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(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Mother of soldier killed in Kabul puts blame on Biden: ‘You trusted the enemy’
Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss is remembered by his mother Paula as passionate, dedicated soldier

Paula Knauss, mother of fallen Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, is pointing fingers at the Biden administration for the death of her son during America’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The grieving mother stressed holding who’s at fault accountable on "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday, starting with President Biden for trusting the enemy instead of putting the best interest of U.S. troops, Afghan allies and all Americans first.

"The president of the United States has the ability to help our troops, have enough men and women to stay safe," she said. "In all of our history, in all of the time that we have been fighting, where did you leave these men and women but at one airport, one location, one gate to funnel thousands through? And who did you trust? You trusted our enemy to allow who would come through."

"What does anyone in this great nation think when they think what would happen? No one has to have a military background to know that that was not going to go down well."

Sgt. Knauss warned his mother after he had volunteered to join the mission that the situation at Kabul Airport was bound to be a mess. He reassured her that he’d be in and out "in no time" but Paula Knauss instead picked up the call every mother dreads – a call she believes could’ve been prevented.

"There should have been a better way of helping our armed branches get those people who are American out safely, and still lose no man or woman in uniform or in Afghanistan," she said. "It should never have happened the way it did. Who is accountable for this? Who will stand up and say that they will be accountable for the death of 13 young men and women?"

Knauss remembered her son as a loving husband and passionate soldier who was always first in line and willing to lay down his life for America. Ryan Knauss served for five years and was decorated with multiple honors such as the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Mother of soldier killed in Kabul puts blame on Biden: ‘You trusted the enemy’
Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss is remembered by his mother Paula as passionate, dedicated soldier

Paula Knauss, mother of fallen Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, is pointing fingers at the Biden administration for the death of her son during America’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The grieving mother stressed holding who’s at fault accountable on "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday, starting with President Biden for trusting the enemy instead of putting the best interest of U.S. troops, Afghan allies and all Americans first.

"The president of the United States has the ability to help our troops, have enough men and women to stay safe," she said. "In all of our history, in all of the time that we have been fighting, where did you leave these men and women but at one airport, one location, one gate to funnel thousands through? And who did you trust? You trusted our enemy to allow who would come through."

"What does anyone in this great nation think when they think what would happen? No one has to have a military background to know that that was not going to go down well."

Sgt. Knauss warned his mother after he had volunteered to join the mission that the situation at Kabul Airport was bound to be a mess. He reassured her that he’d be in and out "in no time" but Paula Knauss instead picked up the call every mother dreads – a call she believes could’ve been prevented.

"There should have been a better way of helping our armed branches get those people who are American out safely, and still lose no man or woman in uniform or in Afghanistan," she said. "It should never have happened the way it did. Who is accountable for this? Who will stand up and say that they will be accountable for the death of 13 young men and women?"

Knauss remembered her son as a loving husband and passionate soldier who was always first in line and willing to lay down his life for America. Ryan Knauss served for five years and was decorated with multiple honors such as the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
Quooter usually I don't trust this guy any but for this one time he is spot on. And as far as the poll you are getting excited about I wouldn't put much into it

Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason. It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise. They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together. All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked. The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably. From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll. Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
(09-01-2021, 05:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
Quooter usually I don't trust this guy any but for this one time he is spot on. And as far as the poll you are getting excited about I wouldn't put much into it

I am no fan of Lindsey Graham. I am not sure why you think Tucker Carlson of whom I have also never been a fan (but I agree with him most of the time) criticizing Graham would bother me. It doesn't, and I did not watch the video because Lindsey Graham is irrelevant to the thread topic.

As for the poll, of course, you would not put much stock in a poll that accurately reflects the current attitude of Americans toward Biden. But Rasmussen's polls include a comparison of Donald Trump's approval ratings to Biden's approval ratings at the same point in their presidencies. As bad as Biden's performance has been, Rasmussen has shown a higher approval rating for Biden for nearly all of his presidency so far. Would you put any stock in those earlier poll numbers?

I think the Rasmussen presidential approval numbers reflect the impact that non-stop biased reporting of the Democrat mainstream media had on Trump and, until recently, the absurdly positive coverage by the Democrat media of Joe Biden's performance. The Rasmussen polls have been among the most accurate at predicting election results for quite a few years. Only now has Joe Biden's poor performance finally dragged his poll numbers down to those of Trump (42 percent approval). (Trump's numbers were better very early in his term than Biden's were.)

So if you think Rasmussen's poll numbers are bad, then maybe those months of high Biden approval ratings were also bogus. What do you think? Do you reject all the months of good poll numbers for Biden, along with the current bad poll numbers? Do you think that the dip in Biden's job approval numbers and his screw-ups in Afghanistan are just coincidental? Or do you only believe polls when they show positive numbers for Democrats?
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
If you read posts in this forum extensively, you will find that there are four individuals that consistently lie to support President Biden and almost anybody else with a (D) after their names on ballots.

I consider myself a conservative and did not decide whether to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 until days before the election because I did not believe that he would follow through with his campaign promises because his record had been one of a liberal Democrat, IMO. However, to my surprise, Trump implemented many policies that I could support as a conservative. He also did many things that I disagreed with - but overall I believe that he made a good faith effort to keep as many of his campaign promises as possible. That said, I wish that he would not run in 2024 because I would prefer a more conservative and younger candidate.

You are right about the two parties. They both attempt to polarize the electorate to win elections. Most Republicans are not political conservatives but nearly all of them run as conservatives. Gerrymandering of House district lines has led to the election of a few extreme liberals and extreme conservatives but overall, there is not much difference between the two parties overall. I will never vote for Democrats because of the party's position on abortion, the Second Amendment, and a few other issues that are very important to me. I cannot vote for Democrats, knowing that they will vote people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer into top leadership positions. I am no fan of Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy either but there are not enough conservatives in elected office to elect more conservative representatives into leadership positions.

I also agree with you about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is hard to understand how anybody could defend Joe Biden screwing up things so badly. How could anybody defend an administration that would allow Taliban terrorists to participate in security operations for an evacuation of American citizens and Green Card holders that worked for our side during the war? The withdrawal sounds like something that the writers for The Onion might have concocted.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • TD Hounds
(09-01-2021, 06:07 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.

Oh dear lord, I said I voted against Hillary Clinton a lot of people did, No I don’t particularly want Trump back but I’m not caught up in Jan. 6 or the whole QAnon conspiracy either.  Just the way your trying to go with this is exactly what I’m talking about: If he’s a Trump supporter everything he says is wrong, gotta find out so I can debunk everything he says, can’t show Biden in a bad light.  I served a very long time in the military, the Generals should be thrown under the bus, getting to wear those stars come at a price, and when missions fail as terribly as this one did, it’s time for someone else to take the reins.  Listen it’s been nice but I’m out, so far only Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics, kinda what I figured.
(09-01-2021, 06:37 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:07 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.

Oh dear lord, I said I voted against Hillary Clinton a lot of people did, No I don’t particularly want Trump back but I’m not caught up in Jan. 6 or the whole QAnon conspiracy either.  Just the way your trying to go with this is exactly what I’m talking about: If he’s a Trump supporter everything he says is wrong, gotta find out so I can debunk everything he says, can’t show Biden in a bad light.  I served a very long time in the military, the Generals should be thrown under the bus, getting to wear those stars come at a price, and when missions fail as terribly as this one did, it’s time for someone else to take the reins.  Listen it’s been nice but I’m out, so far only Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics, kinda what I figured.
Oh Goodness.  You doing ok until you said Dr. Hooter looks past politics. 
that’s the most hilarious statement I’ve read in a while. Big Grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes Cardfan1's post:
  • vector#1
(09-01-2021, 06:37 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:07 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.

Oh dear lord, I said I voted against Hillary Clinton a lot of people did, No I don’t particularly want Trump back but I’m not caught up in Jan. 6 or the whole QAnon conspiracy either.  Just the way your trying to go with this is exactly what I’m talking about: If he’s a Trump supporter everything he says is wrong, gotta find out so I can debunk everything he says, can’t show Biden in a bad light.  I served a very long time in the military, the Generals should be thrown under the bus, getting to wear those stars come at a price, and when missions fail as terribly as this one did, it’s time for someone else to take the reins.  Listen it’s been nice but I’m out, so far only Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics, kinda what I figured.
I have worked with the Army for more than 11 years for an agency in the metro DC area. I agree with you about the top commanders who implemented Biden's plan, rather than resign in protest, but some of the finest people I have met have been Army Generals.

I attended a promotion ceremony for a Warrant Officer who was my project manager when I first moved to northern Virginia. The ceremony was held on the campus of UVA in Charlottesville. The General recognized the small group of contractors who I was with and offered to give us a tour of the JAG School before the ceremony began. So, this Major General - The Deputy Judge Advocate General gave us a tour of the facility and explaining the history of the JAG Corps, which dates back to General George Washington's days. The same man had judged a Christmas cookie baking contest that I had participated in when he was either a Brigadier General. He is one of the nicest, most humble people that I have ever met. He was also very intelligent and articulate when he conducted promotion and retirement ceremonies that I have attended.

That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government.
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Cardfan1's post:
  • vector#1
(09-01-2021, 06:37 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:07 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:38 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: Nine pages of exactly what’s wrong with our country right now, we have let a group of dirty career politicians divide us over ideas that most the time they’ve came up with for that sole reason.  It is possible, even necessary for us to have differing opinions as long as we can Respect each other enough to sit down, Listen and compromise.  They get on television, act insanely angry and ready to disenfranchise each other, then go behind closed doors and eat lunch together.  All that being said anyone who doesn’t understand how the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete debacle needs their head checked.  The #1 priority of our military is to protect our citizens and our leadership failed miserably.  From deserting Bagram air base, which is where the withdrawal should have been completed, to leaving billions of military equipment, and American citizens behind, heads should roll.  Blindly supporting all this for the sake of a political party is asinine and if you try then it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Every single person involved in this regardless of politics is complicit but will never be held accountable because they’ve got us trained now to do exactly what they want, blame each other.
Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.

Oh dear lord, I said I voted against Hillary Clinton a lot of people did, No I don’t particularly want Trump back but I’m not caught up in Jan. 6 or the whole QAnon conspiracy either.  Just the way your trying to go with this is exactly what I’m talking about: If he’s a Trump supporter everything he says is wrong, gotta find out so I can debunk everything he says, can’t show Biden in a bad light.  I served a very long time in the military, the Generals should be thrown under the bus, getting to wear those stars come at a price, and when missions fail as terribly as this one did, it’s time for someone else to take the reins.  Listen it’s been nice but I’m out, so far only Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics, kinda what I figured.
I agree with Trump getting out of Afghanistan and the end results show we should of left over 19 years ago. If the generals are at fault get rid of them but don't do it in the public the investigation will come. And NO Quooter will not look past the politics this must be your first day on here.

(09-01-2021, 07:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:37 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:07 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 06:01 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 05:49 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Did you feel this way on 9/11 or over the 600,000 Americans dead from the Trump Flu how about the WMD'S tale in Iraq was you furious as your are now let's be honest. You do know we had to leave the Afghan Military something to fight with but after how fast they ran we now know that was a mistake. Why aren't you mad at the $2.26 trillion dollars we have wasted the last 20 years over their. Why aren't you mad at the people telling us the Afghans would fight after all the time and money we spent training them. 
President Biden has took the blame for it their will be a investigation let's see what comes out of it.

Listen stop trying to label me, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Obama once, and against Hillary Clinton.  I was angry and upset at most everything you just listed but your missing my point.  Your not mad right now cause you’ve aligned with the Dems and Biden oversaw the withdrawal yet if Trump was still in office and this had happened exactly the same way would you be saying the same thing?  Blindly supporting these clowns no matter what they do is why nothing ever changes…
Did you voted for Trump and do you still support Trump after January 6th ?

Let's see what comes out of the investigation what kind of advice he was given I believe the Generals on the ground should know more than anyone. If this had happened under Trump he would of done throwed the generals under the bus. President Biden took the blame what else you want he's not going to resign which I think that's what you want since you said you voted against Hillary so I am guessing you are a Trump voter.

Oh dear lord, I said I voted against Hillary Clinton a lot of people did, No I don’t particularly want Trump back but I’m not caught up in Jan. 6 or the whole QAnon conspiracy either.  Just the way your trying to go with this is exactly what I’m talking about: If he’s a Trump supporter everything he says is wrong, gotta find out so I can debunk everything he says, can’t show Biden in a bad light.  I served a very long time in the military, the Generals should be thrown under the bus, getting to wear those stars come at a price, and when missions fail as terribly as this one did, it’s time for someone else to take the reins.  Listen it’s been nice but I’m out, so far only Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics, kinda what I figured.
I have worked with the Army for more than 11 years for an agency in the metro DC area. I agree with you about the top commanders who implemented Biden's plan, rather than resign in protest, but some of the finest people I have met have been Army Generals.

I attended a promotion ceremony for a Warrant Officer who was my project manager when I first moved to northern Virginia. The ceremony was held on the campus of UVA in Charlottesville. The General recognized the small group of contractors who I was with and offered to give us a tour of the JAG School before the ceremony began. So, this Major General - The Deputy Judge Advocate General gave us a tour of the facility and explaining the history of the JAG Corps, which dates back to General George Washington's days. The same man had judged a Christmas cookie baking contest that I had participated in when he was either a Brigadier General. He is one of the nicest, most humble people that I have ever met. He was also very intelligent and articulate when he conducted promotion and retirement ceremonies that I have attended.

That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government.
Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to
we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.

(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
It's a Rasmussen Poll need I say more
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 12:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Didn't Biden say he is accountable? 

It's awful what this woman is experiencing.  Also awful how conservative media and political hacks are using her pain to score cheap political points.  

We lost thousands of troops and Afghanistan and most of these bloodsuckers didn't blink until they could be used to attack the very man who had the kahones to get us out so we would not lose anymore.
Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
(09-01-2021, 08:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
We have a traitor in the White House now who accepted bribes funneled through the proceeds his son generated by selling influence to his father.

Eisenhower was not suggesting that anybody with a military career should be denied their constitutional right to be fairly elected to the presidency. Most high-ranking officers are honorable people and many of them are considerably more intelligent and more articulate than the presidents who have served recently.

No self-respecting general officer would sit down to a meeting and mumble from notes prepared by his or her staff and avoid making eye contact with others in the meeting. Such a person would never be promoted to that level. Our president should be chosen from among the best and brightest people that this country has produced. That is not what has been happening.
(09-01-2021, 08:34 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
We have a traitor in the White House now who accepted bribes funneled through the proceeds his son generated by selling influence to his father.

Eisenhower was not suggesting that anybody with a military career should be denied their constitutional right to be fairly elected to the presidency. Most high-ranking officers are honorable people and many of them are considerably more intelligent and more articulate than the presidents who have served recently.

No self-respecting general officer would sit down to a meeting and mumble from notes prepared by his or her staff and avoid making eye contact with others in the meeting. Such a person would never be promoted to that level. Our president should be chosen from among the best and brightest people that this country has produced. That is not what has been happening.
TD Hounds said "Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics" now that's funny
(09-01-2021, 08:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:34 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
We have a traitor in the White House now who accepted bribes funneled through the proceeds his son generated by selling influence to his father.

Eisenhower was not suggesting that anybody with a military career should be denied their constitutional right to be fairly elected to the presidency. Most high-ranking officers are honorable people and many of them are considerably more intelligent and more articulate than the presidents who have served recently.

No self-respecting general officer would sit down to a meeting and mumble from notes prepared by his or her staff and avoid making eye contact with others in the meeting. Such a person would never be promoted to that level. Our president should be chosen from among the best and brightest people that this country has produced. That is not what has been happening.
TD Hounds said "Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics" now that's funny
What is funny is that you made that comment in response to my apolitical post. Maybe you thought when I said "best and brightest people" that I was excluding all Democrats. Is that how you misinterpreted those words?

It is true that I believe Joe Biden was an idiot when he was elected to the House of Representatives at age 29 and that he has lost most of his marbles since that time, but there are some very intelligent and articulate people in this country who are Democrats and some of them are also generals and admirals. I certainly did not mean to exclude such people by my comments.

I am sorry that you just assumed that "best and brightest people" is synonymous with Republicans. The GOP includes its fair share of idiots.
(09-01-2021, 07:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 01:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Biden: "I take full responsibility for what happened but here's the deal: it was Trump's fault and it was the military's recommendation." - or words to that effect. It is like "apologizing" if anybody was offended by his actions, as opposed to apologizing for those actions.

The point is not that 13 lives of U.S. service members were lost. The point is that Biden's incompetence directly led to the loss of those lives and the deaths could have been prevented.
"words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
The Razziemuessen poll Big Grin 

Any chance you can explain why this terrorist attack is more inexcusable than the others I listed? 

American intelligence agencies got the info out as fast as possible. 

That wasn’t an optimal situation but what other choices were there when the Corrupt Afghan Military gave up in 11 days.
What kept the Taliban from taking that airport and slaughtering Americans?

The Biden administration bungled the withdrawal, but it was a disaster waiting to happen for whoever had the guts tp pull the plug.  Trump obviously didn't because he was worried about the political ramifications.

Quote:Coulter wrote, “Thank you, President Biden, for keeping a promise Trump made, but then abandoned when he got to office.”

The media pundit followed that up with another tweet that read, “Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it,” adding, “Here are a few of Trump’s wuss, B.S.-I mean “masterful” tweets,” along with a screenshot of the former president’s contradictory statements on the conflict.

Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it.
[-] The following 1 user Likes The Outsider's post:
  • Cardfan1
(09-01-2021, 10:44 PM)The Outsider Wrote: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ann-...p_catchall

The Biden administration bungled the withdrawal, but it was a disaster waiting to happen for whoever had the guts tp pull the plug.  Trump obviously didn't because he was worried about the political ramifications.

Quote:Coulter wrote, “Thank you, President Biden, for keeping a promise Trump made, but then abandoned when he got to office.”

The media pundit followed that up with another tweet that read, “Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it,” adding, “Here are a few of Trump’s wuss, B.S.-I mean “masterful” tweets,” along with a screenshot of the former president’s contradictory statements on the conflict.

Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it.
Can’t believe I agree with Ann Coulter.  Puke
(09-01-2021, 09:17 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: "words to that effect"Big Grin  

Exactly you and other political hacks are playing politics with the loss of American soldiers.  I'm glad you finally admitted it.  

Why couldn't the other lives lost been prevented?  Bush should have prevented 9/11.  FDR prevented Pearl Harbor.  Reagan prevented Beirut.  

Cherry picking.  Dodgy
What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
The Razziemuessen poll Big Grin 

Any chance you can explain why this terrorist attack is more inexcusable than the others I listed? 

American intelligence agencies got the info out as fast as possible. 

That wasn’t an optimal situation but what other choices were there when the Corrupt Afghan Military gave up in 11 days.
What kept the Taliban from taking that airport and slaughtering Americans?
You really don't read posts very closely, or you just deliberately waste other people's time. This administration decided that it was a good idea to have our enemies, the Taliban, to provide security check point and determine who to allow access to the Kabul airport. ISIS-K, if you believe the reports, managed to get a suicide bomber past Taliban checkpoints. Even then, our military received intelligence that was determined to be a credible threat. So, even with advanced warning, the terrorists were able to get a suicide bomber close enough to American troops to kill 13 of them.

Your question is redundant and extremely stupid. You are either too dumb to recognize extreme negligence when you see it or you are just trying to waste my time responding to a truly idiotic question. I cannot think of another action in American history by a president that was more negligent than allowing the Taliban to provide airport "security" in Kabul.
(09-01-2021, 10:44 PM)The Outsider Wrote: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ann-...p_catchall

The Biden administration bungled the withdrawal, but it was a disaster waiting to happen for whoever had the guts tp pull the plug.  Trump obviously didn't because he was worried about the political ramifications.

Quote:Coulter wrote, “Thank you, President Biden, for keeping a promise Trump made, but then abandoned when he got to office.”

The media pundit followed that up with another tweet that read, “Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it,” adding, “Here are a few of Trump’s wuss, B.S.-I mean “masterful” tweets,” along with a screenshot of the former president’s contradictory statements on the conflict.

Trump REPEATEDLY demanded that we bring our soldiers home, but only President Biden had the balls to do it.
Most people agree with the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan but that is a red herring. President Biden allowed an enemy force, the Taliban, to provide check points around the Kabul airport to control who was allowed to enter the airport and handed the Taliban lists of names of American citizens and Afghans who worked for Americans. Ann Coulter is a publicity hound. She must have a new book on the way. Most conservatives have learned not to take her too seriously.

Trump would not have risked American lives by trusting the Taliban to provide security for American citizens. The withdraw was not destined to be a disaster regardless of who won the election. Biden behaved stupidly and should be held accountable.
(09-01-2021, 08:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:34 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Quote:Quooter you left one thing out the military doesn't run this country you might want it to but that's not how it works or supposed to

we elect our leaders some want a dictator but thank God it's the minority.
No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
We have a traitor in the White House now who accepted bribes funneled through the proceeds his son generated by selling influence to his father.

Eisenhower was not suggesting that anybody with a military career should be denied their constitutional right to be fairly elected to the presidency. Most high-ranking officers are honorable people and many of them are considerably more intelligent and more articulate than the presidents who have served recently.

No self-respecting general officer would sit down to a meeting and mumble from notes prepared by his or her staff and avoid making eye contact with others in the meeting. Such a person would never be promoted to that level. Our president should be chosen from among the best and brightest people that this country has produced. That is not what has been happening.
TD Hounds said "Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics" now that's funny

I said that because when he responded to me, he stated his opinions based upon what I wrote not whether I voted for Biden or Trump.  He also didn’t start talking about Benghazi or other Dem failures to try and make a point, it’s always the same everyone wants to hold the other party accountable for their mistakes but not their own.  Now I’m done, goodnight to all knock yourselves out…
[-] The following 1 user Likes TD Hounds's post:
  • Hoot Gibson
(09-01-2021, 11:58 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:34 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 08:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: No, vector, I did not leave one thing out. I am just tired of dumbing things down for you. Our generals and admirals retire at a relatively young age, as compared to both Biden and Trump. I never proposed that we appoint an active duty general to be a dictator. Almost everybody else who will ever read my post will understand its meaning without me explaining that we have had generals in American history who have retired and have then been elected president. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, for examples. Most people know enough American history without me needing to tutor them.

Does that clear things up for your foggy little mind?
'That is just one example, but there have been other high-ranking officers who have also been very impressive leaders. Those are the kind of people who should be in charge of our government."
Quooter we have had only one general since the start of the 20th century Eisenhower and by the way didn't Eisenhower warn us about what's going on today ? And another thing they don't make them like that no more
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
We have a traitor in the White House now who accepted bribes funneled through the proceeds his son generated by selling influence to his father.

Eisenhower was not suggesting that anybody with a military career should be denied their constitutional right to be fairly elected to the presidency. Most high-ranking officers are honorable people and many of them are considerably more intelligent and more articulate than the presidents who have served recently.

No self-respecting general officer would sit down to a meeting and mumble from notes prepared by his or her staff and avoid making eye contact with others in the meeting. Such a person would never be promoted to that level. Our president should be chosen from among the best and brightest people that this country has produced. That is not what has been happening.
TD Hounds said "Hoot has seemed willing to look past the politics" now that's funny

I said that because when he responded to me, he stated his opinions based upon what I wrote not whether I voted for Biden or Trump.  He also didn’t start talking about Benghazi or other Dem failures to try and make a point, it’s always the same everyone wants to hold the other party accountable for their mistakes but not their own.  Now I’m done, goodnight to all knock yourselves out…
"The survival rate for people under the age of 60 without underlying health issues is over 99%. The only reason it has closed down large parts of our lives is all the fear mongering. It sure didn’t stop all the chief mongers from celebrating in the street mask less after cheating their way to victory. Listen is it bad yes it is, it’s a terrible illness, but so is aids have people stopped forking."
This is all I need to know
(09-01-2021, 11:42 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 09:17 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 03:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: What a clown! Here's the deal, 40 percent of Democrats believe that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Calling everybody who disagrees with your far-left lunatic fringe positions is not dealing with Biden's incompetence in a rational, adult manner. You are among the 24 percent of the population who strongly approve of the job that Biden is doing. You are part of a minority that is shrinking almost every day. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.
I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
The Razziemuessen poll Big Grin 

Any chance you can explain why this terrorist attack is more inexcusable than the others I listed? 

American intelligence agencies got the info out as fast as possible. 

That wasn’t an optimal situation but what other choices were there when the Corrupt Afghan Military gave up in 11 days.
What kept the Taliban from taking that airport and slaughtering Americans?
You really don't read posts very closely, or you just deliberately waste other people's time. This administration decided that it was a good idea to have our enemies, the Taliban, to provide security check point and determine who to allow access to the Kabul airport. ISIS-K, if you believe the reports, managed to get a suicide bomber past Taliban checkpoints. Even then, our military received intelligence that was determined to be a credible threat. So, even with advanced warning, the terrorists were able to get a suicide bomber close enough to American troops to kill 13 of them.

Your question is redundant and extremely stupid. You are either too dumb to recognize extreme negligence when you see it or you are just trying to waste my time responding to a truly idiotic question. I cannot think of another action in American history by a president that was more negligent than allowing the Taliban to provide airport "security" in Kabul.
The Taliban that Trump signed a peace treaty with...that Taliban?   When Biden asked them for help they are enemies but when Trump dealt with them last year it was a good idea, right?  Did I get that right?  We trust them under Trump but not under Biden.  

Hooter, you are suggesting the Taliban let ISIS through.  Maybe the remnants of the Afghan army let them through.  There were several defense reports over the past year where Afghan soldiers committed suicide attacks on their own.  

Besides what would it serve the Taliban to allow terrorists into the airport they were protecting?  That's illogical.  Hell, they believe Trump and think we should have a diplomatic relationship now.  Considering the help we have received, we may need to at this point. 

No, it isn't.  My question shows what type of political hack you are.  Your failure to answer it shows the shallowness in your beliefs.  You hate the Biden administration.  That's it.  You can't look past that. 

In every one of the instances I mentioned, there were obvious failures by the government that allowed the loss of American life.  Even with that said, I can't say that any of those presidents should have resigned or been impeached.  You were hanging your hat on resigning and impeachment early in the thread.  Just because you dip duck dive and dodge doesn't mean the rest of us do.     

11 Americans are dying an hour in Florida. Should that Governor resign?
(09-02-2021, 12:25 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 11:42 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 09:17 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
The Razziemuessen poll Big Grin 

Any chance you can explain why this terrorist attack is more inexcusable than the others I listed? 

American intelligence agencies got the info out as fast as possible. 

That wasn’t an optimal situation but what other choices were there when the Corrupt Afghan Military gave up in 11 days.
What kept the Taliban from taking that airport and slaughtering Americans?
You really don't read posts very closely, or you just deliberately waste other people's time. This administration decided that it was a good idea to have our enemies, the Taliban, to provide security check point and determine who to allow access to the Kabul airport. ISIS-K, if you believe the reports, managed to get a suicide bomber past Taliban checkpoints. Even then, our military received intelligence that was determined to be a credible threat. So, even with advanced warning, the terrorists were able to get a suicide bomber close enough to American troops to kill 13 of them.

Your question is redundant and extremely stupid. You are either too dumb to recognize extreme negligence when you see it or you are just trying to waste my time responding to a truly idiotic question. I cannot think of another action in American history by a president that was more negligent than allowing the Taliban to provide airport "security" in Kabul.
The Taliban that Trump signed a peace treaty with...that Taliban?   When Biden asked them for help they are enemies but when Trump dealt with them last year it was a good idea, right?  Did I get that right?  We trust them under Trump but not under Biden.  

Hooter, you are suggesting the Taliban let ISIS through.  Maybe the remnants of the Afghan army let them through.  There were several defense reports over the past year where Afghan soldiers committed suicide attacks on their own.  

Besides what would it serve the Taliban to allow terrorists into the airport they were protecting?  That's illogical.  Hell, they believe Trump and think we should have a diplomatic relationship now.  Considering the help we have received, we may need to at this point. 

No, it isn't.  My question shows what type of political hack you are.  Your failure to answer it shows the shallowness in your beliefs.  You hate the Biden administration.  That's it.  You can't look past that. 

In every one of the instances I mentioned, there were obvious failures by the government that allowed the loss of American life.  Even with that said, I can't say that any of those presidents should have resigned or been impeached.  You were hanging your hat on resigning and impeachment early in the thread.  Just because you dip duck dive and dodge doesn't mean the rest of us do.     

11 Americans are dying an hour in Florida. Should that Governor resign?
When they think the President Cheated to get elected without showing any proof after almost 10 months that's all anyone needs to know. Their mind is all ready made up no matter what he does it will not be good to them.
[-] The following 1 user Likes vector#1's post:
  • Cardfan1
(09-02-2021, 12:25 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 11:42 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 09:17 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-01-2021, 07:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I’m going to need a source on Dems want Biden to resign.  Maybe they disapprove. Hell, I disapprove, but I have enough walking sense to know it was going to be a cluster. 

Why couldn’t any of those other American lives lost been prevented?  You think Biden could have stopped this terrorist attack.  Why couldn’t the other attacks I listed have been stopped by “better” presidents?  

take off those orange glasses and you might be able to see what it says on the wall.
I already provided the source. Go fetch it yourself. The Biden administration was warned that there was a credible threat against Americans before the bomb was detonated. So, yes, I believe that Biden could have prevented this terror attack. A good start would have been not to put the Taliban in charge of determining who could be admitted to the airport.
The Razziemuessen poll Big Grin 

Any chance you can explain why this terrorist attack is more inexcusable than the others I listed? 

American intelligence agencies got the info out as fast as possible. 

That wasn’t an optimal situation but what other choices were there when the Corrupt Afghan Military gave up in 11 days.
What kept the Taliban from taking that airport and slaughtering Americans?
You really don't read posts very closely, or you just deliberately waste other people's time. This administration decided that it was a good idea to have our enemies, the Taliban, to provide security check point and determine who to allow access to the Kabul airport. ISIS-K, if you believe the reports, managed to get a suicide bomber past Taliban checkpoints. Even then, our military received intelligence that was determined to be a credible threat. So, even with advanced warning, the terrorists were able to get a suicide bomber close enough to American troops to kill 13 of them.

Your question is redundant and extremely stupid. You are either too dumb to recognize extreme negligence when you see it or you are just trying to waste my time responding to a truly idiotic question. I cannot think of another action in American history by a president that was more negligent than allowing the Taliban to provide airport "security" in Kabul.
The Taliban that Trump signed a peace treaty with...that Taliban?   When Biden asked them for help they are enemies but when Trump dealt with them last year it was a good idea, right?  Did I get that right?  We trust them under Trump but not under Biden.  

Hooter, you are suggesting the Taliban let ISIS through.  Maybe the remnants of the Afghan army let them through.  There were several defense reports over the past year where Afghan soldiers committed suicide attacks on their own.  

Besides what would it serve the Taliban to allow terrorists into the airport they were protecting?  That's illogical.  Hell, they believe Trump and think we should have a diplomatic relationship now.  Considering the help we have received, we may need to at this point. 

No, it isn't.  My question shows what type of political hack you are.  Your failure to answer it shows the shallowness in your beliefs.  You hate the Biden administration.  That's it.  You can't look past that. 

In every one of the instances I mentioned, there were obvious failures by the government that allowed the loss of American life.  Even with that said, I can't say that any of those presidents should have resigned or been impeached.  You were hanging your hat on resigning and impeachment early in the thread.  Just because you dip duck dive and dodge doesn't mean the rest of us do.     

11 Americans are dying an hour in Florida. Should that Governor resign?
I have explained this before but you are particularly dense, so let me repeat. Agreements such as truces and peace treaties are signed between enemies, not allies. The agreement that Trump signed set conditions, which the Taliban violated. Trump did not screw up the evacuation of Afghanistan - Biden did - bigly. The Taliban is a terrorist organization. ISIS is a terror organization. ISIS-K is a terrorist organization. It makes perfect sense that one terrorist organization would let another terrorist organization slip through a check point that they controlled and then claim that they were not responsible for the bombing. Any imbecile should be able to understand the risk of agreeing to allow an enemy man checkpoints that the U.S. was depending on to filter out terrorists and individuals not authorized to leave the country. But you are a special kind of imbecile - a Biden apologist.

COVID-19 is killing people in Florida, not Gov. DeSantis. If you want to blame somebody for those deaths instead of a deadly disease, then I suggest you direct your anger toward Joe Biden's benefactors in Beijing. Are you as stupid as you seem online? Or are you deliberately acting like a moron for attention, as your buddy vector does?
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