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Guns on Campus?
After the VA Tech shooting last year, what is your view on allowing anyone that has a license to carry a gun on an educational campus? There is a move right now to make it legal to carry them on Public universities in Kentucky.

I for one am all for it. I believe that if I want to, I should be able to carry one and defend myself. Who knows how many lives could have been saved on the VT campus if someone -- student or professor -- had a gun in their bag or desk. Heck, it could have even possibly been prevented. Then again, the KY law would require guns to stay in cars so don't know how much help that could be.

But I could see a down side where someone just snaps one day when mad at a professor or student and pull the gun.

I think people who go through the training for a concealed weapons permit would be less likely to do something that irrational. most of the time gun crimes consist of a gun that don't belong or was aquired illegaly, to the person committing the crime. I think this could be a good idea if they made every who wishes to carry a weapon take many hours of training and safety classes
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I don't think regular students or professors should be able to carry a gun, only those licensed to do so. What if a kid got scared for no reason and killed someone without even thinking about it? I think things like the VT shootings would happen more if students were aloud to carry weopons. I take part-time classes at a college that has alot of military personel and they all usually carry guns...I don't think they need any license or anything like that if they are in uniform.
I'm not that worried about it at EKU. There's a cop every 5 feet, so, my vote is no.
vundy33 Wrote:I don't think regular students or professors should be able to carry a gun, only those licensed to do so. What if a kid got scared for no reason and killed someone without even thinking about it? I think things like the VT shootings would happen more if students were aloud to carry weopons. I take part-time classes at a college that has alot of military personel and they all usually carry guns...I don't think they need any license or anything like that if they are in uniform.

let's say that kid A wakes up one morning mad at the world and decides he's going to shoot up a school or something. and he knows that nobody can stop him when he pulls out say an AR 15 full automatic that he learned how to build on the internet. who's to say that he don't change his mind somewhat if he knows that anyone of the people he sees that day might just pull out their weapon and stop him before too much damage has been done. I personally don't think everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon. but I do think there are some people who are responsible enough to be able too
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

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crazytaxidriver Wrote:let's say that kid A wakes up one morning mad at the world and decides he's going to shoot up a school or something. and he knows that nobody can stop him when he pulls out say an AR 15 full automatic that he learned how to build on the internet. who's to say that he don't change his mind somewhat if he knows that anyone of the people he sees that day might just pull out their weapon and stop him before too much damage has been done. I personally don't think everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon. but I do think there are some people who are responsible enough to be able too

lol that's exactly what I said. Let the people with license carry a gun, not people who don't have a license.
most of the people that go on these rampages don't care if they die or not, in fact they usually plan to die. So I don't know that it would do much to deter a person who is determined to go on a rampage. But on the otherhand, training or not, how many students would feel safe knowing that a majority of students had guns on them? That could be a bit much for most people. With guns in school, too much can go wrong. I'd have to oppose guns in school period, except by law enforcement. But otherwise, I am all for gun ownership. Everyone should have one at home for sure.
I'd say no to students. Too many immature people around that would have too easy of access even if the carrier wasn't immature themselves. Not to mention if you mix in alcohol to the mix.

I would vote for a law if it were for professors to carry a weapon, though.
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Beef Wrote:But I could see a down side where someone just snaps one day when mad at a professor or student and pull the gun.

If someone is that far gone it will not matter if its legal for them to have a gun or not. They are going to have one anyway I can assure you. The sad part about it is if a student or teacher or anyone else at VT wouldve shot and killed that psycho and saved numerous lives by doing so. They wouldve found themselves on trial for murder with the messed up judicial system we have.
vundy33 Wrote:lol that's exactly what I said. Let the people with license carry a gun, not people who don't have a license.

haha.. i think i quoted the wrong person on my post lol.. i'm using my cell phone sorry lol..
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EKY Sportster Wrote:most of the people that go on these rampages don't care if they die or not, in fact they usually plan to die. So I don't know that it would do much to deter a person who is determined to go on a rampage. But on the otherhand, training or not, how many students would feel safe knowing that a majority of students had guns on them? That could be a bit much for most people. With guns in school, too much can go wrong. I'd have to oppose guns in school period, except by law enforcement. But otherwise, I am all for gun ownership. Everyone should have one at home for sure.

they usually do plan to die. but i think it would be better if someone stopped them before they got too many..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

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The odds of a guy going on a rampage is less than a gun accident. I just don't think having a number of the student body armed in the classroom would solve much. Too many little things could go wrong more frequently than the rare incident of a psycho on the lose. I know there have been a number of school shootings, but as a percentage of the whole, it is still very rare. A return to the wild west days at schools or college campuses is not what is needed.

However, please note that I am not promoting a ban on guns, because I think every home should have one. I just don't think that they need to be strapped to every student in a classroom!
At a place like Tech, how many of the 6,000 freshmen are mature enough to own a gun? And how many of those would have easier access to one if they came up with any stupid ideas?

I think the safety of the many outweighs the rights of the few.
I think Professors should be able to carry one if they go through the proper training. There is no deterrence now to stop people from coming in and shooting... they know there is nobody there with a gun that could stop them.
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What are the chances that if a gunman comes onto campus, that he will walk into the classroom of the professor with the gun training as you've mentioned above though?

If only some have gone through the training, then not all would have them. So, what if he shoots up the class of the professor without the gun? Same outcome right?

OK, so what if the teachers/student body hear about the campus shooting? Do they then go running out in the hallways to try and catch the guy, or do they wait in the classroom for him to show up?

What if the gunman knows which professors carry guns and which don't? It's easier for a woman to hide a gun in her purse, but for a male professor where would he keep his concealed? His backpack? Briefcase? Or would it be in a holster on his side?

If the professor has to hide it in a purse or briefcase, and then gunman comes in, will that professor even really have enough time to get their gun out?

What are the chances that the professors/student body hear about the shooting or hear gunshots and then go running into the hallways, filling them with more dangerous gunfire?

I just think there's too much that can go wrong, and increasing the amount of the very things that are killing the people isn't necessarily the answer.

I don't see why campuses can't have specialized safety officers like airplanes have secret TSA safety officers on airplanes. Officers, specially trained for situations like school shootings, acts of violence, etc. We don't need the students or professors to do this.
To get a Conceal Carry there is not a lot of training involved, just a written test and you have to qualify with a gun at 20 feet. Don't quote that for gospel but I'm pretty sure thats how it is.

I think you should be able to carry a gun anytime, as our 2nd Ammendment allows.

Laws only keep honest people from carrying, not psycho's or criminals.
NEXT Wrote:To get a Conceal Carry there is not a lot of training involved, just a written test and you have to qualify with a gun at 20 feet. Don't quote that for gospel but I'm pretty sure thats how it is.

I think you should be able to carry a gun anytime, as our 2nd Ammendment allows.

Laws only keep honest people from carrying, not psycho's or criminals.

That is true...

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