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Al-Sadr reappears, says U.S. must leave
This Iraq head militant shows up after four months of hiding and demands that the U.S. pull out troops.

Could this be reverse psychology so the U.S. will stay and they can murder more soldiers? May was one of the bloodiest months since the war started, so it would make sense.

Here's the link-
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Well, lets go then.
BlueBells Wrote:Well, lets go then.

I think we should start pulling them out slowly, but we can't just pull out right away because it's so unstable that then we'd have another pre-war hell-hole, minus Saddam Hussein
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
It is unstable, very unstable. And it is a Hell HOle.... It is probably the worst mess ever that we have caused.
BlueBells Wrote:It is unstable, very unstable. And it is a Hell HOle.... It is probably the worst mess ever that we have caused.

And our troops are dying for it.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Time to get out!Confusedalute:
I say bring em home!
For the past couple of months, as one month goes away it is labeled as the deadliest month and it continues to date. I agree its time to get out, all the uncertainty over seas is causing a major flux in our own economy. We done what we intended to do back in late March or early April of 2003 and yet we are still over there. We have tried to install a diplomatic society over there but they still have morons carrying rocket launchers down the streets. Their Police force and military are under-staffed for this type of situation, but no where do I think we should be the world's mediator. Too bad, so sad, hell we at least tried. What we really need to take care of our own issues at home before baby sitting everyone else. I just feel sorry for the troops that come home to nothing and live out on the streets. A pat on the back and a free pair of boots is all they get when return home if they are lucky enough to do so. No guarentee of food, shelter, or a job. Or what about the seniors that cannot afford the medical attention or medication they need? We need to leave the Iraq issue up to the Iraq people. I really hope the next President will worry about keeping buisness in house first instead of putting us in this muck. We are at a no win situation. Bring them home, lick our wounds, and we'll live to fight another day. The longer we stay over there, the weaker our military looks IMO because outsiders see a bunch of lunatics standing toe to toe and going blow to blow with the world's most powerful army. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the military, one day I hope to work for the Army Corps of Engineers, I had a family member over seas that had just returned home, but when is enough really enough?
The French- Had their Civil War
The British- Had their Civil War
The Spanish- Had their Civil War
The Germans- Had their Civil War
The Russians- Had their Civil War
USA- We had our Civil War
The list goes on and on.
All of the above are now better off now that the struggle for the balance of power has been decided. These were all tragic but necessary wars that shaped the future of mankind.

We just need to get outta there ASAP and let them Iraqis settle something that has been put on pause for the last 100 years.

Let them have their civil war.
DevilsWin Wrote:The French- Had their Civil War
The British- Had their Civil War
The Spanish- Had their Civil War
The Germans- Had their Civil War
The Russians- Had their Civil War
USA- We had our Civil War
The list goes on and on.
All of the above are now better off now that the struggle for the balance of power has been decided. These were all tragic but necessary wars that shaped the future of mankind.

We just need to get outta there ASAP and let them Iraqis settle something that has been put on pause for the last 100 years.

Let them have their civil war.
I completely agree!
DevilsWin Wrote:Time to get out!Confusedalute:
i agree.
I say lets send Condie Rice over there to have one of her "talks". hahahhahahha
BlueBells Wrote:I say lets send Condie Rice over there to have one of her "talks". hahahhahahha

As D-Generation X would say, "Hey Condi, I got 2 words for ya! [email=$#@%]$#@%[/email] !+!"

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