such gold and silver and affairs of state flooded in that it will take the One True Judge to sift wheat and chaff, a sifting I have absolutely zero fear of, no matter the cocksure fluffery.

Note 1
You're always playing around with words. The ministry is not 'a job.' One does not just choose to become an Apostle such as in the case of the twelve. Nor does he just choose to become a Pastor. The Lord gave clear accounts of His having called such out from among men. In fact, as in His own case where He left His job as a carpenter to start His ministry, the Apostles all left their jobs, fishermen etc., to serve the Lord. In that case God has ordained that His full time servants be supported, 'paid' by the giving of the Church. And though But the Apostles themselves never really made a living, or had any money. They lived day by day on what they were given by God's people. That the 'jobs' you're talking about?

Note 2
Well, you're obviously in MUCH better shape than the Apostle Paul then. You know, the guy who wrote all the "Pauline" stuff in the Bible? Actually 2/3's of the entire New Testament if I remember correctly, including (2 Cor 5:11) quoted below. I'm not worthy to wipe Paul's sandals off, and yet he was certainly concerned about standing in front of God. We will all give an account of our lives before the Living God, and I guarantee I am very concerned about my own failings. But you are just going to tool right through all of that with a chuckle and a smile on your face huh?

I faced a major surgery once. Knowing the seriousness of it and not wanting to take God for granted to any degree whatever, being totally at the mercy of the Lord and a doctor I barely knew, I became somewhat aware of how it might feel to step out into eternity. In minutes I would be put to sleep, and I didn't know whether to tell my family I'll see you soon, or goodbye. What awaits you, me everybody at the judgment makes that seem like a trip to the lake. Men will be praying for the rocks to fall on them so that they may be hidden from His face. (Rev 6:16) Men cannot even look upon Him and live, but for you it's all good.

Apostle Paul--
2 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)
11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

The word Terror here ^^, according to actual biblical scholars such as Walvoord and Zuck, means fear.

King Solomon---
Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Your liberalism continues to show through there Sombrero. Liberalism teaches a rather damnable doctrine according to J Vernon McGee. That being the universal fatherhood of God, along with the universal brotherhood of man. Sound familiar to you?

Apostle Paul---
Heb 10:31 (KJV)
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

It is just this simple, supporting candidates who openly vow the continuance of abortion on demand and gay rights, such as in the case of all Dems and Hillary Clinton and Doug Jones most recently, will not be overlooked. That doesn't mean we treat gays and pregnant girls badly, but like we shouldn't legalize bank robbery for the sakes of those who rob banks, nor should we legalize abortion and gay rights because offenders cannot bridle themselves. The equivocations and mitigating arguments of the left will not so much as be allowed to be voiced at the judgment. Possibly as in the case of Paul, the more one knows Him, the more one fears Him?
4_real Wrote:I wonder if the name Stormy Daniels will show up in your churches Sunday morning?

We don't gossip from the pulpit at my Churhc, but she'd be welcome if she wants to seek God's forgiveness or learn about Him. You going this Sunday 4real?
TheRealThing Wrote:Note 1
You're always playing around with words. The ministry is not 'a job.' One does not just choose to become an Apostle such as in the case of the twelve. Nor does he just choose to become a Pastor. The Lord gave clear accounts of His having called such out from among men. In fact, as in His own case where He left His job as a carpenter to start His ministry, the Apostles all left their jobs, fishermen etc., to serve the Lord. In that case God has ordained that His full time servants be supported, 'paid' by the giving of the Church. And though But the Apostles themselves never really made a living, or had any money. They lived day by day on what they were given by God's people. That the 'jobs' you're talking about?

Note 2
Well, you're obviously in MUCH better shape than the Apostle Paul then. You know, the guy who wrote all the "Pauline" stuff in the Bible? Actually 2/3's of the entire New Testament if I remember correctly, including (2 Cor 5:11) quoted below. I'm not worthy to wipe Paul's sandals off, and yet he was certainly concerned about standing in front of God. We will all give an account of our lives before the Living God, and I guarantee I am very concerned about my own failings. But you are just going to tool right through all of that with a chuckle and a smile on your face huh?

I faced a major surgery once. Knowing the seriousness of it and not wanting to take God for granted to any degree whatever, being totally at the mercy of the Lord and a doctor I barely knew, I became somewhat aware of how it might feel to step out into eternity. In minutes I would be put to sleep, and I didn't know whether to tell my family I'll see you soon, or goodbye. What awaits you, me everybody at the judgment makes that seem like a trip to the lake. Men will be praying for the rocks to fall on them so that they may be hidden from His face. (Rev 6:16) Men cannot even look upon Him and live, but for you it's all good.

Apostle Paul--
2 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)
11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

The word Terror here ^^, according to actual biblical scholars such as Walvoord and Zuck, means fear.

King Solomon---
Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Your liberalism continues to show through there Sombrero. Liberalism teaches a rather damnable doctrine according to J Vernon McGee. That being the universal fatherhood of God, along with the universal brotherhood of man. Sound familiar to you?

Apostle Paul---
Heb 10:31 (KJV)
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

It is just this simple, supporting candidates who openly vow the continuance of abortion on demand and gay rights, such as in the case of all Dems and Hillary Clinton and Doug Jones most recently, will not be overlooked. That doesn't mean we treat gays and pregnant girls badly, but like we shouldn't legalize bank robbery for the sakes of those who rob banks, nor should we legalize abortion and gay rights because offenders cannot bridle themselves. The equivocations and mitigating arguments of the left will not so much as be allowed to be voiced at the judgment. Possibly as in the case of Paul, the more one knows Him, the more one fears Him?

Thank you for this lengthy non sequitir. The Johnine letters speak also. And, as we compare Scripture with Scripture, we see that “confidence as the day approaches” is linked with an understanding of “perfect love” (Christ’s not ours), a spirit that “casts out all fear.” Now, I’m done unless the correct thing (religion forum) is done.

Your pontifications fall fruitlessly to the ground, friendo. Your champion has clay feet (at best). As for many of your observations here, we agree.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Thank you for this lengthy non sequitir. The Johnine letters speak also. And, as we compare Scripture with Scripture, we see that “confidence as the day approaches” is linked with an understanding of “perfect love” (Christ’s not ours), a spirit that “casts out all fear.” Now, I’m done unless the correct thing (religion forum) is done.

Your pontifications fall fruitlessly to the ground, friendo. Your champion has clay feet (at best). As for many of your observations here, we agree.

Well, as you have proven over and over again, you do not accept certain parts of God's Word and feel yourself worthy to edit Same. So thank God, the heresies (for the moment) have ceased. :Clap:
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, as you have proven over and over again, you do not accept certain parts of God's Word and feel yourself worthy to edit Same. So thank God, the heresies (for the moment) have ceased. :Clap:

We both know what’s been proven. Feathers fly freely in the pious pontifications often seen in these parts. As for heresy, I invite you into the religion forum.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We both know what’s been proven. Feathers fly freely in the pious pontifications often seen in these parts. As for heresy, I invite you into the religion forum.

You want to go over to the religious forum knock yourself out. You won't do one bit better over there than you did this time over here. You're a liberal who denies the inerrancy of Scripture, with no compunctions whatever in giving those looking for an excuse to doubt God the ammo they need. However, I do not believe there will be so much as one individual in hell whom God foreknew would be in Heaven, so I'm not worried that you will turn even one of those. You're just a cheerleader with a penchant for spreading heresy. For the sakes of those who will listen and by His grace, I continue to straighten you out.
TheRealThing Wrote:You want to go over to the religious forum knock yourself out. You won't do one bit better over there than you did this time over here. You're a liberal who denies the inerrancy of Scripture, with no compunctions whatever in giving those looking for an excuse to doubt God the ammo they need. However, I do not believe there will be so much as one individual in hell whom God foreknew would be in Heaven, so I'm not worried that you will turn even one of those. You're just a cheerleader with a penchant for spreading heresy. For the sakes of those who will listen and by His grace, I continue to straighten you out.

Feathers fly again. A large prooftexting bird struts about screeching. Signifying nothing.

Is the idea that stuffing the pockets of Big Corporate also enriches the working poor a Biblically defensible position?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Feathers fly again. A large prooftexting bird struts about screeching. Signifying nothing.

Is the idea that stuffing the pockets of Big Corporate also enriches the working poor a Biblically defensible position?

Orderly society could not even exist without money.

What are corporations in the first place? Average people who invest in the stock market like union workers with pension plans, refinery workers and office workers with 401K's, members of teacher's unions, state and federal employees with pensions, nurses and other hospital types, the list is endless. Every reader on this board with any hope whatever of having a retirement is dependent upon the symbiotic relationship between Corporate America and the stock market. But according to you and your mentor fake Indian Princess Elizabeth Warren, that's bad huh?

Past that, you really ought to stop with the liberal theological missteps while you're behind.
TheRealThing Wrote:You want to go over to the religious forum knock yourself out. You won't do one bit better over there than you did this time over here. You're a liberal who denies the inerrancy of Scripture, with no compunctions whatever in giving those looking for an excuse to doubt God the ammo they need. However, I do not believe there will be so much as one individual in hell whom God foreknew would be in Heaven, so I'm not worried that you will turn even one of those. You're just a cheerleader with a penchant for spreading heresy. For the sakes of those who will listen and by His grace, I continue to straighten you out.

And a hack.
TheRealThing Wrote:Orderly society could not even exist without money.

What are corporations in the first place? Average people who invest in the stock market like union workers with pension plans, refinery workers and office workers with 401K's, members of teacher's unions, state and federal employees with pensions, nurses and other hospital types, the list is endless. Every reader on this board with any hope whatever of having a retirement is dependent upon the symbiotic relationship between Corporate America and the stock market. [COLOR="Red"]But according to you and your mentor fake Indian Princess Elizabeth Warren, that's bad huh?

Past that, you really ought to stop with the liberal theological missteps while you're behind.
He wouldn't have a clue to begin with....You cant explain stuff like that to someone who has only sucked the government system dry for their existence.

You talkin about the fake Pocahontas that has gotten wealthy off of government associated and sponsored property transactions and then pretends (er lies) that she is one of the working poor?
Bob Seger Wrote:And a hack.

Speaking of “hack,” what a hatchet job you folks tried to navigate on ol’ Bob Mueller. Meanwhile, back at Tweet Central, the tweeting don is demonstrating daily he parades against “political correctness” while ACTUALLY practicing:

• lying
• crudity
• curmudgeoning.

Eh, you know.

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