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15th Region Tennis
Is there anything new in 15th region tennis this year?
Not that I know of! Should be much of the same! Lawrence and Morgan should have the best boys teams, with Paintsville and Pikeville competitive. Everyone else has lost most everyone. As for girls, I look for Morgan to win team and Paintsville singles.
Pike Central doesn't have a coah now Sad so if anyone would like to step up it would be greatly appreciated!!! They have a lot of potential and hard workers! The Singleton sisters are awesome and Noah Hall is moving up! They need someone pretty bad
Who are some of the players from Morgan County?
I believe that the Morgan boys lost only 1 of their top 6 boys. They return Stan Nickell, Parker May, and the rest of their team. The girls return their 3 time regional doubles duo. The Lawrence boys will be solid too. With the exception of Nathan Martin, a Junior, they are young but good.
I have a feeling that Lawrence County could be challenged a little more this year than in the past years. Everybody will be looking for wins.
Lawrence County lost the region last year. They were challenged last year and they lost. They have one of the youngest boys teams in the region. Last year I think they only had two actual high school kids. And they still held their own and came close to winning the region. I still say, Lawrence, Morgan and Paintsville, in that order on boys.
From what I've heard, Pikeville has improved tremendously this year. They are sort of a young team. I only know a few of the players but the ones I talk to are ready to compete and win.
i say lawrence will win region they are young but very good.
The top 3 teams this year will be Lawrence, Pikeville, and Morgan
Bobby Hamilton has returned to the helm at Prestonsburg
The top two boys teams will be Lawrence and Morgan. Pikeville and Paintsville will only by a distant third. But as for singles, that is a different story. There are some very good players on other teams. But the team competition will be between Lawrence and Morgan. They both essentially have their entire team back. Pikeville couldn't touch them last year and they won't be able to this year. And Paintsville, the defending regional champs, does return two solid players out of their top 6, but just don't have the depth to win the team championship this year.
Paintsville will not be strong this year. Their two best players were injured. Lawrence County lost a good player, and I have no clue about Morgan County.
Big B Wrote:Paintsville will not be strong this year. Their two best players were injured. Lawrence County lost a good player, and I have no clue about Morgan County.

Paintsville will not be the favorite this year. But no their two best returning boys team players ARE NOT injured. The Tigers should be good to go by tennis season. Also, Lawrence didn't lose anyone that would matter and will IMO be the favorite. As for Morgan Co. (which finished 3rd last year) they get everyone back. So I can almost guarantee that the top 4 boys teams will be Lawrence, Morgan, Paintsville and Pikeville, in that order.
Who was #2 last year.
Lawrence Co. boys finished #2 last year, just ahead of Morgan Co.
Morgan Co. always has a strong girls team and Magoffin girls team will probably be strong this season too.
I agree!
Who are the top players in the Region this year and what school do they play for?

I am aware of Nathan, Zach and Kelsey.
Pike Central has a coach now!
Does anyone have any rosters for singles for each school?
Lucus Burchett will be a great addition to the Tigers this season.
MaroonMonsoon77 Wrote:Lucus Burchett will be a great addition to the Tigers this season.

Well if he can play they can use him!
Panther Thunder Wrote:Does anyone have any rosters for singles for each school?

For Paintsville it should be:

(1) Zach Hughes
(2) Toy Adams
(3) Charlie Cheng (sp?)
(4) ?
(5) ?
(6) ?

They lost 4 seniors from the starting 6 seeds.

(1) Kelsey Hughes
(2) Maggie Heaberlin
(3) Katlyn Webb
(4) Brooklyn Sammons
(5) ?
(6) ?
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:Pike Central has a coach now!

So who is the new coach?
Did anyone hear about Brennan Alderman going to PIkeville, if so they will probably have the best 1 and 2 in the region. With Brennan Alderman and Salman Jeelani,they look to have a young but good team. Since Tanner Queen has left Lawrence County but even if he did stay Salman beat him 6-3 last year, which still makes PIkeville better. This year looks okay for PIkeville's boys team and decent for the girls.

Even though these improvements to Pikeville, I still believe Nathan Martin will get 1st in region followed by a close one between ZAch Hughes and Alderman
Yeah, I knew about Brennan last year when he decided not to play for us and go to Pikeville. I wish him the best of luck though. He's awesome!

A parent stepped up and is coaching the Hawks as of now. Thank goodness!!
15thregiontennis Wrote:Did anyone hear about Brennan Alderman going to PIkeville, if so they will probably have the best 1 and 2 in the region. With Brennan Alderman and Salman Jeelani,they look to have a young but good team.

If Salman is as good as his brother, they should be pretty good.
Who is the best in the 15th right now? Boys and girls. I'm new to this region.
ComfortEagle Wrote:If Salman is as good as his brother, they should be pretty good.
I don't know about skill wise but Salmon is not near as big as his brother. He's about 5'4 or so. Were you talking about Faraz (sp)?

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