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The Awful Truth
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I didnt choose the service as a career but if called I WILL fight for my country and die if I have to.

Only if you have to huh? Thanks for your patriotism.Confusederved:

That's easy to say when there isn't a military draft.
ComfortEagle Wrote:How would controlling how many guns people buy and what type of guns they buy, increase the amount of school shootings?

Doesn't it make sense that if there is less access to guns, there will be fewer shootings?

With the number of guns that are already out there, there will never be limited access as long as they can be found at swap meets, flea markets, and daddy's closet.

If we live in a relatively free society, there will always be the crazies and terrorists that commit acts such as school shootings and gutless acts of random violence...gun control cannot effectively be implemented now that there are millions of guns in our society.

Our choice is to live in a free country...with freedom comes these inherent dangers.
DevilsWin Wrote:Here is the research Moore discovered in making Bowling For Columbine. He doesn't really answer the question or take a stance. But he does a good job of letting the evidence speak for itself.


Moore typically presents the evidence that supports his points, not all evidence.
Therefore, he takes a stance with his inclusion or exclusion of information.

All journalists/movie makers/talking heads do.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Really???

Moore typically presents the evidence that supports his points, not all evidence.
Therefore, he takes a stance with his inclusion or exclusion of information.

All journalists/movie makers/talking heads do.

Irony is Moore's Specialty.
I challenge anyone on BGR to take this challenge:
turn on TBN and watch for twenty four hours; how
many times do the words "Blessed are the poor" get
spoken? The Hebrews around Jesus didn't
understand what he was talking about. They didn't
want to know. Neither do American Christians or the
politicians who "suck up" to them...only to betray
them later when corporate interests and monied fat
cats come calling. Blessed are those whose eyes
are opened enough to weep now. The fact that
freedom of conscience is guaranteed in the U.S.
Constitution is a blessing beyond measure. The
most important color in this world is not black
or is green. Corporations don't care
who is in charge...right or left or religious or
atheist...but, if like Jesus, you speak words that
threaten the rotten, greed-eaten system beneath it
all, the rich and powerful will get you. However,
as long as we, the common people, all keep fighting
each other over whether or not to post the ten
commandments, the rich will just keep on getting
richer...and they'll just keep smiling as we smite
one another.
thecavemaster Wrote:I challenge anyone on BGR to take this challenge:
turn on TBN and watch for twenty four hours; how
many times do the words "Blessed are the poor" get
spoken? The Hebrews around Jesus didn't
understand what he was talking about. They didn't
want to know. Neither do American Christians or the
politicians who "suck up" to them...only to betray
them later when corporate interests and monied fat
cats come calling. Blessed are those whose eyes
are opened enough to weep now. The fact that
freedom of conscience is guaranteed in the U.S.
Constitution is a blessing beyond measure. The
most important color in this world is not black
or is green. Corporations don't care
who is in charge...right or left or religious or
atheist...but, if like Jesus, you speak words that
threaten the rotten, greed-eaten system beneath it
all, the rich and powerful will get you. However,
as long as we, the common people, all keep fighting
each other over whether or not to post the ten
commandments, the rich will just keep on getting
richer...and they'll just keep smiling as we smite
one another.

Good post!
thecavemaster Wrote:I challenge anyone on BGR to take this challenge:
turn on TBN and watch for twenty four hours; how
many times do the words "Blessed are the poor" get
spoken? The Hebrews around Jesus didn't
understand what he was talking about. They didn't
want to know. Neither do American Christians or the
politicians who "suck up" to them...only to betray
them later when corporate interests and monied fat
cats come calling. Blessed are those whose eyes
are opened enough to weep now. The fact that
freedom of conscience is guaranteed in the U.S.
Constitution is a blessing beyond measure. The
most important color in this world is not black
or is green. Corporations don't care
who is in charge...right or left or religious or
atheist...but, if like Jesus, you speak words that
threaten the rotten, greed-eaten system beneath it
all, the rich and powerful will get you. However,
as long as we, the common people, all keep fighting
each other over whether or not to post the ten
commandments, the rich will just keep on getting
richer...and they'll just keep smiling as we smite
one another.
So youre lumping all American Christians in with the money hungry hippocirites of TBN and the 700 club? I dont believe the way they do and neither do alot of Christians in this country.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:So youre lumping all American Christians in with the money hungry hippocirites of TBN and the 700 club? I dont believe the way they do and neither do alot of Christians in this country.
There are alot of good Christians who don't fall for Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson's BS but millions do listen to these guys and their hate mongering. Contrary to what the Republicans and Conservatives say you can be both a Good Christian and a Good Democrat.
DevilsWin Wrote:I Vote, Work, Pay taxes, and live the way God wants me too also. I never said that serving my country made me a better American. What kills me is all these so called conservatives who support the war that are of the age to serve and they don't. If you believe in this President and his call to arms so much why are you sitting in Pikeville talking the talk when you should be in the military walking the walk.
When did I ever say I believed in this President or this war? Go back and read my posts and tell me where you could find anything about that. I was talking about guns and MY right as an American citizen to have them.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:When did I ever say I believed in this President or this war? Go back and read my posts and tell me where you could find anything about that. I was talking about guns and MY right as an American citizen to have them.
OK, So what is your position on the war? I appologize for the blanket remarks.
DevilsWin Wrote:a Good Democrat.

jk with ya. I agree, but have yet to find one Wink
Beef Wrote:jk with ya. I agree, but have yet to find one Wink
Not funny.Confusedhh: You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd Beef. Step into the light and away from The Darkside.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:So youre lumping all American Christians in with the money hungry hippocirites of TBN and the 700 club? I dont believe the way they do and neither do alot of Christians in this country.

Of course, not ALL can any of us
say "all" when our circumference is limited by
time and space? I'm not sure I would even
use the word "hypocrites." I am saying that a
large portion of the reason that Jesus got himself
strung up had to do with the kinds of things he
taught, suggested and implied about the rich
and powerful people of His day. This though:
if what you say is true, why do evangelicals vote
in the throngs that they do for the corporate agenda...
unless they don't realize it is the corporate agenda
because it is couched in anti-abortion flag waving?
Beef Wrote:It is my belief, and only my belief, that killers want to go where their victims have the least amount of protection, ie. schools, malls, etc., where concealed weapons are usually prohibited. If we were to make laws stricter (instead of looser) then there would be more of these "gun free" zones where a killer could go and not have to worry about law-abiding citizens pulling a gun on him/her in an attempt to save their own life.

I know that this may sound crazy to some, but I don't think that a law or restriction is going to stop someone with the mindset to kill. But if people had a way to defend themselves and others around them, maybe the death toll would remain minimal. I read somewhere about citizens who had been able to pull their guns on a killer and stop him from causing anymore harm, either by scaring him into stopping or injuring/killing him.

Now I know that there should be limitations on guns such as no automatic weapons and you have to be 21 with a complete background check covering all aspects before you have the ability to buy a gun or carry a concealed weapon.

My favorite bumper sticker: "Criminals prefer unarmed victims"

I agree Beef, wasn't Virginia Tech's campus a "gun free zone". I was listening to a news report about a shooting at a restaurant where several people were killed, when the gunman started shooting, a woman (who usually carries a concealed weapon) was hiding under a table, said if she had her gun with her she could have shot the gunman before he could have killed so many people.
If someone want's a gun bad enough they will find a way legal or illegal.
DevilsWin Wrote:OK, So what is your position on the war? I appologize for the blanket remarks.
To be honest Im not sure. While at first I thought it was a good thing to be over there and I still believe that a world without Saddam is a better place. I dont agree with how its being fought. We shouldve secured Afghanistan first before we went to Iraq. Ive had friends who have fought and died over there and I dont think theyve died in vain.
thecavemaster Wrote:Of course, not ALL can any of us
say "all" when our circumference is limited by
time and space? I'm not sure I would even
use the word "hypocrites." I am saying that a
large portion of the reason that Jesus got himself
strung up had to do with the kinds of things he
taught, suggested and implied about the rich
and powerful people of His day. This though:
if what you say is true, why do evangelicals vote
in the throngs that they do for the corporate agenda...
unless they don't realize it is the corporate agenda
because it is couched in anti-abortion flag waving?
I was just going on what you said in your previous post. You didnt say some American Chrtistians, or a few American Christians, or even a majority of American Christians. You just said American Christians. Yes I believe the folks on those shows are Hippocrites and because they essentialy say to send THEM your money and youll be healed or saved. And in the Bible JESUS does call them hippocrites(dont take my word for it look it up). So i guess according to you the "Real" Christian agenda is draped in abortion, gay marriage,and the Anti Christian Lawyers Union(ACLU). I have to disagree with all due respect and I will not vote for those who favor those things EVER!!!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I was just going on what you said in your previous post. You didnt say some American Chrtistians, or a few American Christians, or even a majority of American Christians. You just said American Christians. Yes I believe the folks on those shows are Hippocrites and because they essentialy say to send THEM your money and youll be healed or saved. And in the Bible JESUS does call them hippocrites(dont take my word for it look it up). So i guess according to you the "Real" Christian agenda is draped in abortion, gay marriage,and the Anti Christian Lawyers Union(ACLU). I have to disagree with all due respect and I will not vote for those who favor those things EVER!!!

I am saying that the United States of America is not
some "new" Israel. I am saying that every woman named
Rose doesn't smell like one, just as every person who
says "I am a Christian" doesn't "smell" like one. I
think that there is something in the USA called "the
Christian right" and that they often vote as a block,
based on only a couple of issues. Jesus called the
Pharisees "hypocrites," whether or not that applies
to Pat Robertson and Paul Crouch, I don't know. As
for abortion, gay rights etc., my point was that politicians
often use these wedge issues to turn out the vote, then,
when that vote has taken place, they don't really return
to these issues. The American Civil Liberties Union
defends freedom of conscience and has a history of
defending the weak and powerless against conglomorated
interests and bigots dressed in religious garments.
Well I myself am for gun control, by that I mean there should be better background checks and so forth to keep nut cases and other gun freaks from obtaining guns. Also if school systems would admit to having bully problems then that would also cut down on school shootings. Thats the main cause of most school shootings in this country, but no one believes that.

Now about what Michael Moore does, he does nothing wrong but inform americans of how they are getting lied to and screwed over by our supposed great american government. How can anyone think hes a frickin communist, hes far from it. I love the work he does in his movies, he does nothing but tell the truth and catch these frickin politicians at their weakest point, which i love. Most people just cant handle the truth, thats why they rag on him.

Christianity is pretty much a thing of the past in this country if not the world. No one believes in God anymore, they take the ten commandments out of schools and courthouses and all that, how can christianity keep going when stuff like that happens. Its the government and the ACLU that does the shit in the first place, and thats why there is so much bad stuff happening in the world. God has given up on people. Why wouldnt he after the way the human race has treated the world that he created, not some frickin science bullshit like evolution.

The last thing I will say is that I wouldnt fight for this country even if I could. There is no threat to our freedom from any other nation but our own. Everyday the government changes and makes laws that threaten our freedoms. Be careful if u ever say anything about the president, unless you are a comedian or so forth, you will for sure be put in jail or some bullshit like that. Im not saying I dont support our troops that are fighting right now, although its for nothing and many are losing their lives everyday for nothing, I just wouldnt do it myself. I wont be brainwashed into thinking we are being threatened by some 6-10 guy on a dialysis machine, or by some innocent guy that had nothing to do with 9/11 like we were told.

As soon as this guy gets out of the White House, the country will be in much better shape.
This thread has drifted off topic.
SportsFan80 Wrote:Well I myself am for gun control, by that I mean there should be better background checks and so forth to keep nut cases and other gun freaks from obtaining guns. Also if school systems would admit to having bully problems then that would also cut down on school shootings. Thats the main cause of most school shootings in this country, but no one believes that.

Now about what Michael Moore does, he does nothing wrong but inform americans of how they are getting lied to and screwed over by our supposed great american government. How can anyone think hes a frickin communist, hes far from it. I love the work he does in his movies, he does nothing but tell the truth and catch these frickin politicians at their weakest point, which i love. Most people just cant handle the truth, thats why they rag on him.

Christianity is pretty much a thing of the past in this country if not the world. No one believes in God anymore, they take the ten commandments out of schools and courthouses and all that, how can christianity keep going when stuff like that happens. Its the government and the ACLU that does the shit in the first place, and thats why there is so much bad stuff happening in the world. God has given up on people. Why wouldnt he after the way the human race has treated the world that he created, not some frickin science bullshit like evolution.

The last thing I will say is that I wouldnt fight for this country even if I could. There is no threat to our freedom from any other nation but our own. Everyday the government changes and makes laws that threaten our freedoms. Be careful if u ever say anything about the president, unless you are a comedian or so forth, you will for sure be put in jail or some bullshit like that. Im not saying I dont support our troops that are fighting right now, although its for nothing and many are losing their lives everyday for nothing, I just wouldnt do it myself. I wont be brainwashed into thinking we are being threatened by some 6-10 guy on a dialysis machine, or by some innocent guy that had nothing to do with 9/11 like we were told.

As soon as this guy gets out of the White House, the country will be in much better shape.
If GOD had "given up" on everyone this world woudnt be here anymore. He still loves us all and wants us to flee from the wrath to come.
More of The Awful Truth......

even more of the awful truth
thecavemaster Wrote:Of course, not ALL can any of us
say "all" when our circumference is limited by
time and space? I'm not sure I would even
use the word "hypocrites." I am saying that a
large portion of the reason that Jesus got himself
strung up had to do with the kinds of things he
taught, suggested and implied about the rich
and powerful people of His day. This though:
if what you say is true, why do evangelicals vote
in the throngs that they do for the corporate agenda...
unless they don't realize it is the corporate agenda
because it is couched in anti-abortion flag waving?

if by "strung up" you mean crucified, Jesus was put on earth for one reason, and that was to die for everybdys sins. the reason they crucified him, though, is because he said that he was God, which he was, not because of the way he talked about the rich.
bizmark Wrote:if by "strung up" you mean crucified, Jesus was put on earth for one reason, and that was to die for everybdys sins. the reason they crucified him, though, is because he said that he was God, which he was, not because of the way he talked about the rich.

"Strung up" is, of course, slang for an unceremonious
execution. Now, you say that Jesus was crucified
because he said that he was "God." Of course, any
knowledge of history at that time suggests that several
"prophets" went around claiming to be the Messiah who
would lead the Jews to independence from Rome...most
of them did not end up on a cross. Jesus did. The
need for simple answers is not sufficient reason for
the rest of us to settle for them.
well its simple enough for it to be put in the bible.
bizmark Wrote:well its simple enough for it to be put in the bible.
bizmark Wrote:well its simple enough for it to be put in the bible.

If you are suggesting that human beings always
speak exactly what the motives are for their
crimes, then I would agree...the trial before
Herod and Pilate suggests that the Jewish
authorities are accusing Jesus of, as Pilate
put it, "breaking their laws." What I am saying
is that in that day lots of people went around
claiming to be the Messiah but did not get
executed. The message of Jesus as to "blessed
are the poor" and other things was threatening
at a level beyond the various "I am a direct
descendent of King David" claims. Why did sinners
hear him gladly? Because they were part of the
rag and bobtail of humanity...the least and the
last and the lost. It was akin to a peasant movement.
I am not saying that perhaps part of why Jesus was
exectued was his claims...I am saying that his
teachings as to power and wealth were also involved.
"Simple" is to think it has to be one or the other, when
it is and can plainly be both/and.

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