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Ripkin or PLL...why not both?
you know I don't understand all the "count totals" that are being kept by some people, so what if the new league had 500-600 sign up, or how many has dropped from the PLL, it's suppose to be about getting kids involved in the greatest game there is to play, didn't realize a score was already being kept

come on everyone, enough of this, get the leagues going, get the kids playing ball, that's the only thing that really matters isn't it?
blackwidow Wrote:you know I don't understand all the "count totals" that are being kept by some people, so what if the new league had 500-600 sign up, or how many has dropped from the PLL, it's suppose to be about getting kids involved in the greatest game there is to play, didn't realize a score was already being kept

come on everyone, enough of this, get the leagues going, get the kids playing ball, that's the only thing that really matters isn't it?

AMEN SISTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:

Stop the bickering,:argue: and Let's Play Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Thumbs:

I'll be watching!:popcorn:
Pupaw Wrote:Geez, nobody said that they hated the county system here. The Guru clearly said that he was not trying to start anything. I have also heard this from several of the players at JC. Not sure if this is true but I hope it's not. There is nothing wrong with that thinking that 24-30 rings but they've not competed in a state tournament yet in Cal Ripken this will be the first season, I guess we'll all just have to wait and see how the jc cal ripken league will do in state competition.

I heard this from Shawn Hall himself. He knows who I am now, but he said it to me. He said they were tired of winning state championships as the PAINTSVILLE Little League. They were going to start their own league to feed the COUNTY program.

Now, all that said, I am not anti Cal Ripkin. My kid is playing Cal Ripkin even though we are "Paintsville" people.

I normally wouldn't back this thread, but unfortunately the Guru is 100% accurate in his info.
Gatortater Wrote:Can someone not know what's going on with a program even though they don't participate in it?

If I'm not mistaken the county once tried to have the Johnson County Bambino League I think it was called.

Yes they did, and it is presently non existent.
In the Know Wrote:I heard this from Shawn Hall himself. He knows who I am now, but he said it to me. He said they were tired of winning state championships as the PAINTSVILLE Little League. They were going to start their own league to feed the COUNTY program.

Now, all that said, I am not anti Cal Ripkin. My kid is playing Cal Ripkin even though we are "Paintsville" people.

I normally wouldn't back this thread, but unfortunately the Guru is 100% accurate in his info.

If this is true, it is ridiculous. Maybe they could've changed the name from Paintsville Little League to Johnson County Little League....perhaps that would have satisified everyone. I always thought that PLL was a feeder program for both high schools, but perhaps the ones that craved the control didn't have it, thus a new league was formed.

You would like to think that at least the adults and coaches in any sport would be proud to be associated with an area that produces state championships regardless of the name of the league. or school. I'm surprised they've not moved JCHS/JCMS out somewhere in the county because it is within the city limits of Paintsville.
In the Know Wrote:I heard this from Shawn Hall himself. He knows who I am now, but he said it to me. He said they were tired of winning state championships as the PAINTSVILLE Little League. They were going to start their own league to feed the COUNTY program.

Now, all that said, I am not anti Cal Ripkin. My kid is playing Cal Ripkin even though we are "Paintsville" people.

I normally wouldn't back this thread, but unfortunately the Guru is 100% accurate in his info.
I dont think that anybody is holding a gun to your head to make your son play in Cal Ripken.
Gatortater Wrote:First of all, there are probably very few folks that live in the city limits that have kids that go to the Johnson County schools. Sure there are few, but not enough to squabble about.

Second, I certainly don't think that taxpayers have a problem with their money going to improve facilities for the youth in that area. It's the way it was done and were the proper procedures followed? That was a question that I had.

Third, I think all this has done has divided the community. That area is not large enough to support 2 youth baseball leagues without hurting one of the leagues. One of the gripes I seen was the fact that at least PLL was run by folks from both school systems. This CRL league is ran ONLY by those involved with the Johnson County School System. If they were doing it truly for the best interest of ALL youth in Johnson County, which Paintsville is in Johnson County, then that would have been just fine. I'll agree with you in that too many people want to see political conspiracies. I can't help but think that someone at some time didn't get what they wanted and decided they would start their own league so they could be in charge....but what most folks don't see is those people will move on and out and up and leave it for others to try to take care of and clean up someone elses mess.

I agree with Guru that since tax dollars are being spent on a public youth league, on public school property, that whatever improvements they are making should have been advertised to the public. I thought that was how it worked...jobs were put out to bid, and local businesses got to bid via sealed bids, and the job went to the lowest bidder. But maybe I've got that procedure all wrong. Had someone had some farm land they wanted to donate to the CRL and they wanted to do the improvements on, then that would be a different story. They could let whoever they wanted do the work on it.

I hate to keep beating this in the ground but PLL was not run by people from both school systems. It was run by Paintsville and many understand that. Yes, the county school system did have a few on the board and that was the way it was always going to be. I know first hand that the elite running the PLL was never going to let someone from the county run that program. That is a fact. Why did Bob Lyons not resign when he wanted too. Because Jason Hurt wanted to be President and that was not going to be allowed. That is a fact! And for bidding on jobs, anything over a certain amount is what could be bid on and I think that has been followed. So there is a few answers for you. This league will be very successful. The facilities will be first class when everything is said and done. And most people in this county will be happy. :thumpsup: I am just very happy that we have almost a thousand kids playing baseball and softball in this county. That is amazing. PLAY BALL!!!!!:letsparty
Eagle Eye Wrote:I hate to keep beating this in the ground but PLL was not run by people from both school systems. It was run by Paintsville and many understand that. Yes, the county school system did have a few on the board and that was the way it was always going to be. I know first hand that the elite running the PLL was never going to let someone from the county run that program. That is a fact. Why did Bob Lyons not resign when he wanted too. Because Jason Hurt wanted to be President and that was not going to be allowed. That is a fact! And for bidding on jobs, anything over a certain amount is what could be bid on and I think that has been followed. So there is a few answers for you. This league will be very successful. The facilities will be first class when everything is said and done. And most people in this county will be happy. :thumpsup: I am just very happy that we have almost a thousand kids playing baseball and softball in this county. That is amazing. PLAY BALL!!!!!:letsparty

I guess since you're still beating it in the ground, I will too. Someone told me that there was and always have been more LL board members affiliated with the county than the city schools....coaches from the county far out numbered those from the city. Face it, it all comes down to who the President was, he was affiliated with Paintsville, therefore, the county didn't like it. I think that Mr. Lyons and Jason have always been friends and I never seen a reason why Jason couldn't have been President had he wanted it.....and that's a fact!!!!

The bidding you referred to, where do they advertise those at? I don't recall ever seeing it in the local newspapers, but then I could've missed it.

It is great that so many kids have come out to play baseball this summer and I'm glad that are going to have the facilities that are being built. Not one thing wrong with that. But the simple fact is, this from the very beginning has been nothing but about control.
Eagle Eye Wrote:I hate to keep beating this in the ground but PLL was not run by people from both school systems. It was run by Paintsville and many understand that. Yes, the county school system did have a few on the board and that was the way it was always going to be. I know first hand that the elite running the PLL was never going to let someone from the county run that program. That is a fact. Why did Bob Lyons not resign when he wanted too. Because Jason Hurt wanted to be President and that was not going to be allowed. That is a fact! And for bidding on jobs, anything over a certain amount is what could be bid on and I think that has been followed. So there is a few answers for you. This league will be very successful. The facilities will be first class when everything is said and done. And most people in this county will be happy. :thumpsup: I am just very happy that we have almost a thousand kids playing baseball and softball in this county. That is amazing. PLAY BALL!!!!!:letsparty
It's amazing to me how someone can't mention the words "Paintsville Little League" without someone else bringing up how they despise Bob Lyons, how Bob Lyons has ruined the League.....blah blah blah.I think it's time people should grow up and find something better to do with their time than sit there and compose negative things about Mr. Lyons. What is it about the man that people hate? In my personal opinion people don't like him because he doesn't sugar-coat anything and doesn't suck up to the people who think they deserve it. To me, I would want to be around someone who was brutally honest and straight to the point,instead of someone who would be friendly to your face one minute and turn around and talk about you behind your back the next. If one were to dig a little deeper and get to know Mr. Lyons and see what he's all about instead of scratching the surface and listening to a few people who possibly, at one time, didn't get their way in Little League, they would learn that he is a man who only wants what is best for the Paintsville Little League and its players. That, my friends, is a FACT!
darth807 Wrote:It's amazing to me how someone can't mention the words "Paintsville Little League" without someone else bringing up how they despise Bob Lyons, how Bob Lyons has ruined the League.....blah blah blah.I think it's time people should grow up and find something better to do with their time than sit there and compose negative things about Mr. Lyons. What is it about the man that people hate? In my personal opinion people don't like him because he doesn't sugar-coat anything and doesn't suck up to the people who think they deserve it. To me, I would want to be around someone who was brutally honest and straight to the point,instead of someone who would be friendly to your face one minute and turn around and talk about you behind your back the next. If one were to dig a little deeper and get to know Mr. Lyons and see what he's all about instead of scratching the surface and listening to a few people who possibly, at one time, didn't get their way in Little League, they would learn that he is a man who only wants what is best for the Paintsville Little League and its players. That, my friends, is a FACT!

Well said :Clap:!!!

I have known Mr. Lyons for many years and know for a fact that he has always had the best interest of the league as his priority. He has given up time away from his family & friends to see that the kids in PLL have always had the best field, uniforms, coaches, umpires, facilities and opportunities they can offer. The above post is very much right.....he has always followed and enforced the rules of LL (which upsets some folks) and been fair to each and every kid regardless of where they attend school, where their parents work, who their parents are, how much many they do or don't make.
I am really getting tired of people blaming PLL elite and CRL Board members for the division in the community. It is everyone on here making their comments and blaming the other for the wrong that is going on in this horrible catastrophe(sp?) of summer baseball. Heaven forbid we try to let children ages 5-18 play the great american past-time!!:argue:


Let's step back and look at what we have. We will have 10 fields full of children playing the GREAT GAME OF BASEBALL! Anywhere from 600-800 children filling those fields every week!

Yes, we will have those great parents of future All-Americans that are getting screwed because their child is not playing every out or they aren't batting clean-up. But when you have these type of leagues, that is what you deal with.

Yes, Bob Lyons did everything that he could and did everyting he thought was right, but some people still will get mad! That's life!!

Yes, some people picked up their gloves and went and built a new place to play. That's life!!

But I would have to believe that 95% of the people involved in BOTH leagues are in it for the right reasons. And as for the 5% Knotheads (Stole from Steve Trimble), we will have to weed them out.

As far as the State Championship possibilities for the leagues, I feel that both will still be competetive, if we work together!! But we MUST REMEMBER who we are coaching and instill winning is great, but sportsmanship is the TRUE reason that both leagues were originated to instill in the kids!

I bet several was never involved in a state tournament run, but their memories of playing every summer and the friendships that were born will never leave. Rings are nice, but friends are forever!

I hope that I have not stepped on anyone's toes, but I just want the children of Johnson County and Paintsville to have the best! Let's drop our differences and show the sportsmanship that both leagues want us to instill into the participants.:Thumbs:
I just have to ask a question: How many people on here would be willing to say the exact same thing that they type on here to these people's faces?

Bob Lyons isn't a well liked man by some. Does that bother him? Probably not. But there are some who view him as a good guy who finishes what he starts. It may not be done the way you like but it will be finished.

It amazes me how when there are problems within a league, a team, or whatever there always has to be a scapegoat. That is what Bob Lyons is to some of you. HOW MANY OF YOU STEPPED UP TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE LITTLE LEAGUE? HOW MANY OF YOU STAYED LATE AFTER PRACTICES/GAMES TO CONTINUE WORK ON THE FIELDS? HOW MANY OF YOU WENT TO THE PLL BOARD TO TELL THEM YOUR PROBLEMS WITH BOB LYONS OR ANY OTHER MEMBER?

I have always been told and have even realized that when most people hate me its because they are jealous of me in some way. Could that be the case here?
I am not saying that Lyons is perfect. I can see how his take charge, put up with no one's sh**, blunt opinions could possibly offend someone. But seeing how everyone is supposed to be an adult, it looks like you could handle what comes out of his mouth and his actions.

As far as why didn't Lyons retire when he wanted to? Hmmm, here is a couple of ideas for ya: 1) Board members, parents, and maybe even some players that wanted Lyons to stay due to how well he has done with the PLL outnumbered the ones who would rather whine and complain about things rather than doing something about it or 2) maybe the other candidates that wanted the job didn't have the experience or knowledge to run the program.THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT JASON HURT OR ANYONE ELSE COULDN"T HAVE DONE IT BECAUSE HE/SHE IS FROM THE COUNTY. IT SIMPLY MEANS THAT THERE HAS TO BE GENUINE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE TO RUN SOMETHING SUCH AS PLL.
I don't think that Mr. Lyons didn't want Jason Hurt to be PLL President. They seem to be great friends. Jason is a great guy and I think he could handle the job as President, but he seemed to be lured away by the county school systems. Jason was around PLL for a while and really learned alot over the years, I'm sure he'll do great running this league, and I wish him the best of luck. Why Lyons didn't retire is his own business, but I can guarantee that him not retiring from PLL Pres. had nothing to do with Jason Hurt. To say that, is absurd. PLL had a lot of stuff going on at the time. New lights, state tournaments to host and organize, and stuff like that. But I guess he thought that no one else could do all that, after all, these commitments had been made long ago, and he wanted to see them through. Plus, if you want to count on somebody to do something and do it the way you want it, you can always count on yourself to do that thing. I guess he counted on himself to do some of those things because he thought it was right. Best of luck to both leagues this year.
I played In the PLL for one year when I was a kid. I never had any problems with my coaches and as far as I know my father and mother didn't either. I went on for the next two seasons to play in the JCYL. I really enjoyed the game no matter what league I played in! I think the bottom line is this PLL is a feeder system for the PHS and some of the talent was leaving the county school system to play for them. The county school systems want to develop and keep their own children in their system. If everyone can't understand that then thats their problem! As far as Bob Lyons goes he is a upfront tell it like it is type of person and Jason Hurt is a great guy who works very hard at keeping players and parents happy. Even though these two are different in their approach on their way of doing things I don't think anyone could say that they don't love the game or the children that play in their respective leagues. You guys and gals know that no matter which league you play in or are a part of there is always going to be those parents and players that say they are not satisfied or this needs to be done or that needs to be done. I think the move the county has made will only help in the advancement of East KY baseball!!! I wish both leagues the best !!!! :Thumbs:
Wow, there are some deep issues on this topic. There is many things that I could add to the JC argument of why they developed their own league but I won't. Put the argument behind us and go on, play ball and let the chips fall where they may down the road. In five years everyone will see the true reason for the baseball league, when there is more than 3 seniors on a team with the biggest enrollment in Eastern Ky and then everyone will know the true reason for this split. There is going to be growing pains, people need to be patient but in the end both leagues will continue to do well and I think you will see more of a total domination in the high school programs in the 15th region by both teams. Maybe I am wrong but that IMO. Personally, I have seen the Babe Ruth work outs and I have seen kids that hasn't been playing baseball for whatever reason and I see alot of potentially good baseball players. With a season or two under them, they could be very good baseball players.
Gatortater Wrote:I guess since you're still beating it in the ground, I will too. Someone told me that there was and always have been more LL board members affiliated with the county than the city schools....coaches from the county far out numbered those from the city. Face it, it all comes down to who the President was, he was affiliated with Paintsville, therefore, the county didn't like it. I think that Mr. Lyons and Jason have always been friends and I never seen a reason why Jason couldn't have been President had he wanted it.....and that's a fact!!!!

The bidding you referred to, where do they advertise those at? I don't recall ever seeing it in the local newspapers, but then I could've missed it.

It is great that so many kids have come out to play baseball this summer and I'm glad that are going to have the facilities that are being built. Not one thing wrong with that. But the simple fact is, this from the very beginning has been nothing but about control.

If you would take the time to read my post I never said that there was no county people on the board and the truth is yes there were a bunch of coaches from the county. I know for a fact that Bob and Jason were very close but I did not say that Bob did not want him. Jason did want it and if you remember Bob started to retire but changed his mind. I have no problem with Bob and in fact I think he is a great guy. So take off the blinders and read a little more thorogh before you criticize... and that is a fact!!!:thumpsup:
darth807 Wrote:It's amazing to me how someone can't mention the words "Paintsville Little League" without someone else bringing up how they despise Bob Lyons, how Bob Lyons has ruined the League.....blah blah blah.I think it's time people should grow up and find something better to do with their time than sit there and compose negative things about Mr. Lyons. What is it about the man that people hate? In my personal opinion people don't like him because he doesn't sugar-coat anything and doesn't suck up to the people who think they deserve it. To me, I would want to be around someone who was brutally honest and straight to the point,instead of someone who would be friendly to your face one minute and turn around and talk about you behind your back the next. If one were to dig a little deeper and get to know Mr. Lyons and see what he's all about instead of scratching the surface and listening to a few people who possibly, at one time, didn't get their way in Little League, they would learn that he is a man who only wants what is best for the Paintsville Little League and its players. That, my friends, is a FACT!

Where in my post did I say anything NEGATIVE about Bob Lyons? I guess you are searching for things that actually don't exist! That, as you say, is a FACT!! As I told your partner in my previous post Bob is a great guy but some of the others, no names mentioned, were the ones talking. It was not Bob's fault that some of the ones in charge is the blame for this new league. If people could have just thought about the kids for once then we could have had a thousand kids in the PLL. That my friend is a FACT!
jchsrulz Wrote:I am really getting tired of people blaming PLL elite and CRL Board members for the division in the community. It is everyone on here making their comments and blaming the other for the wrong that is going on in this horrible catastrophe(sp?) of summer baseball. Heaven forbid we try to let children ages 5-18 play the great american past-time!!:argue:


Let's step back and look at what we have. We will have 10 fields full of children playing the GREAT GAME OF BASEBALL! Anywhere from 600-800 children filling those fields every week!

Yes, we will have those great parents of future All-Americans that are getting screwed because their child is not playing every out or they aren't batting clean-up. But when you have these type of leagues, that is what you deal with.

Yes, Bob Lyons did everything that he could and did everyting he thought was right, but some people still will get mad! That's life!!

Yes, some people picked up their gloves and went and built a new place to play. That's life!!

But I would have to believe that 95% of the people involved in BOTH leagues are in it for the right reasons. And as for the 5% Knotheads (Stole from Steve Trimble), we will have to weed them out.

As far as the State Championship possibilities for the leagues, I feel that both will still be competetive, if we work together!! But we MUST REMEMBER who we are coaching and instill winning is great, but sportsmanship is the TRUE reason that both leagues were originated to instill in the kids!

I bet several was never involved in a state tournament run, but their memories of playing every summer and the friendships that were born will never leave. Rings are nice, but friends are forever!

I hope that I have not stepped on anyone's toes, but I just want the children of Johnson County and Paintsville to have the best! Let's drop our differences and show the sportsmanship that both leagues want us to instill into the participants.:Thumbs:

Well said!! At least some people get the point!:Clap:
Why is it that the CRL can't have all stars their first year as a league? Was everyone told this when they signed their kid up?
Eagle Eye Wrote:Where in my post did I say anything NEGATIVE about Bob Lyons? I guess you are searching for things that actually don't exist! That, as you say, is a FACT!! As I told your partner in my previous post Bob is a great guy but some of the others, no names mentioned, were the ones talking. It was not Bob's fault that some of the ones in charge is the blame for this new league. If people could have just thought about the kids for once then we could have had a thousand kids in the PLL. That my friend is a FACT!

First and foremost let me say that I have "no partner" on rivals, as you above stated. Secondly you are going to have to get off the fence and decide where you stand, either, as you made it out to sound in a previous post, he is the reason Jason Hurt was never president or he's a great guy. It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other, I just hate seeing a fence dangler myself.
bigcountry Wrote:I dont think that anybody is holding a gun to your head to make your son play in Cal Ripken.

:Cheerlead Nobody is, and there's no need to be rude. I just said that we are "Paintsville People" playing in the county league. Unlike some, I have realized there is more to life than blue/white and black/gold. I'm doing what's best for my kid. If I think he needs to go to trinity to run track, then baby pack your bags cause we're movin'. Chill out. It was a harmless comment!

Good luck to ALL kids no matter where you play.
Gatortater Wrote:Why is it that the CRL can't have all stars their first year as a league? Was everyone told this when they signed their kid up?
I have been assured that is not true. We are even hosting the 11/12 yr old district tournament. The district administrator was in johnson county last week and Jason Hurt and Steve Trimble spoke to him, They were told there was no truth to this, from what I was told.
whats the diff?
Eagle Pride 90` Wrote:I have been assured that is not true. We are even hosting the 11/12 yr old district tournament. The district administrator was in johnson county last week and Jason Hurt and Steve Trimble spoke to him, They were told there was no truth to this, from what I was told.

I guess time will tell. I just hope folks weren't misinformed. Just a thought, if they were to tell folks now there could be no all-stars the first year of existence, don't you think that would cause quite a stir? Oh, but I forget, this league wasn't started for all-star purposes, so everyone would probably be okay with it and still be able to play all summer long.
Eagle Pride 90` Wrote:I have been assured that is not true. We are even hosting the 11/12 yr old district tournament. The district administrator was in johnson county last week and Jason Hurt and Steve Trimble spoke to him, They were told there was no truth to this, from what I was told.

Why does the District Administrator need to speak with Stevve Trimble??? :dontthink
I thought that the BOED didn't have anything to do with this new league.
Ridge Runner Wrote:Why does the District Administrator need to speak with Stevve Trimble??? :dontthink
I thought that the BOED didn't have anything to do with this new league.

excellent question...makes you wonder just how deep the ties go with the JO CO BOED and this league
blackwidow Wrote:excellent question...makes you wonder just how deep the ties go with the JO CO BOED and this league
Why do you care?
Why would or should anybody care? What difference does it make?
bigcountry Wrote:Why would or should anybody care? What difference does it make?

Geesh, it was just a question. It is the public's understanding that this CRL is a separate entity from the Jo. Co. School System....so then why would Mr. Trimble have to be involved if Mr. Hurt is the president.

It makes a big difference in that it makes one wonder if tax payers money have been used to fund this baseball league, which is supposed to be a separate entity from the school system. When it comes to tax payers money, then everyone should care.
Gatortater Wrote:Geesh, it was just a question. It is the public's understanding that this CRL is a separate entity from the Jo. Co. School System....so then why would Mr. Trimble have to be involved if Mr. Hurt is the president.

It makes a big difference in that it makes one wonder if tax payers money have been used to fund this baseball league, which is supposed to be a separate entity from the school system. When it comes to tax payers money, then everyone should care.
Geesh, mine was just a question as well.

Lets face it, your problem has nothing to do with tax dollars at all does it?
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