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Muslims and Islam? What do you think of them?
By "Muslims" I mean non-extremist so don't talk about blowing stuff up because all Muslims aren't terrorist just like all Christans don't bomb abortion clinics... go ahead and start postingBig Grin
I think this thread is just asking to be shut down. So it's going to be watched very closely.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I think this thread is just asking to be shut down. So it's going to be watched very closely.

Any group or faction that believes that a supreme being is glorifed by people killing people poisons the earth.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I think this thread is just asking to be shut down. So it's going to be watched very closely.

ComfortEagle, Just close it then because I know things are going to get out of control
Here is a reminder of rule 4:

4.You may not post any content or links to content that is offensive, obscene, racist, abusive, or anything else that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:ComfortEagel Just close it then because i know things are going to get out of control

We can keep it open, but as soon as it starts heading south it will be closed.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Here is a reminder of rule 4:

4.You may not post any content or links to content that is offensive, obscene, racist, abusive, or anything else that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.

How is this racist?
It's not - but we're reminding everyone that it's a rule.
I have great respect for the majority of Islamic followers, they are very in depth with their studies of the faith. What most people fail to realize is that a very small percentage that are the radical in their beliefs, and sadly that is how the faith is portrayed by the public.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:how is this racist?
It's not yet, but I know the historical posting of some of our members and I can anticipate someone getting banned for a racist statement.

Not pointing out anyone...just trying to keep anyone from getting suspended.
In my opinion, the Mohammed of Medina (and his religion) and the Mohammed of Mecca (and his religion) are somewhat different. When Islam had no power, was in the minority, it and he appeared peaceable. However, when it and he got in the ascendancy, forced conversion and militancy increased.
There is a difference between the practice of mainstream islamists and radicals. the main stream is actually peace oriented and they prefer to be such. Where as the extremists believe in Jihad against non-believers. I believe that it is every Americans right to practice whatever religion they prefer. I do however believe that radicals should be delt with promptly and justicely.
I think Muslims are just like all other people in the world. They are humans who mess up, make mistakes, and are in need of rescuing. The Koran teaches the radical faith, but many choose to be peaceful. I hate that many African governments are run by Islamic regimes that are very dangerous and detrimental to their people; however there are also many Christians here in America that, even though they may not kill people by the sword, their words and thoughts are just as piercing. I think what we all need to do is quit worrying about homosexuals, muslims, mystics, or whatever, and focus on our own sins. We need to first take the log out of our own eye, me included, before we try and mess with the speck in anothers. I think it is when we look within our own sin, then we will find we need Jesus and only Jesus to make us better.
Panther Thunder Wrote:I have great respect for the majority of Islamic followers, they are very in depth with their studies of the faith. What most people fail to realize is that a very small percentage that are the radical in their beliefs, and sadly that is how the faith is portrayed by the public.

I definately got the response I didn't expect I thought I'd get so much hatred through this but you all have acted civil :thumpsup:
I staunchly disagree with Islam and its teachings. But, to be honest I staunchly disagree with certain denominations of Christianity as well. As long as Muslims leave my country alone Ive got no problem with them. Ill just continue to pray for them.
Because he can. Big Grin
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:why are you constantly giving me infractions over like three mispelled words:confused:
"Constantly" is the key word here. YOU KEEP DOING IT.

The infraction system is a sort of "warning" system that we set up. It lets YOU know when something is being done wrong.

Apparently, you are not getting it; that you need to start using correct grammar. You know...capitalization, spelling, punctuation...all that stuff they should be teaching you in school.
Freedom of Religion is one's prerogative and right in this country. But, I just feel that there are too many wannabees in this country that have NO real clue of these religions and just use them to exploit themselves, which also leads to the trump card of racism. I see so many people who claim to be of one of these religions and as soon as they are away from their respected groups tend to wander on a seeming less hopeless path which leads nowhere. Just my opinion, but to many fakes in this country trying to gather attention instead of Holiness.
I don't feel like I can be a part of an intelligent discussion about Islam because I don't really understand it. I should, but I don't.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:why are you constantly giving me infractions over like three mispelled words:confused:
You have a private message.
I don't discuss infractions in open forum.

BTW, Since when did constantly equal one???

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